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马杰  杨晶晶 《考试周刊》2007,(12):15-16
近年来,高校毕业生未就业人数逐年增加,出现国外一度流行的“NEET”(Not in Education,Employment or Training缩写)族。上世纪80年代的英美国家开始关注“NEET”族,90年代日本  相似文献   

“NEET现象”最早出现于20世纪90年代末的英国,是Not in Education,Employment orTraining的缩写,意指在结束学校教育以后,那些不升学、不工作,也无接受职业培训意愿的、处于15至34岁年龄段的失业人群,后陆续被日本等国引用并说明进入21世纪以来迅速扩大的年轻人失业、无业和不就业现象。近年来被我国媒体称为“啃老族”或“傍老族”的出现正是NEET现象在我国的反映,是呈日益扩大化趋势的青年就业问题的一种表现。能否客观地解读这一现象,是寻求解决办法的关键。与“NEET现象”论者的理性和客观不同,“啃老族”或“傍老族”论内含了…  相似文献   

"NEET现象"最早出现于20世纪90年代末的英国,是Not in Education,Employment or Training的缩写,意指在结束学校教育以后,那些不升学、不工作,也无接受职业培训意愿的、处于15至34岁年龄段的失业人群,后陆续被日本等国引用并说明进入21世纪以来迅速扩大的年轻人失业、无业和不就业现象.近年来被我国媒体称为"啃老族"或"傍老族"的出现正是NEET现象在我国的反映,是呈日益扩大化趋势的青年就业问题的一种表现.  相似文献   

孩子不就业已成家长心病,教育缺陷造就“NEET族”,我们不愿聘用这样的人,NEET族大多身无长技,总不就业会与社会脱节  相似文献   

Oversea国际   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国NEET族人数近百万 韩国职业能力开发院于IO月14日发表的《青年无业者状况调查报告》称,2003~2008年,韩国青年中NEET(啃老)族已经由83万人增加到了近百万,而与此同时,积极寻找工作的失业者人数则由48万人减少到40万人。对此,相关负责人称“NEET族的失业者比非NEET族的失业者就业的可能性要更低,并且就业后其工资水平也很低。”  相似文献   

受新冠疫情冲击,高校毕业生呈现就业去向日益多元化、体制内就业偏好显著增强、就业期望同质化问题突出、“慢就业”和“NEET族”有所增加等现象。新冠疫情对经济和就业影响深远,供给叠加竞争压力倍增,毕业生合法权益维护问题日益凸显。政府、市场、高校三个层面齐抓共管,打好“组合拳”促进高校毕业生稳定就业。  相似文献   

NEET族之家庭教育应因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、NEET族的概念与构成1.NEET族释义“NEET”一词是英语Not in Education,Employment,orTraining的缩写,最早产生于英国,专指那些在义务教育结束以后,既不升学也不工作,也不参加职业培训的年轻人。目前,世界上许多国家和地区均有类似情形。出现了20多岁的成年人仍让自己父“母养活”的现象,美国将他们称“为归巢小孩”(Boomerang Kids),日本、台湾叫他们尼特(NEET)族,而在中国大陆则称他们为“啃老族”。①在英国“,NEET”主要存在于16岁~18岁年龄段,约占总数的10%②,而且大部“分NEET”的受教育程度都不高。在美国,按照美国…  相似文献   

日益扩大的大学生"新失业群体"及其心理健康问题与中国高等教育、与社会和谐稳定都是深刻关联的,是一个有别于西方和日本的有"中国特色"的问题,由此形成中国"NEET"研究的新视点。  相似文献   

体面式就业是实现体面劳动、社会保障、劳动保护、尊严尊重等四大目标的就业活动.大学生就业问题不但关系到毕业生自身价值的实现及其家庭的切身利益,而且还关系到高等教育的健康发展和社会的和谐与稳定.当前的问题是大学生“NEET”队伍越来越庞大;大学生“非正规就业”越来越多,无法“体面”起来.高校应该创新工作,既要培养在校的学生,又要关心走出学校的校友一辈子的成长;高校对毕业生就业,应该起主导作用,不仅要积极联系用人单位而且要监督用人单位兑现体面式就业的四大目标,对有损毕业生权利的要帮助其维权、申诉.  相似文献   

高校毕业生“NEET”族的透视与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校毕业生未就业人数的增加,"NEET"族的涌现带来了新的社会问题.对此,我们应加强关注和管理,为未就业毕业生提供切实的服务、指导与教育.  相似文献   

大学毕业生“啃老族”的出现是个人、家庭、社会因素等综合作用的结果。解决大学毕业生“啃老族”问题,除了大学毕业生自身要转变就业观念、提高竞争力外,还需要家长转变教育方式,学校改革教育教学模式,政府加强宏观调控和进行制度改革,为大学毕业生提供良好的社会环境。  相似文献   

近年来"啃老族"现象日益演变成复杂的社会问题,"啃老族"的出现是传统亲子家庭教育观,学校教育理念偏差和社会因素等一系列因素作用的结果;转变不合理的社会化模式,强化政府的责任,转变青年就业观念,可以为消化"啃老族"问题提供支撑。  相似文献   

This article explores the way in which government policy shapes the lives of young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). In particular it examines how the concept of NEETs is set within a specific infrastructure and discourse for managing and supporting young people. The article provides a brief history of the NEET concept and NEET initiatives, before moving on to scrutinise the policies of the Coalition Government. A key distinction is made between those policies and practices that seek to prevent young people becoming NEET from those that seek to re-engage those who are NEET. It is argued that the Coalition has drawn on a similar active labour market toolkit to the previous Labour administration, but that this has been implemented with fewer resources and less co-ordination. It concludes that there is little reason to believe that Coalition policy will be any more successful than that of the previous government, and some reason to be concerned that it will lead to young people becoming more entrenched within NEET.  相似文献   

