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The term “educational effectiveness” designates causal models of educational outcomes that may or may not contain school-level variables. The term “school effectiveness models” is used in the more restricted sense of outcome-oriented models that explicitly contain school-level variables. These models are categorized to a context-input-process-output structure, are multi-level, recognize causal chains, and sometimes include feedback loops. In this chapter the advantages of comprehensive vs. partial school effectiveness models are discussed. Furthermore alternative interpretations of the idea that higher-level variables some way facilitate lower-level variables in the production of educational outcomes are given. The debate concerns: (i) additive vs. interactive models, (ii) direct vs. indirect models, (iii) contextual vs. genuine effects, (iv) additive vs. synergetic interpretations, and (v) recursive vs. non-recursive models. In this chapter the results of empirical research are presented to test the first four completing interpretations. The results indicate that the indirect model is the least productive. The synergetic model looks promising, but more simple interactive models account for almost the same percentage of variance in students outcomes. The actual problem might be that the most likely school effectiveness models are indirect, non-recursive, contextual, synergetic, and interactive at the same time. To avoid complexities in future research decompositions are advocated. And therefore it is contended that organizational variables of interest first be examined on their possible alternative interpretation of cross-level facilitation, before formulating the model.  相似文献   

The increasing awareness and concern with equity issues in higher education, along with the escalating litigation, has prompted institutions to undertake salary prediction studies. Four prediction models (built on a males only and total sample) were compared: (1) entering all variables, (2) excluding rank and tenure, (3) using predicted rank and tenure, and (4) using only objective variables. Models were tested using all permanent full-time faculty at a large midwestern university. Using predicted rank and tenure was the most suitable for equity studies. Including all variables yielded the best results for explaining/predicting reward systems. The other two models did not appear appropriate for either purpose. The males only sample consistently produced the largest bias effects. Institutions considering a salary prediction study should find these outcomes helpful in determining appropriate analytical strategies.  相似文献   

Based on previous conclusions that current models of schooling have become obsolete, two major issues have developed. The first is the technical aspects of design and examples of design specifications; the second is the issue of financing the research, development and implementation of new processes of schooling. A change of paradigm offers an improvable model of instruction. Specific recommendations are made for funding necessary programmatic research and development leading to a greater exploitation of technology. It is argued that educational problems cannot be solved by quick-fix policy changes; research and development programs are critical. Alternative means of financing the research are suggested.  相似文献   

在"互联网+"背景下,随着翻转课堂的出现,线上教学与线下教学的混合教学模式受到关注。针对我校目前沿用情景式、一体化、体验式教学模式,深入分析各种教学模式应用范畴,探讨互联网和不同教学模式相辅相成内在机理、提出混合式教学模式的教学思路;结合机械识图与绘制课程特点,以碎片化知识点为切入建立微课资源库来实现翻转课堂;在凸显"互联网+"理念的基础上,结合西部地区自身条件创建新型的教学模式,促进高校课程的教学水平和教学质量。  相似文献   

The final session of the National Research Center on Learning Disabilities (NRCLD) Responsiveness-to-Intervention (RTI) Symposium, "What are alternative models to LD identification other than RTI?" included four papers that discussed concerns over the exclusive reliance on an RTI approach to learning disability identification, considerations for analyzing proposed LD identification models, and various alternatives to LD identification. The work of the participating panelists is summarized in this discussant paper, and next steps for the NRCLD in light of these presentations are suggested.  相似文献   


The study compares the potential effects of a university admission exam model based on program-specific knowledge and an alternative model relying on general study aptitude (GSA) in the context of a strongly stratified educational system with considerable excess of demand over supply of university education. Using results of the Sonda Maturant 1998 survey, we show that in the specific context of the Czech Republic, displaying the above characteristics in the given period, an admission exam model based on general study aptitude tests may improve the access of talented individuals with lower socioeconomic status to university education. Our simulations show that with the GSA model (provided the model assumptions are met), the relative chances of an applicant with a university-educated father would be only by one-fourth higher than the relative chances of a student with a less educated father, as compared to the more than a one-third difference in case of the model emphasizing program-specific knowledge. The odds ratio for the GSA model is by 28% points lower for mother’s education.  相似文献   


This article divides into two roughly equal parts, both of which aim to address the act rather than the art of drawing. The second part focuses on a theoretical discussion of drawing. The first bears on a number of themes including the role of drawing in colonial history, drawing and data collection, and drawing and memory. It begins by describing an episode that unfolded as an encounter between two worlds, and two ages—an episode whose meaning and effects are still controversial today.  相似文献   

在机械制图教学中,以绪论部分的教学为契机,加强学生的专业思想教育,努力激发学生的专业兴趣,最大限度地调动学生的学习积极性,并以投影作图一章为突破口,遵循教学规律,循序渐进,以科学的态度,采用得当的教学方法和教学手段,以取得显的成效。  相似文献   

<正><国宝档案>葡萄花鸟纹银香囊属性:佩戴饰品时期:唐朝规格:外径4.6cm金香盂直径2.8cm链长7.5cm藏馆:陕西历史博物馆我已不记得我这是在马嵬坡第几天了。我透过周身的花纹打量着外面。自从我作为贡品送进宫后,我已经听了不少人抱怨这皇宫里四四方方的天让人厌倦,后花园十几年不变的景色让人腻烦,可如今这阴沉的天,破败的墙,四下无一处有人的鬼地方,如何能和长安宫相比呢?当年,我被唐明宗送给杨玉环作为舞配,美人在  相似文献   

李树民 《生物学教学》2010,35(11):40-42
本文从Windows自带“画图”工具的调出、设置、常用工具简介、图表的保存、修改、导入、导出等方面,说明生物学图表绘制的方法。  相似文献   

通过对操作反应时的研究,表明作高的过程中存在表象旋转现象.这提示我们,在钝角边偏离正位时,作高成绩下降可能是表象旋转所致.  相似文献   

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