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正AIt was time for Mr Bell to close his shop.He was checking his money.His son Tom,who was 15,had just gone outside to buy a newspaper.Justthen,a big man walked into the shop with a gun in his hand.When Tom came back,he could hear the man asking his father for money.Tom could see the gun in the man??s hand,but the man didn??t see or hear Tom.Tom hurried up the street.He looked for the police,but he didn??t seeany.Then Tom saw an old baseball bat lying in the street."Maybe this willhelphe thoughtHe ran back with it  相似文献   

On My Way Home     
I will tell you a real story. Last Saturday when I was on my way home,I saw an accident.A little boy rode a bike and knocked down an old man.But the little boy didn蒺t say sorry to the old man. So the old may was very angry.He hit the boy in his face .At this time, the little boy蒺s bike was in the middle of the road, but the people seemed to see nothing. So the traffic was blocked.They were all standing around the bike. Just then, a foreigner walked up and took the bike to the other side …  相似文献   

It was time for Mr Bell to close his shop. He was checking his money.His son Tom, who was 15, then, a big man walked into When Tom came back, Tom could see the gun in the had just gone outside to the shop with a gun in his buy a newspaper. Just hand. he could hear the man asking his father for money. man's hand, but the man didn't see or hear Tom.  相似文献   

An old lady who lived in a village went into town one Saturday, and after she had bought fruit and vegetables in the market for herself and for a friend who was ill, she went into a shop which sold glasses. She tried one pair of glasses, and then another pair and another, but none of them seemed to be right. The shopkeeper was a very patient man, and after some time he said to the old lady, "Now, don't worry, madam.  相似文献   

John is fifteen now. He is a middle school student. small village (乡村) and it's about three kilometers from weekdays John has to get up early in the morning and breakfast he walks to school. His father wants to borrow He lives in a his school. On after a quick some money to buy a bike for him. father often spends father and keeps w However, John knows his mother is always ill and his some money on medicine. He doesn't agree with his alking to school. Now he's very strong and never late for class. His teachers often praise him.  相似文献   

第一卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。1.Where are the woman and the man proba-bly? A.In a shopping centre. B.In a hospital. C.On a crowded bus.2.What does the man think of his job? A.He enjoys it. B.He wants to change his job. C.He finds it of no interest.3.Why didn’t the woman get the job? A.She is not old enough. B.Sh…  相似文献   

Erik was a fourteen-year-old boy.Hethought he was a young man but his par-ents didn’t think so.They told him,“Whenyou begin to think about1others,you’ll be a young man.”One morning,Erik’s parents gave him2money to buy some hamburgers.He saw an old man there.The man lookedsick.Erik went up to him and found thatthe old man had lost his3andhadn’t had4for hisbreakfast.Erik took the oldman to the nearest restaurant.5the man ordered only aglass of water for himself.Erikfelt sorry for him,so he askedthe waiter to6...  相似文献   

Jack hadn’t seen the old man for a long time.In fact,Jack had moved to the country to follow his dream.He was too busy to think about the past and spend time with his family.He was working on his future,and nothing could stop him.Over the phone,his mother told him,"Mr.Belser died last night.The  相似文献   

I.单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的正确答案。1.The baby was ill,the doctor looked it——Very carefully· A.at B.on C.up D.over2.His parents have to dowork in the garden every dayA.much B.many C.a lot D.a3.Emma has to stay A.at.athome to lookhis grandmother.B.in,over C.in,up D.at,after4.I—————一a story—book.There————————some pictures in it. A.am,are B.have,has C.am,have5.He felt............................——after he finished his homework. A.tired B.…  相似文献   

1.单句理解。选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相 近的选项。(5分) 1 .A.Her radio has stopPed working. B .Someone has turned down her radio. C .Someone has turned off her radio. 2 .A.The weather 15 ve叮niee. B .1 had a good holiday· C .1 ean hear you elearly. 3 .A.The old man lives in a house with three big rooms. B .He has a house and in the house there are three big rooms· C .He sold a house with three big rooms. 4.A.He had tea in the garden and then in the house. B .He didn,t have tea in…  相似文献   

