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Aitken (1999) argues that, in a simultaneous discrimination, reports of the transfer of value from the positive to the negative stimulus can be more readily explained in terms of an artifact produced by the procedure in which differential inhibition accrues to the negative test stimuli during training, together with stimulus generalization (similarity between the positive and negative stimuli). We argue that (1) there is little evidence for differential inhibition, and it often occurs in the wrong direction; (2) value transfer can be demonstrated when differential value is established to the positive stimuli afterdiscrimination training, when differential inhibition is not likely to be a factor; and (3) on both logical and empirical grounds, stimulus similarity does not provide an adequate account of the transfer of value from the positive to the negative stimulus (i.e., the strongest evidence for value transfer occurs when there is least stimulus similarity). We propose that value transfer occurs whenever there is relatively little experience with the negative stimuli. However, when there is extended experience with the negative stimuli, contrast will be found.  相似文献   

Following simultaneous discrimination training with pigeons, in which responding to the S−was reinforced on half of the trials and responding to the S− was never reinforced, we examined the effect on the S− of presenting the S− by itself and the effect on the S+ of presenting the S− by itself (relative to an S− or an S− for which there had been no single-stimulus presentations). For Group A−, responding to the S− presented by itself was always reinforced, whereas for Group A−, such responding was extinguished. For Group B−, responding to the S− presented by itself was always reinforced, whereas for Group B+, responding was extinguished. Although both Group A+ and Group A−tended to avoid their associated S− (relative to a control S−), Group A+ avoided its associated S− less than did Group A−. In contrast, although for Group B−, presentation of the S− alone increased the pigeons’ preference for its associated S−(relative to a control S+), for Group B−, presentation of the S−alone had little effect on its preference for its associated S+. These results suggest that presentation of one stimulus from a simultaneous discrimination has two independent and sometimes opposite effects on the other discriminative stimulus. First, it reduces the strength of within-event conditioning between the S+ and the S−, and second, if the value of the singly presented stimulus has increased, some of its newly acquired value will transfer retroactively to the stimulus with which it was originally paired.  相似文献   

In a simultaneous discrimination involving a positive (S+) and a negative (S) stimulus, positive value appears to transfer from the S+ to the S. However, negative value does not appear to transfer from the S to the S+. Instead, when sufficient experience with the contingencies associated with responding to the S is provided, it appears that the presence of the S enhances the value of the S+ (i.e., a contrast effect is found). The purpose of the present experiments was to further examine the influence of the S+ on the S in a simultaneous discrimination (between subjects in Experiment 1 and within subjects in Experiment 2). In both experiments, we found that under typical training conditions, given little direct experience with the value of the S, value transfers from the S+ to the S. If sufficient experience with the value of the S is provided, however, contrast between the S+ and the S can be demonstrated. Thus, in a simultaneous discrimination, value transfer from the S+ to the S depends on the animal’s having responded relatively little to the S.  相似文献   

Adult pigeons with one eye covered were trained to peck a response key using grain as a reinforcer. In subsequent tests, with the trained eye covered and the control eye open, the birds failed to peck the key. The subjects were then divided into two groups for a second experiment. The first group was trained on a single-key, peck/no-peck color discrimination task with the original control eye covered. When tested for interocular transfer of discrimination performance, these birds failed to respond at all. They were then trained to peck a blank response key with the training eye covered and the control eye open. Control-eye tests after this motor response training resulted in excellent transfer of color discrimination performance. The second group of subjects was trained to peck a blank key with first one eye covered and then the other, before monocular discrimination training was begun. These birds showed excellent transfer of discrimination performance during control-eye tests. These results show that, at least in the operant paradigm, motor response training does not transfer interocularly and this lack of transfer may interfere with transfer of discrimination performance.  相似文献   

Minimal procedures for the demonstration of transitive inference (TI) in animals have involved the training of four simultaneous discriminations: for example, A+B?, B+C?, C+D?, and D+E?, followed by the demonstration of a preference for B over D on test trials. In Experiment 1, we found that TI in pigeons can be found with successive training involving A+B?, B+C?, A+C?, C+D?, D+E?, C+E?, and A+E?. In Experiment 2, we found that demonstration of TI did not require inclusion of experience with the nonadjacent stimulus pairs (A+C?, C+E?, A+E?). Experiment 3 provided a test of value transfer theory (VTT; Fersen, Wynne, Delius, & Staddon, 1991). When pigeons were trained with stimulus pairs that did not permit the transitive ordering of stimuli, but did permit the differential transfer of value (e.g., A+B?, C?E+, C+D?, & A+E?), preference for B over D was still found. Analyses of the relation between direct experiences with reinforced and nonreinforced responding and stimulus preferences on test trials failed to support a reinforcement-history account of TI.  相似文献   

