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汉语和印欧语的历史比较是历史语言学的一个新领域。汉语和印欧语尽管分属语言的不同类型、面目迥异,它们的比较却完全与历史比较语言学的基本原则和普遍方法相一致。  相似文献   

思维方式决定了语言表达形式,语言形式的独特之处则体现了人们思维的差异。省略,作为语篇衔接的重要手段之一,毫无疑问能在一定程度证实这两者之间的相互影响。尝试对比浅析著名作家冰心名篇《笑》及其英译本(张培基译)这两语篇中的省略现象,旨在更好地了解思维差异对语篇衔接手段的影响,且也有助于对语言文化本质的理解。  相似文献   

本文针对外语学习中学习者套用母语习惯的倾向,对英汉语定语语序从修饰语和中心语以及多项定语语序两个层面进行对比,从而发现,由于受不同因素的制约,英汉语在定语语序上的主要差异表现为英语定语中结构的多样化和汉语定语中结构的单一化;英语多项定语排序的相对稳定性和汉语的相对灵活性,以便帮助外语教师和翻译工作者提高他们的工作质量.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to study on a more fine-grained level how processing a picture facilitates learning from text. In Experiment 1 (N = 85), results from a drawing task revealed that the global spatial structure of a pulley system picture was extracted even from its brief inspection (for 600 ms, 2 s). In Experiment 2 (N = 105), students who initially inspected the pulley system picture (for 600 ms, 2 s, or self-paced) had better comprehension of the system's functions and made more eye movements in line with the system's global spatial structure when listening to text than students who listened to text only. In Experiment 3 (N = 39), students who first saw the picture (for 2 s) processed written text of the pulley system's spatial structure more efficiently than students who read text only. Results suggest that global spatial information extracted from the picture was used as a mental scaffold to facilitate mental model construction.  相似文献   

从读图时代的到来,结合当代版式设计的发展趋势,对未来书装中版式设计的发展方向进行预测。基于给版式设计注入新活力的自由式和反阅读式两种趋势的分析表明,不管时代怎样发展,先锋艺术总是只合少数人的胃口,而书籍的主要用途是传达信息、阐明道理,因此不论哪类书籍,其版式设计都应与书籍本身的特点相吻合,不能为形式而形式。  相似文献   

In a repeated-measures experimental design,28 college students read and lateranswered questions about specific pieces ofinformation in 2 sets of 4 fictitiousbiographical passages that differed in terms ofthe presence of thematic connections (withtheme or without theme). As hypothesized, thestudents recalled more items from the theme setthan the non-theme set. The positive effect ofthematic connections was strongest for thestudents who exhibited some awareness of theme. In other words, the students who selected thetheme set as the easiest recalled more thanthose who chose the non-theme set as easiest. The students who picked the theme set aseasiest were also more accurate in theirprediction estimates of their theme set recall. Student explanations for why one story set waseasier than the other were predominantly Storyexplanations (referring to characteristics ofthe story) and Order explanations (referring tofactors influenced by set order). Studentsgave different explanations depending on whichstory set they picked as easiest. As expected,the students who picked the non-theme set aseasiest gave relatively few Story explanations. The students reported different patterns ofstrategy use depending upon whether or not theyswitched strategies for the different storysets.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify how objectives influence the organization of the information recalled from text. Three hypotheses were investigated: (1) that objectives affect the sequence of attention to information in text, (2) that they affect the sequence in which information is rehearsed during a review period, or (3) that they serve as a set of cues at retrieval. One hundred college students read objectives either before or after reading a passage (varying the opportunity for objectives to affect the sequence of attention). They then either had or did not have a review period (varying the opportunity to use objectives to sequence rehearsal and also varying the presence of the objectives in memory at the time of retrieval). One hundred more students read the passage in control conditions with objectives available throughout the reading or with no objectives available. Results showed that students given objectives after reading but before a review period had more clustering by objectives in free recall than did those who never saw objectives, supporting the hypothesis that organization by objectives occurs during rehearsal. No evidence was found to support the notion that organization by objectives occurs during encoding or retrieval phases.  相似文献   

文章考察了汉——藏对应和汉——彝对应的核心词汇有阶分布,确定高阶词汇比例大于低阶词汇比例,从而进一步说明汉语和藏语同源以及汉语和彝语同源.也就是说,汉语和藏缅语的同源关系可以得到进一步的确认.  相似文献   

本文通过语言分析比较,阶级分析比较,揭示了法的一般和本质的特征,论述了马克思主义法的本质。  相似文献   

关于俄英双语对比教学的设想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对部分高校俄语专业招收俄英双语制学生的现状,配合“宽基础、高素质、有特长、适应广”的人才培养目标,我们提出俄英双语对比教学的设想。通过对比教学使学生掌握俄英语音、语法、词汇、修辞、语言国情等知识,再通过交际情景发展学生跨化交际的技巧和能力,最终达到语言知识和言语能力的完美结合。这正是我们外语教学的最终目的。  相似文献   

使用TIMSS标准化的内容分析方法对我国《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》的小学部分和目前最为常用的三套小学数学教材及数学教学大纲(2000年修订稿的小学六年制部分)的课程内容进行全面的国际比较发现,我国目标课程在内容选择上与TIMSS高成就国家和地区并无太大出入,相比于TIMSS高成就国家和地区的课程内容分布模式,我国目标课程内容的安排更为聚焦和集中。由于课程标准按照学段对知识内容作出要求,会因为不同的教材而出现不同的分布模式。通过国际比较,为我国目标课程层面的内容设置、改进以及教材编写提供了一个全新的反思和审视的视角。  相似文献   

