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1.狼保姆和兔宝宝目标语言It’s 6:30/…It’s time to get up/…情境设计通过故事情境狼保姆和兔宝宝引出并学习get up,go to school,go home,go to bed等动词短语,然后利用故事情节,帮助学生灵活使用句型It’s…It’s time to…。教师要求学生同桌两人,一人扮演狼保姆,一人扮兔宝宝。效果描述表演让学生变得异常兴奋,由此产生的对话富于想象力,  相似文献   

(编者注:本文内容取自作者参加一次市级赛课的教学设计。)教学内容A:Oh,my God!B:What’s up?A:Robert,could you do me a favor?B:What’s wrong?A:I’ve just sprained my ankle.Could you help me go to  相似文献   

宋京华 《中学生英语》2013,(14):19-21,48
一、完形填空Mary was seven years old.Her parents recently moved to a new town,and so Mary was going to a 1 school,which was a few kilometers from the house they lived in now. A school bus going around picked up 2 every morning and brought them back to their 3 every afternoon,and as both of Mary’s parents 4 to go to work,she al- ways went on this bus. Mary’s parents always 5 their alarm clock for seven o’clock so that none of them would be 6.But one morning the alarm 7 to go off,and it was not until a quarter past eight that Mary’s mother suddenly 8, looked at the clock and said,"What’s ever happened to that clock?" and then 9 into  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Free talk T:Good morning,boys and girls.How is the weather?S:It’s sunny.T:Yes.It’s a fine day.Let’s go out and play.Let’s go camping.S:That’s a good idea.Let’s go.设计意图:通过师生间的自由交谈,自然导入语篇话题。  相似文献   

1.【原句】What are you going to bewhen you grow up?(P.59)【短语】grow up是固定短语,意思是“长大”。【考例】I have a dream.W hen I,I want to be a scientist.(2005宿迁市)A.m ake up B.com e upC.grow up D.turn up【解析】选C。从句意来判断,应用grow up。2.【原句】I’m going to m ove som ewhereinteresting.(P.61)【语法】形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在被修饰词的后面。【考例】There’s too m uch noise here.Let’s go to.(2004昆明市)A.quiet everywhere B.som ewhere quietC.everywhere quiet D.quiet som ewhere…  相似文献   

Bill:What’s this?John:It’s a model of the car of the future.Bill:What can it do?What's so different about it?John:Well,when I push this lever(杠杆)this way,the car will go toward you,and if I reverse(反向拉)it,it will back up.See?Bill:Very good,but any car will go forward and backward.John:Yes.but chis one will do more.When I  相似文献   

Miss Baker     
iss B aker w as a real m onkey. She a m onkey can go up and com e back all ’ w as very little.She didn t w eig h as rig ht. If it d oes熏 m aybe a m an can do it熏M (小猫) ” m uch as a b ig kitten . Y ou too. “ ” “ ’could have held her in one hand. Yes熏 said another. Let s try a m on鄄 She w as alw ays jum ping up on people key next…  相似文献   

There was a dreamLong tim e agoThere was a dreamD estined to growFor a lifetim e of progressThat runs here todayW e’ll go all the w ayH ey they feel like having the tim e of our livesLet’s light the fire find the plainLet’s go together as one insideCau…  相似文献   

[案例一] Step 1.Warm—up/Review 1.授课教师与学生互相问候后,学生分角色问答对唱Let’s chant。 2.T:Last week,we had a three-day holiday.Did you have a good time?Where did you go on your holiday ? What did you do ? Ask and answer in pairs.(此活动起到了温故知新的作用)  相似文献   

教学过程场景一:Pick up the apples1.Let’s sing a song"An apple a day keeps the doctor away".T:Apples are very helpful for us.Let’s eat apples.First,let’s pick up the apples.2.Let’s pick up the apples(1)There are many apples in the tree.On each apple there is a consonant./p//b//t//d//k//f//v//s//z//兹//奁//m///  相似文献   

