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对用目标光管代替水准尺在室内检定水准仪标准误差的可行性进行论述和验证,并提出了检测方法和数据处理方法。  相似文献   

水准仪是工程中进行高程测量的重要工具,因其具有较高的精度而被广泛应用。水准仪进行测量工作的原理是利用水准仪提供的水平视线读取水准尺上的读数,测定两点间的高差,进而计算出未知点的高程。那么如何使用水准仪精确的进行水准测量呢?我们以微倾式水准仪为例,介绍水准仪的使用。对于仪器本身要将其安放在三脚架上,同时必须满足两个重要条件:一、使圆水准器气泡居中。二、使水准管气泡居中。其次还要瞄准水准尺进行读数。  相似文献   

本文介绍了电子水准仪的特点及其使用,实践证明电子水准仪具有很高的精度和工作效率。  相似文献   

闫计丰 《职业技术》2006,(12):199-199
水准仪是建筑行业中进行高程测量的重要工具,因其具有较高的精度而被广泛应用。微倾式水准仪进行水准测量的工作原理是水准仪能够提供一条水平视线,如果把水准仪安置在两测点的中间,我们可以根据仪器提供的水平视线位置读出竖立在两测点的尺上的读数,求出两测点尺上的读数之差,  相似文献   

数字水准仪在二等水准测量应用的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍Trimble DiNi新数字水准仪的原理、性能和误差来源。结合洛仙二等水准测量的实践,对其精度及误差进行分析,认为测量成果的精度取决于测量的方法和外界条件的影响,Trimble DiNi能满足二等水准测量的精度。在水准测量实施过程、作业期间通过测量设备的配置及检校等方法可以减少误差;并建议更新水准测量的规范及水准路线上重力点的密度选择等。  相似文献   

水准仪是建筑行业中进行高程测量的重要工具,因其具有较高的精度而被广泛应用.微倾式水准仪进行水准测量的工作原理是水准仪能够提供一条水平视线,如果把水准仪安置在两测点的中间,我们可以根据仪器提供的水平视线位置读出竖立在两测点的尺上的读数,求出两测点尺上的读数之差,从而直接得出两立尺点之间的高差,如果已知某一点的高程就可以推算出另一点的高程.  相似文献   

精讲演示练习我讲《如何使用水准仪》□陕西何光焱〔案例〕复习略。本节课我们学习水准仪的使用方法和测量步骤。通过学习,大家要掌握水准仪的使用方法,使用水准仪测量的步骤。板书课题:如何使用水准仪。一、安置仪器1.选地:地面平坦、坚硬。(在教室讲台旁的地面上...  相似文献   

2.2填空题 (l)测量工作是遵循原则进行的。 (2)测量工作的实质是_。 (3)水准仪的粗略整平是指转动_准器气泡居中;水准仪的精确整平是指转动使水准管气泡居中。的程序和 (13)经纬仪的使用是指对仪器进行 和四项操作步骤。 (14)经纬仪的主要轴线有使圆水(4)水准测量的水准路线分为(5)微倾式水准仪的构造特点是(6)水准测量的测站检核方法有(7)微倾式水准仪的主要轴线有 (15)经纬仪各主要轴线之间应满足的几何关系是 (16)经纬仪竖盘指标水准管的作用是_。 (17)使用经纬仪对中的目的是使 (18)由某点真子午线北端起,按顺时针方向量到某方向线的水…  相似文献   

水准仪是通过其望远镜的视准轴和水准管的水准轴的相互平行,来获得水平视线。若二者在竖直面上的投影不平行,两投影线的交角称为“i”角误差。对水准测量而言,如果“i”角误差为零,表明水准管的水准轴水平后,望远镜的视准轴也是水平的,从而可提供水平视线,满足水准测量基本原理的要求。可见在水准测量中“i”角误差对观测结果影响很大,必须在测量工作前快速、准确地检验出“i”角误差大小,并加以校正。本文中水准仪“i”角误差的快速检验方法是在常规的检验方法的基础上,通过在距水准尺特定距离上的不同的地方安置两次水准仪,分别测出同两点间的两次高差。根据所设定的特定距离简化计算“i”角误差的公式,无须结合计算器等计算工具,可在现场直接口算出该水准仪的“i”角误差的大小及距水准仪最远水准尺上的正确读数。从而比常规检验方法更快速、方便地实现对水准仪“i”角误差的检验和校正。  相似文献   

