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20世纪80年代以来,新管理主义在西方主要发达国家兴起,并强势地重塑着大学的内外部环境。新管理主义的影响渗透到了大学日常工作的技术操作及意识形态两个层面,同时也意味着"大学-政府"关系由信任到问责的变化。在这一背景下,西方学术职业群体普遍面临困境:(1)管理主义在大学内部被强化,学者的学术主导地位进一步受限;(2)学术职业群体分化加剧;(3)学术工作挤压个人生活空间;(4)学者普遍面临学术身份认同危机。  相似文献   

全球化背景下,学术职业流动呈现出市场化、国际化、多样化的特点。这给高等教育发展带来契机:促进了大学教育国际化;增强了学术职业的国际竞争力;消解大学的国家主义。但同时也带来了系列挑战,使大学学术职业队伍存在安全风险,更使学术职业面临价值两难和身份危机。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代是上海交通大学发展的"黄金时期",这与当时黎照寰校长的办学理念有着直接关联。黎氏管理交通大学的成功,在于坚持大学自治与学术自由,独立地制定上海交通大学自身的发展目标和计划,同时将大学教育与国家建设需要紧密结合,从而形成理工管相结合、比较完整的高等工程教育思想,并坚持不懈地将其思想付诸实施。其大学教育观念与高等教育思想不但在我国近代高等教育史占有一席之位,而且对于当下大学的发展与改革仍具有现实的启迪意义。  相似文献   

为增加高等学校辅导员工作的吸引力,教育部颁发了双线晋升政策,辅导员在职业晋升时可以同时申请职级和职称两个系列。使用扎根理论研究路径考察案例学校辅导员在双线晋升政策要求下如何应对职业晋升,发现名义上提供双重机会的双线晋升政策,因与辅导员的工作特征不相匹配,实质上变成了辅导员晋升的双重困境。尽管辅导员在不同的情境和干预条件下采取了不同的行动策略,但他们对晋升后的结果都不满意,以致这项意图良好的政策产生了预期外后果:在政策目标、手段和结果各方面都出现了名实分离的情况。之所以出现这种悖论,是因为辅导员晋升中存在政府逻辑、专业逻辑与市场逻辑的错位。此悖论不仅给辅导员的专业认同带来了巨大困惑,而且对辅导员的专业化提出了挑战。对那些为了在学术竞争中名列前茅而实施类似政策的学校而言,本研究结果具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

当今的中国大学存在一定程度的道德失范、失序,但这些问题却不是一种“普遍现象”.大学道德危机的实质是道德上的信任、信念和信仰危机,表现为“大道德”与“日常道德”的脱节、道德认知与道德行为的割裂、随波逐流与坚守原则的矛盾.政府不是大学道德危机的“替罪羊”,道德危机是众多因素协同作用的结果.大学是一个道德共同体,在道德上更需强调精神独立、思想自由和学人品格.唯其如此,中国大学的道德前景才能更加光明.  相似文献   

在当代中国大学校长职业的发展历程中,对大学校长特定身份内涵的错误承认,导致了大学校长的身份危机问题。化解危机之道在于必须把这个表征的意义从整体上给予理解,把其置入一个特定意义中,赋予大学校长对其身份进行一个建基于符合大学人文精神的、具有特定价值的正确选择,以一个人文精神使者和文化权利守望者的身份在教育家办学语境中求索并坚守其身份选择的标准,这是大学校长成为职业教育家的逻辑前提。  相似文献   

学术异化是指学术对其本真目标与守则的偏离,它会导致现代大学发展的危机。学术异化表现在学术活动的目的、过程与结果等多方面,在某种程度上是由权力干预、利益驱使和制度缺陷等外在因素所引发的。大学要消解学术异化,回归真学术,最关键的是去除学术行政化,不唯学术GDP为上,建立起系统的保障制度。  相似文献   

荀渊 《高等教育研究》2021,42(1):94-102
在韦伯合法性理论的影响下,对大学与高等教育合法性的讨论,最初是从作为社会机构的大学组织合法性、制度合法性、观念合法性展开的,进而延伸到了作为社会系统的高等教育的合法性。受哈贝马斯资本主义合法化危机理论的影响,关于大学、高等教育的合法性危机的讨论,聚焦于二战后技术理性、新自由主义带来的知识商品化对大学与高等教育合法性的侵蚀。后现代理论对现代大学的质疑、批判同样消解着大学与高等教育的合法性。进入信息时代,一种新的合法性危机正在高等教育领域显现。作为一个西方学术命题,关于大学与高等教育合法性、合法性危机的讨论,为重新思考现代大学和高等教育的地位、使命及其公共价值提供了一个可选择的路径。  相似文献   


