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月相及其变化中应讲清的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高中地理新教材中要求学生掌握月相的变化规律 ,虽然学生对月亮圆缺的各种形状司空见惯 ,但对月相产生及其变化却不甚了解。如为什么上半月的亮面朝西 ,下半月的亮面朝东 ?为什么同样时间里月亮有时在西边天空 ,有时在东边天空 ?各种月相相对于太阳的升落情况如何 ?这一系列问题在新教材中都没有文字说明 ,展示给学生的只是月相成因示意图和月相的变化图。那么怎样才能让学生更好地理解并掌握月相的变化规律呢 ?一、什么是月相月亮圆缺的各种形状 ,叫做月相。为了加深同学们的印象 ,可以拿出不同形状的月相的图片展示给同学们看 ,让学生识记…  相似文献   

教学课题:十五、探索月亮的秘密 教学目的:使学生了解月亮表面的一般情况。知道月亮的公转,知道月相成因 教学重点:月亮的运动 教学难点:月相的成因 教具准备:录像带,月相变化和月相成因的幻灯片,模拟月球。 教学课时:一课时  相似文献   

由于太阳、地球、月球三者间相对位置的不断变化,地球上的人就会看见不同形状的月亮,我们把这不同形状的月亮,叫做月相。例如新月、上弦月、满月、下弦月等。农历的日期是根据月相变化规律来确定的,如果我们熟悉了各种月相,那么只要看见天空中某种形状的月相,就可以知道对应的农历日期了。下面是主要月相和农历对照表,可供初识月相的同学参照。同学们在观察实践中,对于形状相似的月相往往容易混淆,这里给大家介绍几点认识月相的方法。首先,在观察月相时,看见发亮的部分在我们右手方  相似文献   

月相词语义上是通过月亮形状的变化来表示一月之内的不同时间。上古时期的月相词十分丰富,共有18个。这些月相词在上古内部不同时期有一个词汇更替的过程,从与"霸(魄)"相关的月相记时体系逐渐过渡到以"朔、晦、望、弦"为主的月相格局。  相似文献   

月相词语义上是通过月亮形状的变化来表示一月之内的不同时间。上古时期的月相词十分丰富,共有18个。这些月相词在上古内部不同时期有一个词汇更替的过程,从与"霸(魄)"相关的月相记时体系逐渐过渡到以"朔、晦、望、弦"为主的月相格局。  相似文献   

古老的月相,是最具浪漫,象征意义的时间表达,品昧月相的盈亏变化则带给人神秘且迷人的力量。在中秋来临之际,Oris主推三款多功能月相表,工艺精巧的月相表盘周而复始,尽品腕间穹宇之美,腕间的星月掠影,更可以陪伴您度过每一刻幸福时光。 平日你未必能亲眼看到月相的盈亏变化,但oris Artelier多功能月相表则可以清楚地展现出月亮的运行轨迹在腕表12点钟位置拥有一个精致的月相视窗赛美的外型和打磨技术下,月相以一个银色满月呈现,  相似文献   

小学自然第五册第十五课《探索月亮的秘密》课后作业1:说出下面图中的月相大约是农历的哪一天看到的? 月亮上明暗两部分不断变化着的情况叫做月相。月相的变化是周期性的:无论什么日子,我们看月亮的明亮部分总是向着太阳的方向。上半月晚上,看到  相似文献   

天文学上把月亮的圆缺变化称为月相变化,而且在远古时期,人们已注意到了月相变化;许慎在《说文解字》中以“阙”释“月”,意为月亮有圆有缺,然以缺为常,揭示出月之得名由来及其变化;笔者将《说文解字》中表示月相变化的9个字进行归纳分类,即新月、满月、残月;并且从文字学、训诂学、天文学三个角度分别对每个字进行阐释。  相似文献   

韩静波 《物理教师》2006,27(9):42-43
本刊2005年第8期《为什么月球公转周期与月相变化周期不同》一文,论证了月亮的公转周期和月相变化周期的区别与联系.对我有很大启发,促使本人对该问题也进行了认真的思考.现将两种解释呈现如下.1常规解释图1首先,我们要了解:阳光照射下的月亮永远是半个亮半个黑的,月相的变化实  相似文献   

下图是物理新教材选修3-4第7页,科学漫步中提出让同学们思考的有趣问题. 月相 描述自然界的许多周期性变化都会用到相位的概念.例如,从地球上看,月亮从圆到缺,又从缺到圆,这是一种周期性的变化,如图11.2-3所示,周期为29.5d.月亮的这种圆缺变化叫做月相变化.为了便于记忆,人们还给几个特殊的月相起了特殊的名称:  相似文献   

长时期以来,权威辞书均以为:“望”指农历十五日,“既望”指农历十六日。但古代文献资料表明,“望”与“既望”实际可指同一天,均可以指农历十四、十五、十六日甚至十七日。  相似文献   

