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The experiences of middle school science teachers at two schools in the southeastern US who participated in collaborative, sustained, whole-school professional development and their implementation of standards-based instructional practices are the focus of this study. Participants were involved in their second year of the professional development experience. The research question that was explored was “How are science teachers implementing standards-based instruction while participating in effective professional development experiences?” Data collected in the form of teacher interviews and classroom observations using an observation protocol. Findings indicate that even with effective professional development, teachers implement standards-based instructional practices at varying levels. The reasons for these differences are discussed and the role of teacher beliefs and the impact of beliefs, experience and support from administrators on professional development efforts are discussed. Implications for future science education reform stakeholders and professional development efforts are revealed.  相似文献   

Despite its essential role in educational reform, professional development typically does not receive adequate support in systemic reform efforts. This article presents an exception—a state that incorporated professional development as a central priority in its reform effort and four schools that used state resources to build their capacity for enacting the reform agenda. We describe central features of Kentucky's approach to professional development, characterize elements of professional development within the four schools, and discuss how these elements promoted three dimensions of school capacity: individual teachers’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions; professional community; and program coherence. Based on this “image of the possible,” we offer recommendations for professional development that supports systemic, standards-based educational reform.  相似文献   

教师发展学校建设标准参考纲要   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了推动教师发展学校的建设,积极适应基础教育改革的需要,进一步推进素质教育,本文提供了一个教师发展学校建设标准参考纲要。该标准包括:实现大学和中小学的合作,促进教师教育专业化、一体化和终身化的实现;建有务实有效的教师专业发展制度;编制以教学研合一教师专业工作方式为核心的教师专业发展目标系统;将研究与理解学生作为教师专业发展的中心;拥有多学科的专家队伍,实现大学学术文化和中小学实践文化的互动;重视并拥有有效的教师评价等。  相似文献   

我国数学教育学学科建设始于对“中学数学教材教法”相关问题的探讨,经历了作为一门课程的“数学教育学”、作为系列课程的“数学教育学”及作为学科群的“数学教育学”和“数学教育学”的主题研究繁荣等几个发展阶段,初步形成了具有中国特色的数学教育学学科。数学教育学是一门涉及数学、教育学、哲学、心理学、文化学、传播学、教育技术学、思维科学等有关内容的新兴交叉学科,在数学教育学的学科建设过程中,通过理论与实践两方面研究,形成了数学教育专门研究人员与一线教师组成的研究团队,发展、完善了有中国特色的数学教育学科体系。今后,数学教育学学科建设仍需关注理论体系建构、研究团队建设、研究视角拓展等问题。  相似文献   

根据高校的教师教育主要目标与教育学课程的特性,设定教育学课程改革的目标取向,旨在发挥教育学对培养造就合格、优秀的农村教师应有的积极作用,促进农村教师专业发展,也彰显出教育学为农村教师服务和提高农村教师素质的实践韵味。  相似文献   

我国师范大学教育学院现有的本科专业基本上是在传统的混合式教师培养模式下以培养大中专院校教育学科师资为目标而设置的,主要包括教育学、公共事业(教育)管理、心理学、学前教育等专业。这种专业设置存在与基础教育阶段各级学校层次不相吻合、教学科目不相匹配的弊病,难以适应新时期基础教育发展的需要,最终会导致教育学院所培养的本科生与基础教育阶段学校所需的人才相脱节问题。在强化专业化教师的分离式教师培养模式下,师范大学教育学院本科专业的设置应逐步进行调整,主要转向以培养基础教育阶段各学科师资为目标,根据不同的教育层次和中小学教学科目设置学前(幼儿)教育、小学教育、中学教育、教育技术、心理学等不同专业。  相似文献   

Jacob W. Neumann 《Interchange》2013,44(1-2):129-147
Increasing teachers’ dispositions towards critical teaching is a fundamental goal for critical pedagogy. Because critical educational change cannot occur without teachers’ “buy-in,” developing teachers’ inclination to implement critical teaching into their classrooms is a prerequisite for any successful critical pedagogy focused on change in K-12 schools. However, critical educators too often approach K-12 teachers’ dispositions in ways that are at best unproductive and at worst harmful to critical change efforts. Some critical pedagogy exists that approaches teachers’ knowledge and beliefs in “teacher friendly” ways, but most critical pedagogy suffers from the problem of totality and speaks merely to educators who already hold critical dispositions. In response to this problem, this paper identifies and examines three areas in which critical education scholars can work to better connect with a crucial, yet essentially unaddressed constituency: teachers in neighborhood schools. These three areas are critical pedagogy’s audience, teachers’ professional knowledge, and teachers’ beliefs about what constitutes ‘real schools’ and ‘real teachers.’ The paper ends by suggesting approaches to teachers’ dispositions that do not sacrifice the possible to the ideal, that value practical and eclectic change efforts, and that appreciate teachers’ already existing knowledge and beliefs as a foundational medium for developing critical education.  相似文献   

