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<正> Have you been reading English course at the same rate as you would read read anovel or a page of a daily paper?If so,you have been reading it far too quickly. There are many types of reading,each with its own purpose,each suited to a partic-ular occasion.The skilled reader is one who varies his reading speed and method to suitboth the material he is reading and his reason for reading it.  相似文献   

仲敏 《快乐阅读》2011,(20):164-165
Reading becomes more and more important in English learning in recent days.If we want to read efficiently,there are a lot of strategies for us to use when read.We can make predictions before reading a passage.When we read,we can read in a sense group.If we do not know the word when we read,we can guess the meaning of the word through the roots,the prefixes,the suffixes.In a word,having lots of practice with suitable reading strategies can enable us to improve our English reading skills.  相似文献   

In spite of the fact that in our Syllabus for middle school English teaching, reading is listed as the most important one of the four language skills and is supposed to occupy a predominant position in final courses, the teaching of reading in our middle schools is by far and large unsatisfactory. Numerous facts have proved that our middle school graduates are poor in reading, they do not really know how to read. When they read, they read word by word, making  相似文献   

在学习used to的用法之前,我们一起来看这封信吧! Dear Mrs Smith. I was a student of yours in Grade Nine. I know I used to be quiet in your class, and you never said much to me. But you did something that made a big difference in my life. You see, all through my two years in school, I used to hate reading. Books were just words that had very little to do with me, and I used to be bored by them. I'll never forget the first day of Grade Nine when you took out a thick book and began to read a story to our class.  相似文献   

1.Introduction Whether reading aloud(RA)is effective is an interesting topic among English teachers,especially EFL/ESL teachers.Some NS teachers think that RA has little values for students.But some teachers find that RA can be useful if properly used and many Chinese teachers encourage students to read aloud in the morning every  相似文献   

张琳琳 《海外英语》2011,(13):121-124
Researches on foreign language extensive reading program indicate that students can improve their foreign language reading ability,and develop positive attitudes toward reading and increased motivation to read.Comparing to the other types of reading.(skimming,scanning,and intensive reading.),reading extensively can result in gains in vocabulary and other aspects of foreign language learning.Teachers should provide various experience and make students have the chance to enjoy reading.and give them more guidance on developing certain reading skills.  相似文献   

This thesis is about the student-centered approach to the teaching college English reading in China. The student-centered approach reflects a widespread desire in English teaching community to develop means of allowing learners to play a fuller, more active and participatory role in their language study. This thesis presents the reasons for the student-centered approach in contrast to the traditional English reading teaching; and shows the ways of applying the student-centered approach to the teaching of English reading by making students read autonomously and cooperatively.  相似文献   

Reading is one of the four basic skills in learning English. How can teachers motivate primary school students read and help them become good readers? Students are instructed to predict in pre - reading,analysis in while - reading as well as after - reading.  相似文献   

李甜甜 《海外英语》2013,(21):105-106
Reading comprehension is important for both teacher and students in high school.And there is a phenomenon in stu dents when they do the reading comprehension.If word recognition is difficult,students use too much of their time to read and understand the individual words,which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read and waste too much of their time in the examination.This makes the comprehension difficult for high school students.The paper focuses on the methods for teach ers to eliminate lexical obstacles to reading comprehension in high school.  相似文献   

I like to do different kinds ofthings,but I like reading best.R eading is very good.It isgood for im proving our w riting.Itcan w iden our eyes.It can m ake you be a bright person.“Tim e is m oney”.Absolutely,I read hard,I try to catch everym inute to do som e reading.R eading m akes m y life so beautiful.M ost of girls likeshopping,but I prefer to read books rather than go shopping.Shopping can’t w iden our know ledge,but reading can.I like being friend w ith books,and books are m y be…  相似文献   

