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The study experimentally tested the relationship between visual attention and comprehension of a TV program. 72 5-year-old children watched a 40-min version of the TV program "Sesame Street." Half the children viewed the program in the presence of a variety of toys and half viewed without toys. The children were then tested for their comprehension of the program. Although visual attention to the TV in the no-toys group was nearly twice that in the toys group, there was no difference between the groups in comprehension. There were, nevertheless, significant within-group correlations between visual attention and comprehension even for questions concerning only auditorily presented material. The results were interpreted as indicating that in a normal TV viewing setting, variations in the comprehensibility of the TV program may determine variations in children's attention to the TV.  相似文献   

Infant emotional and cortisol responses to goal blockage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined the relation of infant emotional responses of anger and sadness to cortisol response in 2 goal blockage situations. One goal blockage with 4-month-old infants (N = 56) involved a contingency learning procedure where infants' learned response was no longer effective in reinstating an event. The other goal blockage with 6-month-old infants (N = 84) involved the still face procedure where infants' reactions to their mothers' lack of responsivity were not effective in reestablishing interaction. For both blockages, sadness was related to cortisol response, though anger was not--the greater the sadness, the higher the cortisol response. This differential relation is consistent with other evidence indicating the more positive role of anger as opposed to sadness in overcoming an obstacle.  相似文献   

Dynamic retinoscopy has suggested that near vision may be more acute than far vision during early infancy. To test this, acuity thresholds were determined by presenting square wave gratings in a preference paradigm to 1- and 2-month-old human infants at 4 viewing distances. Gratings were paired with unpatterned fields; direction of first fixation was the dependent measure. Infants exhibited the same acuity at each of the distances at which gratings were presented. The results were interpreted as compatible with the fact that considerable optical defocusing does not seriously affect a visual system, such as the infant's, that is sensitive only to low spatial frequencies.  相似文献   

Infant visual sustained attention and respiratory sinus arrhythmia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Infants were studied cross-sectionally at 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age. They were presented with varying and complex patterns on a TV screen. Two-thirds of the presentations were accompanied by an "interrupting stimulus" in the periphery delayed in time from the onset of fixation on the central stimulus. The infants were not easily distracted from looking at the central stimulus when the presentation of the interrupting stimulus occurred at the point of maximal heart rate (HR) deceleration. However, if the presentation occurred at the end of the HR response, the infants were easily distracted. Infants with large amounts of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA; i.e., HR variability) in a baseline recording were less distractible during the deceleration-defined trials than were infants with low amounts of RSA. High-RSA infants also showed larger HR deceleration on these trials than did the low-RSA infants. These results are consistent with a model positing that sustained HR lowering during visual fixation is an index of active attention and that RSA is an index of voluntary, sustained attention in infants.  相似文献   

S L Pipp  M M Haith 《Child development》1977,48(4):1640-1644
2- and 3-dimensional forms affected 4- and 8-week-old infant visual behavior differently, 4-week-old infants fixated a recessed 3-dimensional form more than a 2-dimensional form but did not scan it differently. 8-week-old infants did not look more at 1 stimulus than another but scanned a raised 3-dimensional form differently than a 2-dimensional equivalent. For all stimuli and both age groups, there was a relation between attractiveness of stimuli and how they were scanned; babies who were most attracted to stimuli inspected them with the smallest eye movements.  相似文献   

The reactions of 112 10-month-old male infants to the property of curvature were examined using a habituation paradigm with lever pressing as an instrumental response. 4 levels of curvature (straightt line, minimal curve, moderate curve, large curve) each served as a standard (habituation) stimulus and as a transformation stimulus in 9 separate experimental conditions. Results revealed a greater initial dishabituation of reinforced instrumental responding in those conditions crossing the curved/straight boundary; furthermore, this initial dishabituation was sustained throughout the transformation phase of the experiment in those conditions which involved changes from straight to curved, but not curved to straight. Results are interpreted as implying a special attention-recruiting value for curvature in 10-month old infants.  相似文献   

24 infants, 12 4-month-olds and 12 6-month-olds, were repeatedly shown slides of 3 facial expressions. The expressions were previously judged by obervers to be indicators of joy, anger, and no emotion, respectively. The duration of the first visual fixation to each presentation of the slides was monitored for each subject. The data indicated that the infants looked at the joy expression significantly more than at either the anger or neutral expressions. The results suggest that infants are capable of discriminating emotion expressions earlier in their development than previous studies have implied.  相似文献   

