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运动疗法是康复医学的重要组成部分.脑卒中已成为一种严重危害人类健康的全球性问题,它具有高发病率、高死亡率、高致残率及高复发率四大特点[1].运动疗法在脑卒中患者的干预中有着积极重要的作用,可以帮助患者最大程度提高运动功能.  相似文献   

近年来,中国脑卒中的发病呈不断增长的趋势,已成为中国位居第一的致病死因。脑卒中康复治疗是降低致残率最有效的方法。早期运动康复治疗能促进卒中偏瘫患者脑结构和功能的重塑,减轻残疾程度,提高自理能力,提高生存质量。文章主要针对脑卒中偏瘫患者的早期运动康复方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

目的:运用运动疗法,探究运动干预对脑卒中恢复期老年患者肢体运动功能和日常生活能力的影响,观察运动干预对老年脑卒中患者肢体功能的影响。方法:通过对鞍山市长大医院康复科30例发病4-12周的老年脑卒中恢复期患者进行前后疗效对照,采用FMA运动功能量表和Barthel指数量表进行评定,比较老年患者干预前后肢体功能的恢复情况。结果:治疗8周后,老年脑卒中恢复期患者的肢体运动功能FMA评分和日常生活活动能力Barthel评分均有显著提高,达到肢体功能障碍康复的目的,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:运动干预可明显改善老年脑卒中患者的肢体功能,提高老年患者的日常生活活动能力。  相似文献   

脑卒中患者恢复期的运动疗法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用文献综述的方法论述了脑卒中患者的主要功能障碍 ,为患者制定了简易实用的运动处方 ,促使患者早日康复。  相似文献   

目的 运用Meta分析统计方法系统评价经颅直流电刺激对脑卒中患者上肢运动功能的康复效果。方法通过检索Web of Science、Pub Med、中国知网、维普、万方等数据库中关于经颅直流电刺激治疗脑卒中患者上肢运动功能障碍的随机对照实验,并对纳入研究的文献进行手动二次检索,文献检索时间为2000年1月至2022年3月,对符合标准的随机对照实验进行Meta合并分析。共13篇文献,16个研究,602名受试者。结果 经颅直流电刺激实验组相较于对照组来说,脑卒中患者的上肢运动功能(MD=2.96,95%CI:-0.68~6.61)未见明显改善。亚组分析显示,每周干预频率至少5次,时间20~30分,干预周期2~12周,经颅直流电刺激作用于脑卒中患者上肢运动功能的效果与假刺激组相比,差异具有统计学意义(MD=4.05,95%CI:0.09~8.00)。结论 目前,尚无充分的证据显示经颅直流电刺激比假刺激或假刺激联合常规康复治疗更有效地改善脑卒中患者的上肢运动功能,未来需进一步探讨不同刺激参数的经颅直流电刺激对处于不同时期的脑卒中患者上肢运动功能的恢复效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨运动疗法在脑卒中偏瘫患者恢复期肢体功能恢复及提高日常生活能力中(ADL)的应用.方法:将57例脑卒中伴肢体偏瘫患者前瞻性随机分成治疗组、实验对照组和对照组,分别进行运动疗法训练、常规康复训练和自我随意锻炼,三组同时接受相同的临床药物治疗;应用简式Fugl-Meyer法评定肢体运动功能和Barthel指数评定ADL.采用SPSS 16.0统计软件进行数据处理,组内自身纵向比较采用重复性方差分析(Repeated Measures),组间横向比较采用One-Way ANOVA分析.结果:治疗组、实验对照组和对照组各组Fugl-Meyer评分及Barthel指数评分治疗前后比较差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);三组之间进行比较,治疗组治疗效果较实验对照组和对照组均显著(P<0.05).结论:运动疗法在促进脑卒中偏瘫患者肢体运动功能恢复及提高日常生活能力方面疗效较常规康复训练和自我随意锻炼均显著,对脑卒中恢复期的肢体瘫痪治疗是有效可行的.  相似文献   

振动训练结合运动提高脑卒中轻瘫患者上肢肌力的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的观察振动训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者上肢肌力的影响。方法采用常规治疗和护理的40例急性脑卒中偏瘫患者随机分为四组,A组进行振动训练和抗阻练习;B组和C组分别单纯进行振动训练和抗阻练习;D组仅采用常规治疗和护理基础。每组10人。各组干预周期均为3个月,研究前后进行腕、肘屈伸肌力和肩外展肌力测试。结果四组患者上肢肌力均提高。其中,A组肌力提高最明显;B组和C组增加幅度相当;D组虽有提高,但与实验前没有显著性差异。结论早期振动训练结合运动能有效提高急性脑卒中偏瘫患者上肢肌力,改善肢体运动功能。  相似文献   