Animals perform two-choice conditional discriminations at a higher level if each of the two correct responses to the comparison stimuli is reinforced with a different outcome. According to the two-process view, this differential outcomes effect (DOE) results from the response-cuing function of expectancies generated by the conditional stimuli (i.e., samples). According to the shared-outcomes view, differential response-outcome associations contribute to the effect. In the present research, pigeons that were trained with differential outcomes associated with the samples, butnot with the comparisons, revealed a DOE during delay testing that was comparable to that obtained in a “true” differential-outcomes group. Thus, a two-process interpretation of the DOE was supported. In the second experiment, transfer testing with sample replacement confirmed these findings and, in addition, provided evidence that differential sample behaviors exerted some control over zero-delayed choice.  相似文献   

Pigeons trained in a conditional discrimination procedure to respond to a visual array made a left or right choice, depending on which of two numbers of elements (i.e., anchor numerosities) the array contained. They were then tested with novel arrays at these anchor numerosities, as well as at interpolated and extrapolated numerosities. Various control conditions showed that the birds’ discrimination performance was primarily based on stimulus numerosity, and not on other factors, such as brightness or area. Results from a series of tests, spanning a wide range of numerosities, conformed to scalar principles. Psychometric functions showed superposition, indicating that Weber’s law applies to numerosity discrimination. The subjective midpoint between anchor values was at the geometric mean. Variability about this bisection point increased in proportion to the numerical value of the mean.  相似文献   

Rats were first either trained to criterion or given overtraining on an orientation discrimination and then were given an extradimensional shift to a position discrimination. Overtraining on the visual discrimination facilitated performance on the position discrimination. Implications for mediational theories of discrimination learning were indicated.  相似文献   

Delayed-reward learning in pigeons was examined using a simultaneous red-green visual discrimination task in which the conditions during the delay interval were varied between groups. The nondifferential group received training in which the stimulus present during the 1-min delay was the same following a peck on the correct and incorrect colors. The other three groups received 1-min delay training in which different stimuli occurred in the delay interval following correct and incorrect choices. The differential group received continuous, differential stimuli during the delay. The reinstatement group received the differential stimuli in the 10 sec immediately following the choice and during the last 10 sec of the delay. The reversedcue group was treated in the same way, except that the 10-sec delay stimulus immediately following an incorrect response was also presented for 10 sec prior to reward on correct choices, and the stimulus following a correct response also occurred 10 sec before nonreward on incorrect choices. Nondifferential birds failed to learn the discrimination, while differential and reinstatement birds learned it readily. The reversed-cue birds learned to choose the incorrect stimulus. Differential and reinstatement birds showed no decrement in performance when the delay was increased to 2 min. These findings suggest that similarity of prereward and postresponse delay stimuli controls choice responding in long-delay learning, a finding compatible with both memorial and conditioned reinforcement interpretations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the transferring process of five apprentice engineering students concerning the place value concept in a telecommunication workplace setting. In this setting, a physical material, a telecommunication closet (TC), appearing as a concrete representation of the ten-numeration system, supported the process of generating composite units in a sequential way. The data were generated by conducting an interview with each student based on two tasks. In the first task, students were asked to locate the place of a particular wire pair on the telecommunication closet representation (TC representation). In the second task, students were asked to determine the range of values that generate this composite unit. Our theoretical and analytical framework is guided by the three levels of students’ generalization activity by Radford (2003) and the work on developmental transfer by Engeström (2001). By identifying shifts in the students’ activity (from factual to contextual and from contextual to symbolic), we recognized three transferring cases: the immediate transfer case, the developmental transfer case, and the nondevelopmental transfer case. By comparing and contrasting the different cases, we identified four factors that seem to facilitate or constrain the transfer development. These are the use of metaphors, the development of problem solving strategies, the context dependency, and the students’ motivation. In conclusion, we discuss the educational implications of our findings.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained with one eye covered on each of two types of visual discriminations. They then were tested for interocular transfer with the previously covered eye. Transfer was shown by every pigeon trained on a simultaneous discrimination, while lack of transfer was shown by thesesame pigeons when trained on a spatial conditional (successive) discrimination. As opposed to the pigeon, animals with a larger proportion of ipsilateral (uncrossed) retinal fibers (e.g., cats) do show transfer of both discrimination problems. This difference in the decussation of the optic pathways may be a critical variable in interocular transfer in vertebrates. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate that interocular transfer in the pigeon depends upon the experimental paradigm.  相似文献   

