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Academic Engagement and Perceptions of Quality in Distance Education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The development of e-education has enabled distance education to overcome the lack of interactivity inherent in earlier forms of distance education based on correspondence and mass media, but it looks as if it is also pushing up the costs of distance education. In the 1960s and 1970s, the cost structure of distance education, and its ability to lower educational costs, was seen as a distinct advantage in the face of the need to expand educational provision. With the world population forecast to grow by over three billions in the next 50 years, the need for cheap ways of educating people must be paramount. This article asks just how relevant it is to global educational needs to develop more expensive forms of distance education that, in the absence of public funding, place increased financial burdens on the students.  相似文献   

A growing number of adolescents are taking all or most of their courses online. This places a greater responsibility on parents to support and facilitate their students' learning. This case study used teacher surveys and interviews to better understand how teachers perceived and supported parents' attempts to support their online students at a single online charter school. The results indicated that teachers observed multiple ways in which parents supported their students by (a) organizing and managing students' schedules, (b) nurturing relationships and interactions, (c) monitoring and motivating student engagement, and (d) instructing students when necessary. However, teachers believed that parents could act as obstacles to their students' learning by being overly engaged in certain types of learning activities. Additional research is needed that examines parent engagement in a variety of online learning environments. Research that identifies best practices could also be especially valuable to online teachers and administrators wishing to improve the quantity and quality of parental engagement in their programs.  相似文献   

This study examined whether children who vary in their behavioral responses (aggression vs. withdrawal vs. problem solving) to ambiguous provocation but who are similar in their attributional processes differ in their social goals and self-efficacy perceptions. In response to 10 hypothetical situations involving ambiguous provocation, fourth- and fifth-grade students ( n = 781) indicated whether or not the protagonist intended to cause the harm and reported how they would respond to the protagonist's action. Newly developed measures assessed children's situated social goals and self-efficacy perceptions. Results indicated that the aggressive, withdrawn, and problem-solving responders differed in their social goals and self-efficacy perceptions. The strength of the findings, compared to earlier work on children's goals and self-efficacy perceptions, suggests the importance of a situated social-cognitive assessment in which children's thoughts are measured in a specific kind of social situation and are related to their reported behavior in the same type of situation.  相似文献   

How Interest in Science Negatively Influences Perceptions of Women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined whether women who pursue scientific training are viewed negatively by college students. Participants (N = 114 college students; 56 women, 58 men) saw a woman describe her major (either chemistry or the humanities) and express either strong commitment to her course of study or ambivalence about it. Participants then provided judgments about the speaker's traits (such as assertiveness and sociability), social behaviors (including how often she dates), and her future potential (including happiness and fulfillment with her career, as well as starting salary). Results indicated that both major and commitment level influenced perceptions of the speaker. Commitment to the major increased judgments of future career fulfillment, intellectual competence, school achievement, and assertiveness. Pursuit of chemistry, however, was perceived as negative, as people judged the woman as less sociable when she was committed to being a chemist, and women participants predicted she would have a less fulfilling career. Men participants said they would not want to date her. Although women may understand that they could make more money in the sciences, negative judgments about their social capabilities and future happiness may contribute to their propensity to avoid science.  相似文献   

Adding Value: Learning Communities and Student Engagement   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study examines the relationships between participating in learning communities and student engagement in a range of educationally purposeful activities of first-year and senior students from 365 4-year institutions. The findings indicate that participating in a learning community is positively linked to engagement as well as student self-reported outcomes and overall satisfaction with college.  相似文献   

The novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte has remained a best seller since it was published in the 19th century. An important reason is due to the Bible. The Bible,as a prominent literary work,exerts a great impact in western society. It plays even more important role in the literary field. This paper discusses the main influences of the Bible on the novel from the aspects of the plot,characters and stylistic features of the novel. The aim is,through careful analysis,to help readers well understand the love b...  相似文献   

在华的外国教会幼儿教育作为特定的历史产物,在新中国成立后结柬了它的历史命运.考察教会幼儿教育在中国的发展历程,分析其在中国幼儿教育近代化的过程中所起到的推动作用以及阻碍问题,探讨中国幼儿教育在近代化进程中对教会幼儿教育的突破有现实意义.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings from a small scale qualitative study which focused on pupils' perceptions of competence and motivation towards art experienced in school. These are considered as very important in shaping learning and teaching processes. In particular, the article focuses on the role that perceptions of competence play on pupils' quality of involvement and achievement in art. Participants were chosen based on age, gender and their stated perceptions of competence. Sixteen 11‐12 year olds were interviewed in groups and individually. Pupils' perceptions of competence are identified as a key factor in determining pupils' initial engagement and level of engagement with art activities. Moreover they are thought to be important in shaping their learning preferences at an age when pupils' uncertainty about their abilities in art making is getting stronger. The results are situated within the framework of achievement goal theory and have implications for teaching strategies and for ways of responding to pupils' learning preferences.  相似文献   

Science instruction literature provides us with goals for laboratory instruction and guidelines for designing and implementing science labs in the post‐secondary setting. How well are we doing in our attempt to provide a meaningful and positive learning experience for our students? This paper describes the results of a study to determine whether students view the lab component of second‐year physics courses at a mid‐sized Canadian University as a valuable learning experience. The results of a survey, administered over six semesters and completed by 168 students, indicate that students do acknowledge the value of labs. The results also identify the factors that influence the students’ perceptions of value in physics labs. This paper discusses the four factors found to have the greatest influence on students’ perceptions of the value of labs: (1) the pressure to complete an experiment within the allotted time, (2) the information provided on the lab instruction sheets, (3) the help provided by lab staff and graduate teaching assistants, and (4) the students’ level of preparedness.  相似文献   

