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论文认为,海南岛历史悠久,文化积淀非常深厚,对于所有关心海南社会发展的海内外人士而言,学习和研究海南历史文化知识,是十分必要的。海南的历史、文化、经济、教育等对当今的建设都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

《玉官》:一部被“忽略”的文学经典   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许地山的小说《玉官》是一篇具有复杂意味的经典之作,但长期以来它却被中国现代文学史、小说史有意无意地"忽略"了.重新挖掘它的内涵与艺术,分析被忽略的原因并确立其应有的文学史地位是十分重要的.  相似文献   

中国绘画有着悠久的历史 ,凝聚了我们民族的审美意识和思想。对中国绘画的发展以及技法、美学义蕴认识和展望 ,对日后继承和创新中国绘画有着重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

通过对孟子语用思想的梳理与总结,指出孟子的语用观已经触及到了当代语用学科的诸多范畴,从而说明,中国的语用理论不仅历史悠久而且资源丰富,对它们的深入开掘,对建构汉语语用学将具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects guided notes on the performance of academically at‐risk high school students during a remedial summer American History class. The study compared students' own notetaking strategies with that of short‐ and long‐form guided notes. Three students were selected for data collection due to their low baseline notetaking accuracy and quiz scores and a history of severe learning problems: One was enrolled in special education programs for developmental disabilities and the other two were enrolled in English as a Second Language programs (ESL). A modified ABAB reversal design with an imbedded alternating treatments design during intervention (A. E. Kazdin, 1982) was used to compare the effects of students' notetaking accuracy and daily quiz scores while taking their own notes with the effects of responding under the short‐ and long‐form guided notes. The results indicated that both guided notes procedures were successful at increasing the accuracy of students' notes, improving session quiz scores, and were overwhelmingly preferred when compared with students taking their own notes. Differences were the number of concepts written correctly. Practical considerations and implications for adoption in the classroom were discussed. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The rapidly expanding range of options available for innovative e‐learning approaches based on emerging technologies has given renewed importance to teaching and learning issues that have long been familiar to distance educators. These issues arise from the separation between learners, and between teacher and learners, which occurs when learning is undertaken wholly or partly online. There may be important implications that emerge from aspects of separation, depending on whether students are studying primarily on‐campus, off‐campus, trans‐nationally, or in specific contexts such as the home, the workplace, fieldwork locations, or other places made possible by mobile learning technologies. We suggest that the context of learning has significant implications for e‐learning design, and that one way of analysing these implications is to draw on understandings from distance education, particularly the theory of transactional distance. We use cases from two Australian universities to illustrate the practical application of these implications to e‐learning design, including designs that involve Web 2.0 technologies.  相似文献   

教学设计理论受心理学学习理论的影响,追求个别化教学设计,摇摆于“以学为中心”和“以教为中心”之间,当前建构主义学习理论试图融合与互补“以学为中心”和“以教为中心”。历史和现实对我国教学设计理论的启示在于:引进学习理论时要对民族、文化和地域等的差异进行分析,从而进行修正;与多学科、多流派,尤其是与教育学及其分支学科和流派的理论进行融合。  相似文献   

中国古老的科举制度具有1300年的历史,在促进社会进步和文化繁荣的同时也产生许多负面社会问题,最终积重难返并导致自身的覆灭。美国高利害测验项目是联邦政府近十年来为了推行教育问责制度而在全国推广的州级统考和高中毕业考试,在取得一定正面效果的同时也产生了许多负面影响。由于高利害测验在美国的实施时间相对较短,其长期影响尚未可知,但目前的一些弊端与科举流弊具有高度相似性。了解科举的负面效果对预见美国高利害测验未来可能产生的危害具有借鉴意义,便于美国政府防患于未然。  相似文献   

There are many areas of overlap between history and fiction. Teachers of history have long recognized this connection and used a range of fictional accounts in their teaching. In this article, we argue that fiction is a double-edged sword that must be handled carefully. On the one hand, it presents compelling characters and accounts that provide powerful connections with the past often missing from school history. On the other hand, the narrative force that draws the reader in and connects him or her to the experience of the characters also mitigates against alternative readings of the situation, undercutting the reader’s ability to understand the past in complex and critical terms. We contend that in the hands of effective teachers, the double-edged sword of fiction can be a valuable and effective tool in the teaching of history. We begin by exploring three scholarly conversations around the nature of history, history education and learning theory. We then discuss the general relationship between history and fiction, move on to describe two broad categories of fiction and their particular connections to history and history teaching and consider some of the tensions between history and fiction. Finally, we investigate pedagogical implications for effective use of fiction in the teaching of history.  相似文献   

