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学习动机与课堂氛围是影响英语课堂教学的两个重要因素,两者相互促进。教师在教学过程中要采取切实可行的措施,提高学生的学习动机,营造良好的课堂氛围,鼓励学生积极参与,改变"费时低效"和"哑巴英语"的现象,提高课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

在语言教学的课堂中,教师和学生是最为重要的参与者。而学习动机是影响学生的语言学习成效关键因素之一。教师在课堂教学中有意识地运用动机策略,增强学生的学习动机,能改善学生在语言课堂上的学习效果。通过采访对教师在实际课堂中运用的动机策略作调查,并通过问卷和统计的方法分析从学生的角度对教师在商务英语课堂教学中运用的动机策略的看法。试图能从结果中得出一些给商务英语教师的启示和对商务英语教学的改进方法。  相似文献   

探究课堂环境中的同伴因素在超常儿童内部动机与创造力关系中的影响对培养超常儿童创造力的教育实践有重要意义.本研究选取277名3-6年级普通班中的超常儿童,采用《学习自我调节量表》、《创造性课堂环境问卷》以及改编的创造力测评工具对其内部动机、课堂同伴互动水平及创造力水平进行评估,分析三者的相关关系,并建立结构方程模型,验证...  相似文献   

任务型学习在80年代首次被提出,交际型任务是指必须要解决一些交际性问题的课堂活动。因此,该研究的目的是把交际型任务引入到西部大学英语课堂,并利用调查问卷在实验班和对照班中对交际型任务和大学英语课堂中学习动机的关系进行了实测。通过对总动机、结合性动机、工具型动机、内在动机四个方面的数据分析,作者发现,交际型任务有利于增强学习者的学习兴趣,能够改变并有效地促进学习者学习英语的动机,有助于提高学习者的交际能力,值得在西部高校中推广。  相似文献   


Under the framework of self-determination theory, choice is a supporting factor for autonomy in the classroom. The provision of choice in the classroom is a distinct feature of higher education, through which students experience a shift from mandatory tasks to those are more learner-controlled. This study explores Chinese master’s students’ perspectives on choice and the relationship between choice and motivation, also, compares the choice-making opportunities in different learning contexts (China vs. UK). 60 Chinese master’s students, studying in China and the UK, participated in this study. The findings of this study indicate that most master’s students hold a positive attitude towards classroom choice, considering choice contributes to increased learning motivation in the classroom in most cases. Then, limited choices may not automatically decrease students’ motivation and students studying in China possess fewer opportunities for choice-making than students in the UK, which is influenced by the social and academic culture.  相似文献   

高校课程教学质量是创新人才培养的关键。南阳师范学院通过更新育人观念、深入开展课堂教学模式改革工程,坚持以生为本、全面促进学生主动发展,强化教学反思、不断提升教师教学能力水平,优化教学评价、建立基于学生发展的课堂教学评价体系,完善教学激励机制、积极营造课堂教学改革氛围等多管齐下的改革举措,实现了人才培养质量的全面提升。  相似文献   

In this study, through using the flipped classroom and cooperative learning methods both together and separately, this study examines the changes in the motivation and academic achievement levels of 4th-grade students in primary school. Three experimental groups and one control group were used in the research. As a result of this work, the flipped classroom, the cooperative learning method in the flipped classroom environment and the cooperative learning method used separately achieved both a positive and significant effect on the students' levels of academic achievement and motivation in both the pre-experiment and post-experiment groups, when compared with the control group. At the end of this study, we've provided recommendations on how to use the flipped classroom and cooperative learning methods, both together and separately.  相似文献   

在地理教学中激发学生学习动机的尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兴趣是最好的老师,学生学习的积极性、主动性往往以自己的兴趣为转移,它是促进学生主动学习的重要因素和内在动力。在教学中教师要充分利用学生的好奇心创设情境、开展竞赛活动、积极开辟第二课堂,激发学生的学习兴趣,诱发他们主动参与学习的动机,积极引导学生自主学习、探究发现、合作交流,从而拓展学生学习知识的渠道,拓展学生发展的空间。只有这样,才能更好地完成教学任务。  相似文献   

激发学生学习兴趣,营造英语高效课堂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兴趣在教学中起着重要的作用,它能调动起学生的内在学习动力,把"要我学"变成"我要学",能活跃课堂教学气氛,能维持学生学习的积极性。那么在英语课堂教学中我们如何激发学生学习的兴趣,营造高效的英语课堂教学成为教师的一项很有意义的事。  相似文献   

大学生幸福感与教师课堂教学关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从大学生幸福感角度,针对当前就业难引发的高校学生学习积极性下降现象,以优化学生健康、愉悦的课堂学习心态为目的,采用段建华修订的《总体幸福感量表》(GWB)测试和自编评价老师课堂教学问卷调查,分析二者之间的相关性。发现教师教学也是影响学生幸福感指数的原因之一。高校教师应结合当前形式,积极改进教学方式,吸引学生走进课堂,提高大学生课堂学习积极性和校园幸福感。  相似文献   

