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一、none与no one/nobody及nothingno one/nobody用来指人,作主语时谓语动词为单数形式;nothing用来指物,作主语时谓语动词也应为单数形式;none既可指人也可指物,“none+of+可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式或复数形式。“none+of+不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式。例如:1)N o one likes a person w ith bad m anners.没有人喜欢粗野之人。2)N othing is difficult in the world ifyou put your heart into it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。3)N one ofthem has/have seen m e before.以前他们当中没人见过我。4)N one ofthi…  相似文献   

N ow playing football is getting m ore and m ore popular in the world.A lot of people often spend their spare (空余的) tim e playing footballwith others.Footballseem s to be a fast gam e.Each of the football players(运动员) alw ays runs fast enough in order to kick (踢) the ball to thegoal.Som e football fans(球 迷)not only watch the football m atches butalso discuss(讨论)w hether the team s played w ell or not.N owadays football m atch has becom e very popular with students inChinese univers…  相似文献   

考点1:只有复数形式的名词作主语时谓语动词的形式 解析:只有复数形式的名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,  相似文献   

1.The one that cost a thousand dollars?(L65)价值一千元的那一条?句中的cost是动词,意为“价格是……”、“花费”,cost用作谓语动词时,主语应该是表示“事”或“物”的名词,其后既可以接表示“金钱”的名词,也可以接表示“时间”的名词作宾语,常用的结构是“tocost(sb)som e m oney/tim e”。例如:The book costs25yuan.这本书要25元。The invention cost her m uch tim e.这项发明用去了她许多时间。要注意cost与spend,和take的区别。spend用作谓语动词pay时,意为“花费”,其主语是表示“人”的名词或代词,其后既可接表示“金钱”的…  相似文献   

What's the population of Germany? population是集体名词,其前可用冠词a或the,但无复数形式,作主语时若表示整体概念,谓语动词用单数,作主语时若表示个体概念,谓语动词就用复数。如:One third of the population there like watching TV.那里三分之一的人口喜欢看电视。  相似文献   

请看下面高考题: 1.The house rentis expensive.I’ gotabouthalfthe space veIhad athom e and I’ m paying 摇 摇here.( 2003上海高考题) A.as three tim es m uch摇 B.as m uch three tim es摇 C.m uch as three tim es摇 D.three tim es as m uch 2. Am ericans eat 摇 摇vegetables per person today as theydid in 1910.( 2002上海春季高考题) A.m ore than twice摇 B.as twice as m any摇 C.twice as m any as 摇D.m ore than twice as m any 3.After the new techniq…  相似文献   

英语语法是有一定规则可循的,这些规则学起来并不难,而规则以外的特殊现象却不容易掌握。下面列举一些特殊语法现象。1.复数名词作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式;但表示距离、时间、金钱等的复数名词作主语时,常被看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。试比较:  相似文献   

Many food experts regard breakfast as the m ost im portant m eal of the day. By m orning you have had no food for 12 or m ore hours. This is the longest tim e you go w ithout food in a day. A s a result your blood sugar is low . Y our pulse slow s dow n. …  相似文献   

主谓语一致是中学英语重要语法,也是高考重要考点,其热点考查内容如下:一、考查the number of...与a(large/great)number of...做主语时谓语动词单复数the number of 复数名词表示"……的数目",做主语时动词用单数形式;a(large/great)number of 复数名词表示"许多……",做主语时动词用复数形式。  相似文献   

主谓一致是指在句子中 ,主语与谓语在“人称”和“数”上的一致。1.主语是单 (复 )数形式 ,谓语动词就用单 (复 )数形式。They are doing their homework while he isplaying football.2 .不可数名词无复数形式。它们作主语时 ,总是配用单数动词。Bread is very cheap here.有些名词既可作可数名词也可作不可数名词 ,选择谓语动词时要特别小心。Chickens are nice and chicken is not good e-nough.3.one of...结构作主语 ,谓语动词用单数。One of his two friends comes from Australia.What about the other one?4 .动名词 (短语 )、不…  相似文献   

