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Philosophy of science, as understood by most social scientists, has given us an image of the scientific enterprise as a large hypothesis testing machine. One key unit within this enterprise is the individual scientist. He has learned or intuitively understands a set of logical rules which he brings to bear in ordering his thinking about a problem. Since he was pictured as operating within an unconstrained environment in an organizationally and morally simplistic world, his goal (scientific ‘truth’) was unambiguous, the organization and conduct of his work frictionless, and his only concerns were logic and measurements. Management and politics had no relationship to his pursuit of truth or the possibility of uncovering it. The other key unit, the scientific community, was equally autonomous from the world of management and politics. It was a social system in which problem definitions and decisions on truth are the joint result of open interaction among autonomous, rational, driven men and the impersonal automatic, application of the rules of evidence and logic.What guaranteed that this marvellous hypothesis testing machine actually operated in this fashion? The character and socialization of the individual scientist and the fact that interference in or imperfections of the process will result in erroneous truths which will eventually catch up with the perpetrators and punish them through individual, system, or societal failure, as in the inexorable workings of the market place of classical economics.If this was ever a very accurate picture of the scientific enterprise, the emergence of ‘Big Science’ has placed its adequacy seriously in doubt. ‘Big Science’ involves a research system in which (a) a consciously articulated goal exists; (b) there has been a commitment of resources and the organization and coordination of skills and institutions on a scale which only national governments can undertake; (c) the decentralized structures of the scientific community are replaced by planned administrative structures; and (d) it is rare that research problems or goals correspond to the neat disciplinary boundaries within science.Recognition of these developments in the scientific community is uneven and the reaction to them ambivalent and the philosophy and sociology of science have yet to come fully to terms with them.  相似文献   

CAS should stick to the principle of rendering service to, and giving impetus for, the development of China's science enterprise by making S&T innovations, said CAS President LU Yongxiang. The CAS president made the remarks in a recent talk to communicate the gist of the winter session of the Party's Leading-member Group at CAS, which was held from 7 to 11 January in Beijing.  相似文献   

【目的】新媒体时代的科普期刊发展创新存在多个突破口,需要探讨其创新变革的可能性。【方法】 采用个案研究和综合分析结合的方式,总结科普期刊的三重转向。【结果】 科普期刊应推进新媒体转向、经营语态转向和运营模式转向。【结论】在互联网+洗礼各个行业的汹涌浪潮之下,科普期刊应建设基于新媒体平台的内容生产和传播新模式;致力于提供优质的科普体验;成为科普文化产业链的主导枢纽并延循类别化发展道路。  相似文献   

基于标度无关性指标的我国科学创新绩效评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
高霞  官建成 《科研管理》2011,32(6):18-25
如何合理有效地评价国家科学创新绩效一直是政府部门、科研管理机构以及学术界倍受关注的问题。本文基于标度无关性指标,有针对性地进行了规模效应对科学创新绩效影响的国际比较研究,揭示出我国GDP、科技经费投入等系统规模要素的增长对科学创新绩效的非线性作用,进而对我国科学创新的相对绩效进行了评价,并得到相关的启示和建议。  相似文献   

袁银梅 《大众科技》2014,(3):192-193
在日新月异的今天,科学技术创新能力已成为现代人才最重要的素质。而中国虽然人口最多,但一直是一个科学技术创新能力不足的国家。文章从哲学思想、科学精神和政治观念等几个方面探析了导致近现代中国科学技术创新能力不足的原因,并陈述了提升科技创新能力的具体途径。  相似文献   

1项目的意义和特点药物研究和医药产业的发展,对国家经济发展和社会进步具有重大影响。多年来我国药品的研发在很大程度上依赖于仿制国  相似文献   

以人为本,全面、协调与可持续发展的科学发展观的提出更加凸现了科学技术的重大关键作用。要有效落实科学发展观必须按照科学发展观的基本原则和要求全面推进新一轮科技战略创新。基本要求是确立和坚持以人为本的科技发展目标与规范;促进科学技术系统的全面协调发展;实现科技自身的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文基于国际合作论文数据检索与挖掘,对纳米科技国际合作创新网络进行了系统分析,描绘了合作网络的总体特征,并利用基尼系数、核心边缘分布、中心性、聚类、数据可视化等方法分析了合作网络的结构和演进特征。研究发现,中国在纳米国际科技合作网络中的地位愈加重要,正成为美国之外的另一极;法国和南非在网络中发挥了桥梁和中介作用;越来越多国家意识到纳米科技的重要性,着力通过国际合作推进本国纳米科技的发展。  相似文献   

This paper considers the link between public policy and innovation and contributes to the notion that public policies that do not directly address innovation carry along important implications for it. It explores the role of regulation for innovation and innovation policy by emphasizing the importance of non-technological regulatory effects for innovation and their potential as an input for innovation policy. The output of in depth interviews with stakeholders from the detergents industry is combined with various sources of secondary data and reveals a variety of non-technological novelties attributed to regulation that are relevant to innovation. These results are then matched against the objectives of innovation policy, an exercise that gives better insights on the policy links between regulation and innovation policy and concludes on the domains of complementarities between the two. We find that that regulatory policy can contribute to the achievement of targets set by innovation policy while innovation policy measures can facilitate the compensation of negative regulatory implications for innovation.  相似文献   

张云昊 《科学学研究》2012,30(6):801-806
 社会科学研究向政策转化作为知识政治学的一个重要论题,伴随着“政智”的潮流,日渐成为一个前沿的、交叉性的重要研究领域。论文正是基于这一问题意识,立足于国际视野,探讨了西方发达国家社会科学研究向政策转化的实践历程,概括了政策运用和知识影响这两大主体性模式。在此基础上,提出了社会科学研究向政策的转化要从主体性模式走向主体间性模式,并初步构建了主体间性模式的创新路径。  相似文献   

