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We propose a theory of development in which experience is directed by genotypes. Genotypic differences are proposed to affect phenotypic differences, both directly and through experience, via 3 kinds of genotype leads to environment effects: a passive kind, through environments provided by biologically related parents; an evocative kind, through responses elicited by individuals from others; and an active kind, through the selection of different environments by different people. The theory adapts the 3 kinds of genotype-environment correlations proposed by Plomin, DeFries, and Loehlin in a developmental model that is used to explain results from studies of deprivation, intervention, twins, and families.  相似文献   

文章在分析多模态教学理论和有效教学理论的基础上,探索了利用多模态符号进行切入而贴近生活的导入帮助学生培养学习兴趣,通过创建有现实意义的操练情景,帮助学生自然领悟语法规则,通过提供方法策略指导培养学生跨文化交际能力和批判性思维,从而实现有效课堂构建.  相似文献   

《尤利西斯》的内聚焦叙述,以三个主要人物为聚焦人物,通过人物的双眼和意识感知故事世界。三个聚焦人物通过青年艺术家斯蒂芬展现出现代社会精神世界的迷茫;通过猥琐的布卢姆展现出现代社会的庸俗;莫莉的内心独白透过一个淫荡的女性视角淋漓尽致地展现出现代社会的道德伦理的堕落与瘫痪。内聚焦叙述以三位不同人物的视角从多角度深刻揭示出西方现代的精神荒原对人们思想情感产生的异化。  相似文献   

Socialist egalitarianism and empowerment represent two different routes for realising equality of group differentiation. The former is pursued through top-down enactment by state apparatuses, while the latter closely relates to autonomous social movements, such as those occurring in liberal democratic societies. Using the experience of minority women in China, the paper examines socialist equalisation through state education through the lens of empowerment. Higher education is drawing special attention because it is regarded as a strong path for addressing inequality based on gender and ethnicity, as well as promoting individual empowerment. The data were collected through interviews at three Chinese universities. Based on deconstructions of these two concepts, the paper suggests a complicated interweaving of socialist egalitarianism and empowerment. The experiences of minority university females are embedded in a matrix of empowerment, which is mediated by three patriarchal relationships (shaped by the state, the majority and males) in a socialist regime.  相似文献   

采用Socket的通信方法,根据TCP/IP通信协议进行数据传输,基于Android操作系统平台,通过Zigbee无线通信与自组网技术,设计了以Android操作系统为平台的客户端应用程序,实现了通过无线wifi网络与Windows系统的电脑服务器之间进行通信,解决了如何利用基于Android系统的手持终端对Zigbee无线网络中的LED灯光进行远程调控的问题,提出并实现了一种新的LED灯的智能控制方案.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which parties conceived by women writers elucidate the feminine sensibility and feminine concerns with communication. Communication occurs through the preparation of a context—the making of the party from the planning stage, through the purchasing and preparation of food, to its opening in an artfully ordered drawing‐room. It occurs through attention to relationships between partygoers spatially; through attention to people over objects; through attention to the individual hostesses’ attempts to shape the meaning of events internally, intrapersonally; and through an exchange of meaning between individuals through a system of symbols constellated around death. A comparison of Clarissa Dalloway's party in Virginia Woolf's novel with Milly Theale's in Henry James's The Wings of the Dove aptly conveys the differences between male/female reflections of the party and illuminates how death figures prominently in feminine imaginings of social gatherings. Death is the metaphor to communicate psychic fears occasioned in women by parties. Finally, the article suggests how women writers have altered the tradition of the party in literature, permitting it to reflect their felt and lived experience.  相似文献   

严复是近代中国教育救国论的先驱,独特的求学背景是其教育救国思想形成的基础。其以译书为媒介倡扬教育救国的思想,以“三民”教育为救国之纲领,以学习西学、开展科学教育为救国之良方。其教育救国思想在近代中国教育史上影响至深,对当今教育改革、“科教兴国”仍不失借鉴作用。  相似文献   

道德与法律在行为逻辑、运行机制、作用效果、优劣特点等方面的显著不同,决定了只有使道德与法律相辅相成,坚持依法治国与以德治国紧密结合的治国方略才能取得更好的治国效果.但我国道德领域存在的道德"下滑"现象和道德评价失范、价值取向混乱、非道德主义泛滥、道德认知与行为的分离等问题,决定了在实施依法治国与以德治国紧密结合的治国方略时,必须进一步加强国民道德教育,提高国民的道德素质,坚持以德治法,以德治吏,以德化民.  相似文献   

In this paper, the discursive practices through which males and females are created as opposites and through which people become identifiably one or the other are analysed. It is shown how gender is created by individuals and within individuals as they learn the discursive practices through which to locate themselves as individuals and as members of the social world. Particular focus is given to the narratives through which children learn what it means to be male or female, and through which they become locked into (and thus limited by) masculine and feminine subject positions. The special place of the images and metaphors embedded in those narratives in constituting individual psyches, and in setting up patterns of belief and desire organised around a dualistic pattern of maleness and femaleness will be a central focus of the paper.  相似文献   

To understand the characteristics of impact-sound transmission through a floor is very helpful for developing sound attenuation strategies to acquire a high quality of dwellings. Sound transmission through a floating floor to the room underneath was modeled by finite-element method (FEM). The sound pressure levels calculated by the FEM model on a scale of 1:4 was compared with the measured values, which demonstrate good agreement, particularly for impact sound of a relatively low frequency. The sound pressure level in a receiving room is strongly affected by the structural characteristics of both the floor and the room. The sound pressure transmitted through a clamped floor is lower than through a simply supported floor because of the larger rigidity of the clamped floor that contributes to the attenuation mechanism of stiffness. Increase in the thickness of the fiber-glass damping layer in the floor improves sound insulation. A larger room has a larger capacity to dissipate the sound pressure and thus has a lower sound pressure level. An asymmetric configuration of room avails sound attenuation because it has weaker structural and acoustic coupling than a symmetric one.  相似文献   

