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家长应该了解的预防接种知识有哪些?王英婴幼儿对各种传染病都具有易感性,按时进行各种预防接种是保护儿童健康成长的有效措施。因此家长在婴儿出生后应及时与保健单位联系,给孩子做健康检查,按免疫接种程序,及时为孩子做各种预防接种。接种后要注意以下几点:1注意免疫接种后小儿的反应。小儿接种疫苗后,有的反应是正常的,有的反应是异常的。对于小儿接种各种疫苗的正常反应和异常反应,都应在接种时向医生问清楚,以便接种后观察及处理。2要了解各种菌苗的接种方法。像小儿麻痹糖丸,只能用冷开水而不能用热水送服,否则就会…  相似文献   

无细胞百白破疫苗免疫安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解无细胞百白破三联疫苗(APDT)用于儿童免疫的安全性。方法:2002~2005年在新乡市红旗区预防接种门诊将3200名3个月至2岁儿童分成2组,其中1600名接种APDT,1600名接种全细胞百白破三联疫苗(WPDT),观察局部与全身反应。结果:接种APDT和WPDT者,基础免疫全身反应发生率分别为0.79%、7.90%,局部反应发生率分别为0.90%、7.83%;加强免疫全身反应发生率分别为2.63%、19.00%,局部反应发生率分别为2.69%、16.13%。以上反应发生率均为WPDT组高于APDT组,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.005)。随针次增加,接种副反应率有增加趋势。结论:APDT较WPDT接种副反应发生率低,用于儿童免疫安全性较好。  相似文献   

《南方都市报》发表社论说,1月3日,国家食药总局联合国家卫计委公布近期乙肝疫苗疑似死亡事件调查结果,18例怀疑与接种康泰公司乙肝疫苗有关的死亡和不良反应病例中,仅1例不排除疫苗引起的异常反应。就此,多地接种乙肝疫苗导致婴儿死亡的说法似乎已有定论,此前公众担忧的疫苗本身存在质量问题的判定基本被排除。  相似文献   

目的对大学生乙型肝炎疫苗接种后的反应进行观察、分析,以更好的降低接种不良反应的发生。方法 2010年10月12日-2014年4月30日中,来本所加强免疫接种乙肝疫苗共907人,有213例出现不同程度的不良反应,对该结果进行统计分析。结果乙型肝炎疫苗接种后主要为正常免疫反应,不良反应发生率很低。结论预防接种乙型肝炎疫苗(HBV)是控制乙肝发生最科学、经济和有效的手段,对其不良反应有充分的认识,掌握应对措施,加强宣传和预防。  相似文献   

泰州市2009年麻疹减毒活疫苗初免成功率调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解泰州市婴儿麻疹疫苗接种后的免疫成功率情况,为消除麻疹提供参考依据。方法2009年7-8月在姜堰市2个镇对60名满8月龄婴儿,在麻疹疫接种前、接种后1个月分别采集1份血清标本进行抗体滴度检测。结果60名婴儿接种麻疹疫苗前抗体阳性者3名,阳性率5%;接种麻疹疫苗后1个月,抗体阳转率100%。结论泰州市麻疹疫苗接种有效,抗体阳转率高,免疫前抗体阳性者接种麻疹疫苗后可增加抗体滴度。有效保护儿童免受麻疹病毒的侵袭。  相似文献   

普及计划免疫是保护儿童免受传染病危害的重要措施。但是常发现一些儿童,特别是经常迁居的儿童(流动家庭的孩子)计划免疫不规范。这样不仅起不到预防作用,有时反而会加重接种后的反应,个别甚至发生严重的意外事故。例如百白破和脊髓灰质炎疫苗的基础免疫,必须连续接种3次,每次间隔为1个月,如果只接种1次或2次,就起不到预防效果。另外,某些预防接种制品含有微量马血清,如果多次重复接种就会增加过敏发生率。因此,要使人体既获得理想的免疫力,又不增加疫苗反应,就需要准  相似文献   

预防接种也有禁忌症   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在门诊,时常有家长来问:“我的孩子发烧了,今天还能打预防针吗?”当然不能。那么预防接种有哪些禁忌症呢? 众听周知,计划免疫接种是为了预防疾病,这是有益于身体健康的。但是如果孩子处于某种病态,接种疫苗后,可能会给身体带来某些损害,甚至引起严重的异常反应。为避免这类副作用的发生,一般在疫苗说明书中,比较具体地规  相似文献   

