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学校科研中的教育叙事研究可以立足于学校及课堂中的日常教育实践。也就是说,学校或课堂本身就是教师进行教育叙事研究的场所或现场。教师进行教育叙事研究的第一步就是资料收集,资料收集主要分以下几个方面:  相似文献   

教科研课题研究是近几年在基层学校伴随着课程改革普遍发展起来的一种教科研方式。它具有探索教育教学规律、提升学校办学理念、发展教育教学学术、繁荣教育教学创新、培育优秀师资队伍,推动学校工作的巨大作用。课题研究是聚拢教师智慧的软性工程,是积聚研究能量造成教育教学突破的关键性工作举措。  相似文献   

在2006年以前,对于教师从事校本研究,只是从有关资料上有一些了解,同时也有一些误解,认为搞研究是学者、专家及教育科研机构的事,更没有想过课题研究会对教学有什么现实意义。从2006年开始承担呼市教育科学"十一五"规划课题研究工作,到2009年申请结题,历时四年,使我对校本研究的地位和作用及教师从事有关课题研究的意义有了比较深的认识。中小学教育科研是学校发展的自身要求,校本研究应该自始至终围绕学校的发展来进行,至少通过科研达到以下几个目的:一、解决学校实际问题,二、提升教师教育教学水  相似文献   

近年来,教育界一直在倡导教师要成为教育研究者、教学反思者、行动探究者等等.教育叙事研究应是职业学校教师提高自身科研能力的一种有效方法.从职业学校教育叙事研究的内涵及其意义、教育叙事研究的特点、教育叙事研究应注意的问题三个方面进行了论述.  相似文献   

在学校教育情境中,为了学校整体发展,依靠学校全体教师,立足学校教育教学实践,融教育研究与教育实践于一体的教育行动研究,称为校本研究。其特征突出表现为,以校为本,主体是全体教师,基础是学校教育教学实践,方法是教育实践研究、反思性教学实践,目标是教师、学生和学校的整体发展。其内容几乎涉及学校的所有领域,又以课程与教学研究为主。  相似文献   

提高中小学教师教育研究能力的主客观条件分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提高中小学教师的教育研究能力需要一定的条件,包括教师自身的主观条件和教师所在学校的客观条件。只有明确了这些条件,并且教师和学校共同努力来满足这些条件,提高中小学教师教育研究能力才有现实的可能。本文对提高中小学教师教育研究能力的主客观条件进行了分析。  相似文献   

本研究采用Sharma等人编制的<教师融合教育自我效能感量表>以及<融合教育忧虑量表>对上海市110名特殊教育学校教师以及213名普通学校教师进行了调查,结果发现:两类教师对开展融合教育具有一定水平的自我效能感;特殊教育学校教师的自我效能感要高于普通学校教师;普通学校教师在开展融合教学以及与他人合作方面的自我效能感普遍低于特殊教育学校教师,但在行为管理方面,则与特殊教育学校教师没有差异;两类教师对开展融合教育抱有中等水平的忧虑,且融合教育自我效能感与其忧虑水平存在显著负相关,教师对开展残疾学生教学的自信心水平越高,则对融合教育的忧虑越少.教师融合教育忧虑程度对自我效能感的方差贡献率超过50%以上.  相似文献   

目前,江苏省正大力实施教育现代化工程的达标验收工作。在迎验过程中,受益最大的是苏北偏远农村薄弱学校。本文通过对农村薄弱学校教师应用网络技术的现状的调查研究,剖析网络技术对农村薄弱学校教师专业成长的影响,并提出农村薄弱学校教师利用网络技术促进自身专业成长的建议。  相似文献   

学校教科研活动开展要求教师要做研究型的教师,对教师专业化水平也提出了更高的要求。教育案例的研究,不但符合教师工作在教育第一现场的特点,而且有助于教师的自我反思,就此探讨教育案例研究对教师自我发展的意义。  相似文献   

校本研究,是在学校教育情境中,为了学校整体发展,依靠学校全体教师,立足学校教育教学实践,融教育研究与教育实践于一体的教育行动研究.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the current state of knowledge and practice in the flipped learning approach in engineering education and to provide guidance for practitioners by critically appraising and summarizing existing research. This article is a qualitative synthesis of quantitative and qualitative research investigating the flipped learning approach in engineering education. Systematic review was adopted as the research methodology and article selection and screening process are described. Articles published between 2000 and May 2015 were reviewed, and 62 articles were included for a detailed analysis and synthesis. The results indicated that flipped learning gained popularity amongst engineering educators after 2012. The review revealed that research in engineering education focused on documenting the design and development process and sharing preliminary findings and student feedback. Future research examining different facets of a flipped learning implementation, framed around sound theoretical frameworks and evaluation methods, is still needed to establish the pedagogy of flipped learning in teaching engineering.  相似文献   

