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随着经济的发展,社会对高中教学的要求越来越高,教师的压力不断增加,部分教师产生了职业倦怠情绪。高中是学生发展的转折点,成绩的好坏影响学生以后的成长,部分学生的学习压力非常大。因此,解决教师的职业倦怠和缓解学生的学习压力是高中班主任工作的当务之急。  相似文献   

高中教师的心理健康受到诸多因素的影响,职业压力是重要的影响因素之一。职业压力不仅影响着高中教师的工作效率、生活质量、身心健康,还会通过教学对高中生的身心健康产生影响。本研究分析高中教师职业压力的内涵和研究现状,并从教师、学校、社会三个角度提出应对高中教师职业压力的对策。  相似文献   

在文献研究基础上,依据权威量表对高中、初中、小学106名教师进行问卷调查。结果表明,影响教师工作压力前5位因素依次是工作时间太长、让学生满意、学校考核、让学生家长满意、工作太单调乏味。教师工作压力影响源在学校类别上有差异,但与年龄、职务、任教年级、婚姻状况关系不大。教师工作压力影响源与教师工作敬业度之间不存明显线性关系,他们之间可能有其他中间变量,如对教育工作意义认识、教师工作职业声望等。教师、学校、家长、社会都应为教师缓解工作压力做出努力。  相似文献   

高中的学习激烈紧张,学生要有良好的心理素质才能更好地适应高中的学习生活。高中是学生学习的关键时期,现在很多学生进入高中后,由于学习压力骤然增大,各方面压力增多,以至于不少学生的心理出现了苦闷、焦虑、急躁,学习效率不高、情绪不稳定等不良反应。如不及时排解必将严重影响学生的学习和身心健康,所以教师有必要对学生进行心理健康专题教育,  相似文献   

郑铁刚  王茹 《辽宁教育》2014,(12):35-36
正时至今日,教师已经成为职业倦怠的高发人群,高中教师群体尤为明显,这已是一个不争的事实。高中教师面对的是个体差异越来越大的学生、复杂度越来越强的教学任务、家长的过度要求、社会的过高期望等诸多方面的压力。长时间处于高压力情境下的高负荷工作,会损耗教师的工作热情,从而导致教师自身的倦怠感。这不仅会影响到教师自身的身心健康和职业发展,还会对其教育对象——高中生的成长和发展会产生极大的负面影响。高中生正处于青春  相似文献   

在文献研究基础上,依据权威量表对高中、初中、小学共计106名教师进行问卷调查。结果表明,影响教师工作压力前5位因素依次是工作时间太长、让学生满意、学校考核、让学生家长满意、工作太单调乏味。教师工作压力影响源在学校类别上有差异,但与年龄、职务、任教年级、婚姻状况关系不大。教师工作压力影响源与教师工作敬业度之间不存在明显线性关系,他们之间可能有其他中间变量,如对教育工作意义认识、教师工作职业声望等。教师、学校、家长、社会都应为教师缓解工作压力做出努力。  相似文献   

随着新高考改革的全面推进,高中教师作为直面新高考改革的主群体,在教育教学过程中面临新问题和新挑战,高中教师适应性发展成为关乎新高考改革成效的重要因素。基于个人-环境匹配理论构建教师适应性分析模型,结果表明:高中教师对新高考背景下教师适应性发展的整体评价较高;不同性别、所在学校、学位、职称、从教科目的高中教师对新高考背景下教师适应性发展认知具有明显差异;压力适应成为影响高中教师适应性发展的关键要素;压力适应→知识适应、压力适应→组织适应呈现正弱相关。新高考改革深化期,推动高中教师适应性发展,应从树立终身学习理念、优化教师评价机制、加强数字技术赋能、提高高考改革认同等方面积极干预。  相似文献   

教师职业压力的研究无论是国外的还是国内的,基本上都是把中小学教师作为整体研究对象,对特定群体教师(尤其是高中教师)的职业压力的研究较少,这难以揭示出特定群体教师职业压力的特点。通过深层次地分析影响高中教师职业压力的因素,提出了缓解高中教师职业压力的对策和建议。旨在让全社会都来关心教师的生存和发展问题,关注教师的情感、态度和价值观在教育活动中的影响,真正实现教师自身的价值。  相似文献   