As part of an M.A. course in Film Studies at the Polytechnic of Central London, a small‐scale study was undertaken of audience responses to two schools TV programmes from the recent ITV series, ‘Viewpoint 2’. The theoretical orientation and methodology derive from recent developments in semiology (notably the work of Morley on ‘The Nationwide Audience'). While the work does not aim at ‘scientific’ proof, a fairly consistent pattern of responses emerged which indicates the influence of socio‐demographic factors on the decoding of educational programmes. Particularly with responses to one of the programmes, concerned with media representations of race, these variations were sufficiently extreme as to suggest some disturbing questions for programme makers and for teachers using such material in schools.  相似文献   

The visual behavior of infants in the paired-comparison paradigm was assessed with multiple discrimination tasks week-to-week at 4 and 7 months and longitudinally from 4 to 7 months. Results indicated that although task-to-task reliability was extremely variable and typically low, most measures of infants' attention averaged across multiple tasks were reliable from 1 week to the next as well as relatively stable over the longer longitudinal period. Across all groups, infants who had shorter fixations (i.e., more fixations per fixed-exposure period) during the familiarization phase showed higher novelty preferences. While infants' shift rate during test phases was a reliable individual characteristic at 7 months, it was not at 4 months; rather, data suggested that the difficulty of the stimulus discrimination may be related to young infants' shift rate.  相似文献   

试论英语视听说课程中英语影视作品的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来先进的多媒体教学手段的使用为英语视听说采用影视作品进行教学提供了一定的物质可行性。国内外大量的研究表明,影视作品在英语为第二语言的教学过程中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文从分析英语影视教学中的常见问题出发,结合影视作品的优势阐述了影视英语教学的教学原则以及教学策略。  相似文献   

The chief purpose of this study was to identify characteristics that distinguish approach as an attachment behavior from approach serving other behavioral systems. Locomotor approaches of 16 male and 10 female white middle-class infants to an attachment figure (the mother) and to a nonattachment figure (the visitor-observer) were examined under naturalistic conditions at home. Observations were made during 4-hour home visits at 3-week intervals; those from 26 to 54 weeks were used. When approach was examined in a free-choice situation and without regard to behavioral context, infants approached the mother proportionally (though slightly) more often than the visitor (p less than .05). In 2 behavioral contexts, however, spontaneous infant approaches were sharply differential to the mother; approaches accompanied by crying and approaches terminating in a pickup appeal were directed almost exclusively to the mother (p less than .0001 for both). Touching upon completion of the approach was not differential, except in the context of a pickup appeal. Object-oriented approaches were more often directed to the visitor than to the mother (p less than .002) and may be either exploratory or affiliative. It is suggested that neither approach nor touching can be assumed to serve the attachment system without consideration of context- both environmental and behavioral.  相似文献   

As speech communication instruction is offered in an increasing number of secondary schools, academic courses are changing to include study of a broader spectrum of communication behavior. Paralleling this transition is increased concern among language arts educators for students’ personal and intellectual development through talk and drama. This article describes each of these developments and suggests an expanded role of speech communication in the secondary school curriculum through a blending of both movements.  相似文献   

A perturbation paradigm was employed to assess 3- and 6-month-old infants' and their mothers' sensitivity to a 3-s temporal delay implemented in an ongoing televised interaction. At both ages, the temporal delay affected infant but not maternal behavior and only when implementing the temporal delay in maternal (Experiment 1, N=64) but not infant (Experiment 2, N=60) behavior. In addition, the experimental manipulation influenced promptness of maternal smiling responses reliably more than promptness of infant smiling responses. The findings suggest that the timing of maternal behavior plays an important role in infants' perception of maternal responsiveness, whereas mothers seem to monitor general aspects of infant behavior such as overall level of engagement.  相似文献   

With rapid advances in digital technology, the broadcast television industry will soon be providing cinema-quality sound and video in the home. Given this technological advance, how should captions change to better serve consumers who are deaf or hard of hearing? To address this question, consumer preference data were collected from 207 deaf students and adults. Videodisc examples of various captioning feature combinations were used to obtain ratings from these consumers. Findings from multivariate conjoint analysis show that some current captioning features should be retained (white letters and speaker-dependent placement), while other features should be adopted (captioning in sentences and use of a clear or semitransparent background). These findings offer guidance to the captioning and television industries as they launch the digital television age.  相似文献   

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