“院校研究”是一个流行于欧美、具有特定涵义的专门术语。它是指单个院校针对本校管理与运行中的实际问题所作的分析与咨询研究,是一所高校为改进本校管理决策和运行状况而设定的专门实践领域。从过去10多年的情况来看,我国学者对于“院校研究”的研究经历了从“无意涉及”到“有意关注”的发展阶段,并取得了一定数量的研究成果。如今,我们仍需进一步加强对“院校研究”的理论与实践的深入研究,以期为解决我国高等教育研究与高等教育实践脱节的“老问题”开启一个“新视角”。  相似文献   


The increased use of quantitative education data is often regarded by scholars as evidence of the emergence of’governing by numbers’. These scholars ascribe major stakeholders such as the OECD and nation states agency as they produce, distribute and consume data, and respond to these with policy and management initiatives. This paper argues that metrics themselves have a configurative agency that affects education in terms of educational ideas and designs. The paper illustrates this point by analysing two cases of graduate employability metrics, each of which configures education differently, and discusses how the configurative agency of metrics can become the focal point of a different research agenda using distinct analytical concepts drawn from the sociology of quantification and new materialism. The paper concludes that such a research agenda can enable actors involved in the design and development of education to enter into a professional dialogue and engagement with education data, rather than merely dismissing it.  相似文献   

Findings are presented from a series of moderated interactive sessions held at international engineering education conferences between July 2007 and December 2008, where attendees discussed the current state and future trajectory of engineering education research. More specifically, this study examines how session attendees described: (1) the relationship between engineering education research and educational practice, policy considerations and industry; (2) important stakeholders, mechanisms/strategies and challenges for relating research to practice, policy and industry. Thematic analysis and open coding procedures were used to analyse the data collected at each session. In summary, frequent discussion and widespread consensus was observed about the need to relate engineering education research to the practice of engineering teaching. Discussions about relating research to policy and industry remain formative, but appear to be gaining traction. The paper concludes by proposing a cyclic model to better conceptualise how engineering education research can be strategically related to practice, profession and industry across diverse local and global contexts.  相似文献   

This paper introduces feminist methodologies in the context of engineering education research. It builds upon other recent methodology articles in engineering education journals and presents feminist research methodologies as a concrete engineering education setting in which to explore the connections between epistemology, methodology and theory. The paper begins with a literature review that covers a broad range of topics featured in the literature on feminist methodologies. Next, data from interviews with engineering educators and researchers who have engaged with feminist methodologies are presented. The ways in which feminist methodologies shape their research topics, questions, frameworks of analysis, methods, practices and reporting are each discussed. The challenges and barriers they have faced are then discussed. Finally, the benefits of further and broader engagement with feminist methodologies within the engineering education community are identified.  相似文献   

高等教育研究领域研究人员科研绩效评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用Hirsch指数(简称h指数)方法,通过对中国知网(CNKI)中国引文数据库收录的中国大陆地区高等教育研究领域的15个学术期刊在1998-2007年所刊发论文的被引用情况进行统计分析,对高等教育研究领域1998-2007年研究人员的科研绩效进行了评价,评选得出"1998-2007年高等教育研究领域最具影响力的47位学者",从一个侧面反映了中国大陆地区高等教育研究领域近10年来的研究现状。  相似文献   

福建工程学院在全国高等教育进入大众化之时应运而生。经过6年的改革发展,福建工程学院抓住机遇,精心谋划,快速地从专科步入本科的办学轨道,当前正处于战略转移的关键时期。文章回望了福建工程学院办学6年的发展历程,规划了今后“以科学发展观为指导,高起点超常规十谋发展”的总体思路、工作切入点和4个着力点”等美好愿景。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the understudied role of research groups contributing to develop the knowledge base of developing universities in regions lagging behind in human, financial and scientific resources. We analyse the evolution of a research group that, in less than 10 years, achieved worldwide recognition in the field of microelectronics, with an impact on both engineering research and teaching activities at the University of Macau. Our analysis concludes that voluntarism and loose organizational structures from the start stimulate the development of solid scientific agendas and institutional identity, and that counter-intuitive policies, including academic inbreeding, may also be needed and unavoidable in this effort. The use of these counter-intuitive policies and their effects, however, can be mitigated by transforming education to highlight high levels of internationalization and quality standards with measurable outcomes. This requires the committed involvement of research group leaders in both research and education. Lastly, another key component of university development may lie in hiring and giving freedom to young promising scholars with the will and drive to lead and act.  相似文献   

This article develops a way to conceptualize the complementarity of quantitative and qualitative research in science education. The differing sets of metaphysical presuppositions that give rise to the two approaches are systematically examined by using Stephen Pepper's “world hypotheses”: it is argued and demonstrated that quantitative research is formist/ mechanist in its metaphysical preoccupation, while qualitative research is contextualist/organicist. The vehicle for demonstrating how these metaphysical systems actually influence science education research is Stephen Toulmin's “argument pattern.” It is demonstrated through analysis of examples that quantitative and qualitatitive research reports follow the same pattern of argument, even though the metaphysical roots behind the approaches, which control their differing methodologies and other features, are obviously different. Given the emergence of qualitative research styles, implications are explored for the development of science education research as a total enterprise. Special attention is paid to the problems of appraising the quality of qualitative research reports and to the need for a comprehensive view of what constitutes legitimate research in science education.  相似文献   

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