通过对中国德国学前教育政策法规、课程与目标、学前教育机构类型、教学组织形式及家园合作进行比较,分析德国学前教育持续健康发展的经验及对我国学前教育持续健康发展的启示,以期为我国当前学前教育改革提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

There is growing international concern to regulate and assure standards in higher education. External peer review of assessment, often called external examining, is a well-established approach to assuring standards. Australian higher education is one of several systems without a history of external examining for undergraduate programmes that is currently considering the approach. What can entrants to external examining at that level learn from the UK higher education system's long history of external examining? To that end, this paper reports on a mixed methods research project designed to investigate current practices in how academic standards are conceived, constructed and applied by external examiners and debates the implications of the findings for the development of external examining in other countries. The findings suggest that the potential of experienced peers in a subject discipline to provide the assurance of standards is limited. It concludes by presenting various possible enhancements that might be considered.  相似文献   

After the First World War, the League of Nations, through its International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, attempted to reshape the teaching of history in its member states. The League's supporters realized that its long‐term success depended in part on supportive public opinion and that this, in turn, had implications for education. Aware of the strength of national loyalties, the League sought not to abolish the teaching of national history but to suffuse it with the spirit of the “international mind.” To this end, the League promoted revision of history textbooks and curricula, retraining of teachers, and rethinking of teaching methods. National governments responded by including some study of the League in history curricula but ignored the League's broader plans. Nonetheless, the League's attempt to internationalize the teaching of history opened up a debate that continues today as schools seek to strike a balance between claims of national and global history.  相似文献   

巴迪克是印度尼西亚的蜡染花布,它历史悠久,并逐步在工艺流程、色彩选取、图案设计、服装款式等方面呈现出了自然而丰富的特征,是印尼历史、民族精神、社会文化生活与社会经济生活的百科全书。  相似文献   

扇文化在中国源远流长,而在宋代更是非常流行。团扇作为扇子的一种,出现于西汉时期,因其轻柔、飘逸,常常成为文人吟诵的对象。在宋词中,单是描述团扇的词句就有107处,词人不断赋予其新的内涵,使其成为抒发一己之情的意象载体。  相似文献   

机械设计作为机械工程的一个关键组成部分,具有较悠久的历史和完整的系统。随着机械设计技术的发展和技术水平的不断提高,过去传统的机械设计技术已经无法满足当前设计动态化和创新化得要求。综述了传统机械设计技术与现代机械设计技术的内涵、应用及它们之间内在联系,阐述了机械设计技术未来的发展趋势。同时指出当前机械工业的发展,关键是开发、应用现代机械设计技术,而优化机械设计技术已势在必行。  相似文献   

Thinking about the museum’s engagement in educational programmes is increasingly adopting a more critical perspective on the implications of a programme in authorizing and defining particular knowledge. While objects are still invoked to define history and culture and to underscore their authority, the museum’s claim to educational purposes is being questioned by the museum itself. This has resulted in changes to the ways in which student learning occurs within the museum. Using data gathered during a year‐long study of the changing role of a Canadian regional history and ethnology museum, this paper argues that the changing role of the museum prompts reconsideration of their roles not only as sites of knowledge but also as sites of knowledge‐production.  相似文献   

许多发展机构的文献都提倡通过教育分权管理策略来促进地方参与教育的行动。尽管这种倡导有着长远的历史,但事实上,在许多教育体系中的教育分权计划并没有取得成功。印度喀拉拉邦的“人民分权计划运动”试图采用一个多方位的“大爆炸”方式实施分权计划,它虽有力量,但也存在局限性,其主要障碍是地方当局的技术能力有限,以及未转变参与者态度,未向参与者充分证明分权是符合他们需要的。  相似文献   

女性与水不仅有着悠久的文化渊源,也有着斩不断、理还乱的精神牵系。纵横交错的各种河流滋养了中国当代女作家,她们从中汲取了灵性、神力和资源,对女性与水的关系进行新的阐释,承载着多重寓意,传递正能量的河流意象成为其小说中的亮点,水之韵、河之女、人之思融汇贯通构成一方独特的审美世界。  相似文献   

综合环境、人文、历史等因素,研究苗族图案中造型的审关特征,并联系其文化生态探讨其寓意指向和内涵。  相似文献   

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