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针对传统大学物理实验教学模式的问题,文章以湖南理工学院大学物理实验室依托,结合大学物理实验室的具体情况,对地方高校大学物理实验网络化教学模式进行了探讨,优化了实验预约系统,将虚拟仿真系统引入课堂,营造多元化教学方法,并且自主制作多媒体网络资料,实践结果表明,相对传统的大学物理实验教学模式,网络化教学模式能有效地激发学生的创造力,提高学习兴趣,培养学生的探索精神。  相似文献   

Evaluation of university-based research already has a reasonably long tradition in the UK, but proposals to revise the framework for national evaluation aroused controversy in the academic community because they envisage assessing more explicitly than before the economic, social and cultural ‘impact’ of research as well as its scientific quality. Using data from the 2009 public consultation on the proposals for a Research Excellence Framework, this paper identifies three main lines of controversy: the threats to academic autonomy implied in the definition of expert review and the delimitation of reviewers, the scope for boundary-work in the construction of impact narratives and case studies, and the framing of knowledge translation by the stipulation that impact ‘builds on’ research. Given the behaviour-shaping effects of research evaluation, the paper demonstrates how the proposed changes could help embed impact considerations among the routine reflexive tools of university researchers and enhance rather than restrict academic autonomy at the level of research units. It also argues that the REF could constitute an important dialogical space for negotiating science–society relations in an era of increasing heteronomy between academia, state and industry. But the paper raises doubts about whether the proposed operationalisation of impact is adequate to evaluate the ways that research and knowledge translation are actually carried out.  相似文献   

利用2009—2017年我国学部面上项目、青年科学基金项目等数据,通过构建竞争力指数,分析我国8所“双一流”高校(以下简称“样本高校”)的医学学科科研竞争力及其变化趋势。研究结果显示:2009—2017年,样本高校获得国家自然科学基金委医学科学部资助总项目数快速增长,2017年分别占到国家自然科学基金委医学科学部面上项目和青年科学基金项目资助项目数的29.29%和25.24%;同期,样本高校获得医学面上项目和医学青年科学基金项目资助的项目数量内部构成的极差率和变异系数均明显增大。研究结论揭示我国“双一流”高校整体获得国家自然科学基金及国家自然科学基金委医学科学部资助项目数量的占比极高且呈上升趋势,而“双一流”高校间医学学科的科研竞争力出现明显分化,排名出现一定固化。  相似文献   

大量证据显示,以知识产权商业化为代表的"技术转移"模式仅仅是大学和企业互动关系中的"冰山一角",许多非正式的合作行为被掩盖。本文根据创新研究最新观点,采用更为全面的谱系描述产学研合作中的"知识转移"行为,并重点比较了UNICO报告和IPRIA报告是如何分别设计指标以测量知识转移行为和知识转移效果。借助这一框架体系,进一步分析了中国相应数据的可得性,并提出完善数据采集工作的建议。  相似文献   

教学秘书在高校教学管理中的作用举足轻重,然而教学秘书却面临一些尴尬的困境:工作任务重、精神压力,大却待遇低;工作没有得到足够重视、发展空间受限制等。探究这些困境产生的原因并寻求相应对策,以使教学秘书摆脱困境更高效地工作。  相似文献   

University research is to an increasing extent funded by industry, and the share of basic funding is decreasing. In the literature, there are optimistic and pessimistic views on the implication of this development. Based on data from a questionnaire study among all tenured university professors in Norway (N = 1967) we find that there is a significant relationship between industry funding and research performance: professors with industrial funding describe their research as applied to a greater extent, they collaborate more with other researchers both in academia and in industry, and they report more scientific publications as well as more frequent entrepreneurial results. There is neither a positive nor negative relationship between academic publishing and entrepreneurial outputs.  相似文献   

A visual display of the most important universities in the world is the aim of this paper. It shows the topological characteristics and describes the web relationships among universities of different countries and continents. The first 1000 higher education institutions from the Ranking Web of World Universities were selected and their link relationships were obtained from Yahoo! Search. Network graphs and geographical maps were built from the search engine data. Social network analysis techniques were used to analyse and describe the structural properties of the whole of the network and its nodes. The results show that the world-class university network is constituted from national sub-networks that merge in a central core where the principal universities of each country pull their networks toward international link relationships. The United States dominates the world network, and within Europe the British and the German sub-networks stand out.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of universities in the transfer of technology using a unique university-level dataset for Spain. The results suggest that universities with established policies and procedures for the management of technology transfer perform better. Universities with large and experienced technology transfer offices (TTOs) generate higher volumes of contract research, but the TTO characteristics appear to matter less for university performance in terms of licensing and creation of spin-offs. Furthermore, universities with a science park perform better than those without, which suggests that the agglomeration of knowledge close to universities has a positive effect on universities’ technology transfer performance.  相似文献   

