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万用表是一种常见的测量工具,采用凌阳SPCE061A单片机设计的语音数字万用表,具有语音发声功能,测量精确、使用方便、性能可靠;在硬件设计上以普通数字万用表的结构为基础,加入单片微机,设计了自动语音播放单元;在软件设计上采用了树形模块化结构,流程清晰,操作性强;该万用表可以完成基本电气量的测量和常见电气元件检测等各项功能,体现了直观、实用、人性化的特点,提高了仪表的智能化程度。  相似文献   

智能数字万用表研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的数字万用表存在测量时间长、自动化水平低、操作不便等问题.针对这些问题,提出了自动测试的设计方法,介绍了自动测试系统的软件和硬件组成,阐述了自动测试系统完成测试的过程,并据此研制了一种新型智能数字万用表.该表能够自动识别电压、电流、电阻等被测物理量并进行自动测量,其测量精度符合国家标准,并具有测量时间短、数据准确、自动化程度高、实用性强、可靠性高、体积小等优点,是现代化的智能仪器.与传统数字万用表相比,提高了测试效率和测试结果的准确性,避免了人为因素的影响,保证了测试精度.该表造价低、使用方便,具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

数字万用表作为实验教学中的常用仪器,在使用中经常会出现各种故障,作好仪器设备的维修工作是实验教学顺利进行的根本保证。自动关机功能已在多种数字万用表中应用,它可避免因忘记关电源而空耗电池。现以实验教学中所用的DT9205数字万用表的自动关机电路予以分析。  相似文献   

大学物理实验室为学生提供基本的电学元件与相应的组装器材,学生在掌握数字万用表的理论基础知识之后,自己设计实验方案和实验电路图,制作多量程数字万用表,自己设计实验激发了学生学习的主动性,拓展了学生的思维能力,培养了学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

在电工电子实践测量中如能巧妙的利用数字万用表的现有功能,掌握一些测量技巧,就能克服数字万用表现有功能的局限性,扩大其测量功能。  相似文献   

阐述用数字万用表测低值电阻的原理及方法,并通过实验说明准确性.  相似文献   

介绍了LED显示的台式4位数字万用表的原理、故障分析和维修方法。  相似文献   

介绍了LED显示的台式9/2位数字万用表的原理、故障分析和维修方法。  相似文献   

This paper reports two studies of young English‐speaking children's ability to cope with changes to the metrical stress pattern of spoken words and the relationship between this ability, phonological awareness and early reading development. Initially, 39 children aged 4 and 5 years were assessed on their ability to identify mispronounced words, including words that had their metrical stress pattern reversed. The children were significantly worse at identifying words that had their metrical stress pattern reversed than words that were mispronounced in other ways. The second study was a cross‐sectional comparison of 31 5, 6 and 7‐year‐old children's performance on the metrical stress reversal condition of the mispronunciation task. Measures of the children's written language skills and phonological awareness were also taken. The 7‐year‐old children outperformed the 5‐year‐olds on the metrical stress task. Performance on this measure was associated with most of the measures of phonological awareness and literacy, and was associated with rhyme awareness and spelling ability after age had been taken into account. Moreover, metrical stress sensitivity could account for variance in spelling ability after phonological awareness had been taken into account, and after vocabulary had been taken into account. This suggests that stress sensitivity may influence spelling development in a way that is independent of its contribution to phonological representations.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study that examines the integration of tablet technologies such as iPads into literacy lessons to investigate how reading and meaning‐making occur within this digital medium. Specifically in this paper, we discuss the concept of reading paths as applied to physical and cognitive planes of meaning‐making. The paper reports on data collected as part of a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded project involving researchers from Canada, the United States and Australia. The study is currently under way in schools in the three different countries where the researchers are observing students in classrooms in primary and secondary schools. The research is designed with a mixed methods approach coding video footage of dyads to enable close study of their interaction during literacy tasks incorporating iPads. Our findings show that the affordances of touch technology allow for multimodal, multidirectional reading paths. By tracking students' interactions with the digital platform through touch, it is possible to see navigation as evidence of the relationship between material and cognitive processes, which fosters metatextual awareness. These aspects of modes and new literacies construct a dynamic materiality for students' reading and writing. As a result, we propose that current awareness of the mode of gesture needs to be expanded to take into account haptic ways of learning.  相似文献   

This case study explored how a teacher's questioning during guided reading scaffolded six children's understanding of reading. Observations and interview data conveyed that questioning statements and the teacher's involvement as a respondent prompted children's engagement and understanding of the text. Insufficient wait time and open questions with a closed intent seemed to stifle children's understanding of reading. Conclusions suggest teachers' relaxation of questioning to a conversational manner may enable guided reading to be an opportunity to develop children's comprehension on all levels.  相似文献   


Divergent views on the relative value or status of spoken and written language skills may contribute to a disconnect between lay community members and language professionals, activists, or academics, and conflicted approaches to language support, teaching and/or revitalisation. Taking the bilingual Outer Hebrides as a case study, an online language capture and curation project is described which attempts to engage with these issues, acknowledging an important place for Reading Aloud in the range of strategies employed.  相似文献   

图像的传播更纪实、更便捷,大众传播媒介的广泛参与使之变得更加“受众化”。探究什么是“读图时代”以及“受众”的读图心理,对传播媒体的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

语文学科教育对学生阅读行为的要求远高于其他学科,它要经历认读、辨析、提取、概括、类属化等一系列的活动。在阅读教学中要引导学生进行创新阅读,不断提高学生的阅读水平。  相似文献   

This study utilized early reading assessment data from a randomized trial of 210 urban and rural schools in Texas to examine contextual effects on risk prediction in first and second grade. The primary objective was to examine the roles of (a) individual differences, (b) the grade 1 classroom, and (c) the pairing of first and second grade teachers in determining grade 2 outcomes in word reading and fluency. A second objective was to investigate whether the administration format of the assessment (paper, paper plus desktop, handheld plus desktop) or the level of teacher support (web mentoring, no mentoring) moderated the prediction. These moderator variables proved not to be significant. Subsequent analyses found that a combination of student pretest and mean of pretest classroom was a better predictor than student pretest alone. Additionally, the effect of student scores varied by teacher-pair. On average, intraclass correlations (ICCs) ranged from 6% to 17%. Differences in ICCs at the classroom level were much greater than at the school level, and differences in urban schools were twice that of rural schools.  相似文献   

分析了在航管雷达模拟系统增加语音识别和合成功能的实现过程。根据航管雷达模拟系统的特点,采用中英文皆可识别且适合连续识别的语音引擎,以及符合人类语言特点的TTS语音库,与系统内部通讯机制相结合,实现语音识别和合成的过程。该系统运行稳定,在识别率和数据传输速度等方面效果比较好。  相似文献   

外语阅读课中的跨化交际是为了跨越不同民族、不同国家的语言及其化的差异,更好地进行思想交流。学习、了解不同化背景及其异同,是避免语用失误、提高化素养的关键。在阅读课教学中,进行化异同的比较研究是加强阅读教学、提高语言运用能力的重要方面。  相似文献   

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