随着医疗水平和康复技术的发展,经过正规的医疗及康复治疗后,大部分脑卒中患者可恢复步行功能,但仍有至少1/5的患者会遗留足下垂、内翻等踝关节功能障碍,影响步行能力进一步改善.并且患者回归家庭后,因为缺乏专业的康复治疗,踝关节功能障碍往往进一步加重.所以采用何种手段能延续患者回归家庭后的有效治疗就显得尤为重要了.本文旨在对脑卒中后踝关节功能障碍特点、机理、评价指标和治疗进展进行综述;并对居家康复现状做一简单总结;同时对动态电刺激原理进行分析,判断是否可用于脑卒中后踝关节功能障碍的居家康复治疗.为脑卒中后踝关节功能障碍的居家康复提供一种新的手段.  相似文献   

脑卒中已成为威胁人类生命安全的常见疾病,运动功能障碍严重制约患者的生存质量。临床康复以肢体功能恢复为主,躯干核心肌群功能训练容易被忽略,随着核心训练成为临床康复的研究热点,越来越多研究证明其对脑卒中患者有益。本文综述了近年来国内外近年来国内外有关脑卒中患者核心肌群训练的最新研究进展,从训练机制、训练方法、功能应用等方面进行论述,完善核心肌群训练的临床理论基础,为今后的研究提供参考,以期为治疗师和研究人员提供康复治疗新思路。  相似文献   

李鹏  王芳 《武当》2012,(3):61-62
在每过去的12秒内,就有1位脑中风新发患者,每21秒钟就有1人死于脑中风。这些令人"惊悚"的数字就是我国脑卒中的发病数据。并且,当前我国居民脑卒中还在以每年近9%的速率上升,其发病年龄也从以往的55岁提前到了45岁。更多年轻人开始出现脑卒中病情。脑卒中也就是日常俗称的脑中风,这是一种突然起病的脑血液循环障碍性疾病,其临床表现  相似文献   

目的:观察悬吊核心稳定训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者平衡功能的影响。研究方法:选择符合治疗条件的20例患者随机分成A组和B组各10例,A组采用常规康复训练,包括Bobath技术、运动再学习疗法,按照预先设计好的方法进行训练,每天60min,B组按照A组相同训练计划每天训练30min,加用悬吊运动疗法进行训练30min,持续治疗20个工作日,分别对2组患者治疗前治疗后采用Berg平衡功能评分、Fugl-Meyer平衡量表进行评估。结果:治疗后,2组患者Berg平衡功能评分、Fugl-Meyer平衡量表评分均较治疗前明显提高;并且B组Berg平衡功能评分、Fugl-Meyer平衡量表评分提高幅度较A组显著。结论:悬吊核心稳定训练结合常规康复训练可以改善脑卒中偏瘫患者的平衡功能。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the variations of stroking parameters (speed, stroke length, stroke rate, and stroke index) associated with the 200 m front crawl competitive performance improvement. Two races completed by 17 top swimmers were analysed in the 200 m freestyle final of French or European championships, each final being separated by two years. All the swimmers' performances were bettered in the second race (mean +/- SD: 113.44 +/- 2.50 vs 111.78 +/- 2.71 s; p < 0.01) and were associated with a significant increase of stroke rate without variation of average stroke length and stroke index values (p > 0.05). Swimmers emphasized the first part of the race, with higher speed in the first three lengths, higher stroke rate in the first two lengths and lower stroke length in the first one. Stroke length and stroke rate variations were highly correlated (r = 0.98; p < 0.05). In 11 of the 17 swimmers, the improvement was concomitant with a decrease in stroke length and an increase in stroke rate. Only one swimmer's improvement was associated with a substantial increase in stroke length. These results highlighted that stroke length and stroke index cannot be considered as the only parameters linked to improvement in a 200 m crawl in adult swimmers competing at high standard. Moreover, an increase in stroke rate associated with a slight decrease in stroke length should not be considered as ineffective, especially at top standard.  相似文献   

沈宇鹏 《体育学刊》2006,13(5):98-101
通过对2001、2003和2005年世锦赛男子自由泳项目前8名运动员比赛技术数据进行分析和比较,了解当今世界男子自由泳项目优秀运动员速度、划频、划幅的变化特征,并对男子自由泳运动员最佳划频和划幅组合特征进行探讨。结果发现:(1)短距离运动员划频明显高于中长距离运动员;中长距离项目运动员划幅增长也明显高于短距离项目运动员。(2)最高游速下,运动员的划频和划幅达到或接近最高水平。(3)男子自由泳运动员理想划频和划幅会随着个人特点和项目距离特点变化而变化。(4)个人理想的划频和划幅组合应保持有效划频和有效划幅的组合。(5)在疲劳状态下,仍能继续保持良好的划频和划幅是取得好成绩的关键。  相似文献   

