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县级电视台要办好节目,提高收视率,关键在于眼睛必须向下,将着眼点放在本乡本土上,把触角伸向广大的农民观众,无论在节目的内容上、表现形式上、创作风格上,还是在节目的设置上都要贴近农民群众,符合他们的口味。要立足当地实际,体现地方特色,具有浓郁的地方乡土气息。  相似文献   

七月初一日辰时,上召臣英至懋勤殿。上复诵“初六鸣豫”六节,亲讲“九四,由豫,大有得”六节。初二日辰时,上召臣英至瀛台便殿。上复诵“九四,由豫,大有得”六节。初三日辰时,上召臣英至瀛台便殿。上复诵《豫卦》全篇。初四日后时,上召臣英至瀛台便殿。上复诵“谦,亨,君子有终”十节。初五日后时,上召臣英至东便殿。上复诵“六四,无不利伪谦”十一节。初六日辰时,上召臣英至瀛台便殿。上复诵“初六鸣豫”十二节。初七日辰时,上召臣英至瀛台便殿。上复诵《谦卦》、《豫卦》二篇。是日,因天暑暂辍讲数日。八月初六日辰时,上召…  相似文献   

创新的“门槛”是理念——要创新、先拆“围” 新闻,是一项需要不断创新的事业。而在无数次的新闻实践中,我们也深切地感受到,要完成每一次的创新,都离不开理论的引领。所以,从这个层次上来讲,理念,是一面旗帜,没有理念上的创新,就不会有行为上的创新,没有理念上的突破,就难有行为上的突破。从这个意义上来看,能否实现突破和创新,理念,就像一道“门槛”,  相似文献   

江西广播电视节目上星筹备工作,在经历了三年的风风雨雨之后,终于在1997年1月l日上星试播,25日正式上星播出,与其它九个省区一起,一步登天,完成了由模拟向数字的过渡,使我省广播电视的传输技术迈出了跨世纪的一步。作为从事此项工作的一线工作人员,回顾上星的这些日日夜夜,百感交集。现截取几个片断,献给读者。下大决心赶上这班车由于东方红三号卫星定位失败,96年3月,广电部将“采用数字压缩技术上星”提上议事日程,在5月16日会议上,基本确定了八省上星方案,而江西名列第九。7月,在北京沙河中央卫星地球站广…  相似文献   

生活类报纸的专刊要想赢得读,站稳市场,关键是要‘在“新”字上做章:在定位设计上求新,在内容策划上创新,在表现手法上出新。瞄准新需求,科学、准确地定位,是报纸成功的前提,也是报纸专刊保持生命力的基础。[第一段]  相似文献   

目前的新闻竞争不但表现在抢时效、争首发上,更表现在拼原创、比深度上。从某种意义上说,深度报道是新闻媒体争夺受众的制胜法宝之一。与广播、电视、网络媒介相比,报纸尤其是广播电视报这样一份周报,在争抢新闻时效上有劣势,但可以在深度报道上寻求自己的优势。于是,我们就将注意力集中在深度报道上。  相似文献   

江源县档案局(馆)在开展保持共产党员先进性教育活动中,坚持先进性教育活动与当前档案业务工作一起抓,同部署同落实,做到学习工作两不误、两促进。通过先进性教育活动的开展,使全县档案部门的党员干部政治上有明显的进步,思想上有明显的提高,工作上有明显的推进,作风上有明显的转变,纪律上有明显的增强,提高了战斗力和凝聚力。紧紧围绕服务于全面建设小康社会这个中心,全心全意搞好服务,一心一意谋发展,推进了全县档案事业的不断发展。  相似文献   

喻爽 《中国传媒科技》2023,(5):35-38+55
【目的】探究四种数据新闻的视觉修辞生产模式——时间修辞模式、空间修辞模式、交互修辞模式和技术修辞模式,剖析数据新闻的现实应用困境,总结数据新闻未来发展的策略,助力数据新闻的创新发展。【方法】采用视觉修辞理论探究数据新闻的四种视觉修辞生产模式,运用抽丝剥茧的方法层层递进,融入案例研究法针对四种不同的视觉修辞生产模式进行剖析,得出数据新闻现实应用上的困境,提出数据新闻现实应用上的破壁策略。【结果】经分析,发现数据新闻现实应用上的困境在于报道方式上避重就轻,内容呈现上千篇一律,图表形式上标新立异。【结论】总结出数据新闻未来发展的优化策略在于视觉形式上讲求技术之思,视觉内容上做到内容之新,视觉法则创作上追求规律之美。  相似文献   

能在军报上稿,是所有部队报道员的最高目标,我也不例外。去年初,我给军报邮寄了50多篇稿子,但全都泥牛人海,不见踪影。当时,有的战友说,要想在军报上稿,必须报社有熟人,否则稿子再好也上不去;有的战友劝我不要气馁,而是静下心来认真学习军报上的章,坚持给军报投稿,一定会如愿以偿的。  相似文献   

