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老师像园丁,桃李满天下;老师像红烛,燃烧自己照亮我们;老师像一本书,教给我们许多知识!教师节到了,我们要给敬爱的老师送上最诚挚的祝福!  相似文献   

Lay  郝璐艳  黄栋 《音乐世界》2008,(18):9-9
她们是同住一个屋檐下的姐妹,她们是生活中的知心"闺蜜",她们热爱音乐,喜欢清新的感觉,喜欢在"那几天"大方享受护舒宝的清新保护,她们在生活的每时每刻都追寻着清新的脚步……她们就是本期邀请到的两位"清新达人"Poki 和 Jasmine,来听听她们讲述音乐中的清新故事,还有提高"清新指数"的小秘诀和大家一起来分享哦!  相似文献   

一、合作学习——精彩的学习周三的第一节课,我同往常一样走进了五年级二班的教室。不同的是,当天的我怀揣着一点小兴奋!因为本课学生们要学习的是《新标准英语》Module 10 Unit 2有关Class Rules的话题。课前我向他们稍微"剧透"了一下:课堂上要由大家合作来制订属于自己班级  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand how lecturers delivering college-based higher education viewed their workloads, and how this (if at all), influenced their engagement in scholastic activities, which may then enable them to become more knowledgeable in their chosen field of study. The research was of a qualitative nature, whereby semi-structured, in-depth interviews were undertaken with 26 individual lecturers employed at different further education colleges throughout the Yorkshire and Humber region. It was found that lack of time and onerous administrative responsibilities on top of their current workload were two of the major issues these lecturers were facing in their current roles. As a result, it is recommended that an independent audit be conducted to ascertain FE lecturers’ contact time with students and that ways in which to reduce their administrative duties be considered.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe our experiences of conducting a series of workshops titled ‘It’s a MATERIALS world!’ to popularize Materials Science among school children in India. Some of the hands-on activities that can be performed with easily available ingredients/equipment in a classroom are described for the benefit of educators.  相似文献   

Public education is commonly perceived as a social good endowed with the capacity to equalise western citizens’ chance of ‘success’. In 2008 Australia introduced standardised testing and reporting procedures to improve educational quality and equity through two policy tools (NAPLAN/MySchool). Ensuing public debate culminated in two Senate Inquiries. Qualitative critical analysis of all (N = 268) submissions to Inquiry One evidenced two major themes: marketisation and data (mis)use; and competition, commodification and practice. Marketisation’s hegemony shaped discourse and recommendations, with institutions and individuals promoting/engaging in self-aggrandising performance-driven activities seeking market advantage, often whilst simultaneously objecting. Submissions largely opposed MySchool and supported NAPLAN despite detailing maladaptive impacts and recommending changes. Drawing upon Latour, we suggest actors’ interactions with these tools (re)produced and re-enacted marketisation principles. Where marketisation, commodification or political rhetoric drives educational change, one ought to be cautious authentic approaches are not truncated by stakeholders lacking legitimate means to compete for resources or social status.  相似文献   

时间:2016年1月30日地点:上海案件:μ’s粉丝见面会2016年1月30日,LoveLive!μ’s Fan Meeting在上海梅赛德斯奔驰演出中心举行。夜幕降临,演出中心特意变换了9种颜色,场外响起μ’s的歌曲,场外都是各种全副武装的LLER,演唱会一票难求。这样的"盛况",可能会让人以为是某个大牌明星降临,实际上,这场演唱会的主角并不是哪个明星,而是日本超人气二次元组合LoveLive!  相似文献   

教学内容:小学英语(EEC版)一年级下册Lesson Six(Part 5)。教材分析:本节课学习水果名称的复数,并能提出建议,这是本册书中学生最感兴趣,最贴近生活实际的一课。学情分析:一年级的学生对英语非常感兴趣,他们的  相似文献   

