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ndian divers have found more evidence of an ancient port city, apparently revealed by December's tsunami in 2004. Stone structures that are "clearly man-made" were seen on the seabed off the south coast, archaeologists say. They could be part of the mythical city of Mahabalipuram, which legend says was so beautiful that the gods sent a flood that engulfed six of its seven temples.  相似文献   

郑茂越 《中学生英语》2013,(Z6):39-41,95
一、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Below are some of the heart-warmingscenes that I witnessed and heard from othersafter the earthquake and flood.In the supermarket,where goods of allthe shelves 1,people were picking upthings so quickly together,and then 2standing in line to buy food.Instead of creat-  相似文献   

Here is a good idea for the future cars.There w ill be electronictracks everywhere in the streets.Electronic cars will run on these tracks.A ll the tracks and all the cars will becontrolled(控制)by a great com puter.Forexam ple,ifyou w ant to go to a large fac-tory from your school,you just go out ofyour school and get into one of those carsoutside.Then you press the button for thefactory.A signal(信号)is sent from the car to the central com puter andthe com puter finds the route.The car tak…  相似文献   

An old woman went out shopping last Tues-day.She came to a bank and saw a car near thedoor.A man got out of it and went into thebank.She looked into the car.The keys were inthe lock.  相似文献   

A grid and Green-Ampt based(Grid-GA)distributed hydrologic physical model was developed for flood simulation and forecasting in semi-humid and semi-arid basin. Based on topographical information of each grid cell extracted from the digital elevation model (DEM) and Green-Ampt infiltration method, the Grid-GA model takes into consideration the redistribution of water content, and consists of vegetation and root interception, evapotranspiration, runoff generation via the excess infiltration mechanism, runoff concentration, and flow routing. The downslope redistribution of soil moisture is explicitly calculated on a grid basis, and water exchange among grids within runoff routing along the river drainage networks is taken into consideration. The proposed model and Xin’anjiang model were applied to the upper Lushi basin in the Luohe River, a tributary of the Yellow River, with an area of 4 716 km2 for flood simulation. Results show that both models perform well in flood simulation and can be used for flood forecasting in semi-humid and semi-arid region.  相似文献   

Invisible Racial Disparities 隐形的种族差异 One aftemoon when I was going out to do some errands (差事),I sew three young men,about 15 to 17 years of age,standing in front of a house in my neighborhood,chatting and laughing.I took a notice of them because they looked different and kind of out of place:They were not white.I continued on to run my errands without thinking too much of it.When I came back about an hour later,there was a police car parked in front of the house where these young folks were.After I drove around the comer,I saw a second police car,and one of the three youths was in the back seat of the car,handcuffed (带着手铐),with two officers questioning him.A thought shot across my mind:Are these young people members of a local youth gang,or are they just in a wrong neighborhood?  相似文献   

一、A man was reparing a street lamp while hesaw a pretty young women and three childrento get into a car which was in the garden of ahouse near him He saw that the car has a flattyre(车胎) and managed to warn the woman ,butit was too late—she was already driving thecar out the garden and into the busy street .Whenshe had got to there she ,stopped the car at theside of the street ,got out and looked at theflat tyre . The children stayed on the car . Verysoon another car stopped ,and a driver …  相似文献   

1.Y ou didn t go to the party yesterday,or I you.A .would see B .could seeC.m ighthave seen D .m ightsee2.—W hat itbe?—It be a car,for it is notm oving.It be a house.A .can;can t;m ust B .m ust;m ustn t;canC.can;can;m ust D .can;m ustn t;m ust3.There w as plenty of tim e.She .A .m ustn t have hurried B .couldn t have hurriedC.m ustn t hurry D .needn t have hurried4.W hen he w as there,he go to that coffee shop at the corner afterwork every day.A .would B .should C .had better D .m ig…  相似文献   

Background: Endothelial and smooth muscle cells were used as seeding cells and heterogeneous acellularized matrix was used as scaffold to construct the tissue-engineered graft. Methods: A 2 weeks piglet was selected as a donor of seeding cells. Two-centimetre length of common carotid artery was dissected. Endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells were harvested by trypsin and collagenase digestion respectively. The isolated cells were cultured and expanded using routine cell culture technique. An adult sheep was used as a donor of acellularized matrix. The thoracic aorta was harvested and processed by a multi-step decellularizing technique to remove the original cells and preserve the elastic and collagen fibers. The cultured smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells were then seeded to the acellularized matrix and incubated in vitro for another 2 weeks. The cell seeded graft was then transplanted to the cell-donated piglet to substitute part of the native pulmonary artery. Results: The cultured cells from piglet were characterized as endothelial cells by the presence of specific antigens vWF and CD31, and smooth muscle cells by the presence of specific antigen a-actin on the cell surface respectively with immunohistochemical technique. After decellularizing processing for the thoracic aorta from sheep, all the cellular components were extracted and elastic and collagen fibers kept their original morphology and structure. The maximal load of acellular matrix was decreased and 20% lower than that of untreated thoracic aorta, but the maximal tensions between them were not different statistically and they had similar load-tension curves. Three months after transplantation, the animal was sacrificed and the graft was removed for observation. The results showed that the inner surfaces of the graft were smooth, without thrombosis and calcification. Under microscopy, a great number of growing cells could be seen and elastic and collagen fibers were abundant. Conclusion: Cultured self-derived endothelial and smooth muscle cells could be used as seeding cells and heterogeneous acellularized matrix could be used as scaffold in constructing tissue-engineered graft.  相似文献   