在批林批孔运动的推动下,为适应我区农业学大寨、大搞农田基本建设的需要,从74年起,我们开设了农村测量课。今年年初,为桂林地区十个县的函授干部和部分教师举办了土水准仪测量学习班。接着又分别在全州、灵川、阳朔、恭城和兴安等县,举办了农村测量学习班,用土水准仪测量渠道和平整土地,取得了良好效果,受到了贫下中农的欢迎。现将群众制作和使用竹筒水准仪的经验,初步整理出来,供大家参考。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍南通大学大学英语分层教学的情况; 随后对课堂提问层次划分理论进行回顾和比较, 着重介绍梅德明的七层划分理论和当前大学英语精读教学课堂提问普遍采用的三层教学理念, 并将两种理论进行比较及整合;然后对英语分层教学体系条件下不同等级班级教学提问层次进行比较分析 研究锁定于分层教学必然要面对的教学环节, 旨在解决教学提问层次的复杂性和实用性之间的矛盾, 并对分层教学课堂提问的实际操作提出建议  相似文献   

The intent of the study presented in this paper is to show that the model of problem-based learning (PBL) can be made scalable by designing curriculum around a set of open-ended problems (OEPs). The detailed statistical analysis of the data collected to measure the effects of traditional and PBL instructions for three courses in Electronics and Communication Engineering, namely Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics and Pulse, Digital & Switching Circuits is presented here. It measures the effects of pedagogy, gender and cognitive styles on the knowledge, skill and attitude of the students. The study was conducted two times with content designed around same set of OEPs but with two different trained facilitators for all the three courses. The repeatability of results for effects of the independent parameters on dependent parameters is studied and inferences are drawn.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to assess the effects of teacher training in analogical reasoning on students' performance of analogy tasks. Study One focused on elementary school teachers and students, while Study Two involved early childhood teachers. In Study One, 25 fourth-grade teachers were assigned either to Control, or to Level I or Level II treatment conditions. The Level I condition involved the receipt of detailed analogy lessons. The Level II condition encompassed both the receipt of instructional materials and explicit training for teachers in their underlying theory and use. Further, 19 of the 25 treatment and control teachers were observed during the course of the study to determine the influence of observation of teachers on students' analogical reasoning. Students' performance of an analogy task was compared prior to and following teacher-delivered instruction by means of an analysis of covariance procedure. Results indicated that students in Level II classrooms significantly outperformed Level I students, who significantly outperformed students in Control classrooms. Teacher observation was found to be a significant factor in the performance of Level I, but not Level II or Control, students. In Study Two, teachers participating in two summer programs for gifted preschoolers were taught how to deliver instruction in analogical reasoning to young children, ages three to six. Results demonstrated that children receiving explicit instruction in analogical reasoning scored significantly better on an analogy task than the children assigned to control. No effect for age, race, gender, or Socioeconomic studies were found. Implications of the results of these two studies for educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

作为当代“数字中国”的核心工程、示范工程及样板工程,“数字福建”建设已经取得显著成效,但还存在机制束缚、科研攻关难题、利益藩篱困境、落实不足等制约因素,必须将“数字福建”建设的各领域积极因素充分调动起来,在创新顶层设计、健全配套机制、强化科研建设、打破利益藩篱、拓展应用渠道、引导共建共享等方面实现路径优化,有效提升“数字福建”的建设质量与社会效益,更好地引领“数字中国”健康发展。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the efficacy of a mathematics intervention devised by Essex Educational Psychology Service (EPS), UK. The intervention was designed to develop understanding and skills across four key domains within arithmetical development, by applying the principles of errorless learning, distributed practice and teaching to mastery. A quasi-experimental design was used to investigate the success of the intervention in raising the level of arithmetical skills of lower achieving pupils up to National Curriculum Level 2. The results indicated that children engaging with the intervention made significantly more progress than children not engaging with the intervention, with ratio gains of 2.51 in arithmetical skills. In addition, gains were made in mathematical reasoning.  相似文献   

数字化学习资源是实现数字化学习的基础和关键。尽管国内数字化学习资源研究已经取得一定成就,但是当前还存在着理论研究多于应用研究、规范化标准缺失、资源深层次整合不够、专业门户网站数量不足、培训机制不健全等问题。为了提高国内数字化学习资源的应用效率,推进教育信息化进程,国家应设定统一的评价标准,发展不同的教育资源门户网站,推动数字化学习资源实践研究走校企深度合作之路,整合多种资源,全面、系统地提高师生的信息素养。  相似文献   

城市空间数据基础设施是“数字城市”建设的关键环节,本结合“数字福州”的建设现状,分析了城市地理空间数据的应用特点,目前福州市空间数据基础设施建设以及存在的不足,并从机构体系、空间数据资源、政策法规、数据生产管理模式等方面提出了福州加强空间数据基础设施建设的策略。  相似文献   

在教育部"数字化学习港与终身学习社会的建设与示范"教改项目统领之下,通过对数字化学习港,特别是数字化学习型社区内涵及基本特征的阐述,从教育经济学、组织行为学的研究视角,构筑了数字化学习型社区市场化运作的不同模式。  相似文献   

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