The article describes a longitudinal professional development project in rural Florida (USA) schools that supports the efforts of inservice teachers to make pedagogical transitions from total reliance on prepackaged commercial programmes to making informed decisions about curriculum and pedagogy autonomously. It demonstrates that in order to initiate and sustain qualitative changes in teaching practices, conscious efforts must be made to address a multitude of barriers at the administrative, professional and personal levels. It suggests that professional development efforts in education must recognise the complex, multifaceted and lifelong nature of becoming and being an effective literacy teacher.  相似文献   

我国师范大学教育学院现有的本科专业基本上是在传统的“混合式”教师培养模式下以培养大中专院校教育学科师资为目标而设置的,主要包括教育学、公共事业(教育)管理、心理学、学前教育等专业。这种专业设置存在与基础教育阶段各级学校层次不相吻合、教学科目不相匹配的弊病,难以适应新时期基础教育发展的需要,最终会导致教育学院所培养的本科生与基础教育阶段学校所需的人才相脱节问题。在强化专业化教师的“分离式”教师培养模式下,师范大学教育学院本科专业的设置应逐步进行调整,主要转向以培养基础教育阶段各学科师资为目标,根据不同的教育层次和中小学教学科目设置学前(幼儿)教育、小学教育、中学教育、教育技术、心理学等不同专业。  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore the ‘fit’ of ‘the network’ as an organizational form being implemented in schools in England. It considers current trends within education policy, pedagogy and educational technology in the context of these new service delivery models and relates these to the current interest in learning networks. The article draws upon the experience of school networks as it has been discussed in evaluation research and literature surveys, to highlight the issues around their implementation. The purpose, typology and potential tensions of educational networks are reviewed, with a particular focus on the Networked Learning Communities (NLCs) pioneered by the National College for School Leadership (NCSL). Although, on the face of things, the position of the ‘school network’ as a structural model seems logical, there are significant tensions which suggest that the implementation and development of meaningful and high quality networks is far more challenging than the government may appreciate.  相似文献   

教师教育课程不容忽视的内容:实践性课程   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从国际比较和我国教师教育需求看,教师教育实践性课程对于教师专业成长不容忽视。现象学教育学的研究、形象互动理论和实践理论对于"时间"的关注等,说明了实践性课程对于教师教育的必要性。实践性课程的建构与实施需要教师教育研究者与中小学教师的密切合作,需要中小学专家教师的实践智慧,需要多样化的实践形式。  相似文献   

Teachers’ attitudes towards technology are crucial to foster its use in schools and to improve its educational affordances and this is still a topic for research. This article relates the attitudes school teachers have towards information and communication technologies (ICT) with the different levels of technology integration in schools. A multiple case-study research methodology was applied, and in which the school was the unit of sampling used. Thirty-five schools from eight Spanish regions were selected, and 1222 questionnaires were collected, representing 78.9% of the sample. Three combined variables were utilised to classify schools in four different levels of technology integration. Results suggest level 4 school teachers exhibit better attitudes towards ICT, which results in creating a positive circle which improves the learning process. This becomes relevant for teacher education and professional development, as effective ICT integration in the classroom can perform as a catalyst for educational innovation.  相似文献   

Designed-based research principles guided the study of 51 secondary-science teachers in the second year of a 3-year professional development project. The project entailed the creation of student-centered, inquiry-based, science, video games. A professional development model appropriate for infusing innovative technologies into standards-based curricula was employed to determine how science teacher’s attitudes and efficacy where impacted while designing science-based video games. The study’s mixed-method design ascertained teacher efficacy on five factors (General computer use, Science Learning, Inquiry Teaching and Learning, Synchronous chat/text, and Playing Video Games) related to technology and gaming using a web-based survey). Qualitative data in the form of online blog posts was gathered during the project to assist in the triangulation and assessment of teacher efficacy. Data analyses consisted of an Analysis of Variance and serial coding of teacher reflective responses. Results indicated participants who used computers daily have higher efficacy while using inquiry-based teaching methods and science teaching and learning. Additional emergent findings revealed possible motivating factors for efficacy. This professional development project was focused on inquiry as a pedagogical strategy, standard-based science learning as means to develop content knowledge, and creating video games as technological knowledge. The project was consistent with the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) framework where overlapping circles of the three components indicates development of an integrated understanding of the suggested relationships. Findings provide suggestions for development of standards-based science education software, its integration into the curriculum and, strategies for implementing technology into teaching practices.  相似文献   