This paper offers an autoethnographic account of my first academic year as a Human Geography lecturer at a ‘new’ public university in the North West of England. This research is timely and much needed, since teaching at universities in England has recently come under increasing scrutiny. The Teaching Excellence Framework is a new scheme, which aims to recognise and reward excellence in teaching, learning, and outcomes, and helps to inform student choice. This paper is theoretically framed by drawing on notions of theatrical performance, and performativity. This paper offers insight into the coping strategies, in respect of teaching, that I deployed as a new university lecturer. Findings are discussed around the themes of: performing teaching identities, and inauthenticity. With regard to performing teaching identities, this paper discusses the need for identity to be multiple and shifting, and how, as a young female, I undertook identity work, in order to perform competence. I also bring to the fore feelings of inauthenticity; that is, how I did not feel as if I was a genuine academic, and how I fabricated / falsified aspects of my academic identity in order to ‘fit in’ with the expectations of both students and staff. As the voice of a new lecturer in her first year of teaching, this paper makes a useful contribution to the scholarship on early career academics and teaching development. This paper concludes with recommendations for change in practice-based settings, in order to assist new lecturers to settle into the job role, and enhance and enrich teaching practice.  相似文献   

近年来大学教师的社会声誉呈下降的趋势,其原因是复杂的,其中缺乏自觉的身份认同是一个重要原因。本文从"身份认同"的视角看待大学教师形象劣化的问题,讨论作为学术职业的大学教师个体身份认同和作为学术共同体的大学教师群体身份认同。  相似文献   

Changes in the cultural and linguistic environments of learners are often associated with identity shifts. The aim of this study was to explore what identity shifts occur when science students from Bahraini national schools transition to an international university. The role of two aspects of learner identity—that is, English proficiency and science background knowledge, was examined in this study. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were conducted with students and with university lecturers. The analysis suggested three conceptual themes of (1) reliance on science knowledge, (2) the auxiliary role of professional language and (3) adequacy of student learning strategies, demonstrating what subjective meanings the participants ascribe to the interplay between science knowledge and linguistic ability. The findings suggest that despite the lack of adequate linguistic attributes, the students are still able to successfully learn science in the context of language change. It is also implied that through strategically utilising their academic background in science, students preserve their identity as successful learners from school through to university. We conclude that agency plays a separate role in transition and is not a sole function of identity. We also contest the idea of language as a necessary attribute of one’s identity as it was perceived by our participants to be an advantage and an auxiliary tool rather than a requirement.  相似文献   

This research focuses on understanding how socio-psychological dimensions such as student social identity and student perceptions of their learning community affect learning at university. To do this, it integrates ideas from phenomenographic research into student learning with ideas from research on social identity. In two studies (N = 110, and N = 97) the relationships between student social identity, perceptions of the learning community, approaches to learning, and academic performance were explored. Our findings suggest that a strong student social identity is associated with a deep approach to learning, which in turn is linked to higher academic performance. Also, perceptions of learning community mediate the relationship between student social identity and deep approaches to learning. Significantly, a surface approach turns out not to be associated with student social identity or perceptions of the learning community, but it is negatively related to academic performance. Our research argues for the value of an integration of complementary frameworks, emphasising social and psychological aspects of the learning experience that can be used to improve our understanding of how and why students vary in the quality of their learning.  相似文献   

大学作为以从事知识传承、创造和应用为主要活动的社会组织,学术属性是其本质属性,由本质属性所衍生的特性反映在使命、结构、文化、权力和动力等组织要素的特征上。大学组织特性是其内部学术组织创新的基础,对学术组织的创新具有价值导向作用,依据大学组织特性,大学学术组织创新的价值取向为:制定与大学使命相适的学术组织创新战略,建立多样化和扁平化的学术组织结构,建设多元性和整合性统一的学术组织文化,形成学术权力为主导的权力体系,增强学术组织内源性发展动力。  相似文献   

Student success in higher education (HE) is dependent on the possession of a positive learner identity, the development of which is a complex longitudinal process of change. Exploring the growth of learner identity within the transition between school and university is therefore apposite, especially for learners from disadvantaged backgrounds who may not have sufficient cultural capital to make an easy intellectual transition from school pupil to university student. Learner identity is positively linked with both the academic and social context of learning as well as with concepts of engagement and a sense of belonging in HE. This article explores the findings of a Scottish study involving 30 students who took part in a unique widening participation model based on immersing learners in the university environment whilst still at school. Findings include evidence of the development of a transformative HE learner identity which is enabled by an immersive experience of university prior to entry. A model for HE learning identity formation is suggested. In the context of the current dialogue on fair access and widening participation to HE internationally, findings point policy makers to the benefits of long-term immersion in HE prior to entry for successful transition to university.  相似文献   