<正>在现行小学英语新教材中,学生要掌握的词汇量非常大。词汇量的增加使学生记忆单词困难这个问题更加突出。掌握好单词是学生学好英语的前提。所以,把单词教学作为学习英语的突破口,加强单词教学方法的探索、研究,势在必行。托尔斯泰说:"成功的教学所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生兴趣。"英语学习兴趣是英语学习的良师。因此,如何让学生有兴趣地轻松地学习英语呢?几年的英语教学实践中,我得出几种有效的英语教学方法:  相似文献   

This study has explored the parents’ regulation strategies that were more likely to support children’s self-regulation in learning situations with computers. These strategies have been analysed by means of new grids involving seven categories of behaviour: cognitive strategies relating to identification of objective, exploration of means, attention and evaluation; motivational strategies; and socio-communicative strategies such as joint attention and request. 62 7-year-old children from Quebec families were examined with their mothers and fathers. The children were asked to complete two learning tasks that involved using LOGO software to draw a picture. Results indicated that parents’ regulation varied depending on their gender; a higher directivity was observed in mothers, more specifically through some specific strategies. Analysis of variance on repeated measures showed that, during the session, there was a decrease in the specification of the objective, the initiation of joint attention and of behaviour regulation in parents; and an improvement of the identification of the objective, planning and self-evaluation in children. Correlations between parental regulation and children’s self-regulation strategies indicated positive links concerning strategies relating to joint attention and to motivation; and negative links concerning strategies relating to the exploration of means and evaluation. A good adjustment of the parents’ regulation and the children’s self-regulation correlated positivel with success in the task. Methodological implications are proposed for research and psycho-educative intervention.  相似文献   

Education is facing significant political and contextual challenges that will impact its future. This study employs a Delphi methodology to investigate teacher educators’ views of current trends and their consequences for teacher education futures. Interviews were conducted with a sample of expert teacher educators drawn from eight countries. This provided international perspectives on both local and global trends. The data were analysed to identify and elaborate key themes reported by the participants. The article draws on these themes to develop brief narratives around current developments that the teacher educators argue will have a major impact on the future of teacher education. These narratives are used to develop possible scenarios to inform thinking about teacher education futures.  相似文献   

张丽秀 《海外英语》2012,(17):212-213,221
The"She-devils"or"wicked women"in Fay Weldon’s fictions are frequently discussed among many readers and critics.Some pluralistic narrative strategies including parody,anti-genre and non-linear and so on are employed to refract her pluralistic feminist ideas.Her new novel Kehua!:A Ghost Story is a metaficiton which indeed breaks the traditional linear structure of a novel.She gives us ample room and encouragement in this novel as we contemplate the future of women,which surely can be of our own making.  相似文献   

Mother’s Day is coming.I write the followings for my respected mother,for I once misunderstood and even hated her for a very long time.When I was very young,Mother had only one child and she loved me very much.I was always spoiled(被宠爱)byher.ButthingsbegantochangewhenIwasoldenoughtogotoschool.Motherbecameseriousandstrictwithme.WhenIdidsomethingwrong,shescoldedmeseriously.Astimewenton,thingswentfrombadtoworse.WhenIwastenyearsold,myyoungerbrothercametotheworld.ItbroughthappinesstoMother,andIfeltgladtoo.ButIcam...  相似文献   

Keratinophilic fungi are an ecologically important group of fungi that cycle one of the most abundant and highly stable animal proteins on earth —keratin. This article briefly explains how to isolate and identify them, the process of keratin degradation, and the ecological role of this important but unnoticed group of minute keratin cycling machines present in soil. We believe that Indian soil contains many more such fungi which have not been isolated and we hope this article will create interest among students to isolate and study these interesting fungi.  相似文献   

“土豪,我们做朋友吧!”近日,这句话在网上疯传。“土豪”一词逐渐成为人们谈论的话题。“土豪”本意是指地方上有钱有势的家族或个人,或特指乡间有钱有势的恶霸。那么,网络世界中的“土豪”是什么样的呢?让我们一起了解一下吧!  相似文献   

人物:D——Dad H——Hamburger M——Mike 道具:角色头饰、几个盘子、几张汉堡图片 场景:Mike放学回到家,来到厨房……  相似文献   

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