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This article documents and accounts for important differences in press coverage of sexual harassment in the United States and France. Compared to French press coverage, American reporting on sexual harassment has been much more extensive and more likely to focus on domestic sexual harassment scandals involving political individuals or institutions. This is attributed largely to the American press greater reliance on business, greater journalistic freedom, stronger traditions of investigative journalism, as well as more inclusive legal definitions of sexual harassment. While silent on French scandals, due to global political realities, the French press has reported extensively on American sexual harassment scandals and has been more dismissive of the problems of sexual harassment and (American) feminist activists when reporting on the United States. This article further analyzes how each press has framed the problem of sexual harassment and how such framing varies by story and over time.  相似文献   

邱凌 《编辑之友》2016,(7):108-112
美国纯数字新闻业从2005年起迅速崛起,该行业在新闻理念、采编技术、受众行为、职业技能等方面都在影响和改变着美国的新闻业态.皮尤研究中心从2014年起在新闻业年度报告中对该行业进行单独分析,甚至对“新闻机构”的称谓也引入了“News Outlet”这个新词.鉴于美国纯数字新闻业巨大的商业潜力,一些商业巨头和传统媒体集团不断注入新的投资,但该行业目前两极分化严重,多数是投资大于回报,该行业模式是否会成为新闻业的一个新商业模式尚无定论.  相似文献   

论文通过对美国大学图书馆学术书刊的经济学分析,提出提高经济和社会效益是图书馆建设和发展的永恒主题和奋斗目标,并指出了我国图书馆在强化经济效益、市场经济观念和科学化管理水平等方面存在的问题及努力方向。  相似文献   

美国的"图书馆权利"是具体的多项图书馆"权利"条款和所指,与日本的"图书馆权利"是具体的单项的图书馆"权利"条款和指向以及与中国的"图书馆权利"文本是泛指的图书馆的"权利"的意义和指向是有差别的,我们对"图书馆权利"的理论上要进行全面的细致的认识和理解,并在此基础上进行适度的适合我国国情和图书馆馆情的概括和归纳,使"图书馆权利"的理论认识逐步的明确和清晰.  相似文献   

Scholars have extensively theorized how citizens’ political discussion networks have implications for elected political actors and can affect political and civic participation and knowledge. We shift the focus to another important political actor—corporations—to examine whether political discussion networks affect citizens’ perceptions of a politically involved corporation and their intentions to engage in consumer activism. With social network influence perspective and an egocentric design, we examined the influences of one’s network characteristics, opinion climate, and network heterogeneity. We found that the ethnic diversity of discussion partners and heterogeneity of opinions substantially influenced perceptions and behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

经费问题一直以来都是困扰大学图书馆的一个重要难题,即使是图书馆事业比较发达的美国也不例外。当前的经济危机使美国大学图书馆遭受自20世纪30年代以来最大的冲击:政府预算缩减、捐款持续减少、投资收报率大幅度降低、学术资源不断涨价等。在这种情况下,美国大学图书馆采取了一系列自救措施,在一定程度上缓解了经费不足的困境。研究这一严峻挑战下的美国大学图书馆经费问题及其对策,对我国高校图书馆建设具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Forbidden to censor, and saddled with an undefined (and perhaps undefinable) criterion of the “public interest, convenience and necessity”; for deciding among otherwise‐qualified applicants for a broadcast facility, it is little wonder that the FCC has relied upon a patchwork of precedents and rule‐of‐thumb standards. Possibly because of the uncertainty of these standards, and partly because the staff has not increased in size as greatly as has the workload, the Commission has avoided whenever possible the enlargement of license application hearings to include anyone other than the applicants themselves. Sometimes, however, the courts haven't allowed the FCC to so restrict the number of participants in a hearing, and sometimes the courts have had to remind the Commission that the laboriously accumulated body of administrative practice and precedent is not always the same as the language or purpose of the Communications Act of 1934.