The author has focussed on the situation of women academics at Belarus State University. Wishing to ascertain whether or not women are objects of discrimination, she concludes, despite statistics which indicate a paucity of women at the upper levels of the academic hierarchy and in all levels in the sciences, that the problem is that women are barred from competing effectively for the top positions by heavy household and family duties which are not borne by men. Were this burden to be shared equally by men and women, the career chances of women in the academic world might be roughly equal to those of men. However, because of the socio‐economic crisis which Belarus is experiencing and the resulting effects on the university, the normal university career structure is in disarray. Nevertheless, even in today's conditions, it would be difficult to prove the existence of deliberate discrimination against women academics.  相似文献   

Universities face increasing global competition, pressuring them to restructure and find new identities. A multidimensional model: identity, image and reputation of strategic university identity and reputation work is developed. The model includes: organizational identity; employee and student attitudes; symbolic identity; influence from buildings, artefacts and reputation; and external stakeholders’ valuations. Image perceptions among employees, students and external stakeholders are proposed to have a transition-mediating function with respect to university identity. The model serves as an analytical tool for both academic scholars and university administrators in the strategic work with university identity, image and reputation, and aim to clarify the complex relations between these concepts.  相似文献   

Student retention remains an ongoing concern for higher education institutions worldwide. In the present study, we examine the predictive utility of identity styles, professional identity and academic commitment to academic achievement. We asked 120 second-year students in the profession of engineering in an augmented degree programme to complete the Identity Styles Inventory, the Engineering Identity Factors Inventory and the Academic Commitment Scale. We found that a normative identity style predicted professional engineering identity and meaningfulness, which predicted the participants’ investments in their studies. Additionally, a diffuse-avoidant identity style negatively predicted professional identity, meaningfulness and satisfaction, which provides empirical evidence of the contribution of identity to academic commitment. None of the variables we studied predicted academic achievement. Our findings are relevant, given current debates on access, equity and decolonisation in higher education, because it suggests that students’ sense of identity largely influences whether they feel a sense of belonging at university. Although identity styles and meaningfulness are not significant direct predictors of academic achievement, they probably do have an indirect effect on academic achievement through their direct influence on investment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生学业自我效能感、自尊与学习倦怠的现状及三者之间的关系,为减轻大学生的学习倦怠水平提供对策。方法:采用大学生学业自我效能感量表、自尊量表和大学生学习倦怠量表对184名在校大学生进行调查。结果:大学生自尊水平普遍比较高,学业自我效能感及学习倦怠总体处于中等水平;大学生自尊、学业自我效能感及学习倦怠存在在显著的性别及城乡间的差异;大学生自尊与学业自我效能感及其两个维度成显著正相关,与学习倦怠及其三个维度成显著负相关;学业自我效能感与学习倦怠总分及其行为不当、成就感低两个维度成显著负相关,但与情绪低落这一维度相关不显著;自尊与学业自我效能感对学习倦怠具有很好的预测作用。结论:自尊与学业自我效能感能很好地预测学习倦怠,可以通过提高学业自我效能感、培养高自尊的方式来降低大学生的学习倦怠水平。  相似文献   

青年教师是我国高校师资队伍的主力军,也是确保高校国际化战略有效落实的核心力量。研究以上海地区一所高水平研究型大学中的青年教师为调查对象,通过质性访谈的方法,重点分析了青年教师在职期间参与大学国际化实践的动机,并在此基础上对推动其参与行为的影响因素及其作用机制进行了深入探讨。研究结果显示,青年教师参与国际化的主要动机在于加强科研产出、获取学术资源、建立一种广义的学术声誉,其核心诉求是积累推动学术工作发展的各类学术资本。多种主要源自高校和教师个体的因素在其中发挥了不同程度的重要作用。研究通过进一步对这些“理性”参与动机背后信息的分析,探索了青年教师面对不同国际化活动所采取的“主动参与”“被动参与”和“综合参与”3种策略。  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of the structures of university governance at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem between the 1920s and 1960s. The model that ultimately prevailed, a state-sponsored model of governance, dominated the higher education system in Israel until the early 2000s and was characterised by the dominance of academic faculty, a status that the government accorded to the faculty in exchange for their acceptance of the state’s normative vision for universities’ role in society. Two main governance models that were instituted at the HU are identified: (1) the Diaspora university, 1925–1950, a distinctive governance model that emerged in the pre-state period and was controlled by Jewish communities in the Diaspora, and (2) the state university, 1950s–2000s, which shifted the centre of gravity to the state. These models are further divided into sub-models and the processes described through which academic autonomy was institutionalised during a period of nation-building.  相似文献   

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