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农村女性创业因其性别身份和特殊创业处境,是创业研究领域的重要现象。相较于其他群体,农村女性的创业行动受到更多家庭因素的影响,但对家庭创业资本与农村女性创业之间的关联,目前还缺乏深入的实证研究。通过“中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)”数据,实证分析了家庭创业资本对于农村女性群体创业进入的影响,验证了农村女性创业行为的社会地位提升效果。研究发现,农村女性的家庭创业资本对其创业进入具有显著的正向影响;与农村非创业女性相比,农村女性创业能够提升其社会地位;宗族网络强度和普惠金融水平分别负向和正向调节家庭创业资本对于农村女性创业的影响。研究结论从家庭视角进一步完善了农村女性创业相关研究,从实践方面为优化农村女性创业政策提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

孟浩然在《春晓》中构筑了春眠和醒后两个世界,这两个世界在时间上并非有先后,而是完全重合、同时展开的。诗人在风雨之夜,明朝必定落花满地的预知中了无牵挂地酣睡至晓,确实风流自得。这才是本诗的真正魅力之所在。这首小诗是由诗人了悟的同时具足、万法心生的佛理智慧达成的。  相似文献   

Roberts P 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):142-150
In 1911-1912 Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott led rival parties in a race to the geographic South Pole. While both parties reached the Pole--Amundsen first--Scott's men died on the return journey. Amundsen became a Norwegian icon through his record-setting travels; Scott became a symbol of courage and devotion to science. The memory of each was invoked at various points during the twentieth century in the context of contemporary Antarctic events. Scott's status as a scientific figure was central to the Scott Polar Research Institute, while Amundsen's lack of scientific legacy became a way for British polar explorers to differentiate themselves from Norwegian contemporaries during the interwar years. After 1945 Scott and Amundsen were again invoked as exemplars of national polar achievement, even as the rise of large-scale science on the continent overshadowed past British and Norwegian achievements. In the present Amundsen and Scott remain wedded to particular values, focused respectively on national achievement and sacrifice in the name of science, while their race has become secondary.  相似文献   

利用激光雷达对2005年春季北京地区沙尘天气进行了连续观测,表征了沙尘气溶胶的时空分布以及沙尘天气特征。2月至5月间北京共发生沙尘天气26次,其中强沙尘天气12次。井将激光雷达观测结果和GT-521光学粒子计数器的测定结果进行了对比。  相似文献   

青藏高原地面站春季积雪日数的时空演变特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
胡豪然  彭骏  毛晓亮 《资源科学》2010,32(1):149-156
利用高原地区1962年-2004年64个地面站积雪资料,揭示了该地区春季积雪日数的时空演变特征,结果表明:①高原地区春季积雪日数空间分布局地差异显著,多雪区集中在巴颜喀拉山东段和藏北高原东南部,少雪区主要是藏南谷地、柴达木盆地以及川西干暖河谷地带;②空间分布可以概括为6种类型,青南高原东部型、藏北高原东部型、川西高原南部型、青藏高原东北部型、西藏东北部型以及川西高原东部型;③青南高原东部的春季积雪日数呈显著增长趋势,青藏高原东北部呈减少趋势,川西高原南部基本没有趋势变化,其余分区内各测站的线性变化趋势不完全一致,春季积雪日数仅在青南高原和川西高原东部地区存在由少变多的显著年代际变化,分别出现在1975年和1982年前后;④高原地区的春季积雪日数主要以准2年、准6年以及准10年的周期振荡为主。  相似文献   