盛晓阳 《父母必读》2013,(12):36-37
宝宝出生后,妈妈都会拿到一本预防接种卡,每次带宝宝去打预防针时都需要记录宝宝接种疫苗的种类、批号等,同时也预约好下一次接种的时间。不过,如果你仔细翻看,会发现其中有计划内和计划外两种疫苗。为什么要这么分?计划外的疫苗需不需要接种?该怎么选择?  相似文献   

:目的:了解兰菌净疫苗在儿童中的接种情况,分析影响接种兰菌净疫苗的因素,为进一步开展护理干预提供依据。方法:选取2011年7月至2012年3月6—72月龄儿童共3:56名。调查内容包括:儿童一般情况;接种兰菌净疫苗状况;儿童家长对兰菌净疫苗相关知识的认识和态度情况;接种服务要求。结果:2011年7月至2012年3月儿童兰菌净疫苗接种率为31.5%(112/356);家长对疫苗接种的必要性、安全性、有效性的相关知识回答正确率16.6%(59/356),表示愿意带孩子接种兰菌净疫苗的家长78.4%(279/356);希望改善接种时间和地点,提供电话、短信提供逾期提醒服务等90.2%(321/356)。结论:6—72月龄儿童兰菌净疫苗接种率较低,大部分家长有意愿带孩子接种,但对兰菌净认识度不够,影响了儿童接种率,改善接种服务质量是提高儿童接种率的有效手段。  相似文献   

<正>万泰生物是一家从事生物诊断试剂与疫苗研发及生产的高新技术企业,2020年4月29日正式登陆A股主板市场。公司研发、生产和销售的疫苗主要包括戊肝疫苗、二价HPV(人乳头瘤病毒)疫苗和鼻喷新冠疫苗,在研管线包括九价HPV疫苗、20价肺炎疫苗、重组带状疱疹病毒疫苗、重组三价轮状疫苗亚单位疫苗、第三代HPV疫苗等新型基因工程疫苗以及冻干水痘减毒活疫苗等。当前,HPV疫苗是万泰生物最受市场关注的产品方向。公司成功推出国内首款二价HPV疫苗,  相似文献   


The National Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Program in Australia commenced in 2007 for girls and in 2013 for boys, using the quadrivalent HPV [4vHPV] vaccine. In Australia, students are primarily vaccinated en masse, on school grounds, after parental/guardian consent is obtained. Students most often receive little, or no, education at school about HPV or HPV vaccination prior to immunisation. There is also some uncertainty about where young people can and should obtain reliable information about the vaccine, outside of school. We conducted a cluster randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention in schools. This study aimed to improve: (1) student knowledge about HPV vaccination; (2) psycho-social outcomes and (3) vaccination uptake. In this paper, we briefly outline our educational intervention and discuss its implementation by educators including facilitators and barriers. We also discuss the study findings pertaining to student knowledge about HPV and HPV vaccination and their attitudes to vaccination across control and intervention schools. Study results showed students in intervention schools demonstrate greater knowledge and understanding of HPV and HPV vaccination. Greater knowledge and understanding of HPV and HPV vaccination appeared to promote positive attitudes towards vaccination and supported confidence with vaccination.  相似文献   

This study identifies health beliefs influencing Hispanic college men's human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake decision making processes. Hispanic college men were interviewed about their HPV vaccine knowledge, and information seeking behaviors. Overall, participants did not view HPV infection or vaccination as an immediate concern or priority; belief that it was a virus that only affected women, and a sense of invulnerability informed their positions. Despite these issues, most men were willing to consider getting the HPV vaccine if they received more education from health care providers, and cost concerns were addressed. These findings pointed to gaps in our understandings of Hispanic college men's HPV vaccination beliefs and provided insight into the importance of integrating this population's unique beliefs into campus health providers efforts aimed at increasing vaccination rates.  相似文献   

在考虑接种疫苗的对象(含新生儿)和疫苗效能问题的基础上,建立了一类带有漏隙的疫苗的年龄结构SIR流行病模型,得到了无病平衡点和地方病平衡点存在的条件及无病平衡点局部稳定性的条件.  相似文献   

This study applied the theory of motivated information management (TMIM) to predict young women's intentions to seek information about the HPV vaccine from their doctors and parents. A sample of 215 women aged 18–25 who have not yet received their HPV vaccinations completed a survey measuring their HPV and cervical cancer risk perceptions, TMIM-related variables (i.e., uncertainty discrepancy, anxiety, outcome expectancy, efficacy, information-seeking intent), and HPV vaccination intentions. Results indicate that positive outcome expectancies, anxiety about uncertainty discrepancy, and HPV risk perception were significant predictors of HPV vaccine information-seeking intent, which in turn predicted HPV vaccination intent.  相似文献   

