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寓言体现了民族文化的特质,与哲学、文学、宗教、政治之间有着千丝万缕的联系。通过语文教材的设评、寓言教学、综合性学习活动的方式开发古今中外的优秀寓言作品,引导学生体会不同民族文化的寓言所蕴含的思想和精神,从而实现对学生的多元文化教育。  相似文献   

多元文化社会中,作为文化传承和促进人的发展的重要载体的教科书应该拥有多元文化价值的内容与内涵。空钷课程是指课程体系或教科书中理应表达却实际未表达或表达不足的知识、情感或价值观等。通过对教科书中空无课程的分析,并加以应对,对于完善教材和改进教育教学及促进学生发展有着很大意义。  相似文献   

视频影像是对图像或文字不能充分表达的一种补充,在多媒体课件中占有很重要的地位,视频影像在课件中的有效应用,可以使教学内容变得更加丰富多彩,并进一步深化教材的主题。本文探讨了视频摄像在计算机课程教学中的优势以及获取的方法,对学生学习计算机课程具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

基于多元文化教育的视角,对人民教育出版社出版的三种小学课本——《语文》、《品德与生活》和《品德与社会》中民族知识的"量"和"质"进行统计和分析。结果表明,这些课本中的民族知识在"量"和"质"两方面都存在诸多问题。  相似文献   

施晓凌 《亚太教育》2020,(5):101-101
小学综合实践活动课程的教学理念旨在提高学生的综合素养。深度学习作为一种全新的学习方法,可以对三方面的能力进行有机融合。基于此,本文围绕深度学习的概念,探究如何提高小学综合实践活动的有效性。  相似文献   

小学综合实践活动课程作为一种新的课程形态,与学科课程有着很大的差异。如何能够使该新型课程有效实施成为了基础教育研究的焦点。项目学习作为一种以活动为主的教学模式,与小学综合实践活动课程的教学理念高度一致。本文在探究了项目学习运用在小学综合实践活动课程的合理性基础上,结合案例对项目学习在小学综合实践活动课程的实施进行了分析,以期能为小学综合实践活动课程的实施提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

叶鸿宇 《教书育人》2023,(30):60-66
来华留学教育是我国教育事业的重要组成部分,如何让来华留学生更深入地了解真实的中国,向世界介绍中国,为促进各国人民民心相通发挥积极作用,成为重要课题。研究以多元文化教育理念为基础,通过对“中国经济发展中的女性”课程的思政案例进行探讨,探究如何有效地让来自发展中国家的留学生了解中国、与中国“心相通”,进而成为主动的中国故事讲述者。研究讨论了课程设计和几种不同的教学实践方法,包括女性参与经济发展主题的比较教学实践、拓展深度与广度的女性参与乡村振兴课堂小组主题讨论、女性参与全面小康实现的数字化新媒体推送、关于女性线上创业实践的参与式观察教学、关于妇女发展状况的问题导向式小组访谈研究、百闻不如一见的乡村妇女面对面在地调研实践,对来华留学生的案例课程进行课程思政教学实践的探索。  相似文献   

文化生态的多样性决定了边远农牧区中小学加强多元文化教育的应然性历史使命。研究发现,边远农牧区中小学多元文化教育的实然现状并不乐观。通过校本课程开发将多元文化融入到学校整体课程中,增强学校课程内容的文化适应性、养成教师的多元文化素养、提高学生的跨文化交往能力,势必将进一步推进边远农牧区多元文化教育的实施。  相似文献   

图书馆式的江苏省常州市博爱小学,是集阅读、体验、实践、探究为一体的全时空、场景式、立体化的学习社区,是为学生课程学习服务的教育场域.在这样的学习社区里,学校的博·学(学科内整合)、博·融(跨学科整合)、博·涵(超学科整合)三大特色课程生长得更加丰满,学习方式也更加丰富多元,学生学得更自然、更自由、更自在,真正让学校成为...  相似文献   

Drawing on Lugones’ ideas of world traveling, Dewey’s notion of education as experience, and Greene’s vision of seeing small/seeing big, this article inquires into lives lived in an Eastern educational milieu with attention reflectively paid to what educators in the West could learn from those in the East. Rather than focusing on mega narratives largely created by policy-makers and derived from accumulations of theory and/or political decision-making, this practical research in the reflective vein takes a ‘big’ look at three ‘small stories’ that emerged in a narrative inquiry we conducted in a Chinese elementary school and imagines their portability to Western educational contexts. Reflective attention is specifically paid to: (1) teaching without words, (2) principal images, and (3) shared responsibility for failure. What these small stories from our narrative inquiry research might disrupt, if introduced to Western educational settings, is especially taken up.  相似文献   

This narrative paper investigates a number of enduring and emerging themes reflecting teacher education in Canada over the past 40 years, including changes in information and communication technology, bridging gaps in theory and practice, English as a second language, French immersion and multicultural teacher development. Canadian teacher education programmes have become famous for their long-standing commitment to public education and social welfare. This paper examines the way in which over the past four decades such a commitment has led to effective leadership, multiculturalism, racial tolerance and global citizenship education, as well as comprehensive curriculum, teaching and learning, all figure prominently in Canadian teacher education.  相似文献   