现代信息技术与高中课堂教学的整合受到多方面因素的制约.现代信息技术多维化的内容呈现方式,有效缓解高考带给教师和学生的压力,提高学生学习的积极性.通过对此优势的分析,提出高中课堂可以通过加强教师教育技术的能力培养,发挥教师的主导作用,加强硬件建设、开发软件资源等方法,逐步有效地实现信息技术与高中课堂教学的有效整合.  相似文献   

对于学生刚刚升入高中之后,英语学习方向面临的问题就是词汇量剧增、语法知识难度加大,特别是由于高中教师相比于初中教师更倾向于英文授课,导致学生在课堂学习中听不懂、跟不上、适应不了,使学生在心理上、精神上产生巨大压力,如果没有处理好,将对学生的英语学习产生极为不利的影响。本文从维持和激发学生学习兴趣和学习信心的角度谈如何促使学生顺利实现初中向高中英语的过渡。  相似文献   

在从精英转向大众教育的过程中,云南普通高中教育并不能完全适应规模的增大。云南普通高中教育在转向大众化教育过程中的主要困境为:办学资源失衡,学校发展两极化;学生参差不齐,上学动机多元化;教师观念滞后,教育不变应万变。  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop an instrument, named the inquiry-based laboratory classroom environment instrument (ILEI), for assessing senior high-school science students’ preferred and perceived laboratory environment. A total of 262 second-year students, from a senior-high school in Taiwan, were recruited for this study. Four stages were included in the development of the ILEI: (1) item formulation, (2) content validation, (3) construct validation and (4) reliability calculation. The study revealed that the ILEI was valid and reliable. Most students showed a preference for a student-directed and teacher-guided hybrid learning environment. The development of the ILEI is likely to help researchers and teachers to more effectively understand student views of the laboratory classroom environment. Our profound hope is to utilise ILEI to improve teachers’ assessment and students’ learning in inquiry-based laboratory classroom environments.  相似文献   


In response to the leaky STEM pipeline, particularly for girls, many schools have introduced integrated STEM (iSTEM) programs to enable students to solve problems using skills from each STEM area and hopefully enhance their interest in continuing with STEM subjects in senior-high school and university. We investigated whether gender differences in students’ perceptions of classroom emotional climate and attitudes to STEM depend on whether students are undertaking iSTEM projects as part of a multidisciplinary curriculum (S, T, E and M) or unidisciplinary curriculum (S, T, E or M) and also whether they attend a government or nongovernment coeducational school. The sample consisted of 256 students in 24 coeducational grade 7–9 classes in 8 government schools and 157 students in 12 coeducational grade 7–10 classes in 6 nongovernment schools. Whereas boys were significantly more positive than girls in perceptions of clarity, motivation, consolidation and attitudes to iSTEM in coeducational government schools, there were no significant gender differences in coeducational nongovernment schools. Students of both genders in government schools were significantly more positive about all aspects of classroom emotional climate and attitudes than students of both genders in nongovernment schools, even after controlling for socioeconomic status. Also, females were slightly more positive about classroom emotional climate and in their attitudes in multidisciplinary STEM classes in government schools. This study suggests that multidisciplinary STEM classes could motivate girls to pursue STEM subjects in senior-high school and at university.


顾彬彬  杨小微 《中学教育》2011,8(1):42-47,41
高中文理分科问题正引起社会的热切关注.本文从对高中文理分科的百年历史回顾和其与高考改革及课程改革的纵横经纬中,分析文理分科问题演变的过程和纠结的性质.通过国际比较,提出高中文理分科应该超越分不分科的争论,在理念上从分科施教转向分类育人;并应在终身教育的关照下,重新思考高中教育在人生发展中的意义,重新反思高等教育与高中教...  相似文献   