国际大赛中男女皮艇运动员划桨节奏的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用现场摄影法,比较世界杯赛中男女皮艇运动员的桨频和划桨节奏。结果显示:男桨手左右两侧的桨频比较和女桨手左右两侧的桨频比较均无差异;大赛中实际应用时两侧计算桨频无差异。动作节奏上.男桨手左右两侧和女桨手右侧无差异;只有女桨手左侧与前三者有差异,可能是女子两侧专项素质发展及技术完善的同步性不如男子。男桨手提高桨频可能靠减少回桨时间而女桨手靠减少拉桨时间获得;高桨频时男桨手容易保持水中效果而女桨手容易丢失效果。  相似文献   

The aim of this narrative review was to propose a deterministic model based on a review of previous research documenting the evidence for the associations between average kayak velocity and kinematic variables in sprint kayaking. Literature was reviewed after searching electronic databases using key words ‘kayak,’ ‘biomechanics,’ ‘velocity,’ ‘kinematics,’ and ‘performance.’ Our kinematic deterministic model for sprint kayaking performance shows that the average kayak velocity is determined by kayak stroke displacement and stroke time. Stroke time had the strongest correlation with 200-m race time (r = 0.86, p < 0.001), and stroke rate (inversely proportional to stroke time) was strongly correlated with average horizontal velocity over two consecutive strokes at race pace (r = ? 0.83, p < 0.05). Increased stroke rate via decreased absolute water phase time and increased relative water phase time were indicative of more elite performance. There was no significant relationship between stroke displacement and velocity; however, a large decrease in stroke displacement may be detrimental to performance. Individual characteristics may be responsible for a paddlers’ ability to achieve and sustain a given stroke rate. Coaches should theoretically focus interventions on increasing stroke rate while maintaining stroke displacement; however this hypothesis should be confirmed with prospective studies.  相似文献   

PurposeThe extent to which walking pace is associated with a reduced risk for stroke remains unclear. This study examined the association between walking pace and stroke risk based on prospective cohort studies.MethodsDatabases of PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Scopus, and China National Knowledge Internet were searched from the inception dates to January 31, 2019, for prospective cohort studies focusing on walking pace and risk of stroke in adults. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed the quality of the studies. The dependent measure was stroke incidence. Using random-effects models, a meta-analysis was performed to estimate the overall relative risks (RR) of stroke incidence and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the individuals with the fastest walking paces vs. individuals with the slowest walking paces. A dose-response relationship was also examined.ResultsAfter screening 1294 titles/abstracts and 14 full-text studies identified in the search, 7 studies (from 8 cohorts) were included in the meta-analysis. The 7 studies included a total of 135,645 participants (95.2% women; mean age 63.6 years) and 2229 stroke events (median follow-up time = 8.0 years). Compared to individuals in the slowest walking-pace category (median = 1.6 km/h), individuals in the fastest walking-pace category (median = 5.6 km/h) had a 44% lower risk of stroke (pooled RR = 0.56, 95%CI: 0.48–0.65). There was also a linear dose-response relationship (RR = 0.87; 95%CI: 0.83–0.91), with the risk of stroke decreased by 13% for every 1 km/h increment in baseline walking pace. We observed similar results across walking-pace assessment, type of stroke ascertainment, stroke subtypes, sex, sample size, and duration of follow-up.ConclusionFindings from this meta-analysis indicate that walking pace is inversely associated with the risk of stroke.  相似文献   

Our previous study has demonstrated that the swimmer’s wrist acceleration in the crawl stroke and the breaststroke had distinctive characteristics between subjects (Ohgiet al. 2000). In addition, stroke phase discrimination could be achieved for the crawl stroke by using the swimmer’s wrist acceleration. This study provides evidence that the swimmer’s tri-axial wrist acceleration could be used for stroke phase discrimination in the breaststroke. Swimmers’ triaxial wrist accelerations were measured and their underwater stroke paths calculated. The authors examined the characteristics of the wrist acceleration, such as a local maximum or minimum, with reference to the swimmers’ stroke paths. As a result, it was suggested that the three phases of the breaststroke, the recovery, the insweep and the outsweep, could be distinguished using thex-axis (ulnar-radial axis) and they-axis (distal-proximal axis) acceleration. This methodology allows us to identify which stroke phase would be changed in skill training or over training, and the acceleration sensor device has the potential to become a precise stroke pedometer or stroke monitoring tool in the near future.  相似文献   

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