We explore immigrant students' experience of schooling focusing on Yang Yang and his family. We present insights into immigrant Chinese educational experience in Canada and bring forward a narrative‐inquiry framework for the study of student experience. We find that—contrary to some of the expectations of Chinese immigrants—family relations, student learning, and school policies are complicated, with families finding it difficult to translate Chinese educational values in the Canadian context and their children facing serious learning and social difficulties.  相似文献   


The Preservice Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Programme has been developed on a vision of bridging the East and West dichotomy by harmonising Eastern learning with Western knowledge. This programme is one of the two foundations for Xu and Connelly’s 7-year Canada-China Reciprocal Learning Partnership in teacher education and school education in 2013-2020. The Programme, ‘provide[s] an exceptional cross-cultural experience with international engagement … to broaden teacher candidates’ horizons for a society of increasing diversity in today’s globalized world’. This article’s purposes are to discuss how reciprocal learning is both a concept and an approach for international and cross-cultural teacher education and school education and to present the learning outcomes and educational significance of the East-West reciprocal learning programme in teacher education. The Programme has created opportunities for both pre-service and in-service teachers to understand and appreciate a culture and educational system different from their own, thereby reciprocally contributing to educational opportunities for those they teach. The research theory and method utilised in this work are found in a companion paper in this special series and are briefly discussed below in the project overview and later in a discussion of student outcomes. This work has implications for other school settings where increasing immigrant student population and cultural diversity have become the norm.  相似文献   

教育叙事研究的理想追求与现实困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着叙事研究逐渐透入教育研究领域,体悟教育生活、反思教育过程、沟通理论与实践成为教育叙事研究的理想追求.然而我国的教育叙事研究在发展的过程中面临着叙事主体单一化、叙事视野狭窄化、叙事体悟肤浅化、叙事形式模式化等现实困境.转变传统思维方式、扩大学术视野是走出困境的关键,寻求叙事研究本真、确立基本定位则是走出困境的根本.  相似文献   

本文通过对美国密苏里州哥伦比亚市的一所学校Lee Elementary School网络素养教育现状进行实地考察与分析,透视美国网络素养教育背后所隐含的理念,以及将理念融入并落实在学校教育教学实践行动中的策略与方法,对我国开展网络素养教育具有启发与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

叙事探究是实现教师专业发展的有效方式之一。叙事探究有助于教师深化认识教学经验的意义,有助于其反思能力的提高,有助于其个人实践知识的形成,从而促进其专业发展。然而,叙事探究在事件发展过程中,不可避免地有某些局限性,所叙故事缺乏一定的真实性和理论基础,缺乏叙述者的深刻思考与反思,对"教师成为研究者"存在争议,这些都是教师专业发展中亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Based on the several surveys conducted since the 1990s onward, this paper aims to demonstrate that in terms of the access to higher education, social class differentiation is far starker than that of urban/rural income in contemporary China. According to the investigation that focused on students enrolled in 37 universities, the chance of farmers children to have a higher education is 5.6 times lower than that of nonfarmers. If we compare the chance of government and party officials children with that of farmers children, the ratio will rise to nearly 18:1. More seriously, the recent boom in higher education has not lessened but, in fact, worsened the structural factors of this inequality. The skyrocketing tuition fee constitutes an escalating fence that keeps the children from low-income, marginalized families away from acquiring higher education. Translated by Chen Xinqin from Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences), 2005, 3  相似文献   

The purpose of our paper is to focus on two multicultural literacy programs that we have developed in different sites in a major Canadian urban centre. We compare an inner city elementary school and a provincial correctional facility (jail) in order to study two respective literacy programs, as grounded in the experience of marginalized populations, with a view to promoting the transformative reconstruction of the meaning of education for individuals. In this discussion we provide a context for understanding these two educational sites; for examining the pedagogical dimensions of them; and for sharing portraits of our participants both in custody and in the classroom; and, finally, for exploring the interactive, collaborative approach undertaken in our respective programs and in our research together. Through this research inquiry, we, like our participants, have experienced the value of sharing and writing stories about schooling and life experiences from an immigrant/refugee perspective.We have attempted to illustrate how researchers and their participants can collaborate to create alternatives for encouraging self-expression and discovery in education. Our vision of education is that more attention needs to be given to marginalized individuals and populations in the context of curricular innovations that both enhance and promote literacy development and personal self-esteem. Culturally sensitive literacy programs can have the potential to transform students, teachers, and researchers to become writers of their own educational stories and, moreover, authors of their own lives.  相似文献   

本文就摄制类课程开展混合学习的教学改革为例,展示了具体开展混合学习教学改革的步骤和方法,结合实例分析了混合学习提高教学效率和教学效采的因素,简要总结了混合学习的实施难度和研究重点。  相似文献   

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