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创业是我国推进创新驱动战略与经济结构转型的重要力量。对于“为何同样制度环境下个体有着差异化创业决策”的问题,现有创业制度研究未能有效解答。因此研究引入认知视角,试图揭示创业制度环境三类因素影响创业决策的微观机制,包括个体风险感知、机会评估及创业自我效能在这一“黑箱”中的作用。通过五省市1000份调研数据实证分析,结果表明:(1)三类创业制度的积极认知将显著促进创业决策生成;(2)创业制度通过影响个体风险感知、机会评估最终作用于创业决策;(3)三类制度作用机制有所不同,认知制度完全经由风险感知与机会评估的连续中介影响创业决策,规制制度与规范制度的作用路径则被二者部分中介;(4)风险感知会显著负向影响机会评估,两类认知因素对创业决策分别起到负向与正向作用。研究结论有助于深入理解创业成因与制度影响,进而提升“双创”建设和我国创业质量。  相似文献   

张秀娥  王超  李帅 《科研管理》2022,43(5):59-66
如何促进创业是近年来学术和实践领域广泛关注的议题。基于制度理论和社会认知理论,本文研究了创业自我效能感对创业意愿的影响,以及制度环境在该过程中所起的调节作用。利用来自28个国家跨越2009-2013年的面板数据构建分层广义线性模型。结果发现,创业自我效能感正向影响创业意愿,制度环境中支持创业法规、金融资本可得性、教育资本可得性和腐败控制正向调节二者关系,社会文化价值观负向调节二者关系。论文从跨层视角探索了创业自我效能感与制度环境对创业意愿的交互作用,拓展了对企业家精神的研究。最后,本文从创业者和政府层面提出管理启示,以激发企业家精神,促进创业发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to develop a model of change in urban context to map key steps towards changing an institutional logic: How can new ideas that aim at changing the dominant logic become practice in a city? To this end, the article explores the innovation process of institutions, thereby bringing together areas of research on institutional entrepreneurship, innovation processes, and transformation. Our model interlinks invention, innovation and adoption of new institutions to achieve a new institutional logic for more sustainable development in a city. We introduce ‘workset’ as an interim step between action and practice and identify local adopters as key for diffusion. We illustrate our framework using a case study of urban institutional entrepreneurship in the socio-economic system of a German city. Our findings indicate that the roles of local institutional entrepreneurs and local adopters partly overlap, that worksets are crucial for broader diffusion of new institutions, and that a robust design supports the adoption of the institutional innovation.  相似文献   

Digitalizing interorganizational relationships (IORs) concerns B2B partners adopting and using Interorganizational Information Systems (IOSs). The decision to digitalize IORs involves choices about (1) whether or not to digitalize information flows, and (2) which technology to use. We explore whether these two choices are made sequentially or if they are intertwined. Using sequential adoption theory and institutional theory, we investigate the decisions related to digitalizing IORs through data synchronization. In the context of product information in the French consumer goods and retail industries, analysis of 18 case studies (large firms and SMEs) provides empirical evidence on the distinction between the two related decisions and the factors influencing each one. Our propositions integrate institutional pressures, observational learning, organizational capabilities and technological characteristics.  相似文献   

李新春  马骏  何轩 《科研管理》2006,40(12):51-61
本文以2002-2012年全国私营企业调查数据为研究样本,通过构建混合截面数据模型,探讨了在制度演进过程中,创业者人力资本和社会网络的价值及其变化趋势问题。研究发现,随着制度的演进,人力资本对创业绩效的贡献率没有表现出明显的变化趋势,而社会网络的贡献率则表现出逐期递减的变化趋势;高人力资本和强社会网络投入显著地提升了创业绩效,并表现出一种“强者愈强,弱者愈弱”的马太效应;进一步,社会网络对创业绩效的贡献在处于竞争程度较高行业中的小规模企业中作用更大。本文的研究结论揭示了在制度演进过程中,创业企业成长中人力资本和社会网络的价值及其变化的意义,这对于拓展转型经济的创业理论和理解我国特定制度背景下的创业行为特征,有着重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how the interaction between social institutions on the one hand and actors’ strategies and interests on the other hand is shaping European integration in research policy. We specifically focus on the implications of the existence of different conceptions of European integration (logics) on the emerging landscape of research funding programs jointly managed by the European Union (EU) and National States (joint programs). Our results display the central role of the introduction of a logic of coordination by the EU; it created a breeding ground for a new generation of programs and, at the same time, allowed to make the integration model more flexible and acceptable to National States (as funding became only virtually integrated). Most newly created programs were characterized by largely symbolic commitments and very small budgets, while stronger commitments had to be constructed through successive steps of integration. This process was highly selective and dependent on the presence of strong interests from the research community; additional funding from the EU was critical to ensure stability of national commitments. Further, National States by large delegated to independent funding agencies the management of national participations: delegation allowed to achieve greater homogeneity among national participants, but also to decouple decisions to participate (driven by compliance to institutional pressures) from the level of resources to be committed (driven by national interests). While in the year 2000, the European Research Area (ERA) strategy of coordinating national research policies was largely an empty concept, our case study shows how in the following decade, it was filled in with specific experiences and practices, led to the redefinition of actors’ understanding of European integration and roles in European research policies and, ultimately, to the emergence of original models of integration.  相似文献   