1.单项填空1.I find impossible to learn two foreign languages well at the same time.A. this B.that C.me D.it2. She pretended me when Ⅰ passed by.A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen3. The old man had no house in the past. He often lay in the open air.A. to live B. to live in C. living D. living in4.-Why do the small boys over there refuse to play with these little girls?-Because they look the little girls.A. out B. forward to C. over D. down upon  相似文献   

先做以下2003年全国中考英语试题。1.I know nothing about it _____ my friend told me yesterday.(甘肃省)A.because B.since C.until D.so 2.Lucy knew about it _____ her sister told her.(河南省)A.because B.until C.if D.since 3.The man on the motorbike _____ see the bag of rice _____ he hit it.(福建省厦门市)A.doesn’t, before B.doesn’t, until C.didn’t, until D.didn’t, after 4.—We’d better not talk about it _____ Mary leav…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 单词拼写根据句意和所给的汉语提示, 写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1. He was very (心烦意乱的) thatyou didn’t reply to his letters.2. The chance meeting (唤醒) theold passion between them.3. The a (达成) at this conclusionwas the result of much thought.4. It would be (难以置信) thatsuch an honest fellow should have goneagainst his friends>5. That volcano (喷发) in 1946after one hundred and twenty years ofsilence.6. When my old friend (力劝) meto accept a cigarette, it was more thanI could bea…  相似文献   

Leonna 《英语辅导》2004,(12):32-32
I was inspired to write this poem when my daughter was about 4 years old, We were on vacation in Florida at the time. She was perfectly content playing in the sand and running along the water‘s edge. She didn‘t need a friend to play with.  相似文献   

Unit 10练习     
Ⅰ.选择填空。(15分)1.I didn1t go to buy a bike because my uncle____one for me as abirthday present.A.bought B.will buy C.had bought D.was buying2.There was an old man____wanted to see you outside.A.who B.he C.which D.whom3.I didn1t____my brother had told them a lie about it.A.reveal B.reply C.understand D.realize4.He didn1t tell me that he____a new bike already.A.had B.had had C.would have D.was having5.The TV play____for ten minutes when I turned on the TV.A.had been on B.has starte…  相似文献   

Robert is 16 now. He'll finish middle school in two years. His father keeps a shop and has much money. The father hopes his son can go to college and makes him study hard. But the young man likes to play cards. He has to go out after his parents fall asleep.  相似文献   

Time and tide wait for no man.It is not long before the school started and it is sad for me to think of leaving the school and the teachers soon.In the past three years,I have had a very great time.I won’t forget his loud voice in class.He was the first one to arrive at the classroom.He always spent his free time finishing his task and teaching us knowledge.He gave us suitable homework every weekday.He was never late for class.He was very responsible to us.And he never gave up on  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空。1.—He didn’t go to school this morning,did he?—______,thoughhewasnotfeelingverywell.A.No,he didn’t B.Yes,he didC.No,he did D.Yes,he didn’t2.Thepolicecaughttheman______stolemyhandbag.A.he B.who C.whom D.which3.—Didyoudowellin______Englishexam?—Yes,I got______“A”.A.the;an B.an;the C.a;不填D.the;a4.Sorry,we already have four people in the car,sothere______for this box.A.is a little room B.are no roomsC.is little room D.are few rooms5.—Can I use your bike for a whi…  相似文献   

1.N obody noticed the thiefslip into the house because the lights happen-ed to.A.be putup B.give inC.be turned on D.go out2.W e didn t plan our artexhibition like thatbut it very well.A.worked out B.tried out C.w ent on D.carried on3.W e thoughtofselling this old furniture,but we ve decided to it.Itm ightbe valuable.A.hold on to B.keep up withC.turn to D.look after4.N ews reports say peace talks betw een the tw o countries w ith noagreem entreached.A.have broken down B.have broken outC.h…  相似文献   

1.I suggested the person______to be put intopruson.A.referring B.referC.referred D.was able2.What ever do you consider______to thepoor?A.taking place B.to have happenedC.happening D.happened3.The old man the three sons didn’t like_______a large amount of money from abroad.A.got B.to get C.getting D.receiving4.After running for two hours,his strength  相似文献   

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