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。In A ugust, 2000, I walked on thecam pus of Illinois State U niversity (ISU )asa sim ple, quiet girl from a sm all ruraltown. There were m ore freshm en here thanthe population of m y 1 hom etow n.Standing by m yself,I w as all of a sudden2 by strangers from various back-grounds.I w as 3 with this place and,for the first tim e in m y life,I felt 4 .O ver tim e, I realized that everyonearound 5 the sam e. The strangerssoo…  相似文献   

(A)I w as studying theatre at Southern M ethodist U niversity in D allasand feeling anxious and uncertain about m y future.“W ill I be able tosupport m yself?”I1.That sum m er,I decided to see if I could2iton m y own.Two friends and I piled into a car and3for A spen,Colorado,where I found a job as a waitress at a hotel.I didn t rem em ber how m uchI4,butitw as so little that I had to live on noodles and rice.I w as atthe hotel by six o clock every m orning to5w ith the con-tinental br…  相似文献   

People usually hate mice, but one mouse has won the hearts of the people all over the world--the famous Mickey Mouse(米老鼠).Fifty years ago most movies were silent. A man called Walt Disney made a cartoon(动画片) mouse that could talk in his movies. He named his mouse Mickey Mouse. People, both young and old, were very excited at the talking mouse. Children loved to see their friend, because he brought joy and laughter to them. M ickey w as a clean m ouse right from the be-ginning. Perhap…  相似文献   

Two men were travelling in a very wild and lonely part of America. For days they had not even seen a house. Only a few cabins made of wood, or tents made of skins. Then one day they met an old Indian who earned his living by hunting animals. They found that he knew their language and they had a little talk with him. One of them asked him if he could tell them what the weather would be like within the next few days.  相似文献   

Samples of sufu, a traditional food product made by fermenting soybeans, were collected in the city of Anshun in Southwest China and their bacterial diversity was investigated. Nine samples were divided into groups A–C, according to the markets in which they were collected, and the samples were subjected to pyrosequencing of the 16 S rRNA V3–V4 regions for evaluation of the bacterial community. A total of 342 operational taxonomic units(OTUs) were determined. One of the samples(B2) included as many as 286 OTUs, and it also displayed the greatest bacterial richness. The most abundant bacterial diversity was shown in group B. Firmicutes was the dominant phylum in groups A and B, while Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum in group C. Lactobacillus was the prevailing genus in group A, Tetragenococcus in group B, and Empedobacter in group C. The bacterial composition of sufu depends, to a large degree, on the manufacturer. The obtained results showed regional differences in the bacterial community patterns of sufu products, which could contribute to a better understanding of the fermentation and ripening bioprocesses of sufu.  相似文献   

曹海英 《海外英语》2012,(1):123-128
This study aims to identify if participants experience attrition in writing skills after two years’ nonuse of English.70 participants took the tests of writing.A questionnaire was administered to the 70 participants and it included numerous variables that relate to language attrition such as motivation and social activities.The data collected from the tests and questionnaire were analyzed via SPSS.Cronbach’s alpha and Many Facets Rasch Model were used to validate the construct and external reliability.The findings showed that participants experienced an overall statistically significant level of attrition in writing skills.Additionally,the specific skills of pertinence,coherence,clarity but excluding grammar,were seen to experience significant attrition over the two years’ period.Participants showed a lower level of positive motivation and less social activities for learning English language during the two years’ nonuse than before the two years’ nonuse of English and this could have contributed to the writing attrition.  相似文献   

Based on convolution-type constitutive equations for linear viscoelastic materials with damage and the hypotheses of Timoshenko beams with large deflections, the nonlinear equations governing dynamical behavior of Timoshenko beams with damage on viscoelastic foundation were firstly derived. By using the Galerkin method in spatial domain, the nonlinear integro-partial differential equations were transformed into a set of integro-ordinary differential equations. The numerical methods in nonlinear dynamical systems, such as the phase-trajectory diagram, Poincare section and bifurcation figure, were used to solve the simplified systems of equations. It could be seen that simplified dynamical systems possess the plenty of nonlinear dynamical properties. The influence of load and material parameters on the dynamic behavior of nonlinear system were investigated in detail.  相似文献   

Fear of Heights A: I have a fear of heights. I never even once enjoyed the views from the plane window. B: I'm even worse. I dare not look out of the window when the plane is still on the runway. A: That's terrible. But I'm even hopeless. I get dizzy whenever I catch sight of an airmail envelope. Where Am I? Once an Englishman lost his way when he was driving in the country. He saw a farmer working in the field nearby, so he stopped his car and asked the farmer, "Excuse me, could you tell me where I am, please?" "Yes", the farmer looked at him and said, "you are in your car, sir. "  相似文献   

On the afternoon ofJune16,2005,flooding caused by torrentialrain struck Shalan Township ofNing an in H eilongjiang Province.It wasreported that97students of Shalan Central Prim ary School lost their im-m ature lives,and eighteen villages in N ingan were flooded,three ofwhich were severely hit.A bout1,333hectares offarm land were devastat-ed,55houses collapsed and the lives of1,800villagers were endan-gered.H ow did the flooding becom e the worstin200years?The flood cam e as a result of th…  相似文献   

In this paper, the maximal and minimal ranks of the solution to a system of matrix equations over H, the real quaternion algebra, were derived. A previous known result could be regarded as a special case of the new result.  相似文献   

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