This study examined Hong Kong students’ achievement goals and their relations with students’ perceived classroom environment and strategy use based on the multiple goal perspective of goal orientation theory. A total of 925 Grade 8 students from six secondary schools in Hong Kong voluntarily responded to a questionnaire that measured these three sets of variables. Consistent with previous studies using goal orientation theory, the findings of this study indicated that students’ perceived classroom environment was significantly related to their personal achievement goals and strategy use. While mastery goals were found to be the strongest predictor of strategy use, performance‐approach goals and perceived instrumentality also had positive relations with mastery goals and strategy use. Our findings suggest that mastery goals and performance goals were not contrasting goals as conceptualised in normative goal orientation theory. Students with high motivation for both types of goal were more adaptive in learning than were students who pursued a single type of goal. Moreover, the value of adding perceived instrumentality when studying students’ motivation should be emphasised. The implications of these findings for understanding Hong Kong students’ motivation, and for planning effective teaching instruction to enhance their motivation, are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing questions for those who study intellectually gifted students is why some of them reach peak performances at school and others don’t. Moderator theories of giftedness assume that domain-specific gifts are transformed into achievement in a process influenced by non-cognitive and environmental variables. Thus, the current study investigates differences in the non-cognitive construct motivation (achievement goals, interest, self-concept, self-efficacy, implicit theories) and perception of classroom environment (classroom structure, class climate) between mathematically gifted high achievers (n = 66) and mathematically gifted students with non-high achievement (n = 144) using a latent variable approach. Gifted high achievers expressed higher levels of motivation than non-high achievers. Furthermore, they perceived a classroom structure that provides more tasks with a focus on learning and more autonomy.  相似文献   

为探讨初中生座位安排与学习动机、课堂师生互动的关系,采用学习动机量表、课堂师生互动问卷和教室座位一般问卷,对300名初中生进行调查。结果表明:处于优势区的初中生在学习动机、内部目标对象和任务价值得分上显著高于弱势区的初中生;座位调换周期大于一个月对初中生内部目标定向、任务价值和课堂师生互动有显著影响;座位调换周期大于一个月,座位区域与内部目标定向、任务价值和课堂师生互动存在显著相关,课堂师生互动与学习动机、能力把握信心和学习控制信念存在显著相关;课堂师生互动对学习动机回归效应显著,座位安排对学习动机与课堂师生互动的关系产生中介影响。  相似文献   

课堂教学中学生的学习动机是影响学习的重要变量,是制约学习积极性的重要心理因素,也是学校教育的重要目标。因此,分析学生学习动机的作用及表现,培养和激发学生的学习动机,在教师的课堂教学中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

外语学习动机 (motivation)与学习态度、学习策略、学习成绩有着千丝万缕的关系。根据语言学家Brown和Gardner等关于动机研究的成果 ,提出EFL课堂的动机类型 ,动机养成和策略对学习者课堂表现的互动与促进 ,探讨进一步提高课堂教学效果的途径  相似文献   

目前在高职院校,学生对高等数学兴趣不高、动力不足、效果不好,使得高等数学的教学迭不到预期效果。为此,在高职高等数学课堂教学中,要关注师生间的情感交流,注意课堂互动,利用现代化教学手段,以此来提高高等数学课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

Errors are often perceived by students as self-threatening and not as learning opportunities. The present work focuses on contextual influences on reactions to errors and learning processes. Based on prior research, a conceptualization of perceived error climate in the classroom with eight subdimensions and one superordinate uniform factor is proposed and a newly developed student questionnaire for its assessment is presented. Results of a study with N = 1116 students from 56 mathematics classrooms in German secondary schools indicated the validity of the error climate conceptualization and the suitability of the questionnaire. Moreover, the results showed that perceived error climate in the classroom predicted the adaptivity of students’ individual reactions to errors above and beyond perceived classroom goal structures and personal achievement motivation (academic self-concept, mastery goal orientation). In addition, the study provided evidence that perceived error climate affects – partially mediated through students’ individual reactions to errors – the quantity and self-regulation of students’ effort.  相似文献   

文章以影响二语交际意愿的探索式模型为理论框架,采用了定量和定性相结合的分析方法,对山东农业大学外国语学院英语专业345名学生进行课堂英语口语交际意愿研究。研究结果表明:(1)英语专业学生的课堂英语交际意愿高;(2)课堂英语交际意愿性别、年级差异:男女生课堂英语交际意愿存在着显著的性别差异,且女生的课堂交际意愿要高于男生,而大一、大二学生课堂英语交际意愿不存在显著的年级差异;(3)影响英语专业学生课堂英语交际意愿的主要因素是心理因素,即自我感觉的英语水平和自信。  相似文献   

考察美国二十余所中小学,并在一所高中驻校研修六个月,笔者发现美国学校既重视教室内动态文化建设,更重视教室的静态文化建设。综合分析,我们会看到这种"教室文化"至少五个方面的内容:精神(动力)、方法、知识、骄傲、责任。这种文化也间接体现着美国教育的内涵,许多时候这种"静态文化"会自觉转化为"动态文化"。  相似文献   

"翻转课堂"本质上是一种教学理念,是进行翻转教学程序设计和实施翻转教学的理论依据。翻转课堂教学理念对大学教学效果有何影响,目前还缺乏足够的实证研究。本研究采用准实验研究的方法,以教学程序为实验变量进行教学实验。研究发现,翻转课堂有利于激发和维持大学生的学习动机、培养大学生自主学习与合作学习能力。但是,实现有效的翻转课堂对大学教学提出了全新的要求。而且,翻转课堂在概念原理类知识的教学效果上并不比传统教学更有优势。  相似文献   

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