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In today’s higher education, the Internet is indispensable in creating, storing, and disseminating information and knowledge. This study examines gender differences among college students in their usage perceptions of the Internet. A multiple-variable logistic model was proposed and tested using data gathered from 805 college students. The results of the study suggest gender differences in usage perceptions of the Internet can be detected among college students. Specifically, the differences are reflected in that male college students have a higher level of perceptions of Internet self-efficacy, experience, and information overload than females. Implications for research in information systems and practice in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study regarded the self-regulated vs. not-self-regulated function and the indirect vs. direct (i.e., polite vs. impolite) linguistic form of middle school students’ requests for help. Natural data (149 requests were sent via an online homework-help forum by French-speaking seventh to ninth graders) was used. Nearly 60% of the requests were self-regulated and 70% were indirect (polite). Moreover, self-regulated functions (detailed or general requests about mathematics) were frequently combined with indirect request forms (embedded imperatives, question directives, or hints), suggesting that these students were capable of metacognitive reflection on their homework and followed the pragmatic communication rules of traditional student-teacher situations.  相似文献   

Recent theory and results from twin and adoption studies of children and adolescents suggest greater genetic influence on aggressive as compared to nonaggressive antisocial behavior. In addition, quantitative or qualitative differences in the etiology of these behaviors in males and females have been indicated in the literature. The Child Behavior Checklist was completed by the parents of 1022 Swedish twin pairs aged 7-9 years and of 501 British twin pairs aged 8-16 years. Genetic factors influenced aggressive antisocial behavior to a far greater extent than nonaggressive antisocial behavior, which was also significantly influenced by the shared environment. There was a significant sex difference in the etiology of nonaggressive antisocial behavior. Bivariate analyses supported the conclusion that the etiologies of aggressive and nonaggressive antisocial behavior differ for males and females.  相似文献   

统计分析结果表明,大学生价值观存在城乡差异.显著差异表现在真诚、平等、尊重、宽容、豁达、勤俭、负责、付出、吃苦、奉献、社会主义道路、政党制度、改革创新、钱与权、宗教、诚信、公正等多个方面.差异研究的主要启示是,城乡环境对青年价值观的形成具有重要影响,价值观培育应该照顾城乡大学生的个性差异,对城乡大学生价值观差异的后续研究需要不断深入,文化建设需要考虑城乡差异.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of peer-rejected boys: aggressive and nonaggressive subtypes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Cluster analyses were employed in 2 studies to explore the possibility that discernible subtypes exist within the population of peer-rejected boys. In Study 1, 41 rejected 9- and 10-year-old boys were identified using nomination sociometrics. 8 teacher rating, behavior observation, and social problem solving interview measures were entered into the analysis. In Study 2, 48 9-, 10-, and 11-year-old rejected boys were identified using rating sociometrics. 9 teacher rating and peer rating measures were entered into the cluster analysis. 2 large clusters emerged in each of the 2 samples. Consistent patterns were seen across both studies when children within each cluster were compared with each other and with those in a popular comparison group. Boys in one cluster exhibited high aggression, low self-control, behavior problems, and withdrawn behavior. Boys in the other cluster exhibited withdrawal but did not obtain elevated scores on measures of aggression, behavior problems, or self-control. Findings of rejected-child heterogeneity have significant implications for the design of treatment programs and further research on peer relationship difficulties of children.  相似文献   

Individual differences in children's propensity to demonstrate cognitive synthesis were evaluated using an artificial reading task. Six-year-olds were asked to demonstrate the meaning of various sentences constructed of logographs, or whole-word symbols, which were arranged in either a meaningful (i.e., grammatical) or scrambled (i.e., ungrammatical) order. Some children demonstrated the sentences in a synthesized mode (expressing a single idea unit), while others used a nonsynthesized mode (expressing the meanings of individual logographs). Overall, synthesizers had a larger attentional reserve, or M-capacity, than nonsynthesizers. The two groups did not differ significantly in age, intellectual level, or reading achievement. As predicted by their larger M-capacity, synthesizers demonstrated from memory significantly more items from meaningful sentences than nonsynthesizers. However, when synthesizers attempted to integrate the scrambled sentences, the excessive operative schemes needed to reorganize the items reduced their recall performance to the level of nonsynthesizers.  相似文献   

通过从伦理现实与世俗超越,感性包容与理性独尊,淡然宁静与积极进取等方面对基督教与儒教与道教的分析比较中,可见中国文化注重感性的内在世界,崇尚淡然处世;西方文化注重理性的外在世界,崇尚积极进取,是有其宗教文化的历史渊源的。  相似文献   

本文论述了中俄两国数学教育目标在数学知识的理解、对数学能力的要求、对数学的态度和观念等方面的差异。探析了形成这些差异的原因 (包括学科教育观念不同 ,知识价值观不同 ,教育培养目标不同等几方面 ) ,并提出了对研制我国数学教育目标的几点启示。  相似文献   