That’s what scientists expect to see after astronauts updatethe Hubble telescope The space shuttle1 Columbia blasted off2 into acloudless Florida sky last Friday morning.Its mission:tojazz up3 the Hubble Space Telescope with 6,000 pounds ofnew equipment.If the mission succeeds,the Hubble will soonsend to Earth the sharpest pictures of outer space ever seen.“Hubble’s up there ready for us,”said Commander ScottAltman.“And we’re ready to go to work.”  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Free talk1.Listen a song"We arehappy bees"2.Free talkT:Good morning,boys andgirls.Ss:Good morning,MissWang.T:How are you?Ss:Fine,thank you.T:What’s the weather liketoday?Ss:It’s sunny.T:Let’s go to the toy shop!Ss:Great!Let’s go!Say a rhyme:Shopping,shopping.I like shopping!Shopping,shopping.Let’s goshopping!(说唱的同时配以动作)  相似文献   

本单元的教材“What Time Is It?”内容包含了以下的语言要素:一、语言功能:1.询问时间:What time is it?问答:It’s one o’clock.(整点时间)It’s nine fortyfive.(非整点时间)2.到了做某事的时间:It’s time to get up/go to school/go home/go to bed/watch TV.It’s time for lunch/math class/English class.3.用英语表述学科的名称:Chinese class(语文课)、P.E.class(体育课)、music class(音乐课)、math class(数学课)等。4.元音字母e在开音节和闭音节中的读音。  相似文献   

<正>一、教学分析本部分的教学内容是:B Let’s Learn Let’s chant和C story time部分,能够听、说、认读四个动词短语:get up,go to school,go home,go to bed和句型It’s time to……以及非整点的时间表达,能够理解并在具体的情景中正确使用句型:It's time to....来描述自己不同时间进行的日常活动。理解并能够在老师的指导下会吟唱Let's chant部分的歌谣,了解story time的内容,让学生了解April Fool的知识,教育学生不能开过分的玩笑愚弄别人。  相似文献   

1Papa,Mama,Brother and Sister go to the shore for weekend.There is a house for them to stay in.爸爸、妈妈、哥哥和妹妹周末去海边度假。那有一所房子供他们居住。2"Let’s put on swimming suits and go into the water!"says Brother."Wait,we must clean up,room by room!"says Mama."我们穿上泳衣下水吧!"哥哥说。"等等,我们必须要先把每个房间收拾一下",妈妈说。  相似文献   

When I was small and dreaming of going to Africa because I was in love with Tarzan(泰山—美国影片人猿泰山的主人公),I was jealous of Tarzan’s Jane.I thought she was a wimp and I’d have made a much better mate for Tarzan myself.I wanted to go to Africa and live with animals and write books about them.My mother used to say to me"Jane,if you really want something,and if you really work hard,if you take advantage of the opportunities and if you never give up:you’11 find a way."  相似文献   

Once upon a time.there was a mollse in a mouse-hole.One day it sat up and listened attentively,and as it did So it heard someone bark……“Now,”thought the mouse,“that’ll be a dog,I might as well go out.I don’t think dogs eat mice.”  相似文献   

We don't use that much slang...or do we? When I was working out at the gym with a French friend of mine, Pascale, a friend of his came up and enthusiastically inquired, "What's up?" Pascale paused a moment, took a step backward and looked up, checking out the ceiling.Realizing he didn’tget it,Iquickly piped up and explained,“O h, that’s slang for ‘H ow are you?’”H e looked confused, obviously not understanding how “W hat’s up?”could possibly have anything to do w ith “H ow are …  相似文献   

先阅读下面对话,了解大意,然后从所给的七个句子中选出五句填入五个空处,请将所选句子的标号字母填 入阿拉伯数字之后。 Ⅰ A: 1 ,madam? B:Yes? A: 2? B:Certainly.You can take a No.6 or No.8 bus.Let me see…Oh yes,you can catch a No.23 trolley bus,too, A:Can I go there on foot? B: 3 .It’s,far from here. A:Where’s the nearest busstop,please? B:It’s over there See? Oh,there come the bus.Hurry up. 4 A:Thanks very much.Bye—bye, B:5 And bye! a.Yes,I think so. b.That’s all right. c.I think you can catch it.  相似文献   

I like w eekends.B ecause people needn ' s go tow ork and students needn ' t go to school.A t w eekendsw e can do som ething w e like and have a rest.P eoplew ork for several days and m ust be very tired.T hen theycan go to bed earlier and get up later than usual.I oftenlisten to a piece of m usic and drink a cup of coffee.O fcourse do m y hom ew ork.They m ake m e very happy.Ialso do som e reading.It' s very interesting.E veryonehas his w ay to have a rest.I think everyone likesw eekends v…  相似文献   

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