In an effort to develop a virtual technology coach for K-12 educators, this article analyzed survey results from sixty teachers with regards to specific resources that a technology coach could provide within a virtual environment. A virtual technology coach was proposed as a possible solution to provide continual professional development for teachers to support their technology integration efforts. Results indicate that the Collaboration, Discussion, Learning, and Sharing resources of a virtual technology coach are considered valuable. This finding appears to corroborate the importance of developing a professional learning community to promote effective and sustained technology integration strategies among teachers. In addition, these virtual technology coaching attributes are identified in current education coaching (NETS*C) standards pointing to a potential support structure for schools and school districts implementing the NETS*C standards.  相似文献   

This three year study of P-12 professional development is grounded in sociocultural theories that hold that building knowledge and relationships among individuals from different cultural backgrounds entails joint activity toward common goals and cultural dialogues mediated by cultural translators. Sixty P-12 pre and in-service teachers in a year long interdisciplinary science curriculum course shared the goal of developing culturally relevant, standards-based science curricula for Native Hawai'ian students. Teachers and Native Hawai'ian instructors lived and worked together during a five day culture-science immersion in rural school and community sites and met several times at school, university, and community sites to build knowledge and share programs. Teachers were deeply moved by immersion experiences, learned to connect cultural understandings, e.g., a Hawai'ian sense of place and curriculum development, and highly valued collaborating with peers on curriculum development and implementation. The study finds that long term professional development providing situated learning through cultural immersion, cultural translators, and interdisciplinary instruction supports the establishment of communities of practice in which participants develop the cross-cultural knowledge and literacy needed for the development of locally relevant, place and standards-based curricula and pedagogy.  相似文献   

Teacher professional development variously supports ongoing skill development, new knowledge, and systems change. In New Zealand, the implementation of major assessment reforms in senior secondary schools provided opportunity to investigate teacher professional development as a function of the particular stage of an educational reform. Multi-method data sources including teacher surveys and school case studies were employed to evaluate professional development during the embedding stage of a standards-based assessment system, revealing a positive relationship between professional satisfaction and teacher involvement in setting priorities for the professional development. Other positive features were networking, personalized learning, and facilitator expertise. This research illustrates the importance of tailoring professional learning to implementation phase of an organizational change.  相似文献   

The work of teacher educators is complex and multifaceted and requires knowledge of pedagogy and practice in both schools and teacher education institutions. This complexity, combined with calls for teacher educators to work in close partnership with schools, sees some in teacher education working in hybrid roles and across the boundaries of schools and universities. Drawing on a self-study conducted over a one-year return to teaching, I explore my return home to teach in a secondary school and I examine the continuing impact of this experience on my practice as a teacher educator. Using the concept of tensions as a conceptual framework to analyse the data I explore three tensions in this article: (1) teacher as technician versus teacher as pedagogue; (2) challenging versus being responsive to other’s views of learning; and (3) teacher versus teacher educator identity. I explore how a return to teaching in school and the tensions I experienced enabled me to develop my practice and understandings as a teacher educator. I argue that rich professional learning can result from using self-study to examine teacher educator practice, particularly for teacher educators working in hybrid roles and partnership contexts.  相似文献   

高等教育质量是高等教育改革发展的核心,提高高校办学水平和办学质量是高等教育改革发展的主旋律。20世纪80年代以来,伴随高等教育规模扩张,高等教育质量保障运动在欧美国家蓬勃兴起,世界高等教育进入了以提高质量为中心目标的时代。高等教育质量是一个多层面的概念,高等教育质量保障体系建设既是一个实践问题,也是一个理论问题。构建以"学校为核心、政府为主导、社会为中介"的高等教育质量保障体系,加强高等教育质量管理,必须坚持"以内为主,以外促内"的原则,推进高等教育质量内部管理与外部监控的有机结合;必须切实转变高等教育质量观念,发展多元保障主体,学校、政府、社会中介机构分工负责,实现对高等教育质量的全程保障;必须坚持以科学发展观为统领,以教育评估为主要手段,加大投入力度,加强制度建设,重视理论研究,推进高等教育质量保障沿着科学化、规范化、法制化的轨道健康高效运行。  相似文献   

高师“学科教学论”课程内容重构之研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"学科教学论"作为教师教育职前培养阶段的一门重要专业课,对于基础教育师资培养的质量至关重要。对"学科教学论"的学科性质、设课目的、作用和地位进行再认识,可以看出当前重新构建其课程内容的必要性和紧迫性。"学科教学论"课程内容的构建应遵循目的的明确性、理论的指导性、技能的基础性、实践的根基性、发展的持续性五项原则。我们以"化学教学论"为例,从整体结构到章节细目提出具体构建方案,为"学科教学论"的课程建设和教师教育的发展提供一个研讨、交流的案例。  相似文献   

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