Although college-aged women are at high risk for human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, many college women remain unvaccinated against HPV. Testing health behavior theory can assist sexuality educators in identifying behavioral antecedents to promote behavior change within an intervention. The purpose of this pilot study was to utilize social cognitive theory (SCT) to predict unvaccinated college women's intentions to receive the HPV vaccine within the next six months. A total of 197 unvaccinated college women ages 18–26 attending a large public southeastern university in the United States completed an online questionnaire to assess SCT constructs. Expectations, HPV knowledge, self-efficacy to get the HPV vaccine, situational perception, self-control to get the HPV vaccine, and self-efficacy in overcoming barriers to get the HPV vaccine were regressed on HPV vaccination intentions using the stepwise method. Self-control (p < 0.001, β = .292) and situational perception (p < 0.001, β = .332) were significant predictors of intentions to receive the HPV vaccine, explaining 23.5% of its variance. The results of this pilot study suggest that sexuality educators should aim to increase self-control and situational perception in order to increase HPV vaccination intentions among college women.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the immunological effects of three types of domestic 10-μg/dose hepatitis B vaccines in adults compared with a foreign vaccine, and to provide scientific evidence in support of adult hepatitis B vaccination. Methods: Adults from five counties (Deqing, Changxing, Nanxun, Wuxing, Anji) in Huzhou City, Shaoxing County and Tongxiang County, Zhejiang Province, China were selected. Blood samples were taken to assess serum HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc using a chemiluminescence immunoassay. Adults, aged 16 to 49 years and who were anti-HBs negative at baseline, received hepatitis B immunizations at 0, 1, and 6 months. Anti-HBs levels were assessed one month after the third and final vaccination. Results: A total of 1 872 adults were immunized and the average positive rate was 89.5%. Four types of hepatitis B vaccine were used, including three from Chinese companies (Shenzhen Kangtai, Dalian High-Tech, and North China Pharmaceutical) and one from a UK company (GlaxoSmithKline). Their seroconversion rates were 81.67%, 95.05%, 89.64%, and 86.81%, respectively. There was a significant difference between the anti-HBs positive conversion rates of the four types (P<0.005) but the seroconversion rates among the different vaccines were not significantly different (χ 2=2.123, P=0.145). The average anti-HBs geometric mean titers (GMTs) of non-immune adults immunized with each of the four vaccines were 177.28, 473.23, 246.13, and 332.20 mIU/ml, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in the GMTs between the three types of domestic vaccine and the foreign vaccine (t=−1.575, P=0.116). Conclusions: Domestic recombinant hepatitis B vaccines can achieve immunization effects comparable to those of a foreign vaccine.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎是严重威胁人类健康的三大世界性顽症之一,推行乙肝疫苗接种是预防和阻断乙型肝炎病毒感染的重要措施.分析了目前乙肝疫苗存在的伺题,介绍了1018 ISS佐剂疫苗、YIC治疗疫苗、单剂缓控释微球的情况,指出简化免疫程序、发展更有免疫效果甚至具有一定治疗作用的新型乙肝疫苗是未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

一类免疫传染病模型的建模及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了一类免疫传染病传播的动力学模型,分析了模型无病平衡点和地方病平衡点的存在性及渐近稳定性条件,并求出了疫苗接种的有效率和疫苗接种率的阈值.通过数值模拟,验证了理论分析结果的正确性.  相似文献   

采用人工感染兔瘟 (兔出血热 )病毒致死兔的肝组织 ,制成 1 0 %的兔瘟组织灭活苗和1 0 %的兔瘟蜂胶组织灭活苗 ,研究蜂胶对兔瘟组织灭活苗免疫效果的影响。用常规血凝抑制试验检测比较了注射兔瘟组织灭活苗和兔瘟蜂胶组织灭活苗后 ,兔体内抗体水平的消长情况 ;结果表明组织灭活苗免疫后第 1 0d效价为 2 .75log2 ,2 0d抗体水平达到 6.2 5log2 ,30d又降为5 .2 5log2。而兔瘟蜂胶组织灭活疫苗第 1 0d效价为 4.0 0log2 ,2 0d抗体水平已达 8.2 5log2 ,30d抗体水平高达 1 1 .0 0log2。说明兔瘟蜂胶组织灭活苗能明显提高抗体效价 ,增强免疫效果。  相似文献   

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