数学中条件、运算和目标的关系,是重要的主从关系。通过解题方法感悟条件在解题过程中的巧妙使用,凸显条件的重要作用;通过解题思路的剖析,表明出现解题错误往往是条件使用不当所致,从而彰显条件的重要地位;通过解题手段的变化体验深刻理解条件的内涵对解题的有益帮助。  相似文献   


This article explores the experiences of international students as they engage in independent learning through formulating dissertation proposals. It contributes new insights by focusing on the ‘pre-supervision’ stage, where students formulate a research project and write a proposal independently. The analysis draws on questionnaire and focus group data from a large cohort of international taught postgraduates in business disciplines at a UK university. Two types of experience become apparent: one in which students work through the challenges presented by more independent learning, and the other where difficulties in ‘getting started’ present a barrier to progress. The article concludes by proposing a scaffolding approach, through which students can practise and complete key independent learning tasks involved in writing a dissertation proposal.  相似文献   

主要对丹凤方言的26个声母,37个韵母,4个声调以及同音字进行了总结归纳,同音字先按韵母分部,同韵母的字按声母排列,声韵母相同的字按声调(阴平、阳平、上声、去声)排列。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether and through what mechanisms vulnerable adults are empowered through a second-chance education programme. At the same time, the paper aims at unveiling the obstacles hindering learners’ empowerment process and making suggestions for the improvement of the educational programme fostering further empowerment of the learners. To achieve the objectives set by the research, a hybrid methodological design was applied combining hermeneutic phenomenology and critical discourse analysis. Data collection was performed using three tools: semi-structured interviews, reflective journals and document analysis. The results led to the emergence of a multilevel empowerment scheme of vulnerable adults in the programme. The empowerment mechanisms that emerged were as follows: (a) empowerment through participation as a self-value, (b) empowerment through the reconstruction of past experiences, (c) empowerment through the strengthening of their social capital and (d) empowerment through literacy skills. At the same time, the study shed light on a number of factors that inhibit the process of learners’ empowerment, which unveil structural and operational weaknesses of the programme as well as of the policies pursued by the State.  相似文献   

“体验性学习”是通过实践来认识周围事物.通过学习者完完全全地参与实践过程,使学习者真正成为学习的主角.教师的作用不再是一味地单方面地传授知识,更重要的是促使那些可视、可听、可感的事物成为孩子们的体验内容,让学生在实践中有所体验,在体验中有所感悟,在感悟中联系所学知识,从而产生一种渴望学习探究的冲动,自愿地、全身心地投入学习过程.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the model of ‘walking the talk’, when running design studios based on the ‘live projects’ model within a university setting for vulnerable communities. This model is examined through exploring emerging humanitarian and community‐based design approaches in architectural education. It is tested through two case studies of design studios in Mostar and Beirut, led by the author between 1998 and 2002. Lessons from these community‐engagement studios are applied through a third case study, a design project for a disability day‐care centre in Hoi An, Vietnam. The project was led by RMIT University students and staff between 2009‐2011 and built in April 2012.  相似文献   

国有大中型企业改革,是我国经济体制改革中的一个重要课题,也是一个难题。本文以企业闯市场为突破口,论述国有大中型企业改革的关键在于闯市场。市场是带动企业前进的火车头,它决定着企业的生存和发展,企业抓住了市场,就抓住了生存权。同时,本文还比较具体地论述企业闯市场的方法和策略问题。  相似文献   

高职应用阿拉伯语专业的理论教学和实践教学都必须遵循“应用、实用、够用”的原则。高职阿拉伯语专业教材应体现高职的培养目标和特色,必须突出其岗位特点,其内容、选材以及体例必须真正体现实用性。文章通过实证调查和实践,以金华职业技术学院为个案,倡导建立具有高职特色以商贸为导向的应用阿拉伯语专业教材体系。  相似文献   

This paper provides an account of the inter-psychological processes that constitute learning through work. It does this by drawing on deliberations about the relative contributions of the immediate social world (i.e., workplace setting) that individuals encounter and the personal premises for individuals’ learning. This account is realised through analyses of workers’ experiences of working and learning in both large and small enterprises. Together, these premises and their contributions are used to elaborate how learning through work proceeds as a process of relational interdependence between the affordance of the workplace and the engagement of workers. This relational process is evident in work of different kinds, from the labours of coalminers through to the entrepreneurial activities of small business operators. Instances of learning through work are elaborated through studies that identify how workplaces’ affordances—those that invite workers in particular ways to participate, access support and reward—are generated and projected. These contributions to engaging in and learning through work can be conceptualised as the immediate social contribution or experience that is shaped by cultural and situational factors and the social legacies that shape how individuals construe, engage in, and learn through those practices. It concludes by discussing issues related to both the inter-psychological process and outcomes (e.g., inter-subjectivity) arising from learning through work.  相似文献   

Various aspects of computational thinking (CT) could be supported by educational contexts such as simulations and video-games construction. In this field study, potential differences in student motivation and learning were empirically examined through students’ code. For this purpose, we performed a teaching intervention that took place over five weeks, with two-hour sessions per week, plus two more weeks for the pretest and post-test projects. Students were taught programming concepts through a science project; one group represented the function of a basic electric circuit by creating a simulation, while the other group represented the same function by creating a video game in which a player should achieve a score in order to win. Video game construction resulted in projects with higher CT skills and more primitives, as measured through projects’ code analysis. Moreover, the video-game context seems to better motivate students for future engagement with computing activities.  相似文献   

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