The present experiment is concerned with the nature of the cues that might acquire conditioned reinforcing value, and the ways in which such cues might interact with one another. Red and green colored keylights were differentially paired with food dependent upon the houselight context (A or B) and the trial type (training or choice/forced). The duration of the colored keylights was varied between groups in an attempt to manipulate the effectiveness of the short-term memory of trial-type cues at the trial’s end. The red and green stimuli were of 30 sec duration for Group 30 and of 3 sec duration for Group 3. The results indicated that the choices of the pigeons in Group 30 were influenced by the houselight context present and by the keylight color. The choices of the pigeons in Group 3 seemed to be influenced by the houselight context present, the keylight color, and the memory of trial-type cues. Memory cues for trial antecedents were not overshadowed by presumably more salient external houselight stimuli for the pigeons in Group 3. Two alternative explanations for the results are discussed, and determined to be unlikely based on the results of an earlier experiment. The present results are related to a model of the conditioned reinforcing value of momentary stimuli and of transmission of conditioned reinforcing value.  相似文献   

Herrnstein and Loveland (1964, pp. 549–551) successfully trained pigeons to discriminate pictures showing humans from pictures that did not. In the present study, a go/no-go procedure was employed to replicate and extend their findings, the primary focus of concern being to reevaluate the role of item- and category-specific information. The pigeons readily acquired the discrimination and were also able to generalize to novel instances of the two classes (Experiment 1). Classification of scrambled versions of the stimuli was based on small and local features, rather than on configural and global features (Experiment 2). The presentation of gray-scale stimuli indicated that color was important for classifying novel stimuli and recognizing familiar ones (Experiments 1 and 2). Finally, the control that could possibly be exerted by irrelevant background features was investigated by presenting the pigeons with images of persons contained in former person-absent pictures (Experiment 3). Classification was found to be controlled by both item- and category- specific features, but only in pigeons that were reinforced on person-present pictures was the latter type of information given precedence over the former.  相似文献   

The development of excitatory backward associations in pigeons was demonstrated in three experiments involving conditional discriminations with differential outcomes. In Phase 1 of all three experiments, correct comparison choices following one sample were followed by food, whereas correct comparison choices following the other sample were followed by presentation of an empty feeder. In Phase 2, the food and no-food events that served as outcomes in Phase 1 replaced the samples. When the associations tested in Phase 2 were consistent with the comparison-outcome associations developed in Phase 1, transfer performance was significantly better than when the Phase 2 associations were inconsistent with the Phase 1 associations. In Experiment 1, an identity matching-to-sample task was used with red and green samples and red and green comparisons. In Experiment 2, a symbolic matching task was used with shape samples and hue comparisons, and it was shown that the backward associations formed were between the trial outcome (food or no food) and the correct comparison. In Experiment 3, it was determined that the transfer effects observed in these experiments did not depend on either the similarity of behavior directed toward the samples in the training and test phases, or the similarity of food and no-foodexpectancies generated by the samples in Phase 1 to food and no-foodevents presented as samples in Phase 2.  相似文献   

A go/no-go procedure was used to train pigeons to discriminate pictures of human faces differing only in shape, with either static images or movies of human faces dynamically rotating in depth. On the basis of experimental findings in humans and some earlier studies on three-dimensional object perception in pigeons, we expected dynamic stimulus presentation to support the pigeon’s perception of the complex morphology of a human face. However, the performance of the subjects presented with movies was either worse than (AVI format movies) or did not differ from (uncompressed dynamic presentation) that of the subjects trained with a single or with multiple static images of the faces. Furthermore, generalization tests to other presentation conditions and to novel static views revealed no promoting effect of dynamic training. Except for the subjects trained on multiple static views, performance dropped to chance level with views outside the training range. These results are in contrast to some prior reports from the literature, since they suggest that pigeons, unlike humans, have difficulty using the additional structural information provided by the dynamic presentation and integrating the multiple views into a three-dimensional object.  相似文献   