Presenting science is an authentic activity of practicing scientists. Thus, effective communication of science is an important skill to nurture in high school students who are learning science. This study examines strategies employed by high school students as they make science presentations; it assesses students' conceptual understandings of particular science topics through their presentations and investigates gender differences. Data are derived from science presentation given by eight high school students, three females and five males who attended a summer science program. Data sources included videotaped presentations, ethnographic fieldnotes, interviews with presenters and members of the audience, and presenter notes and overheads. Presentations were transcribed and submitted to discourse analysis from an interactional sociolinguistic perspective. This article focuses on the methodology employed and how it helps inform the above research questions. The author argues that use of this methodology leads to findings that inform important social-communicative issues in the learning of science. Practical advice for teaching students to present science, implications for use of presentations to assess conceptual learning, and indications of some possible gender differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Consistent individual differences were found in first graders' strategy choices in addition, subtraction, and reading (word identification). Differences were present along 2 dimensions: knowledge of problems and stringency of thresholds for stating retrieved answers. Cluster analyses indicated that children could be classified into 3 groups: good students, not-so-good students, and perfectionists. Perfectionists were children who had good knowledge of problems and set very high thresholds for stating retrieved answers, good students also had good knowledge of problems but set lower thresholds, and not-so-good students had less good knowledge of problems and set low thresholds. Differences among the 3 groups were evident on measures not included in the cluster analysis as well as measures that were. Further, the groups differed in standardized achievement test performance 4 months after the experiment in ways consistent with the experimental analysis. The pattern of individual differences was similar in 2 experiments with different samples of children and problems and different methods for assessing strategy use. The results illustrated how detailed cognitive models can contribute to understanding of individual differences.  相似文献   

Başak Bilecen 《Compare》2013,43(5):667-688
Drawing on the literature on international student experiences and identities, this study discusses theories of identity from a social constructionist perspective. ‘Identification’ is the preferred term to describe a dynamic process through which students negotiate the meaning of their identities in different societies and communities. Based on interviews with 35 international doctoral students from two graduate schools in Germany, the article illustrates the significance of international mobility for education when external ‘differences’ are appreciated and contribute to cosmopolitan imaginations and when internal differences are created in relation to ‘Others’ in the host society. The article contributes to the literature on international student mobility by providing a fine-grained analysis of student identification, showing how the discourse of difference is used as a double strategy.  相似文献   

当前,高校考务管理中存在着一些不容忽视的问题,在学生中也不同程度地存在着考试作弊现象,严重地破坏了公平竞争的环境和良好学风的建设。高校应加强考务管理,改革学生评价制度,奖惩分明,以减少学生作弊现象,加强考风建设,树立良好学风。  相似文献   

采用羞耻体验量表 (ESS)比较大学生和成人的内疚与羞耻感在现象学上的异同 ,并采用简易应对方式问卷 (SCTQ)对羞耻感与应对方式进行相关分析 ,实验表明 :( 1)羞耻感具有强烈的自我取向性 ,以否定自我、逃避现实、强情感体验和掩饰行为为特点。内疚感对已发事件中本身行为的反省为焦点 ,更多以考虑自己行为对他人的伤害以及采取措施弥补过失为特点 ;( 2 )羞耻和积极应对存在中等程度负相关 ;( 3)有无他人在场 ,内疚和羞耻都可发生 ;( 4 )与成人相比 ,大学生在体验羞耻时对自我的否定要更为强烈  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the different types and patterns of 1:1 interactions provided by general educators, special educators and paraprofessionals to children with mild disabilities (n?=?13), severe disabilities (n?=?13), and children without disabilities (n?=?13) in inclusive classrooms. General educators, special educators, and paraprofessionals' 1:1 interactions with students in three comparison groups were recorded in 17 elementary and middle school classrooms using a partial interval observation system. We found significant differences with respect to interaction frequency and content. Teachers and paraprofessionals had consistently more 1:1 interactions with students with severe disabilities, followed by children with mild disabilities, and then students without disabilities. In comparison to special education teachers and paraprofessionals, general educators interacted significantly more frequently with children without disabilities and children with mild disabilities. In contrast, paraprofessionals interacted significantly more often with students with severe disabilities and less frequently with children with mild disabilities and students without disabilities. Instructional interactions in social, behavioural, and functional domains were infrequent in these classrooms. We conclude with a brief discussion of the implications of these findings for future research and practice.  相似文献   

Learning can be seen as a consequence of problem solving in particular cases. It occurs when one achieves a solution which is able to be used later. Anchoring with variation is a common and important process, providing a framework through which one can discuss coping with something imperfectly understood in terms of what is already well known. Our purpose in the following discussion is to explore some possible implications of this process for reading education as a worked example of how educational technology presents us with an opportunity for reconceptualizing instruction.English has the phonological potential for more than 60 thousand monosyllables. Our analysis asks how many monosyllabic words exist in fact and what organization can be imposed on them to make the phonological code more accessible. We've chosen to represent these monosyllables as an initial phonemic cluster plus residue. The most common 550 residues cover 73 percent of the existing 7000 monosyllables. If children can learn 550 different correspondences between sounds and spelling patterns, their knowledge of these words, coupled with the ability to modify interpretations of letter strings by anchoring with variation, will cover a major portion of the phonetic-orthographic correspondences of the English language. We believe this extensive, concrete foundation of word and sound knowledge will permit children to read well enough that instruction will become primarily a refining and perfection of such knowledge.The primary design conclusion is that, if we create computer-based microworlds using words with the most common residues as the names for their entities and their actions, we will be providing a set of systematically generated monosyllabic anchors which promises to be highly effective for children's interpretation of many words they will encounter in reading English. The potential revolutionary impact of such a prereading curriculum is worth exploring.  相似文献   