1.In England,one of the most popular kindsof food is fish and chips.在英国,最受欢迎的一种食物是炸鱼和土豆条。“one of+the+形容词最高级+复数名词”表示“(在众多当中)最……之一”,当“one of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式。如:  相似文献   

作为一门语言,英语有一定的语法规则可循。但是,正如其它事物在普遍之中有特殊一样,在实际运用中,英语语法也有其特殊和例外的地方。现列举十例,供同学们参考。1.复数名词作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式。但当表示距离、时间、金钱等的复数名词作主语时,常被看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。如: Some boys are playing football.一些男孩正在踢足球。Thirty thousand dollars is a lot of money.30,000美元是一大笔钱。Ten years is quite a long time.10年是很长的一段时间。2.形容词修饰名词时,一般放在前面。如: She has got a new radio.她买了一台新的收  相似文献   

9.指令(issuing a command)(1)Say/R ead after m e,please.(2)Follow m e,please.(3)D o what I do.(4)R epeat,please./R epeat after m e.(5)O nce m ore,please./O ne m ore tim e,please.(6)Com e here,please.(7)Please com e to the front./Com e up and write on the b…  相似文献   

主谓一致的三个原则,即语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则。一、语法一致的原则语法一致是指主语为单数形式,谓语也用单数形式;主语为复数形式,谓语也用复数形式。1.用and连接的主语由and连接的两个或两个以上的名词作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式。但如果表示单一的概念时,谓语动词则用单数形式(见第二节“意义一致的原则”)。  相似文献   

The first word I learnt in m y life is “m um ”.From then on,I learntto know m ore aboutthis m agic word from m y m um s tender love.W hen I was a child,m y curiosity about everything m ade M um worrya lot about m e.N aturally,I was interested in everything that M um didn twant m e to do. She didn t criticize m e or punish m e, instead she spenther valuable tim e with m e to m ake sure I w as free from any trouble.But I used to be a troublem aker in m y childhood.Being naughty andactive,…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.media【用法】用作不可数名词或作medium的复数形式,意为“媒体;媒介”;作主语时,谓语动词单、复数均可。Television can be an excellent mediumfor education.电视会是一种绝好的教育手段。The mass media has become one ofthe necessary parts in our daily  相似文献   

句子中谓语动词的时态和语态的使用,一般应从以下几个方面加以考虑:一、有相关的时间状语,但没有可供参照的其他谓语动词。例如:More patients in hospital this year than lastyear.A.treated B have treatedC.have been treated D.had been treated析:与空白处谓语动词搭配的时间状语是this year,更多的病人接受治疗是this year的事,所设答案中只有现在完成时可与此时间状语连用,其次,主语(M ore)patients是treat表示的动作的承受者,因此空白处应该用现在完成时的被动语态形式have been treated。二、有可供参照的其他谓语动词,没有与…  相似文献   

A person s age no longer tells you som ething about1.his socialposition,marriage or healthy.There s no longer2.ooldena particular year which one goes to school or goes to3.work or gets m arried or start a fam ily.The socialclock4.thatkeptus on tim e and told us w hen go to school,get5.a job,or stop w orking isn t as strong as itwas used to be.6.It doesn tsurprise us to hear a28-year-old university7.presidentor a35-year-old grandm other,or70-year-old8.m an w ho has becom e a father for the firs…  相似文献   

【原句重现】Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world.上海是世界上最大的城市之一。(P72)【解析】“one of+the+形容词最高级+复数名词/代词”意为“(最)……之一”,当其在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:Jim is one of the tallest boys in our class.吉姆是我们班级中个子最高的一个。  相似文献   

例1、树木越来越多。误:The number of trees are getting largerand larger. 正:The number of trees is getting largerand larger. 析:“the number of”虽接复数可数名词,但它表示“……的数目”,作主语时,谓语动词仍要用第三人称单数形式;但“a number of”,表示“许多,大量的”,后接可数名词复数和集合名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。例如:  相似文献   

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