浩如烟海的古籍文献。集中反映了中国历史上灿烂辉煌的文化,是人类智慧的凝聚,知识的结晶。同时,更是不可再生的文献贷源,古籍本身所具有的内在价值,是任何仿制品无法代替的。正是由于古籍文献的特殊性,作为各级公共图书馆,对于自身皮藏的古籍文献从观念上高度重视,从管理上精心保护,从措施上防水、防火、防虫应是责无旁贷。  相似文献   

An annotated list is presented describing twenty-one peer-reviewed journals that cover significant aspects of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) community, in whole or in part, in a scholarly manner. The titles included are a selective and representative sampling. The entry for each periodical includes the following information: periodical title, publisher/editor and address, basic information, publication data, content, Internet information, book review information, and an abstract.  相似文献   


The authors summarize the sixth in the Globenet series of conferences, Sofia 2004: Libraries, Globalization, and Cooperation, held in Sofia, Bulgaria. In attendance were librarians, faculty, and students from many countries. Topics discussed included library and information science education, user education, information technology, national libraries, academic libraries, cooperation, policy, distance education, and other current issues.  相似文献   


Advances in computing power have accelerated the growth of knowledge and created opportunities. However, the resulting tidal wave of information presents challenges, including vast quantity with varying quality. In higher education, curation offers one solution as librarians and faculty, as educators and researchers, increasingly curate knowledge for students, colleagues, and other stakeholders. Using integrative and systematic methods, the purpose of this literature review was to examine curation in education. This article presents major findings related to the panorama, perspective, people, product, place, purpose, and process of curation in education. We also discuss major themes including the changing and expanding landscape of curation from curating artifacts to content and data, from non-formal to formal learning contexts, from individual to collaborative curation, and the role of curation in education in bridging people, communities, and knowledge.  相似文献   

林子雄 《图书馆论坛》2011,31(6):165-170
雕版印刷术是中国古代“四大发明”之一,且发明于唐代.广东雕版印刷术发明于唐代,但历史上这方面的文献记载属凤毛麟角,且未见有唐代广东出版物留存于世,故以往著述少有提及.文章从唐代以前的广东文献、唐代广东造纸业、唐代广东社会对雕版印刷业需求等方面,初步表述和探究与唐代广东雕版印刷事业相关的各种迹象,并引证唐僧义净为“唐代刊书之先导”之说.  相似文献   

This article traces the development of recent bibliographies of East European newspapers held by the Library of Congress. Since 2006 the European Division of the Library of Congress has placed ten newspaper bibliographies onto its website for the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Hungary 1956, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Russia, and Serbia, as well as a mixed newspaper/journal bibliography of the Soviet independent press, 1985–1992. The author covers topics such as the need for such bibliographies, their collection development benefits, the difficulty in maintaining their currency, and their popularity based on website statistics.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the Russian and East European holdings at the Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry in Miami, Florida. Materials held at the archive include rare and unique modernist books, samizdat and émigré publications, mail art, conceptual art, and recent artists’ books, mainly in Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Polish, Serbian, and Hungarian.  相似文献   

Business associations are a complex substantive topic that can be included in an advanced legal research course that teaches students sophisticated research, writing, and citation skills. This article presents the basic substantive law regarding business associations necessary to deliver instruction about advanced legal research, writing, and citation. This article also offers a model syllabus with suggested sources and assignments for students. These research assignments require students to perform tasks such as citing primary and secondary sources, learning advanced research skills using loose-leaf materials, assimilating information from multiple sources into cogent narratives, locating information using various electronic resources, digests, and other secondary sources, and locating and using forms pertinent to business association agreements. This article also provides an instructor with twenty-five suggested sources to use in assigning materials to students. These sources consist of both print and electronic versions. They additionally consist of treatises, monographs, guides, model statutory materials, electronic databases, Web sites, form guides, casebooks, a digest, and a citation manual.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of modifiers on the stability of a vinyl acetate/ethylene copolymer dispersion adhesive upon aging. Eighteen common modifiers were added to a well-characterized vinyl acetate/ethylene copolymer dispersion (Dur-O-Set® E-150) in known concentrations and dry-film samples were subjected to 16–17 years of dark aging and seven to eight years of light aging. Yellowing, pH, gloss, swelling, cohesive strength, and flexibility were monitored for changes upon aging. Generally, the neat Dur-O-Set® E-150 (no additives) was found to become acidic on aging, but was fairly resistant to yellowing. It also swelled substantially in toluene, was of high gloss, medium strength, and flexible, and remained so on aging. No modifier was found to improve these properties. Various solvents, wetting agents, and thickeners did not alter the properties by much, while plasticizers, freeze-thaw stabilizer, glycerin, and certain fillers had a more negative effect.  相似文献   

数字图书馆原型体系结构初探   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
本文主要介绍数字图书馆的概念、特征和体系结构及其由来和优点。同时 ,介绍建设数字图书馆所使用的相关标准、规范、工具和它的现实服务模式。  相似文献   

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