文章主要论述希腊青年(啃老族)在教育、就业和培训的现状,着重探讨希腊受经济危机和持续萧条的影响下青年失业和啃老族问题.从希腊青年和啃老族的教育水平、受培训情况、失业问题和社会弱势的现状出发,分析了希腊人贫困代际传递现象、生存战略和青年与啃老族的生活历程.  相似文献   

上海“啃老族”的现状与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球金融危机的到来,我国青年人就业形势愈来愈严峻,啃老族已经形成一支庞大的队伍,带来许多社会问题和消极影响。本文从四方面来分析啃老族的现状,并从家庭教育和就业指导方面进行了对策分析。  相似文献   

Background: The UK, like most countries across Europe and other advanced economies, has experienced an alarming rise in the levels of young people (aged between 16 and 24 years) who are detached from both the labour market and the education and training system. In the UK, there are nearly a million 16–24-year-olds who are recorded as being not in education, employment or training (NEET). For governments throughout Europe, the need to address high levels of youth unemployment and social disengagement has become an urgent priority. As a result, policy-makers are faced with the challenge of developing effective interventions to prevent these levels being sustained over the longer term, with potential scarring effects on successive generations, and concomitant economic and social impacts.

Purpose: This paper will inform the development of policy and practice targeted at NEET prevention and reintegration of those young people who have become NEET, with suggestions for areas to be addressed and methods and mechanisms which might be incorporated into programme implementation. The paper highlights gaps in our knowledge and understanding of the size, characteristics and geographical distribution of young people in the NEET group in England, and questions the continued relevance of the term ‘NEET’ to capture youth disengagement.

Sources of evidence: After drawing on Europe-wide data to present a picture of the scale of youth unemployment throughout the continent, official UK data are used to drill down to specific issues which are the focus of the piece, in particular, the regional disparities in the size of the group whose destination is ‘unknown’. This is discussed in the context of a range of literature relating to the emergence of the term ‘NEET’ and the characteristics of the NEET group. A review of current policy intervention in England to tackle the NEET ‘problem’ is also presented.

Main argument: This paper will suggest that the implementation of effective policy interventions to address the ‘NEET’ issue is highly problematic, due to three overriding concerns. These are: (a) a lack of clarity in the definition of this group in England; (b) inadequacies in determining with any precision how many under-18s there are in this group, or where they are located, leading to large numbers whose post-education destination is ‘unknown’; and (c) misguided stereotyping of NEET young people’s behaviour, attitudes and aspirations. These problems have partly been exacerbated by budget cuts and changes to guidance and support services, as well as inadequacies in mapping and tracking systems.

Conclusions: The paper concludes with recommendations that policy development must, in the first instance, be underpinned by robust and reliable data about the size and composition of the group, derived from impartial, independent mapping and tracking services. Furthermore, policies designed to reduce the NEET population should include measures which tackle NEET prevention, re-engagement strategies for the hardest to reach groups and active labour market policies for the young unemployed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on findings from a three-year ethnographic study of 24 young people in northern England who were classified as not in education, employment or training (NEET), or at risk of becoming so. Drawing on conceptions of opportunity structure and educational marginality, the paper discusses the processes leading to young people becoming NEET after leaving school. It presents findings concerning the family backgrounds, school experiences, and educational attainment of participants, and traces their initial post-16 destinations and their pathways to NEET status. Although most participants did not become NEET immediately after leaving school, restricted labour market opportunities and a lack of high-quality education and training for middle- and low-attaining young people exacerbated social and educational disadvantage. Over time, participants became increasingly restricted to marginal forms of learning. The paper argues that a focus on opportunity structures provides a powerful way of understanding these processes, and that alongside sustained NEET status, educational marginality should be of equal concern to policy makers.  相似文献   

"NEET"是"Not in Education,Employment or Training"的缩写,指既没有正式工作,也没有在学校里上学,更没有去接受职业技能培训的人。近几年,在经济发达地区的城郊农村出现越来越多的NEET人员,这不利于城郊农村持续发展。该文结合对浙江部分地区的调查,提出城郊农村NEET人员的社会化过程中家庭、学校、同龄群体、大众媒介这几个外界环境因素共同作用,造成其文化目标与制度化手段不匹配,导致这几年"城郊"这个区位出现NEET族。  相似文献   

"啃老"与就业之间的关系,已成为全社会关注的公平与效率问题。既有研究对"啃老"的界定尚无共识,厘清"啃老"与大学生就业之间关系的研究更是凤毛麟角。"啃老"表现为"啃钱财"、"啃劳力"、"啃关系"三种类型;它通过就业成本、就业观念、就业能力三个方面影响大学生初次职业选择,并受到社会、学校和家庭三种环境的调节作用。本研究在...  相似文献   

This report provides a summary of findings from an ethnographic study of work‐based learning provision for 16–18‐year‐olds who would otherwise fall into the UK Government category of not in education, employment or training (NEET). The research project took place in the north of England during 2008–2009, and investigated the biographies, experiences and aspirations of young people and practitioners working on Entry to Employment (E2E) programmes in four learning sites. The detailed research findings are reported in four papers covering the conceptual background to E2E, and the experiences of learners, tutors and Connexions personal advisers involved with the programme. This report highlights and synthesises some of the key issues raised by these papers and looks ahead to a three‐year longitudinal study of NEET young people which is intended to continue and extend this work, providing an opportunity to follow this group during a period of far‐reaching economic and political change.  相似文献   

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