网络语言是当今互联网时代的新兴产物,也是一种独具个性化的语言,具有简单便捷、凸显个性、生动形象等鲜明特点。但其中也存在着一些不规范甚至不健康的因素,这不仅影响了现代汉语语言文字的规范化进程,而且影响了正处于学习阶段,人生观、世界观和价值观尚未完全形成的青少年,对于汉语言文字的准确把握与规范使用。从网络语言的产生、特征、影响以及应对措施等方面对网络语言的现象进行较为客观、全面的分析,以此引起人们对于规范化使用网络语言问题的足够重视。  相似文献   

纺织业是我国国民经济重要支柱产业之一,对于我国积累资金、解决就业的贡献非常大。对经济的拉动作用十分明显,但竞争力的存在,使纺织行业存在挑战和机遇.  相似文献   

谭焕新 《海外英语》2011,(8):317+320
This paper analyzes the role that Caleb Cushing played in the Sino-American relationship as well as his influences upon the Sino-American relationship.  相似文献   

陈蔚  李鹏举 《湘南学院学报》2004,25(6):15-18,23
虚拟现实技术是建立在虚拟现实(VirtualReality)基础上的人类特有的认识世界的方式之一。虚拟现实技术作为当代推动认识发展的主要动力,在认识的对象、认识的主体、认识的中介、认识的速度等方面产生着重大影响,虚拟技术使主体和客体、主观和客观真正达到了空前的"超级融合",极大地提升了人类实践的主观能动性,推动了认识的发展。  相似文献   


Wi-Fi radiation is a type of radio frequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) that refers to the transfer of energy by radio waves. Nowadays, exposure to RF radiation is widespread including wireless internet connection (Wi-Fi) routers and cell phones. The proliferation of devices emitting RF radiation has entailed some public and media-generated controversy, although scientific evidence has not pointed to the existence of risk. Using the theoretical perspectives of science literacy, public engagement with science, and science media literacy, this work examines public engagement with science-related media reports in a context involving risk. A qualitative design was followed to address multiple viewpoints including an analysis of an authentic primetime TV program concerning the risks of Wi-Fi, its messages, and frames, solicited a public response to the coverage via interviews and decision-making simulation (n = 20), and unsolicited public response based on social media discussions (n = 315 comments). Our findings suggest that a lack of relevant scientific knowledge does not seem to be related to participants’ general scientific literacy among people with higher education. Moreover, interviewees did not place much emphasis on having adequate knowledge in making their decision. These findings emphasize that we need to expand our understanding of the different ways that make scientific knowledge relevant when making decisions on scientific issues that relate directly to everyday life.


This study investigated the extent to which trainees' perceptions of the applicability of what they learned, gathered immediately after training, can predict their perceptions of actual application of the training six months after they return to the job. It also investigated whether support to apply what trainees learned during training after they returned to the job affected their six‐month perceptions. The study found that in all cases, the six‐month perceptions were statistically significantly lower than the immediate after‐course perceptions. However, using a three‐point Likert scale, with “good” being the highest rating, the actual practical judgments about the training program retained the same rating (good) for the program that received the most job environment support. For the training program that received less support, the decisions made from the initial data and the follow‐up data were different. The initial ratings were “good,” and the follow‐up ratings were “fair.” This study suggests that the immediate after‐course perceptions of training are a reasonable estimate of the six‐month perceptions when there is substantial reinforcement from the home job environment.  相似文献   

人本主义心理学对现代远程教学设计的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代远程教学设计的发展是和人本主义心理学的影响密切相关的.人本主义心理学领域的研究成果,为现代远程教学设计奠定了科学的心理学理论及应用基础.教学目标设计的人性化,教学模式设计的非指导性,教学方法设计的情感性,教学环境设计的社会性,教学管理设计的发展性,这五个方面是人本主义心理学对现代远程教学设计的主要影响.  相似文献   

新课程对教师教育观念及教学方式的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新课程体系在课程的功能、内容、目标等方面都较原来的课程有了重大创新和突破。新课程的实施,对中小学教师的教育观念和教学方武产生了重大的影响,要求中小学教师改交过于注重传授知识的倾向,要关注学生如何做人、如何发展;培养学生积极主动的学习态度,在学习过程中形成正确的价值观;培养学生的创新精神和创造能力,为学生未来发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

基础研究是国家科学研究体系的重要组成部分。基础研究必须遵循国家目标。我国改革开放的进程施行了一系列的经济政策,对我国基础研究的开展和自主创新能力的形成产生了重大影响。随着经济转型愈加迫切,我们应当重新认识基础研究扩散的特点,在基础研究领域调整相关政策,加大投入,以基础研究推动产业升级,提高自主创新能力,这对我国经济转型和突破危机都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

媒介物是指消费者为了获得所希望的物品而使用的中间交换物,它广泛存在于传统和在线消费环境中。随着我国在线消费人群的迅速增长,研究媒介物对消费者在线选择行为的影响及其与传统环境中的效应区别,在理论研究和实际应用方面都具有重要的意义。通过模拟真实的网络消费环境,设计两个实验并进行实验组间比较,结果表明:在线媒介物拥有与传统环境中类似的媒介物最大化效应,在线媒介物的设置会改变消费者对付出和回报的评估,最终影响消费者在线选择行为;在线媒介物的比例同样会影响消费者的在线选择行为,当媒介物比例接近或小于回报比例时,在线媒介物最大化效应将消失。  相似文献   

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