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My Mum     
Dad,1 have 50!netllizlg to tell}ou爸爸,我想对您说句话。/说吧!妈妈不会照料小孩Murn always tellsl刀e to 90 to bed when 1 am watehil飞g’TV. And sJle alwavs wakcs nle uP Wlle一飞1 ani slcePing.为什么这么说呢?我看电视的时候,妈妈偏要我上床睡觉;我睡得正香的时候,她又偏要把我叫醒My Mum@佚名 @谭文锋$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

My Hero—My Mum     
My hero isn't an idol or a famous person,but someone close to me-my mum.She is not tall.She is thin.She has long black hair and big eyes.She is kind and often helps people who are in trouble.I love my mother. My mum is a worker.She is very busy.She often gets up early so that she can cook meals for us.She always says that we should try our best to do work well.  相似文献   

自我描述笔名月半残,因为喜欢残月的朦胧清丽而取,希望大家可以亲切地叫我月。性格冲动豪爽大方,被死党戏称为"大口吃肉大嗓门的豪放派"。跑食堂飞快,追公交车飞快。但是不知道为什么跑800米永远不及格……悲剧啊悲剧。不爱逛街,不爱买衣服,希望每年从一月一日到十二月三十一日都只穿一件衣服。  相似文献   

My name is Li Jiani and I'm a girl of ten years old. I love all my teachers. So I would like to be a teacher very much. I want to be a teacher because I want to teach the children a lot of knowledge and help the blind children read and write.  相似文献   

In Sweden the compulsory school curriculum prescribes that education should promote learning in different subjects while simultaneously assisting students to develop into citizens of good character. To achieve these goals students need to cultivate such character strengths as respect and responsibility, so that they can create positive relationships and live in a community. The development of these skills in a school setting could be called character education. Research shows that good character education promotes the moral development of students and also enhances their academic learning. Giving voice to students is the cornerstone of character education; if adults in schools listen carefully to students educational practice can be improved. This study was conducted in a secondary school in northern Sweden. The phenomenology of the life‐world and the principles of participatory and appreciative action research guided the research. The aim was to explore student voices as they described how they do and do not wish to be treated by others. The empirical data consisted of written responses to questions posed to students in Grades 7 and 8. The data analysis revealed four themes: striving for mutual understanding, being accepted for who you are, seeking honesty and truth and being acknowledged, recognized and encouraged. A comprehensive understanding of the themes suggests how practice may be improved in educational settings.  相似文献   

Enzymes, the catalysts of biological systems, remain at the heart of all living systems. As Cornish Bowden aptly remarked, understanding enzymes means understanding catalysis, and catalysis is concerned with kinetics. This article briefly describes a few straightforward rules which are sufficient to describe the basic reaction kinetics of most enzymes.  相似文献   

Catalysis is essential to make many critical biochemical reactions proceed at useful rates under physiological conditions. We had earlier discussed in Part 11 the basic principles of enzyme catalysis and derived the Michaelis-Menten equation. In this article, the significance of kinetic parameters and analysis of kinetic data will be discussed.  相似文献   

Education is today in question, both in its institutional forms and in its conceptual remit. The sense of a knowledge explosion and a world in rapid change challenges the curricula of schools, universities, vocational colleges. And the institutions seem to have to account for themselves in new ways, as if their purposes have subtly shifted. Outside formal institutions the possibilities of new technologies and new forms of communication are highly visible. Do we need education when we have information? What happens to education when it is all about learning? And what is the role of education research in any of this? In this 2011 Radford Lecture, Lyn Yates discusses challenges and transformations evident across the education spectrum today, and why, in the flux of new possibilities and new kinds of institutions, there is a need to talk again about the distinct purposes of education and education institutions.  相似文献   

学习要点预热 张老师:Good morning,class!同学们:Good morning,Mr.Zhang!张老师:Boys and firls,人人都有自己的理想,你们想长大后做什么呢?  相似文献   

学会用I say     
I say不是“我说”的意思吗?没错!在英语口语中,它还是一句很实用的话,能表现惯用口语的原汁原味。下面,就让我们一起来了解一下它的用法吧。  相似文献   

Academic entitlement, a term that defines students’ expectations of academic success independent of performance, has been linked with a number of maladaptive behaviors. This study examined the potential relationship between academic entitlement and prospective workplace entitlement in a sample of Canadian students (N=1024) using an online survey. Multivariate analyses produced a significant (p<0.05) positive relationship between academic entitlement and prospective workplace entitlement. Graduate students had higher levels of prospective workplace entitlement than did undergraduates, and those pursuing degrees in Education and Law had significantly lower levels of prospective workplace entitlement than students in other areas of study. Results support a need to develop strategies to minimize entitlement beliefs prior to an individual’s entry into the workforce.  相似文献   