Response key illuminations were followed by food delivery or shock, and keypecks were programmed to prevent the occurrence of whichever stimulus was scheduled. At high shock intensity, pigeons did not peck: at low shock intensity, pigeons pecked in about half of the trials. When different key colors signaled food and shock trials, pigeons pecked on food trials, thus preventing food delivery, but not on shock trials, thus failing to avoid shock delivery. That pecks occurred despite the fact that they avoided food but did not occur when they avoided shock is taken as evidence that the keypeck is frequently governed by biological predispositions, and not by its consequences.  相似文献   

Two experiments with rats investigated learning about S+ and S? during various stages of discrimination training. Transfer tests, in which either S+ or S? was retained, or two new stimuli were presented, were used to assess learning early in acquisition, at criterion, or following overtraining. Both choice and latency measures were used. Results indicated that learning about S+ occurs early in acquisition when noncorrection training is given, and little improvement occurs after that time, at least up to 70 trials of overtraining under present conditions. Learning about S? begins somewhat later in acquisition and continues throughout overtraining. When correction training is used, learning about S? occurs earlier in acquisition, and further learning about both S+ and S? occurs during overtraining.  相似文献   

The effects of transitions from nonrewarded (N) to rewarded (R) trials (N-R transitions) on discriminative behavior in differential conditioning and subsequent resistance to extinction were investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, groups given N-R transitions within S+ were more resistant to discrimination (ran fast in S?) and extinction than were groups given a partial reinforcement (PRF) schedule in S+ devoid of N-R transitions. Experiment 2 indicated that N-R transitions that occur when an N trial in S? is followed by an R trial in S+ are as effective in increasing resistance to discrimination, but not resistance to extinction, as are N-R transitions that occur within S+. The sequential effects obtained here were highly similar to those in conventional PRF and support the view that differential conditioning and PRF are highly interrelated phenomena. The results are discussed in terms of the extension of sequential theory to differential conditioning and the importance of internal reward-produced cues in discrimination learning.  相似文献   

Holyoak and Koh (1987) and Holyoak (1984) propose four critical tasks for analogical transfer to occur in problem solving. A study was conducted to test this hypothesis by comparing a multiple components (MC) approach against worked examples (WE) in helping students to solve algebra word problems in chemistry classes. The MC approach incorporated multiple components (symbolic equations, symbols, categorization, hint) in the source, or target, or both, to address the four analogical tasks. Different combinations of the components were tested in a series of four experiments. Symbolic equations (main component) fostered a mental construction of the problem in its solution mode. Categorization enabled an identification of the problem category. A hint in the target directed the learners to the source problem. The interaction between these components facilitated the mapping of the symbolic equations in the source onto the target, resulting in the superiority of the MC approach in fostering analogical transfer. Neither the main component alone nor the main component plus one sub-component was sufficient for analogical transfer. Hence for analogical transfer to occur, at least the main component (symbolic equations) and two sub-components (categorization and hint) are required. However, symbols may not have additional effects for transfer to occur.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, two groups (n = 10) of pigeons received 17 sessions of TD (true discrimination) or ND (nondifferential) training with line angles. Seventeen sessions of SS (single stimulus) training with a wavelength preceded this training and two followed it. Subsequent wavelength generalization testing in extinction revealed a sharper TD than ND gradient. This slope difference was evident from the very first test stimulus presentation and remained stable throughout testing. As a consequence of substantial overtraining, there was no reduction of response strength and no sharpening of generalization during testing for either group. In Experiment 2, two groups (n = 16) of pigeons received 10 sessions of TD or PD (pseudodiscrimination) training with line angles, followed by four sessions of SS training with a single wavelength. During this training and in subsequent wavelength generalization testing in extinction, brief blackouts separated stimulus presentations. Again, the TD group yielded the sharper gradient. Although responding weakened and the gradients sharpened during the test, these effects were comparable in the two groups. Furthermore, gradients based on the percentage of trials with at least one response showed the same TD-PD slope difference. This finding indicates that differential control over responding by response-produced feedback is inadequate to account for the TD-PD difference in generalization slope. Both experiments indicate that a purported difference in resistance to extinction is also an inadequate explanation.  相似文献   

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