‘Lower-tech’ sectors are still commonly regarded as unusual suspects in the modern process of innovation and economic change. In this paper we try to understand better how organisations specialising in traditional businesses have been transformed by a period of paradigm-shift such as the one that characterised the final decades of the twentieth century. We focus on a population of nearly 500 of the world's largest innovative companies to assess the extent to which companies belonging to ‘old-economy’ sectors have been developing cutting-edge knowledge about clusters of new technologies such as ICT, new materials and biotechnology. We find that ‘non-high-tech’ corporations transformed their patent portfolios in a non-trivial way. Companies in mature trades contributed significantly to the development of technologies that are at the core of the so-called Third Industrial Revolution.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes major patterns and trends in entrepreneurship among technology-based university alumni since the 1930s by asking two related research questions: (1) Who enters entrepreneurship, and has this changed over time? (2) How does the rate of entrepreneurship vary with changes in the entrepreneurial business environment? We describe findings based on data from two linked datasets joining Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) alumni and founder information. New company formation rates by MIT alumni have grown dramatically over seven decades, and the median age of first time entrepreneurs has gradually declined from about age 40 (1950s) to about age 30 (1990s). Women alumnae lag their male counterparts in the rate at which they become entrepreneurs, and alumni who are not U.S. citizens enter entrepreneurship at different (usually higher) rates relative to their American classmates. New venture foundings over time are correlated with measures of the changing external entrepreneurial and business environment, suggesting that future research in this domain may wish to more carefully examine such factors.  相似文献   

Australia’s share of publications in the Science Citation Index (SCI) has increased by 25% in the last decade. The worrying aspect associated with this trend is the significant decline in citation impact Australia is achieving relative to other countries. It has dropped from sixth position in a ranking of 11 OECD countries in 1988, to 10th position by 1993, and the distance from ninth place continues to widen.The increased publication activity came at a time when publication output was expected to decline due to pressures facing the higher education sector, which accounts for over two-thirds of Australian publications. This paper examines possible methodological and contextual explanations of the trends in Australia’s presence in the SCI, and undertakes a detailed comparison of two universities that introduced diverse research management strategies in the late 1980s. The conclusion reached is that the driving force behind the Australian trends appears to lie with the increased culture of evaluation faced by the sector. Significant funds are distributed to universities, and within universities, on the basis of aggregate publication counts, with little attention paid to the impact or quality of that output. In consequence, journal publication productivity has increased significantly in the last decade, but its impact has declined.  相似文献   

美国的研究型大学不仅是先进知识的创新源泉,也是城市与社区问题解决和发展的思想和技术源泉。这种独特的作用是建立在大学与社区合作伙伴关系的互动关系模式基础之上的。本文从大学与社区合伙关系的理论基础入手,并选取宾夕法尼亚大学进行案例研究,认为其"服务社会"的核心办学理念与战略定位、以"他方为中心"的治理结构、与学术研究、创新活动、公民义务活动相结合的多样化社区合作方式是其成功的关键。该结论对构建我国城市社区与大学的良性互动模式、实现大学与社区合作伙伴关系创新具有一定的借鉴和参考意义。  相似文献   

Highly cited leaders and the performance of research universities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a large literature on the productivity of universities. Little is known, however, about how different types of leader affect a university's later performance. To address this, I blend quantitative and qualitative evidence. By constructing a new longitudinal dataset, I find that on average the research quality of a university improves some years after it appoints a president (vice chancellor) who is an accomplished scholar. To try to explain why scholar-leaders might improve the research performance of their institutions, I draw from interview data with 26 heads in universities in the United States and United Kingdom. The findings have policy implications for governments, universities, and a range of research and knowledge-intensive organizations.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from an analysis of the determinants of the formation of university spin-off companies within the university's research park. We find that university spin-off companies are a greater proportion of the companies in older parks and in parks that are associated with richer university research environments. We also find that university spin-off companies are a larger proportion of companies in parks that are geographically closer to their university and in parks that have a biotechnology focus.  相似文献   

针对大部分学生在学习C#过程中对基本概念和语言运行规律理解不清的问题,提出基于IL语言的C#语言教学方法。该方法可以加深C#语言相关概念和知识点的理解。  相似文献   

As the innovation process has become more open and networked, Government policy in the UK has sought to promote both research excellence in the university sector and the translation of this into economic benefit through university-business engagement. However, this policy approach has tended to be applied uniformly with little account for organisational differences within the sector. In this paper we consider if differences between universities in their research performance is reflected in their knowledge transfer activity. Specifically, as universities develop a commercialization agenda are the strategic priorities for knowledge transfer, the organisational supports in place to facilitate knowledge transfer and the scale and scope of knowledge transfer activity different for high research intensive (HRI) and low research intensive (LRI) universities? The findings demonstrate that universities’ approach to knowledge transfer is shaped by institutional and organisational resources, in particular their ethos and research quality, rather than the capability to undertake knowledge transfer through a Technology Transfer Office (TTO). Strategic priorities for knowledge transfer are reflected in activity, in terms of the dominance of specific knowledge transfer channels, the partners with which universities engage and the geography of business engagement.  相似文献   

电子信息类专业研究性教学及创新型人才培养初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
创新型人才培养是新时期赋予高校的历史任务,研究性教学则是培养创新型人才的重要手段.本文分析了国内一些高校电子信息类专业的教学现状,并在此基础上探讨了相关专业研究性教学与创新人才培养改革过程中需要解决的几个关键问题.  相似文献   

大班额是指班级学生人数严重超过常规班级学生人数数量的一种教育现象。当前,各大高校公共基础课的课程教学普遍采用大班额教学。分析了《大学计算机基础》大班额教学中的主要问题,并提出了该课程实施大班额教学的有效方法。  相似文献   

针对我国研究型大学科研校长评价中存在的评价指标雷同、评价指标宽泛、评价主体相对单一、评价方法比较简单等问题,在对国内研究型大学现行的科研校长评价内容与方法进行深入剖析的基础上,构建研究型大学科研校长的胜任特征模型,并将该模型运用到科研校长的考核评价过程之中,为我国科研校长以及其他岗位领导干部的考评方法提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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