覃睿 《科研管理》2015,36(7):137-144
基于国家创业系统现有研究成果,对创业既是一种现象又是一个过程的认识,构建基于创业过程的国家创业系统概念框架及评价模型,从GEM-2012、DEDI-2012/2013和GCI-2012/2013中选取43个国家为样本及相关数据,运用可变规模收益条件下的非径向链式网络DEA方法,对国家创业系统效率进行综合评价。研究发现,对于效率驱动型样本和全部样本,我国国家创业系统及其节点都是无效的,其中非正式社会网络、商务环境、市场规模、胜任的人力资源和社会对创业态度五个投入要素需改进空间最大。因此,要提升我国国家创业系统综合效率,极为重要的是改进社会对创业的态度以提升创业意向形成效率,大幅度改进非正式网络、商务环境、市场规模和胜任的人力资源等要素,令更多具有创业意向的潜在创业者做出创业决策,开展创业活动。  相似文献   

国家公共财政新型科学技术投入体系初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对现行国家公共财政科技投入体系存在基金设立分散、缺乏顶层设计、难以统领全局、效率低下等弊端,本文建议增设公共产品类科研的资金投入的拟成果购买制,使拟成果购买制、课题制和事业拨款制三制一体相互协同、取长补短、互为补充。并建议将国家自然科学基金转型并扩充为国家科学技术基金,以兼并利用公共财政特别是中央财政分散设立的大多数科技基金;将国家自然科学基金会转型并扩充为国家科学技术基金会,统筹公共财政对科技的资金投入、资源配置和管理。本文认为新体制具有统领全局、优势互补、提高效率、促进政府科技行政管理与科技资金专业化配置之间的分离以及促进项目、成果和专家的统一管理与全国共享等优越性。  相似文献   

孙楚仁  王松  陈瑾 《科研管理》2019,40(8):43-52
"以开放促改革,以改革谋发展"是中国推进开放的一个重要依据,然而鲜有文献专门考察贸易通过制度渠道对经济增长的影响,本文以中国各城市为对象对这一问题进行了研究。本文首先构造城市出口制度密集度指标以衡量世界市场对城市的制度需求,接着本文利用多元回归模型和中介效应模型实证检验出口制度密集度对城市经济增长的影响及其机制。实证结果表明,城市对外贸易带来的外部制度需求会通过促使城市制度改进来促进城市经济增长,并且,本土公司的一般贸易在贸易通过制度渠道促进城市经济增长的过程中起着主要作用。  相似文献   

In recent years, many different types of e-government projects have been implemented across the developing world. One important application area, especially following the Millennium Development Goals, is the introduction of health information systems to improve the management of health care for development. Despite significant investments in these projects, experience reveals a disjuncture between macro-level policy priorities and micro-level implementation of these programmes. We use a broad conceptualization of evaluation to synthesize priorities at different levels during the implementation of an e-government project—the Health Information Systems Project (HISP) in Andhra Pradesh, India. This enables us to identify important enabling processes and conditions which serve to connect policy and implementation priorities. Our findings suggest that evaluation does help us to understand the disjuncture between policy at the macro level and implementation at the micro level and to identify linkages between the two. Finally, we discuss some of the key institutional issues that need to be addressed to translate the learning derived from the field into policy actions.  相似文献   

霍红梅  杨达 《现代情报》2007,27(11):26-28,31
在信息资源管理研究方法中引入制度分析的方法,可以弥补信息资源管理传统研究方法的不足,从而使信息资源管理学的理论研究实现从技术到人文、从总体到个体的变迁,它是一种动态的、全面的信息资源管理研究方法。  相似文献   

近些年,认知神经科学的研究方法有效弥补了传统信息系统(IS)研究存在的不足,降低了传统研究自我报告方法的测量误差,客观并准确地测量用户决策的心理加工过程,推进了信息系统科学研究的发展。通过介绍信息系统研究领域的国际前沿——神经信息系统研究(NeuroIS),力图帮助IS研究者更好地了解NeuroIS国内外研究现状,洞察进入NeuroIS这一前沿领域所需的相关知识和技术基础。通过收集并阅读NeuroIS自提出以来至今的文献,回顾并总结其发展历程、学科定位、常用研究工具和研究问题,论述NeuroIS研究应该明确的定位和工具选择的方法,并对现有文献的研究主题进行梳理,最后提出NeuroIS未来研究的实用性建议。  相似文献   