Beliefs about emotion utility can influence context-sensitive emotion goals (i.e., desired emotional responses). Although key for emotion regulation, emotion goals have been overlooked in children and adolescents. In 2018–2019 results of Studies 1 and 2 showed that children (N = 192, Mage = 8.65, 47% girls, 96% White) were less motivated by and found anger less useful in confrontation than adolescents (N = 192, Mage = 12.96, 50% girls, 93% White) and adults (N = 195, Mage = 29.82, 51% women, 96% White). The link between emotion goals and beliefs about emotion utility was weaker in children. In 2021, Study 3 (N = 60, 8-year-olds, 47% girls, 90% White) ruled out expectations as a possible explanation for the previous findings. Context-sensitive utility of emotions may be acquired during development.  相似文献   

henIwasalittlegirl,IoncewonderedwhymygrandfatherhadreturnedtoChina.Hehadlivedarichlifeabroad.Hehadpos-sessedacar,andalargehousewithabeautifulgardeninfrontofit.Butwhydidhecomebacktothislandwhichisnotveryrich?Whatdidhecomebackherefor?Iaskedhimaboutitandhejustanswered,“Mymotherlandhasbeencallingme,soIshouldcomeback.”Lastweek,Imetawhite-hairedoverseasChinesewhocamebacktoShaodong.Hehadbeenabroadforoversixtyyears.Walkingalongthenewly-builtstreet,hewasoverwhelmedwithallsortsoffeelings.Hesaid,…  相似文献   

I Hurt My Hand     
Ih众rtitinthe scho口珍ard*的手在场上弄馨弓沐沁污群资黔筹多沪毕l}}2 .引}斗咚t pon,tget hatld Wet不要把手夔哪酬噢醉夔秦策妻i以分端忍拼麟撇豪迢脂黑少矍引}6翼瞥习搏赫李成︺泌馨浅Be careful*力e大t tilne.下次你要小心。做事情要小心,千万不要伤了自己哦!让我们学习下面的两个句型。-一滋丁}What,s wrong?这是,个比较常用的问句,意为“出了什么毛病(问题)了?/有什么麻烦?/哪儿不舒服?”如果具体问某人或某物出什么问题则应在后面加wi巾一。例如一:份}care似/’k egful/adj.,卜二的,仔细的Wh白犷乌Wrong witl飞you:mothe…  相似文献   

llChineseareproudofsaying,“WeareChinese.Weareexponentsofthedragon.”Wearesurelyproudofourmotherland.Ourmotherlandisgreat.Shehasabeautifulname———China!TherearemanyprovincesinChina:Hubei,Hunan,Hebei,Henan...IliveinthetowncalledZhongxianginHubei.Wuhanisthecapitaloftheprovince.ItisoneofthebiggestcitiesinChina,too.TherearemanybigcitiesinChina.BeijingisthecapitalofChina.ShanghaiisthebiggestcityinChina.Shenzhenisoneofthewindowstolettheworldknowus...Ourmotherlandisthethirdlargestlandinth…  相似文献   

I Love My Family     
山东省曲阜市的颜喻小朋友用优美的笔调向我们描绘了他温馨的家庭,我们一起来看看吧!  相似文献   

I Love My Family     
厦门市的葛佩丽同学这次要来说说她的温馨家庭了。那么,也让我们来看看她幽默的老爸、爱说话的老妈,还有另一个特殊的家庭成员--小狗吧!  相似文献   

“Iloveyou,China!Iloveyou,China...”EverytimewhenIhearthesong,Ifeelveryexcited.Thesongmakesmethinkofmanythings.Chinaisthethirdlargestcountryintheworld,covering9,600,000squarekilometers.Therearemanyriversandmountainsinherterri-tory.Herpopulationisover1,200,000,000,thelargestintheworld.Shehas56nationalities.Theyarealllikebrothersandsisters.Theyliveinthebigfamilyhappily.Shehasalonghistoryofmorethan5,000years.Manynationalheroesandleadersliveinou…  相似文献   

For a teenager who has just started high school,the next three years of life may seem no better than hell.  相似文献   

My Dad and I     
Mydadlovesmeverymuch.HeoftenheldmeinhisarmswhenIwasachild.Heboughtapinknotebookformeyesterday,let  相似文献   

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