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A For most Americans, a clean glass of wa-ter is just a faucet (水龙头) away. But for many of the world’s poorest citizens, a small safe drink is no short trip to the tap. On Wednesday,the United Nations (UN) marked World Water Day by committing to cut the number of people without drinking water— 1 billion hum an beings worldwide—in half. Over the next decade, the UN will work with governments around the globe to reduce the shortages. With no clean water on hand, many peo-ple turn to using water sources that a...  相似文献   

Spring Is Coming     
一、小辣椒走迷宫南方的春天,是多雨的季节。小辣椒要走过迷宫,找到自己的雨伞,你来帮帮她吧!请按照提示要求走。It'sraining.Chilicannotfindherumbrella(雨伞).Pleasehelpchilifindherumbrella.Pointout(提示):sunnycloudyrainy二、小辣椒画了一个天气变化图,你来填填天气名称。sunnycloudyrainywindythunderbolt①________②________③________④________⑤________三、笑一笑Arealmouse?真是老鼠吗?Canyoudoit?你能做到吗?①②③⑤④Spring Is Coming@赵玉兰…  相似文献   

“hot”(热)是一个简单、易懂的单词。“H”“O”“T”三个字母的组合像一口锅架在灶台上 ,中间的“O”是锅。 hot water(热水),hot milk(热牛奶),very hot(很热)这种构词方式很像中文的构词方式。但是对于hot potato,我们可不能望文  相似文献   

1.You could help clean up the city parks.(P60)你可以帮忙打扫城市公园。clean up意为“打扫”、“整理”。例如:She is cleaning up the kitchen now.她现在正在打扫厨房。另外,它还有“梳洗”、“(俚)大捞一笔”的意思。例如:Wait a minute.IAll have to clean up.等一下,我要梳洗一下。He cleaned up in the stock market last year.去年他在股票市场大捞了一笔。注意它和clean down的区别,clean down的意思是“彻底清洗”。例如:Please clean down the wall.请把墙壁清洗干净。2.We canAt put off making a plan.(P62)制定计划…  相似文献   

(一)一本书就像一件湿淋淋的衣服,请拧干它的水吧!拧出的水越多,说明你的知识越渊博,思想越深刻,对事物的穿透力越强。如果这一过程,在很短的时间内迅速完成,那你就是天才。(二)打开经典,是与历史老人对话。一个只读名著的人,不可能切准时代的脉搏。一只眼睛细琢经典,一只眼睛盯住时代的弄潮儿——文化的最新发展。这  相似文献   

小辣椒在美丽的南海潜水,看到海里有很多漂亮的海洋生物。一起来看看吧!另外,小辣椒还有个小问题考考你:Why do fish live in water?(鱼为什么在水里生活?)shark鲨鱼dolphin海豚whale鲸鱼fish小鱼sea horse海马crab海蟹lobster龙虾starfish海星EY:Cats can,t swim.猫不会游泳。whaledolphincrab蓝色的海洋@Lucy  相似文献   

正一课前谈话,引出"云"师:上课之前,老师带大家认识一个小朋友(课件出示一朵白云),谁来跟他打个招呼?生:小云朵,你好啊!你看起来很高兴哦!师:是呀,来到课堂,看到这么多小朋友,小云朵能不高兴嘛!这个小云朵啊,会变魔术哦!请你用一句话说说你看到了什么。(课件出示各种卡通云的图片)生:白云变成了七只小绵羊。生:两个小朋友坐在白云羊上,正在游玩呢。生:白云上建起了美丽的房子。生:一个小男孩坐在白云上在大海里钓鱼。生:几个小朋友用白云做成了秋千。  相似文献   

Here's some water 这儿是水, For you to wet your facel 用来润湿你的睑。 Here's some soap 这儿是香皂, For you to clean your body!  相似文献   

There has been a severe lack of rain and snow on the East Coast of the United States. The amount of rain and snow that has fallen in the states from Maine (缅因州) to Florida has been far below normal. The lack rain or snow is called a drought. The East Coast states are suffering an unusual drought this winter. Some areasreceived only a small percentage of the rain they normally receive. And the drought has continued into the winter. Normally, drought conditions happen during hot summer weather. Ground water supplies usually increase in the winter and decrease in the spring and summer. Some officials worry  相似文献   