Rather than only learning English grammar and some other language knowledge about English,learning English litera ture is another effective way for students to learn English since they can not only learn the native English by reading some English literature but also get familiar with different cultures and background knowledge of English countries.As an English teacher,the main job in the literature class is to design effective activities for students in order to let them comprehend texts that they read and improve their critical thinking.This paper is tend to discuss some activities,including pre-reading,reading and post-reading ac tivities,which was used in my literature class and how they help the students learn English and improve their critical thinking.  相似文献   

肖石磊 《海外英语》2012,(12):92-93,95
Reading plays a very big role in the college English course in China.Teaching reading in a college English classroom aims at helping students develop the skills they need to read more effectively.A way is suggested to teach reading in a college English class.Through this way,students become active readers who predict before reading,scan for specific information,confirm or reject their predictions while reading,answering comprehension questions in their own words,etc.Their reading skills are sharpened in such a reading class.  相似文献   

As a college student, you have to read a broad variety of material. Your success of college English reading depends, in part , on how well you can read and even write and how well you can connect these two processes.  相似文献   

How can you inspire a child to read?Today, many children never develop a love for books. A 1980 California study revealed that nearly 70 percent of sixth-graders polled said they rarely read for pleasure-an identical percentage said they watched four or more hours of TV a day.How can you help a child discover the magic, joy and wonder that come from reading a book? To find out, I spoke with Charles Schulz, the cartoonist, Maurice Sendak, who draws and writes books for children, Judy Blume, who writes for young adults, and Jim Trelease. an authority on motivating children to read,CHARLES SCHULZ, the creator of Peanuts, doesn't think it matters what children read, as long as they read something. As a child, Schulz loved reading comic strips-especially Buck Rogers and Popeye-but in his day, says the cartoonist, " teachers frowned on that kind of reading material."  相似文献   

How do you get information from an article as much and fast as possible while you are reading? It is a very important thing for us——Chinese readers. Reading is an important element in our English study. Mastering reading skills will help increase our reading speed and comprehend what we read. Now several reading skills are to be discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

1.单项选择。~_()l一What your uncle?一〕 一He’ 5 ateacher. A .15,do B.do,does C.do,doll、does,do()2 .lwant to be an aetress,_it’5 aninterestingjob. A.but B.and C.beeause D.50()3.If you want to kn,more,ple韶eeall George_62105682. A.atB.in C.on D.with()4·工lik“—book“and—toth“music.」- A.reading,hstening B.reading,listen C .read,hsteningD.read,to hsten()5 .How long did you sPend_the book? A. readingB. read C. toreadD;to rea〔11ng()6.It isv卿latenow,but he isstill busy_in the study…  相似文献   

Summary: The aim of English learning is to cultivate the student's ability to listen, speak, read and write. This disserta-tion wil1 present some useful strategies for learning listening, reading, speaking and writing.  相似文献   

第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用第一节:单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.H e prefers books at hom e rather thanTV.A.to read;to watch B.reading;watchingC.to read;watch D.reading;to watch22.—D o you m ind if I keep pets in this building?—A.I’d rather you didn’t,actually.B.Of course not,it is not allowed here.C.Great。I love pets.D.No,you can’t.23.W hen we entered the room,we all found it.A.beautiful decoratedB.beautifully decoratedC.being beautiful decoratedD.being beautifully decorated24.The m eeting proceeded in friendlya...  相似文献   

1. If there were no exam inations, we should have_________atschool. A .the happiesttime B.a more happiertime C.much happiesttime D .a m uch happiertime 2.--Whatdo you think ofthe book?. --Oh,excellent.It'sw orth_______a second time. A .to read B.to be read C.reading D .being read 3.My nameis Robert,_______mostofmy friendscall me Bob forshort. A .then B.instead C.how ever D .but 4.Wedecided notto climb the mountains because it  相似文献   

Ways to Help the Students Comprehend Better   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability to read is vital. It paves the way to success in school, which can build self-confidence. it is power, key to personal growth. Through reading, we generate learning power that helps us know ourselves better and others as well. It also helps us understand past, present and future more clearly. So it is necessary for the teachers to find ways to improve students' reading ability. In this paper the author will give some advice about the ways to help the students to comprehend better.  相似文献   

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