主要通过常规气象参数、湍流特性和能量闭合度对2套涡度相关系统的观测结果进行了比较研究.对2层高度湍流特性的研究中,以相似理论为基础,分析了垂直风速的标准差和稳定度参数z/L(观测高度与莫宁霍夫长度比值)的关系,2层观测结果对垂直风速的标准差和稳定度参数z/L的模拟方程显示23m观测数据的模拟结果更符合通用方程的经验参数.最后对2层高度的半年时间内(2003-01-01)~(2003-06-30)总体能量闭合度和能量闭合度的时间变化趋势作了对比研究.结果表明,39m观测结果的总体能量闭合度要高于23m的总体能量闭合度;但从各自的能量闭合度的时间变化来看,23m在冬季的能量闭合度要高于39m,而在春季39m的能量闭合度要高于23m.  相似文献   

通过对研究诚信办公室的设立以及它对布罗迪事件的处理等进行具体的考察,了解美国在治理学术不端行为方面构建了比较健全的体制机制,形成了比较成熟的方式方法,调查和处理过程周密而又严谨,强调诚信和尊重人权,高校能够主动地承担责任和发挥应有的作用。美国的经验具有重要的现实意义,值得我们在进一步加强学术道德建设中充分借鉴。  相似文献   

一个企业的研究开发(R&D)与服务活动位于企业产业链的两端。“研究开发(R&D)与服务联动(Linkage)模式是指,“两端”的联系和互动能引发对方或多方产生持续的变化,以达到满意的效果。由于产业运作的特点,电信产业中R&D与服务之间的联动相当明显。对此,本文以美国高通公司作案例分析。  相似文献   

一个企业的研究开发(R&D)与服务活动位于企业产业链的两端."研究开发(R&D)与服务联动(Linkage)模式是指,"两端"的联系和互动能引发对方或多方产生持续的变化,以达到满意的效果.由于产业运作的特点,电信产业中R&D与服务之间的联动相当明显.对此,本文以美国高通公司作案例分析.  相似文献   

叶顺煌 《学会》2004,(12):12-15
文化是产生于人类、依附于人类、作用于人类的魂魄,是一个民族历史的沉淀和累积,是现存社会经济和政治的反映,且对经济和政府产生重要的反作用。文化表现为人类与自然交往中习得的经验、技术与科学,表现为人伦交往中形成的习俗、习惯和制度,表现为交往媒介传达的知识、价值和意  相似文献   

西藏民族传统体育与体育校本课程开发的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷巍  尼玛欧珠 《西藏科技》2009,(9):33-36,50
通过本课题的研究,力图探索西藏民族传统体育与体育校本课程开发结合,从而适应体育新课程改革发展。  相似文献   

Stevenson WR 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):160-168
In November 1910, Shirase Nobu (1861-1946) sailed from Tokyo Bay aboard the Kainan Maru as part of an international race for the South Pole. The Japanese had no history of polar exploration and looked to British precedence to compensate for their lack of experience. Following the British example required that they include a scientific dimension to their venture. It is clear, however, that Shirase and his men had little scientific understanding. Nevertheless, on failing to reach the Pole, science became the central aim of the expedition and the primary means to declaring their efforts a success.  相似文献   

<正>晨风吹在脸上,忽然有种软软融融的感觉。料峭春寒渐行渐远,春意已渐浓。我漫步在煦暖的春风里,脚步都轻捷了许多。到了郊外,感觉一脚便迈入了春深处。是的,春天不再是那个羞羞涩涩的新嫁娘,总是低眉敛目、畏首畏尾的样子。几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。早春是打探的姿态。好像一眨眼的工夫,春天就变成了花枝招展的小媳妇,变得千姿百态、妩媚灵动起来。  相似文献   

王国梁 《科教文汇》2021,(10):F0003-F0003
晨风吹在脸上,忽然有种软软融融的感觉。料峭春寒渐行渐远,春意已渐浓。我漫步在煦暖的春风里,脚步都轻捷了许多。到了郊外,感觉一脚便迈入了春深处。是的,春天不再是那个羞羞涩涩的新嫁娘,总是低眉敛目、畏首畏尾的样子。"几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。"早春是打探的姿态。好像一眨眼的工夫,春天就变成了花枝招展的小媳妇,变得千姿百态、妩媚灵动起来。  相似文献   