General impressions suggest that public school teachers are paid higher salaries than private school teachers. Indeed, the evidence is consistent with this general impression. But why the difference? Do public school teachers have better qualifications? Are private schools better places in which to work, and are they able to pay lower wages for comparable teachers? Do public and private schools even operate in the same market for teaching personnel? Are those individuals who seek employment in the private school sector from the same population as those seeking public school employment? What part does the ownership structure of the school play in the determination of teacher compensation? It is the purpose of this paper to provide some insights into these and related questions about the patterns of variation in compensation of public and private school teachers. Our findings reveal that public school teachers earn more than teachers in non-public schools. Teachers in parochial schools are the lowest paid, while teachers in non-sectarian private schools are the highest paid among non-public school teachers. There appear to be structural differences in the patterns of wage variation between the different sectors. Public school teachers possess greater quantities of those characteristics that are valued in the market than non-public school teachers. Non-public school teachers sacrifice between 10 and 40% of the public school teacher salary to work in the non-public sector (depending on the type of school within the non-public sector) and they are aware of their sacrifice. Organizational and ownership structure of the school also appears to make a difference in salaries, with profit-making schools being among the lowest paying, second only to parochial schools.  相似文献   

采用Ryff心理幸福感量表对河北省288名高校教师和506名中学教师进行问卷调查,探讨河北省高校教师与中学教师心理幸福感的现状及其差异,研究结果表明河北省高校教师和中学教师的心理幸福感总体水平较高,中学教师的自主性和积极关系水平显著高于高校教师.  相似文献   

为了解安徽省乡村中小学教师心理资本的现状及其影响因素,采用中小学教师心理资本问卷,对1 228名安徽省乡村中小学教师进行测试。结果表明:安徽省乡村中小学教师心理资本处于中上水平;性别、年龄、教龄、学历是影响乡村中小学教师心理资本的个体因素;职务、学校属性是影响乡村中小学教师心理资本的工作因素。因此,有必要重点培养和提升女教师、青年教师、高中教师和高学历教师的心理资本水平,促进乡村教育事业的快速发展。  相似文献   

This study utilises a unique school based survey of public, private and Public Partnership Programme (PPP) schools in Punjab, Pakistan to identify the correlates of: teacher behaviour in the classroom, teacher content knowledge mastery, and teacher pay. The study finds that private school teachers are associated with lower classroom observation scores than public school teachers, and both private and PPP school teachers are less likely to exhibit content knowledge mastery in Urdu than public school teachers (however, this is not the case for math and English). Public school teachers recruited after the introduction of test-based teacher recruitment are 30 percentage points more likely to demonstrate math content knowledge mastery than teachers recruited prior to test-based recruitment. The study also finds evidence of a pay gap between male and female teachers in both public and PPP schools after controlling for other characteristics. Teachers’ math content knowledge scores were found to be statistically significant correlates of teacher pay for private school teachers, but not for PPP or public school teachers. For female PPP school teachers, having higher academic qualifications is associated with higher wages however, this is not the case for male teachers in these schools.  相似文献   

The main aim of this research is to examine teachers’ opinions about functions of school rules, reasons for rule-breaking and results of rule-breaking in relation to their locus of control, gender, age, seniority and branch. 350 public elementary school teachers in Ankara are included in the correlational survey model study. According to the teachers, the main function of school rules is to “provide regularity”. Classroom teachers find school rules more functional than branch teachers. Teachers with internal locus of control find school rules more functional than externals and junior teachers find school rules more functional than senior teachers. The main reason for teachers’ rule-breaking is “being uninvolved in rulemaking process”. When teachers do not follow school rules, they come across with cold behaviours of the school administrators.  相似文献   

目的 了解海南省小学教师心理健康状况。方法 运用SCL-90量表对海南省291名小学教师进行心理健康状况调查。结果 海南小学教师的心理健康水平低于国内一般成年人;男女教师心理健康状况表现出不同特点;毕业班科任教师心理健康状况不如非毕业班教师;少数民族地区教师心理健康水平较汉族地区教师高;城市教师心理健康水平比乡村的低。结论 要想培养身心健康发展的人,就必须重视小学教师的心理健康问题。  相似文献   

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