Go Shopping     
小辣椒去超市买水果。超市的水果架上摆着五颜六色的水果,真漂亮!看看小辣椒的篮子里装了哪些水果吧。1.There is a red红的()苹果.2.There is a yellow黄的()菠萝.3.There are som e purple紫的()葡萄.4.There is a green绿的()西瓜.5.There is an()橙子.小辣椒:用彩色水笔将各种水果涂上颜色。闭上眼睛,想一想你记住了几种水果。pineappleappleorangew aterm elon本期卡通形象:waterm elonGo Shopping@袁乐…  相似文献   

听力测试(共20分)Ⅰ.听力(共五节,满分20分)第一节听对话,选图片。(共4小题;每小题1分,满分4分)这一节共有4个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。请你根据听到的内容,从A、B、C三张图片中选出与对话内容相符的图片,并将其字母代码填入题前的括号内。()1.()2.A B C A B C!中学课程辅  相似文献   

(A) (W=Woman; D=Dave) W: Can I help you, please? D: Yes, I!d like something to drink. W: Would you __1__ a bag of milk? D: No, I don!t like milk. W: What about a cup __2__ coffee? D: No. I!d like a glass of water. W: Would you like something to eat, __3__…  相似文献   

A Smart Dog     
A Smart Dog Wilkins was hot and tired, so he went into a small cafe(咖啡馆) for a cold drink. The place was empty except for an old man and a dog. They were both sitting at a table in a corner of the cafe. In front of them was a chessboard. For a moment, …  相似文献   

一、H ello,everyone!过节了,爸爸妈妈会给大家买来好喝的饮料。你懂得怎样“喝”吗?小辣椒告诉大家一首儿歌,Com eon!一起来读吧!water是水淡无味,生水一定要烧开;m ilk牛奶有营养,补钙健身最理想;juice果汁味道甜,维生素C里面含;pop汽水有气泡,喝多伤身不太好;tea是茶香淡淡,喝茶聊天多休闲;coffee咖啡有点苦,味道特别不一般;饮料名词真不少,选好喝好很重要!需要提醒大家的是,无论是哪一种饮料,喝得太多、过量都会引起不适,所以大家千万别贪多!二、脑筋急转弯1.W hy are giraffes the cheapest to feed?为什么养长颈鹿最不花钱?2.W hy a…  相似文献   

Unit 11 Could you please clean your room?1.Give him water and feed him.(P69)给他水喝,并喂他东西吃。feed用作及物动词,意为喂养、饲养。例如:How often do youfeed your dog?你多久给狗喂一次饭?She is feeding a baby with milk.她正在用牛奶喂孩子。feed one's mind意为充实某人的思想。例如:  相似文献   

上次你不是向我借 了8元钱吗? 阂为弓=吕,‘斤,:}.我还 胡一说,这怎么可能 幽 不相信,我可 以证明给你看 今一搜份 因为SX(4一3一l)二SX(4一3一 1),假设4一3一1二。,所以sa=sa.两 边约去a,得5=8_ ! 同学们,请你快从呢呢鸡 的证明中找出错误之处,还花 花猪一个公道:5=8?@黄晋晓~~  相似文献   

It is a fine day today.I go to Switzerland(瑞士)with my family.Switzerland is a beautiful country in Europe(欧洲).Look,the sky is so blue.The trees and grass are so green.I walk in the street.The street is very clean and quiet.I see some small trains in the street.They am very cute.  相似文献   

一、选一选愉快的暑假来了,小辣椒和好朋友准备出去野餐。出发时她会带些什么呢?请你来帮她选一选。1.It'ssunnyoutsideChiliwouldlike_____.A.apairofgloversB.apairofsunglassesC.apairofshoes2.Chiliisveryhot.Shewouldlike_____.A.aniceT-shirtB.ahatC.acoat3.Chiliisveryh  相似文献   

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21~30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。(1)Imagine someone holding a glass full of clean,fresh water and complaining about thirst.Likely you’d suggest  相似文献   

Teacher's Day     
教师节到了,小辣椒和同学们精心准备了小礼物送给老师。看看他们都准备了什么吧!小朋友,请你自己做一张小卡片,用英语写上自己对老师的感谢和祝福。  相似文献   

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