潘丽 《学会》2007,(4):7-10
我国科技中介组织发展呈现出典型的中国化特征,总结目前我国科技中介取得成功的几种创新模式的案例,借鉴发达国家科技中介组织的经验,提出我国科技中介组织发展创新的建议。  相似文献   

本文通过梳理1998-2018年间国内外有关技术标准联盟的期刊文献,从技术标准联盟的特性、影响因素,与绩效之间的关系等三方面进行总结。首先,分析技术标准联盟现有定义并总结技术标准联盟与其他联盟形式相区别的特性;其次,从主要对技术标准联盟整体产生影响(网络密度、结构洞、小世界效应、关系强度、嵌入性、政府干预)和主要对联盟内企业产生影响(伙伴选择、网络中心性)两个角度,探讨当下研究热点中,这8个影响因素对标准联盟和联盟内企业的作用,以及对创新绩效的影响;最后,在分析现有研究不足的基础上,对未来研究方向提出展望。  相似文献   

Scheffler RW 《Endeavour》2011,35(2-3):48-54
In the early twentieth century, fatigue research marked a site of conflicting scientific, industrial, and cultural understandings of working bodies. Many fatigue researchers understood fatigue to be a physiological fact and allied themselves with Progressive-era reformers in urging industrial regulation. Reformers clashed with advocates of Taylorism, who held that productivity could be perpetually increased through managerial efficiency. Histories of this conflict typically cease with the end of the First World War. I examine the work of the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory in the 1920s and 1930s to explore the impact that the introduction of biochemical methods had on the relationship between science and reform. The Laboratory developed sophisticated techniques to study the blood of exercising individuals. In particular, it found that exercising individuals could attain a biochemically "steady state," or equilibrium, and extrapolated from this to assert that fatigue was psychological, not physiological, in nature. In contrast to Progressive-era research, the Laboratory reached this conclusion through laboratory examination, not of workers, but of Laboratory staff members and champion marathon runners. I present the Laboratory's institutional history, scientific work, and finally how common cultural understandings of athletes and work lent plausibility to its efforts to make authoritative statements about industrial conditions.  相似文献   

邓楠 《西藏科技》2003,(12):4-8
同志们: 在认真学习邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,贯彻落实十六届三中全会精神之际,我们召开这次全国科技信息工作研讨会,非常及时。这次会议的主要任务,就是紧密围绕大力促进我国科技与经济社会协调发展,积极推进国家科技创新体系建设的重大战略,全面分析当前面临的新形势与新任务,研究探索加快科技情报机构的改革与发展,推动我们的科技情报事业健康快速持续发展。  相似文献   

 根据文献回顾,建立相关研究假设和理论框架,提出了科技园区运行机制整合模型,探讨了科技园管理创新、企业入园的战略动机以及园内企业创新绩效之间的逻辑关系,认为科技园管理创新包括两个理论维度:一是科技园管理机构的相关政策;二是科技园管理机构的企业导入服务。企业入驻科技园的战略动机则分成两个维度进行讨论:一是企业入园的外在动机(利益性动机);二是企业入园的内在动机(主观评估)。而园内企业的创新绩效则有技术研发、人才储备、市场开拓、研发资金等几个层面,本研究通过利用已有的成熟量表,测量相关潜变量,利用结构方程模型验证了假设并提出相关的政策性建议。  相似文献   

唐建伟  沙宁红 《学会》2009,(6):47-49
<正>科技进步和创新,在很大程度上取决于国家科技创新人才的数量和质量,加快科技创新人才队伍建设,对实现全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标具有十分重要的意义。2008年以来,海宁市科协着力于加快科技创新人才队伍建设,进一步密切党同广大科技工作者的联系,充分调动和发挥广大科技工作者的积极性、主动性和创造性,努力营造人才创业、创造、创新的良好氛围,服务海宁经济社会科学发展。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(6):104761
Standard-setting organizations (SSOs) are collectively self-governed industry associations, formed by innovators and implementers. They are a key organizational form to agree on and manage technical standards, and form the foundation for many technological and economic sectors. We develop a model of endogeneous SSO participation that highlights different incentives for joining (namely licensing, learning, and implementation). We analyze equilibrium selection and conduct comparative statics for a policy parameter that is related to implementer-friendly Intellectual Property Rights policies, or alternatively, minimum viable implementation. The results can reconcile existing evidence, including that many SSO member firms are small. The extent of statutory participation of implementers in SSO control has an inverted U-shape effect on industry profits and welfare.  相似文献   

自主创新战略与科技中介组织发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纪德尚  孙远太 《学会》2007,(11):3-7
科技中介组织是国家创新体系中的重要组成部分,在国家创新体系中发挥着加速科技成果转化、优化科技资源配置、推动企业科技创新的作用。在实施自主创新战略中,我国科技中介组织由于存在着组织模式趋同、服务功能弱化、运行制度规范缺失等问题,不能适应自主创新战略的要求。在自主创新战略导向下,推动科技中介组织发展的措施包括:建立专业分工与网络协作的组织模式;搭建公共信息平台;提高科技中介人员业务水平;建立信用评价体系;推动科技中介法规建设。  相似文献   

Different approaches have been used to analyse international collaboration in science but none can fully explain its rapid growth. Using international co-authorships, we test the hypothesis that international collaboration is a self-organising network. Applying tools from network analysis, the paper shows that the growth of international co-authorships can be explained based on the organising principle of preferential attachment, although the attachment mechanism deviates from an ideal power-law. Several explanations for the deviation are explored, including that of the influence of institutional constraints on the mechanism of self-organisation.  相似文献   

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