根据传统重日岁时的主体、普遍、系统特点,能够确认它们的本土和原始性质,并溯及其象数土壤。而原始十月历与后来农历的时间错位,能够为多数传统节日的由来提供解释:随着农历取十月历而代之,重日祭仪通过两种变形途径出现在农历中:一是整体摹仿,即移植重日节俗于农历同名日子;二是个别匿名.即在维持十月历时间的同时,部分重日匿名为农历对应日子的名称,如“二月八”、“八月十五”等。  相似文献   

单片机上使用的农历算法通常以汇编语言编写,不便移植和扩展,而且占用很多的存储空间。针对PIC系列单片机,使用c语言设计农历算法程序,在数据结构、程序语法上根据实践经验加以优化,程序具有很好的可移植性和可扩展性,节省了近三分之一的存储空间。  相似文献   

自《月出》始发至南朝,月景实可谓诗情之附庸。月亮在南朝文人的笔下独立出来,在谢灵运为首的山水诗人诗中,我们才看到了真正的山水之月。然而,此时月诗中月景诗情虽搭配合理,但并未圆融。直至初唐诗坛月诗中,月景诗情方才融为一体。中国的月亮文学在李白手中趋于成熟,他将内心情感融入月中,为我们捧出一轮至情之月。在此之后,月诗更是缤纷多彩、发扬光大。  相似文献   

This paper is a report of the Australian segment of an international multi-campus project centred on improving understanding of the Moon’s phases for preservice teachers. Instructional strategies adopted for a science education subject enabled Australian participants to make extended observations of the Moon’s phases and keep observational data records which were shared in asynchronous on-line discussion with fellow preservice teachers in the USA. An adaptation of an online inventory of lunar phases was completed by participants before and after the observation cycle. The analysis of inventory data showed that although there was statistically significant overall improvement in mean scores for the inventory this could be accounted for by statistically significant increases in only some conceptual domains related to the lunar phases. In addition, the findings indicate that some concepts involved in having a deep understanding of lunar phases can be improved by instruction however, misunderstandings of other concepts involved in lunar phases are difficult to change and may require increased attention to developing students’ visual-spatial capabilities.  相似文献   

本文主要论述《易传》在宇宙论的基础上建立起关于性别的形而上学,这种性别的形而上学主要体现在:一、阴阳是宇宙和人类两性关系与社会生活的基础。二、刚柔——阴阳的特性与男女两性的理想气质。三、合和——阴阳与男女两性的理想关系。《易传》的性别形而上学有其积极意义。  相似文献   

2004年既是阳历的闰年,又是农历的闰年,阳历与农历的闰年有何不同?设置闰年的依据是什么?  相似文献   

This study explored young children’s understandings of targeted lunar concepts, including when the moon can be observed, observable lunar phase shapes, predictable lunar patterns, and the cause of lunar phases. Twenty-one children (ages 7–9 years) from a multi-aged, self-contained classroom participated in this study. The instructional intervention included lunar data gathering, recording, and sharing, which integrated Starry Night planetarium software and an inquiry-based instruction on moon phases. Data were gathered using semi-structured interviews, student drawings, and a card sorting activity before and after instruction. Students’ lunar calendars and written responses, participant observer field notes, and videotaped class sessions also provided data throughout the study. Data were analyzed using constant comparative analysis. Nonparametric statistical analyses were also performed to support the qualitative findings. Results reflected a positive change in children’s conceptual understanding of all targeted concepts including the cause of moon phases, which is remarkable considering the complexity and abstractness of this spatial task. Results provided evidence that computer simulations may reduce the burden on children’s cognitive capacity and facilitate their learning of complex scientific concepts that would not be possible to learn on their own.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold. First, it was aimed to identify Turkish pre‐service physics teachers’ knowledge and understanding of the Moon, Moon phases, and other lunar phenomena. Second, the effects of model‐based teaching on pre‐service teachers’ conceptions were examined. Conceptions were proposed as mental models in this study. Four different questionnaires including 22 generative, explanation, and factual questions were used through the study. The pre‐service physics teachers’ mental models generated in response to lunar phenomena might be representations of their naïve knowledge as a result of their causal observations and experiences with the world, and their misconceptions as a result of inconsistencies between their naïve knowledge and scientific knowledge. Therefore, the pre‐service teachers’ mental models were categorized based on the work by Chi and Roscoe. Some of the pre‐service teachers’ mental models shifted from flawed or incomplete mental models to correct mental models of the Moon and lunar phenomena with the facilitation of model‐based teaching. The conclusions of the study carry implications for curriculum developers and teacher education.  相似文献   

农历七月七日是早期的“晒节”,它与人们传说中关于牛女的“七夕节”不是同一回事情,且各有着不同的意义。但是,由于两个节日长期绞缠在一起,故人们将“晒节”改在每年的农历六月初六。现今,关于“晒节”的时间因地而异。  相似文献   

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