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启事:因版面安排不下,本期阅读E篇是接第10期高考试题的阅读,而原第10期高考试题阅读E篇是接第9期高考试卷的阅读。特此声明。ELast year m y six-grader daughter,Elizabeth,w as forced to put up w ith science.H er education,w eek after w eek,contained m indless m em orization of big w ords like“batholith”and“saprophyte”.She learned by heart the achievem ents of fam ous sci-entists w ho did things like“im proved nuclear fusion(核聚变)”-never m ind that shehasn't the least idea of w hat nuclear fusio… 相似文献
本栏目将把2006年各地高考试卷做一盘点,并加以解释和点评。本期聚焦2006高考江苏卷。(1-20听力题)省略。单项选择21.—I think I’ll give Bob a ring.—Y ou_______.Y ou haven’t been in touch w ith him for ages.A.w ill B.m ay C.have to D.should22.M y m ost fam ous relative of all,_______w ho really left his m ark onA m erica,w as R eb Sussel,m y great-grandfather.A.one B.the one C.he D.som eone23.—I don’t suppose the police know w ho did it.—W ell,surprisingly they do.A m an has been arrested a… 相似文献
本栏目将把2006年各地高考试卷做一盘点,并加以解释和点评。本期聚焦2006福建高考卷。(1一2。听力题)省略。单项选择2 1.一Wl飞。ealled nle this mormrig when ealling_Robert. w书out?一A nian A.11jln Bhi皿心C.his D.不填22.LOokout!Don’t get too elose to the house_roof 15 under代- p血. A .whose B.which C.of喇七ieh D.that 23.50叮,呱d缸n.You’d better eome tomorrow beeause it’s—the visit川9 hou几A .dunng B.at C.beyond D.before 24.Ladies and gendemen,Please fasten扣。seat belts.The Plane_. A.take… 相似文献
本期聚焦2005年湖北全国试卷。湖北卷的题型和我省近几年的高考题目一样。 湖北卷的阅读题出得不错。我们从单选题开始介绍。 单项填空: 21.The rePai玲eost a lot,but it’s A .to sPend B .sPent 22.峨Zhen the old man money well一—· C七eing sPent D.sPending _to walk back to his house,the suni朽elf behind the 11〕。un面n. A污tarted:had公rea即hidden C .had started:was hiding had M7aS started;hada】ready hidden starting;hid 23.He was hoPing to 90 abroad but his paren铝 that rhey won’t suPPort 11jlll… 相似文献
万了矿沂本栏目将把2006年各地高考试卷做一盘点,并加以解释和点评。本期聚焦2006湖南高考卷。(1一20听力题)省略。单项选择21.The wild llowers looked like aso丘ora盯ge blanket_the desert. A .eovering B.covered C.eover D.to cover 22.1lles reviewo任44 studies,Ameticann污earehers found thar men and women who ate 0 key foods dally eut the risk of—heart dis亡ase by 76%. A.:;the B.the;:C.:;不填D.不填;: 23.A man carmot smUe like a ehild,_a child sxl宙es with比eyes,while:rnan srr日es初th his liPs alon… 相似文献
本栏目将把2006年各地高考试卷做一盘点,并加以解释和点评。本期聚焦2006湖北高考卷。(1-20听力题)省略。单项选择21.To make members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has toknow their________and weaknesses.A.strengths B.benefits C.techniques D.values22.One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to________healthy eatinghabits.A.grow B.develop C.increase D.raise23.The________on his face told me that he was angry.A.impression B.sight C.appearance D.expression24.At the meeting they… 相似文献
本栏目将把2006年各地高考试卷做一盘点,并加以解释和点评。本期聚焦2006广东高考卷。(1-20听力题)省略。单项选择21.—Andrew won't like it,you know.—__?I don't care what Andrew thinks! A.So what B.So where C. So why D.So how 22.—Must he come to sign this paper himself?—Yes,he__. A.need B.must C.may D.will 23.I thought she was famous,but none of my friends have__heard of her. 相似文献
彭长礼 《数理化学习(高中版)》2013,(8):28-30
解决力学实验问题的关键有三点,首先是应该从基本实验原理、实验器材、操作步骤、实验结论的表达方式等方面着手,加强对实验的一般思想及方法的理解与运用.其次是掌握常规实验的数据处理方法,作图法应用较多,用作图法处理数据的优点是直观、简便,能有效地减少偶然误差对测量结果的影响.由图线的斜率、截距、所包围面积和图线的交点等可以研究物理量之间的变化及其关系,对此应多加训练,熟练掌握.再次是能将课本中分组实验和演示实验的实验原理、实验方法迁移到新的背景中,深刻理解物理概念和规律,并能灵活运用.下面就 相似文献
考查点1 受力分析、平衡条件及牛顿运动定律的应用 例1(天津理综第1题)物块静止在固定的斜面上,分别按图示的方向对物块施加大小相等的力F,A中F垂直于斜面向上,B中睡直于斜面向下,C中F竖直向上,D中F竖直向下,施力后物块仍然静止,则物块所受的静摩擦力增大的是( ). 相似文献
函数是高中数学的主线,也是高考考查能力的重要素材,以函数为基础编制的考查能力的试题在历年的高考中占有很大的比重,今年也不例外. 相似文献