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The present study was designed to elucidate the ways in which the distribution of school knowledge contributes to processes of cultural and social reproduction. Three schools in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre were studied for this purpose: a private institution serving an upper class clientele; a public school serving children of the middle class; and a public school attended by working‐class children. Two classrooms at each of the three schools were intensively observed during one semester. Teachers and staff were interviewed concerning their pedagogical views.

Patterns of instruction and control observed at the three schools suggest that children from different social classes receive substantially different kinds of schooling. The most obvious distinction in ideological discourse observed among staff members at the three schools concerns the existence of an explicit pedagogy endorsed at the private school and the concomitant absence of any such similar rationale at the other two schools.

The final sections of the paper discuss the implications of these findings for processes of cultural and social reproduction and their relation to relevant literature.  相似文献   

This article focuses on attempts to understand how the curriculum and pedagogy can help to reduce inequalities in the outcomes of schooling between those from higher and lower socio-economic backgrounds. In the 1970s, the author was involved with Michael F.D. Young and others in the development of the so-called 'new' sociology of education. Much of this work entailed laying bare the assumptions underlying the school curriculum and demonstrating how the selection of school knowledge was implicated in the reproduction of social inequalities. During the 1980s in England the curriculum was overtly politicised by the Thatcher government but the interests of sociologists of education moved increasingly away from the sociology of school knowledge to focus instead on the sociology of education policy. This paper identifies a recent tendency on the part of sociologists of education to return to the 'knowledge question'. In particular, it examines Young's own role in this and his attempts to revisit and revise of his earlier position. Contemporary developments in curricular policy in England and Northern Ireland are then outlined and discussed. Finally, the paper considers whether the work of Basil Bernstein, particularly his concepts of classification/framing and recognition/realisation rules, might help us to address one of the prevailing political problems of many modern education systems — the systematic failure of socially disadvantaged pupils to perform well at school.  相似文献   

作业可分为"课堂作业"和"课外作业",而数学课堂作业作为课堂教学不可或缺的环节,承载着"检测即时教学效果、调整课堂教学环节"的功能,对达成教学目标、促进学生发展有着"至关重要"的作用。设计扎实、高效的小学数学课堂作业的策略包括:紧扣目标、夯实基础,让学生实现知识内化;历练思维、激扬智慧,让学生学会数学思考;丰富形式、提升兴趣,让学生体验学习乐趣;分层要求、开放空间,让学生经历个性学习。  相似文献   

“场”是物理学的概念,原指物质存在的一种基本形式,具有能量、动量和质量。事物之间的相互作用是依靠有关的场来实现的。“班级文化”是指班级全体成员或部分成员习得且共同具有的思想观念和行为方式。一个班级一旦形成了一种文化,就必然会在文化与产生这种文化的环境之间存在一个相互作用的范围——“班级文化场”。在同一“班级文化场”中,师生的知识、技能、思想、道德、情感、行为等都是互相影响、互相交融、互相激励、互相渗透的,有利于形成正确的学习态度、良好的学习习惯和统一的、科学的价值判断标准及伦理道德规范。在班级管理中,…  相似文献   

中小学公开课"后台"的功能及其开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公开课是我国基础教育领域广泛采用的、基于教学实践的、最为教师所喜闻乐见的一种形式,在加强教学研究、促进教师专业成长、推广教育理论等方面具有独特价值.同时她备受质疑、争议,如有人认为公开课存在"作秀"或者"作假"现象等.两种截然相悖的立场令人困惑.本文运用拟剧论理论,剖析公开课的"前台"、"后台"的本来面貌,探索其"后台"的基本功能,并提出了功能开发的三种模式.  相似文献   

The work of Ball, Bowe and Gewirtz is probably the most important research to be published on the implications of recent ‘school choice’ reforms in England and Wales. One of their most notable conclusions points to the relationship between social class and school choice. Their conclusions are challenged on methodological grounds. First, it is not clear that their qualitative method can support the generalisation about class and choice which they make. However, even as regards more modest conclusions, difficulties arise with the operationalisation of their concepts. For the details of how particular families are fitted into their analytical framework raises severe problems. This leads to their judgements about the allocation of families to categories being controversial, hence undermining even localised conclusions about social class and school choice. Drawing on this analysis, general lessons are sketched for the conduct of qualitative research and its reporting to the research community.  相似文献   

Some feminists have argued that a woman's class position should be determined by her own employment and work history, whereas Goldthorpe has argued that the family is the basic unit in class analysis, with the husband's occupation determining the class position of all family members, including the wife's. Goldthorpe denies that this position is an example of gender bias, claiming that class and gender inequality are separate issues. This paper argues that gender and class inequality are strongly interconnected, by virtue of the importance of the work in child‐rearing carried out by the wife‐mother and its effects on the child's scholastic achievements and life chances. It shows that within‐family processes are more important than class position in affecting children's scholastic achievements. It further argues that children's family environments are affected by the biographies of both parents. The institutional separation of the family, schooling and the work‐place means that there will be great variability in the biographies of parents who are in the same ‘class position’ by virtue of their occupations. The notion of a single indicator of ‘class position’ therefore seems inappropriate, and too static for the complex institutional relationships involved.  相似文献   