The capacity to solve tasks that contain high concentrations of visual-spatial information, including graphs, maps and diagrams, is becoming increasingly important in educational contexts as well as everyday life. This research examined gender differences in the performance of students solving graphics tasks from the Graphical Languages in Mathematics (GLIM) instrument that included number lines, graphs, maps and diagrams. The participants were 317 Australian students (169 males and 148 females) aged 9-12 years. Boys outperformed girls on graphical languages that required the interpretation of information represented on an axis and graphical languages that required movement between two- and three-dimensional representations (generally Map language).  相似文献   

Research in the area of learning strategies and styles of university students has led to many studies as well as to the development of many research tools for measuring learning, but without the necessary interrelationships among the tools or within the research. The aim of this study has been to examine the interdependence among the best-known tools coming from different theoretical bases. A sample of 991 university students in their first and last years, from ten different disciplines, completed four tests: ILP, LASSI, ASI and LSQ. The scales of each test, taken as the unit of analysis, were submitted to a factor analysis by the principal-components and the principal-factors methods. The latter method revealed an overarching structure composed of the following four factors: Traditional Study Methods; Deep Processing; Elaborative Processing; and General Learning Styles. These relationships confirmed the existence of three dimensions, or paths involved in learning, with clear motivational and approach elements, and also showed a separation between Deep Processing and the Deep Approach. Finally, we carried out principal-factor analyses of ASI and LASSI, obtaining two factors for each inventory.
Résumé La recherche dans le domaine de stratégies et des styles d'apprentissage chez les étudiants universitaires à abouti à de nombreuses études et a developpé divers instruments de mesures d'apprentissage, mais san ce rapport indispensable entre études et entre instruments. Le but de cette recherche a été d'examiner l'interdepéndence entre les instruments les plus connus provenants de différentes théories.Un echantillonage de 991 étudiants universitaires de première annèe, de dix disciplines différentes ont repondu à 4 tests: ILP, LASSI, ASI et LSQ. Les échelles de chaque test, prises comme unité d'analyse ont été soumises à une analyse factorielle d'après les méthodes de composantes principales et de facteurs principaux. Celle-ci revèle una structure commune composée des 4 facteurs suivants: Méthodes d'étude traditionelles, Traitement profond, Traitement élaboratif et Styles génériques d'apprentissage. Les rapports entre aux confirment l'existence de trois dimensions, impliquées dans l'apprentissage, avec des élèments de motivations et d'approches; et ils montrent aussi une séparation entre le Traitement profond et l'Approche profonde. Finalement, nous avons réalisé une analyse factorielle d'après le méthode de facteurs principaux pour les tests ASI et LASSI, obtenant deux facteurs pour chacun des ces tests.

Within midwifery education, enquiry-based learning is a well-established means of optimising students’ autonomous discovery, knowledge acquisition and problem-to-creative-solution design. Similarly, as undergraduates they have an innate relationship with technology, which also serves to enhance their cognitive processing skills and overall learning gain. Yet in spite of the benefits of technology-infused learning, the healthcare sector reportedly struggles with integrating technology into enquiry-based learning experiences. This paper reports on one rapid application cycle of a motivational design model that aimed to motivationally influence midwifery students’ willingness to engage with technology; as a means of optimising their enquiry-based learning experiences. Phase one observes how midwifery students from Northern Ireland, spontaneously used technology during the enquiry-based cycle. Phase two describes how technology was introduced to enhance group learning. Phase three reports on the students’ evaluation of the integrated technology. The findings demonstrate that students perceive technology to be a valuable means for discipline-orientated learning.  相似文献   

We studied efficiency differences among Finnish senior secondary schools by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Four model variants were used. Average efficiencies in the most extensive models were 82–84 per cent. When parents' educational level was treated as an additional input, average efficiency increased to 91 per cent. The efficiency rankings of schools changed to some extent when simplest quantitative inputs and outputs were augmented by measures of teacher quality and national matriculation examination results. As a second stage after DEA analysis, we explained the degree of inefficiency (100-efficiency score) by a statistical Tobit model. Schools with small classes and heterogenous student bodies were inefficient whereas school size did not affect efficiency. Surprisingly, private schools were inefficient relative to public schools. When parents' educational level was only included in the Tobit model, it affected efficiency positively.  相似文献   

中介语理论认为,对于学习者来说,“偏误”是学习过程中的一个部分,是极其自然的现象,是不可避免的也是必需的,表明学习者正在从不会到掌握语言的过渡阶段.因此,偏误反映了语言学习的客观规律,应该正确认识并分析它.运用中介语理论对韩国学生作文中遗漏和误加两种偏误类型进行分析,初步探讨两种偏误中所反映出来的学习策略.  相似文献   

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