In recent years, many different types of e-government projects have been implemented across the developing world. One important application area, especially following the Millennium Development Goals, is the introduction of health information systems to improve the management of health care for development. Despite significant investments in these projects, experience reveals a disjuncture between macro-level policy priorities and micro-level implementation of these programmes. We use a broad conceptualization of evaluation to synthesize priorities at different levels during the implementation of an e-government project—the Health Information Systems Project (HISP) in Andhra Pradesh, India. This enables us to identify important enabling processes and conditions which serve to connect policy and implementation priorities. Our findings suggest that evaluation does help us to understand the disjuncture between policy at the macro level and implementation at the micro level and to identify linkages between the two. Finally, we discuss some of the key institutional issues that need to be addressed to translate the learning derived from the field into policy actions.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(9):104652
Regional entrepreneurial activity can importantly affect the performance of local public service institutions. Yet, the literature explaining these relationships suffers from five methodological challenges: 1) inferred direction of influence; 2) unavailability of representative data; 3) blurring of objective and subjective performance; 4) a lack of longitudinal data; 5) and a lack of fine-grained regional data. This paper relies on a rich dataset from the ubiquitous institution of hospitals to explore these effects and overcome these challenges. We discriminate between objective and subjective institutional performance, suggesting that both performance categories deserve empirical attention, and may react differently to entrepreneurship. Our empirical approach applies econometric, mixed-effects regression models to a novel longitudinal dataset representing the entire hospital population in over 3000 U.S. counties between 2006 and 2018 merged with two sources of entrepreneurial activity at the county level. Interestingly, the results suggest divergent relationships: regional entrepreneurial activity positively affects objective institutional performance and also negatively affects subjective performance. Further, an institution's research designation attenuates the effect on subjective performance. These findings suggest that institutional performance is an often-overlooked byproduct of regional entrepreneurial activity and offer significant theoretical and policy implications.  相似文献   

文章以全球卫星导航系统的时空基准为线索,从卫星导航系统原理及精准定位技术的实现出发,从时空关系、测轨测距、精准计时到时间同步等,综述了中国科学院为北斗卫星导航系统建设所依赖的时空基准技术所作的基础性支撑。  相似文献   

The central issue in this paper is to show the importance of public policies and sectoral patterns of technological change for institutional interaction in National Systems of Innovation (NSI), from the illustrative case study of French oil industry. This case is a relevant example of the French style of public policy, more well known as Colbertism. In the oil industry, Colbertism has demonstrated a greater ability to overcome some of its main challenges related to a weaker diffusion propensity and to a excessive concentration of R&D funds in some strategic sectors. The study of this industry demonstrates that sectoral patterns of technological change are very important to explain institutional interaction. Differences in the degree of appropriability between up and downstream of the oil industry had a great influence in this interaction and in public policies effectiveness. However, the technological diffusion success was not only due to some favorable technological factor but also to the nature of decision making, which was the outcome of a cooperative process.  相似文献   

基于Scrum软件开发模型,增加用户参与1个内生变量和交流、有用性感知、便易性感知、趣味性感知4个外生变量构建Scrum团队客户参与概念模型。采用专家询问和问卷调查的方法对模型进行检验,结果表明:客户参与对信息系统开发成功率有显著影响,其中有效交流、有用性感知、趣味性感知是3个关键因素且为正相关关系。研究结果有利于提高信息系统开发成功率,对基于Scrum团队客户参与模型在其他领域的应用也有一定的实践参考价值。  相似文献   

鉴于我国新型研发机构研究存在明显的区域性且北京新型研发机构相关研究较少,为系统把握北京新型研发机构建设经验和不足,从宏观、中观和微观3个层面构建研究框架,以北京生命科学研究所等8家新型研发机构为例,总结分析北京新型研发机构建设经验以及存在问题或挑战。分析显示:北京新型研发机构在顶层设计、创新要素集聚和体制机制创新方面取得较好成效,但在机构可持续发展、协同创新机制建设和人才集聚方面仍有不足。在此基础上,为进一步推动我国新型研发机构高质量发展,研究提出加强顶层设计和政策引导、创新生态系统建设和现代科研院所制度建设等对政策建议。  相似文献   

肖慈方 《软科学》2002,16(2):19-22
西部欠发达地区经济开发的首要任务是要按照现代市场经济的要求“矫正制度”,力求避免长期在旧的制度框架下运行市场经济。我国加入WTO的实质是使经济体制逐步与国际经济体系接轨,最终建立现代市场经济制度。同WTO的制度相比,西部欠发达地区还存在不少制度缺陷,必须加快制度创新。应以深化国企改革与调整所有制结构为制度创新的突破口,大力发展非公有制经济,力争在加入WTO后的过渡期内,基本形成有利于现代市场经济运行的制度框架。  相似文献   

周亚庆  郑刚  沈威 《科研管理》2004,25(5):110-115,75
海尔在实践中以企业经营战略为导向,以第一速度满足用户个性化需求为目标,以技术中心为核心,整合各创新要素进行技术创新,逐渐形成了良性互动、各创新要素协同匹配、全员参与的高效国际化的技术创新体系,有力支撑了海尔国际化战略的顺利实施,大大增强了海尔的核心能力和国际竞争力。  相似文献   

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