“新文科”的概念自2018年在教育部“四新”建设中得到明确表述以来,引起了广泛关注。不同学科都重新审视了新时代国家对人文与社会学科建设提出的新命题,试图从人才培养与学科建设的角度加以回答。本身就跨人文与社会的外语学科概莫能外。从“新外语”,到“大外语”,很多专家就外语学科在新时代的新使命提出了自己的见解。本文试图从对“新文科”的解读入手,对“新文科”之“新”对外语学科提出的挑战以及外语学科可能的应对提供自己的思考。  相似文献   

图像的传播更纪实、更便捷,大众传播媒介的广泛参与使之变得更加“受众化”。探究什么是“读图时代”以及“受众”的读图心理,对传播媒体的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper will examine how Japanese education policy was articulated discursively from 1996 to 2010 in the semi-annual speeches of prime ministers to the Diet. It will identify three distinct discourses within these policy statements: a progressive discourse emphasizing the rights of individuals; a neo-liberal discourse of social independence and multi-tracked schooling; and a moral conservative discourse of patriotism and social conformism. In the 1990s, progressive and neo-liberal discourses held sway. Discursively, they were centred on key phrases such as kosei jūshi (“respect for individuality”) and sōzōsei (creativity), which were employed in a strategically ambiguous way to satisfy both progressive and neo-liberal demands. In the 2000s, however, right-wing politicians began to push a moral conservative agenda, which emphasized not the rights of individuals but their subservience to the wider needs of society and state. With neo-liberalism backed by powerful business interests, policymakers had to find a way to reconcile these two conflicting viewpoints discursively. They did this by binding the concept of individuality to traditional notions of Japanese identity and national citizenship, creating a hybrid discourse that attempted to blur the fundamental difference in ideologies.  相似文献   

通过检索"CNKI",分析了1979年至2006年28年来有关比较教育学科体系研究的文献。从研究文献量、研究内容和研究机构三个维度对有关比较教育学科体系的文章进行了内容分析。结果发现:比较教育学科体系研究的文献量增幅大,研究内容依旧是围绕研究范式与比较教育学科建设,比较教育学科体系的本土化研究日益受到关注,对比较教育学科体系进行研究的机构主要集中于高等师范院校、国际与比较教育研究所。  相似文献   

Orthographies vary in the support they provide for word identification based on grapheme-phoneme correspondences. If skills developed in acquisition of first-language (L1) reading transfer to reading English as a foreign language (EFL), the extent to which EFL readers' word identification shows reliance on information other than grapheme-phoneme correspondences could be expected to vary with whether their L1 orthography is a non-Roman alphabet such as Korean hangul or a nonalphabetic (morpho-syllabic) system such as Chinese characters. Another influence could be whether EFL readers have learned to read a morpho-syllabic L1 by means of an alphabetic transliteration. English text reading speeds and oral reading quality ratings of three groups of adult Asian EFL readers attending an American university were compared with those of two groups of American L1 readers: Graduate student peers and eighth-grade students. All EFL groups read more slowly than both groups of L1 readers, and their reading was more impaired when orthographic cues were disrupted by mixed case print or pseudohomophone spellings. Some of these effects were reduced in EFL readers from Hong Kong, who had earlier exposure to English. Contrary to previous findings, no effects could be attributed to type of first orthography or early exposure to alphabetic transliteration of Chinese characters, which differentiated the Taiwanese and Hong Kong groups. As a whole, the results suggest that, at least across the L1 groups studied, differences in EFL word reading are associated less with type of L1 orthography than with history of exposure to English.  相似文献   

中西方管理的现状是有差异的,从不同管理风格的文化背景与传统习俗出发,提出中西方管理培训方法以迎接中国加入世界贸易组织后的新挑战。本文涉及中欧之间的文化差异以及跨文化谈判与管理存在的潜力对比。并从“归属意识”、“文化与宗教”和“管理分析与语言”三方面分析管理培训方法。  相似文献   

论我国近现代外语教育中语言文化意识的民族主体性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外语教学中语言文化意识的民族主体性主要表现在对所学外语的文化性的体认、学习和运用某种外语的意识倾向性、学习外语所形成的新的文化理念。中国在被帝国主义列强的军舰大炮轰开国门之后 ,就迈上了艰难的向外族学习之路。一个多世纪以来 ,我国外语教育中语言文化意识的民族主体性随着综合国力的上升而逐步提高。当今全球化时代为人类共享文明提供了方便 ,但也存在着激烈的语言文化竞争 ,我们提倡一种保存自己又善待他人的平等心态 ,主张在宽容和理解的基础上维护语言文化的多样性和民族平等。  相似文献   

称赞是普遍的社会语言现象,其内容、语言形式和应答模式都受其文化背景的影响,呈现出各自的特点。本文拟从以上三个方面来探讨文化差异对英汉称赞语及应答语的交际影响,从而避免因文化差异而导致的文化冲突。  相似文献   

"理性经济人"假设可以发现语言变迁路向的经济动因,少数民族语言主体的经济理性选择的被动性使语言趋向融合,其主体主动性和个体差异性则维系了语言的多样性。少数民族语言具有多重的资源价值,要界定其语言产权和语言"投资-收益"主体,通过语言投资和开发所形成的语言收益的理性分配来弥补语言主体的语言劣势,保护和开发的理性选择使其融入文化和旅游产业发展中。  相似文献   

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