沈燕琴 《天津教育》2021,(11):31-32,35
小学生的成长是与国家和社会的发展息息相关的,更是每个家庭关注的重心。作为教育工作者,对小学生的成长和教育管理拥有不可推卸的责任。我们需要充分发挥创新思维,既要对学生有关怀和厚爱,也要对学生保持严格要求。如此才能真正发挥班级管理的作用,让小学生成长为时代需要的良好少年。  相似文献   

关于高校扩招是否合理的争论,已成为高等教育政策的一个争论焦点。从社会再生产过程这一分析角度入手,从生产、分配、交换、消费的相互关系来分析高校扩招现象的成因、存在问题,才能找到相应的对策。  相似文献   

新课改要求课堂教学能做到认知与情感的和谐统一,要实现这个目标,作为社会教师在课堂教学中,应该做到:依托教材步入和谐;创设情境感受和谐;动手操作尝试和谐;体验角色促进和谐;课堂民主共享和谐.  相似文献   

在回顾西方有关舒适物与城市经济发展关系文献的基础上,提出了分析社会不平等的新视角,即:从社会学角度来探讨城市内部舒适物的配置和摄取的公平与平等问题.澄清了舒适物的概念,对舒适物进行了分类,并指出住房连带是摄取集体舒适物的一种独特的竞争方式.并从住房连带的视角出发,以广州大学城为例解释了集体舒适物的配置和摄取上的社会不公平现象.  相似文献   

随着课程改革的不断深入,教师教的方式在逐渐改变,学生也改变了学习的方式,但是无论如何,化学学科究其根本是考查学生思维过程的学科,而教师无论采取什么样的方式教都是为了培养学生的思维能力。基于此,针对化学课程的特点,利用"三多课堂"模式,对初中化学教学中使用"三多课堂"的问题进行初步探究,以期进一步培养学生理论联系实际的能力和综合分析的能力,真正实现教育教学为学生的终身发展服务。  相似文献   

本文针对当前初中英语教学重笔头、轻口头,学生口语交际能力弱的问题,探索Mini-play,即"课始短剧"在初中英语课堂教学中的运用,旨在提高学生的英语口语表达能力及表现力,构建高效、生动的初中英语课堂。  相似文献   

Sociology has long recognized the centrality of the body in the reciprocal construction of individuals and society, and recent research has explored the influence of a variety of social institutions on the body. Significant research has established the influence of social class, child‐rearing practices, and variable language forms in families and children. Less well understood is the influence of children's social class status on their gestures, comportment, and other bodily techniques. In this essay Sue Ellen Henry brings these two areas of study together to explore how working‐class children's bodies are shaped by the child‐rearing practices associated with their social class status, and the potential effects these bodily techniques have on their experience in schools.  相似文献   

我国于20世纪60年代初期提出的基础知识和基本技能的“双基”教育产生了深远的影响,目前一些地区中考语文试卷的“基础知识”部分就是典型的体现。中考承担着九年义务教育的终结性评价和为高中及其他高级中等学校选拔学生的任务,这评价和选拔的双重功能决定了中考至关重要,越来越引起更多的关注。因为它不仅是我国公民基本素质的体现,也是未来各方面专业人才素质的基础,而且对于九年义务教育具有决定意义的导向作用。在这样的背景下来关照近些年来的中考语文试题“基础知识”问题,对于目前正在进行的语文教育改革至关重要。一处于…  相似文献   

黄石生 《天津教育》2021,(11):134-135
小学数学“综合与实践”活动课堂学习行为关键要素可聚焦为思维、综合、合作、实践、表达、反思。围绕这6种关键行为构建的课堂,应以学生为主体,内容突出综合,彰显数学课程本质;活动突出实践,发展学生应用意识;重视表达反思,从课堂延伸课外。  相似文献   

“培养什么样的人”是教育首先要回答的问题,关涉教育目的。从“谁的知识”以及“什么知识”两个维度探讨课程知识的价值取向,课程知识既要满足个体发展的价值追求,同时也应保有社会价值。课程知识应以彰显“有尊严”“包容性”“可生成性”等为基点,建立“个体经验”与“社会经验”发生互动的教育场景,才能将知识内化为内在品质,从而实现个体发展,促进社会的发展,也才能充分体现教育的价值。  相似文献   

初中科学课程学习的目的是培养学生科学素养的启蒙课程,其理念最基本的一条就是学习初中科学应该具有开放性。因此,教师在教学中应对科学课进行拓展,把学生置于更广阔的学习背景当中,帮助学生了解这个奇妙的世界,从而使学生产生科学思维,丰富学生的学习生活。  相似文献   

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