“Economic injury”; is a station owner's concept. It is at the interface of theory and marketplace reality. It is the almost impossible‐to‐prove claim that the establishment of a new station in one's market will so split the available revenues that both stations will fail—or, at least, that both stations will have to operate with substandard (e.g., cheaper) programming, and thus will not serve the public interest. At first, the FCC listened to some of these claims, but soon evolved a policy of avoiding them, by whatever means and reasoning that it could. Over the years, and despite substantial prodding from the courts, the FCC's policy of avoiding this claim has become rigid . . . thus providing us with an excellent and fascinating case study of administrative policy formulation.  相似文献   

以中美两国各10所著名医院为研究对象,采用链接分析方法,通过Altavista搜索引擎得到网站的相关链接指标数据,运用主成分分析法对链接数据进行处理,从而综合评价各家医院网站资源被利用情况。同时,运用T检验进行医院网站各链接指标的差异性分析,根据统计结果找出医院网站存在的问题,并提出相应对策和建议。  相似文献   

本文对国内五种新闻传播学代表性期刊1996-2005年发表的网络传播研究论文进行实证分析,将十年来中国大陆网络传播研究划分为三个阶段,总结各阶段发展与不足。  相似文献   

美国数字人文研究发端较早,与档案领域的交流互动频繁。本文通过梳理美国数字人文与档案领域的合作历程,把握两者的研究趋向及发展环境,总结出美国数字人文对档案理论研究、档案业务实践、档案教育培训三个维度的影响。同时,指出我国档案领域可借鉴美国经验:从思想层汲取并融合数字人文理念;从业务层开展"档案+数字人文"基础设施建设;从人才层注重培养档案人才的数字人文素质;从平台层打造特色的涉档数字人文中心。  相似文献   

This article compares the quiz show Who Wants to be a Millionaire as it has been produced in 7 different countries-the United States, Russia, Poland, Norway, Finland, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Through content analysis of 2,233 questions collected from 73 programs, the study aims to ascertain globalization and knowledge hierarchy as they manifest in a successful television program. The Nordic productions of Millionaire were rather similar to one another, as were shows from Russia and Poland, and-to a lesser extent-programs from the United States and Israel. Cultural proximity between nations correlated with similarity in content. The quiz show in larger nations included more questions about universal issues and fewer questions about local issues, in contrast to quiz shows from smaller European countries. Western quiz shows emphasized light entertainment, whereas the Saudi show and those from Russia and Poland brought to the foreground language and history. In terms of knowledge hierarchy, in all the countries academic knowledge yielded more valuable prizes than everyday knowledge.  相似文献   


Authority control is an important part of the cataloging process, but relatively little research has been conducted related to its practice in academic libraries. In addition, few studies have been conducted regarding staffing and training issues related to authority control. To examine these issues, a survey was developed and e-mailed to academic libraries at 258 institutions designated by the year 2000 Carnegie Classification as either Doctoral/Research Extensive or Intensive level. The survey consisted of questions relating to authority control practices and staffing and training issues related to authority control. One hundred ninety-three institutions responded for a return rate of 75 percent. The survey results indicate that authority control was practiced and highly valued by the vast majority of respondents and that many would like additional time, funding, and personnel to do more authority control work in their libraries.  相似文献   


By means of a questionnaire, information was sought from readers in Owerri and Umuahia Public Libraries on their utilization habits of library resources. Results show that the majority of users are students preparing for examinations. Consequently, most of them visit to read their personal books and do not borrow from the library. Only a few bother to consult reference and audio-visual materials, citing ignorance of their existence as the most common reason.  相似文献   

在互联网发展的下半场中,算法作为数据与人工智能的节点,发挥着构造流量入口、捕捉用户黏性的关键作用.在一个媒体和代码无处不在的社会,权力越来越存在于算法之中.文章对算法在新闻环节中的权力体现进行了具体分析,并考察了媒介和受众的权力变化过程,最后对算法纠正偏差的机制做出了相应的展望式探讨.  相似文献   

微博客信息传播结构、路径及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁毅 《图书情报工作》2011,55(12):26-30
以新浪微博客为研究平台,采集事件传播路径中的用户属性数据及行为数据,利用社会网络分析软件绘制信息传播网络图,并对传播网络的结构、路径及其影响因素进行分析,最后,发现传播网络的形态与用户的影响力、节点的合理布局及外部干扰因素有关。  相似文献   

This paper, based on information received from a questionnaire to which 107 of the present 114 medical school libraries in the U.S. responded, shows the vast growth and expansion of such libraries. The 86 libraries which have been built, expanded, under construction of planned during 1966-1975 represent the greatest expansion in the history of medical school libraries. This "decade of revolution" can be attributed to the evergrowing resources, primary users, and services discussed in this paper. The survey results can also be useful to those institutions planning or remodelling such library facilities in the near future.  相似文献   

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