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When we honestly ask ouselves which person in our lives means the most to us,we ofter find that it is those who ,instead of giving much advice,solutions,or cures,have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tenderhand.The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion,whocan stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement,who can tolerate not knowing.  相似文献   

At The Tuckshop     
Recess is a busy time in our school. I believe it is the same in all schools. Soon after the bell for recess rings, all the pupils come out of their classrooms. However, we do not run as our teachers have told us to be orderly at all times. Almost all the children go to the tuckshop which sells a variety of food and drinks. We line up in front of the different stalls and wait patiently for our turn. Nobody tries to jump the queue or push others. Our prefects make sure that discipline is observed by all.  相似文献   

Should we easily wail about the embarrassment and the unfairness of life?Or should we accept obstacles as challenges?With a choice of stance we can allow ourselves to be oppressed victims.When anything happens to us,we can take it as a sign that we should not expect anything good out of our lives.These are times when we need to determine whether it is wisdom or fear that motivates us in our choices.……  相似文献   

1.Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.It is thefastest moving planet.And it is the second smallestplanet in our solar system. 2.Mercury is very difficult to see.Its orbit isbetween us and the sun.So,we have to look toward thebright light of the sun to see it.The sunlight usuallyhides Mercury.When we can see it,it appears as a fuzzyball.  相似文献   

When we were young, we might have all kinds of dreams: to become a star, a lawyer, a scientist and so on. These dreams are really nice. When we have a dream, we have the power to help us goahead. On our way to make our dreams come true, we will meet with …  相似文献   

Technology is the application(应用) of knowledge to production. Thanks to modem technology, we have been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force. New machines and new methods have helped cut down time and expense while increasing overall output. This has meant more production and a higher standard of living. For most of us in America, modern technology is thought of as the reason why we can have cars and television sets. However, technology has also increased the amount of food available(有用的) to us, by means of modern farming machinery and animal breeding techniques, and has extended our life span via(通过) medical technology.  相似文献   

100-Day Countdown It goes without saying that the last 100 days is precious to us.We have already studied in our junior high school for nearly 3 years.Something happened to us,which told us to cherish all we have and study hard for the future.It is called 100-Day Countdown.  相似文献   

When we were young, we had dreams and expectations. We imagine things, we keep thinking about what we want to be, what we want to do, what makes us proud and happy and what we will become. We grew up, and things seemed like having its own way. We accept our success or failures and we move on. The rapid change, the need to do the urgent things, the works, the pressures and the failures, all kill part of our visions. Things have changed, but they cannot really take away the dreams. We still have to dream on, to visualize our desires, our wants, our vision of our future, even when we are considered too old for such things.  相似文献   

In 2010,Frontiers of Education in China underwent a complete change of direction.From publishing Chinese academic papers that had been translated into English,the journal shifted to publishing original papers,which have not appeared in print anywhere before.This important reorientation allowed us to develop a close contact with scholars studying Chinese education around the world,and to publish their insights into Chinese education in a timely manner.Prior to publication,every paper goes through a rigorous peer review process and the subsequent decisions are made with adequate communication and discussion.In working with scholars who are knowledgeable about Chinese education,including our authors,readers,and reviewers,we have developed a solid professional relationship and a valuable friendship,for which we always feel grateful.Owing to their suggestions,we have been able to introduce various initiatives for the purpose of bettering this journal.  相似文献   

Translations contribute to our knowledge and understanding in various fields of daily life, as they open us to a greater awareness of the world in which we live. The deeper we are delved into the meani...  相似文献   

Isuspect that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. And especially if it's given from the heart. When people are talking, there's no need to do anything but receive them. Just take them in. Listen to what they're saying. Care about it. Most times caring about it is even more important than understanding it. Most of us don't value ourselves or our love enough to know this. It has taken me a long time to believe in the power of simple saying, "I'm so sorry," when someone is in pain. And meaning it.  相似文献   

It is easy to be negative about past mistakes and unhappiness.But it is much more healing to look at ourselves and our past in the light of experience,acceptance, and growth. Our past is a series of lessons that advance us to higher levels of living and loving.The relationships we entered,stayed in,or ended taught us necessary lessons.  相似文献   

Our Choice     
Whatever comes on our way,whatever battle we have raging inside us,we always have a choice.My friend Harry told me that he chose to be the best of himself.It is the choice that makes who we are and we can always choose to do what is right.  相似文献   

It is simple enough to say that since books have classes -- fiction, biography, poetry -- we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering,  相似文献   

张欣 《快乐阅读》2012,(33):125
Color has a close relationship with our life,it’s the key problem of human beings researching into the language and culture,and we can say,it’s impossible for us to live a beautiful life without the various color.Hence,it’s an eager task for us to study the color words,including its connotation,and it’s translation between the Chinese and English.  相似文献   

Bob 《海外英语》2005,(2):6-7
Dear Friends, Every one of us was young at some time inthe past.Even our planet was young once-billionsof years ago.Some of you are still young.The rest of uslook back to our youth with mixed feelings.We generallyhad better health and more energy than we have atpresent.But,we did not have the life experiences that wehave gathered over the years.  相似文献   

Just think of all the different conversations we have in one day and compare that with how much written communication we do in one day. Which do we do more of?. In our daily lives most of us speak more than we write,yet many English teachers still spend the majority of class time on reading and writing practice, almost ignoring speaking and listening skills: Do you think this is a good balance? If the goal of our teaching English is truly to enable our students to communicate in English,then speak- ing skills should be taught and practiced in the classroom.  相似文献   

Skinny Dog     
I’ve been saving money for a new guitar.It took me over a year,but now I have enough to buy the one I want.Nothside Music has a Pindari Super Twanger on sale this week and I'm going to buy one tomorrow.I can hardly wait! I think the guitar is really going to help the sound of our band.We call the band Skinny Dog because of the skinny dog that lives near our practice hall.Our band sounds very good now.Mr Walton,the music teacher,heard us practicing today at school,and he came in to listen for a while.He seemed to enjoy it.When we finished,he said we should try to have a gig at a party or something.  相似文献   

<正>All of us have read thrilling stories in which the herohad only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year;sometimes as short as twenty-four hours, but always we were interested in discovering justhow the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his lasthours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, notcondemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictlydelimited.  相似文献   

English Corner     
Good Tips for You How to be Safe on The Internet? The Internet is an important part of our life.There are so many things we can do on it.We can get useful information,find help for our studies and make friends on the Internet.But some of us don’t use it in  相似文献   

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