<正>三月,款款而来,高楼晓见一花开,便觉春光四面来。仿佛在一夜间,芳郊绿遍。推开窗户,满目葱茏。画眉喜鹊,在不远处的树枝上追逐嬉戏,啾啾而鸣,仿佛向万物宣告春天已到来。春风又绿江南岸。当柔柔的春风冲破冬天的封锁,缓缓拂过大地,大地报之以一碧千里。柳枝开始吐新芽,小草破土而出。桃花、杏花、油菜花争相开放,红的似火、粉的似霞、白的似雪、黄的似金……一朵朵,一丛丛,一簇簇,盛开在山上路边,绽放在乡村的田间、地角。桃之夭夭,灼灼其华,仿佛豆蔻年华的少女,尽情舒展着婀娜的身姿,展现着俏丽的容颜。正所谓等闲识得春风面,万紫千红总是春。  相似文献   

魏伟 《科教文汇》2020,(7):I0001-I0001
三月,款款而来,“高楼晓见一花开,便觉春光四面来”。仿佛在一夜间,芳郊绿遍。推开窗户,满目葱茏。画眉喜鹊,在不远处的树枝上追逐嬉戏,“啾啾”而鸣,仿佛向万物宣告春天已到来。“春风又绿江南岸。”当柔柔的春风冲破冬天的封锁,缓缓拂过大地,大地报之以一碧千里。柳枝开始吐新芽,小草破土而出。桃花、杏花、油菜花争相开放,红的似火、粉的似霞、白的似雪、黄的似金……一朵朵,一丛丛,一簇簇,盛开在山上路边,绽放在乡村的田间、地角。  相似文献   

Organic acid disorders are inherited metabolic disorders in which organic acids accumulate in tissues and biological fluids of affected individuals. Classical organic acidurias include methylmalonic aciduria, propionic aciduria, isovaleric aciduria and maple syrup urine disease (MSUD). They are considered the most frequent metabolic disorders among severely ill children. Patients frequently present with acute symptoms early in life. 420 cases clinically suspected to have organic aciduria, with upper age limit of 12 years for a 2-year period (January 2007–December 2008) were enrolled into this study. Metabolic acidosis and neurological symptoms were the most common signs. Screening tests and thin layer chromatography were done for detection of organic acidurias. Identification and quantitation of organic acids in urine and quantification of amino acids in blood were done by high performance liquid chromatography. Out of 420 patients, 45 patients (10.7%) were found to have organic acidurias. 15 cases of methylmalonic aciduria, 16 cases of propionic aciduria, 13 cases of MSUD, and one case of isovaleric aciduria were diagnosed. Results demonstrate the importance of testing for organic acidurias. Since organic aciduria may cause irreversible brain damage if not treated, we recommend selective screening amongst severely ill children despite implied extra costs.  相似文献   

张强 《科教文汇》2014,(27):114-115
应用泸州、万州、达州机场气象站2013年11月-2014年2月冬春大雾天气现象资料,采用统计分析了4个月泸州、万州、达州冬春大雾的气候特征,为今后实际运行中的预报和决策提供了参考数据。  相似文献   

Dispute over the nature and purpose of health promotion has characterized the development of this field of activity in recent times. This paper explores such disputes and offers an explanation for them. I argue that health promotion and related fields (such as public health and health education) share in a "disrupted tradition." I assert that "health promotion" can be seen as the term presently favored by some to represent an extensive "tradition of protecting and improving the health of the public." Its relative favor and currency can be ascribed to a degree of power shift between competing groups operating with separate conceptions of health, away from biomedicine and towards more socially rooted understanding. Relative degrees of power and influence possessed by these groups at different historical times have contributed to the "disruption" of the tradition. Understanding this disruption helps explain a number of historiographical and theoretical problems besetting the field.  相似文献   

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