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我国体育旅游发展的现状、趋势和对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
运用文献资料、专家座谈、实地调研、问卷调研等方法,对我国体育旅游发展的现状、存在的问题、发展的趋势进行了调研与分析。在此基础提出了加快发展我国体育旅游的建议:提高认识,制定加快发展体育旅游的有关政策;建立合作机制,共同推动体育旅游发展;加强规划引导,制定体育旅游发展专项规划;提升业态,丰富体育旅游产品体系;加强培养体育旅游人才;建立体育旅游企业运行管理的规章制度;创新体育旅游的营销和宣传形式。  相似文献   

Engaging in relationships with other organizations is one way for nonprofit community sport organizations (CSOs) to acquire needed resources, knowledge, and other social benefits while achieving important public purposes and building community cohesion. This study explored the processes and outcomes of interorganizational relationships in CSOs through semi-structured interviews with presidents of these organizations (N = 20). The findings revealed key relationship processes including trust, consistency, balance, and engagement as well as specific management skills. The findings also revealed that relationships impacted CSOs through enabling improvements to program/service quality and operations, and enhancing community presence. The study contributes to the interorganizational relationship literature and our understanding of how relationships advance organizational goals in this small nonprofit context.  相似文献   

基层体育社会组织是新兴体育治理主体,它与政府合作治理,能够减少治理成本、提升治理效率,高效满足群众体育需求,有效弥补政府失灵和市场失灵。研究构建基层体育社会组织与政府合作治理的演化博弈模型,探究两主体合作治理的影响因素、生成过程与机理,分析最优选择与促进合作治理持续的策略。结果表明:合作治理产生的必要条件是互利互惠。超额收益、合作成本和合作效率是影响合作决策的关键因素。当合作治理的超额收益大于合作成本时,双方的最优策略选择是(合作,合作)。成功的合作治理是一种长期稳定的关系,促进合作治理维持的有效方式是双方对公共体育事务的高效处理实现平衡利益,实现共赢。具体措施包括完善信任机制、明晰职能关系、提升组织自治能力。  相似文献   

上海体育旅游的现状及发展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
俞海滨 《体育科研》2009,30(4):38-42
借鉴了国外体育旅游发展的经验,剖析了上海体育旅游的状况及其存在的主要问题,提出了上海体育旅游发展对策和建议:统筹规划,加强体育与旅游等行业的合作;加大政策支持力度,完善法律、法规;创建都市体育旅游品牌,加大宣传力度;多渠道培养人才,提高综合服务质量。  相似文献   

以2007-2017年SCI&SSCI数据库收录的中国和美国国际体育科学合作论文文献为样本,采用文献计量和社会网络分析方法对国际合作论文的整体发展趋势、主导从属率、合作研究领域、合作网络结构及核心-边缘合作国家等方面特征进行分析。研究结果表明:两国国家合作论文呈现稳步增长趋势,但在产出绝对数量上中国仍存在差距;整体上,中国在其国际体育科学合作研究中处于主导地位,美国在其国际体育科学合作研究中处于从属地位;运动创伤学、运动生物力学、内科学和体育健康与环境是两国国际合作重点领域;两国的国际合作网络呈现出明显的核心-边缘结构特征,在不同研究方向的核心合作国呈现出相对集中和局部离散的分布状态。  相似文献   

以往体育学界未能充分认识并具体分析政府及其衍生机构在体育非物质文化遗产传承协同机制中的引导,所提协同机制操作性不强,不能充分揭示体育非物质文化遗产传承实践中存在的问题症结。针对这些问题,受挪威人类学家弗里德里克·巴特(Fredrick Barth)的文化转换“生成”过程论的启发,对体育非物质文化遗产传承中的引导性协同机制的生成过程开展个案研究,以弥补学界当下在体育非物质文化遗产传承协同机制研究及其建构过程实证研究方面存在的不足。Y寨苗拳为这方面的研究提供了一个鲜活生动的个案。在翔实的田野调查基础上,借鉴行动者网络理论中的“转译”概念、德勒兹的“生成”思想来剖析体育非物质文化传承中个体与组织、机构间的协同机制生成过程。该研究个案表明:州武协、市文广局、镇政府作为核心行动者之一,对苗拳师、村民实施行动意图、目标、路径上的转换,形成一种引导性协同机制,使武术文化旅游成为苗拳传承与乡村振兴的可选路径。他们在交往的基础上,就武术文化旅游的筹备反复协商,凸显了政府对苗拳传承在人员、政策、活动、物质等层面的引导,生成了苗拳师与其他村民、镇政府、州武协、市文广局的多维联结关系,生成一种基于利益相互嵌合的、具有引导性协同机制效能的行动者网络,使武术文化遗产的传承成为可能。通过体育非物质文化遗产传承引导性协同机制生成的研究,不仅有助于更深刻地了解体育非物质文化遗产传承中的症结问题,而且也有助于更好地理解政府及其衍生机构在体育非物质文化遗产传承协同机制中的引导作用,以及具体的引导途径与策略。  相似文献   

郭晴 《体育科学》2012,32(3):92-97
采用文献资料调研和逻辑分析法回顾了体育组织与媒介关系发展的历史,从两者相互交织的利益取向出发,将体育组织与媒介关系分为:媒介对体育及体育组织的介入期、体育组织与媒介关系稳定发展期和共生成熟期。研究结果认为,体育组织与媒介关系形态表现为单向传播关系、合作关系和共生关系;这3种关系形态不仅仅是纵向的、历史演变的结果,同时也是一种横向的、在当今社会也同时存在的关系形态;决定体育组织与媒介关系形态的因素包括体育制度与媒介制度、媒介传播力以及受众对媒体的依赖程度。  相似文献   

Games have a complex, and seemingly paradoxical structure: they are both competitive and cooperative, and the competitive element is required for the cooperative element to work out. They are mechanisms for transforming competition into cooperation. Several contemporary philosophers of sport have located the primary mechanism of conversion in the mental attitudes of the players. I argue that these views cannot capture the phenomenological complexity of game-play, nor the difficulty and moral complexity of achieving cooperation through game-play. In this paper, I present a different account of the relationship between competition and cooperation. My view is a distributed view of the conversion: success depends on a large number of features. First, the players must achieve the right motivational state: playing for the sake of the struggle, rather than to win. Second, successful transformation depends on a large number of extra-mental features, including good game design, and social and institutional features.  相似文献   

李晓甜 《体育与科学》2012,33(3):101-104
关注群众体育政策的执行,从公私协力理论的视角,分析我国群众体育政策执行的公私协力程度与困境,并提出我国群众体育政策执行公私协力的前景与建议。研究认为:群众体育政策执行的公私协力欠缺完整要素,体现的是偏向自上而下的执行关系,政府较少提供民间体育组织足够的诱因与协助,而民间体育组织自身经营困境也给群众体育政策执行带来阻力。公共部门应加强群众体育政策执行公私协力关系的建立并提高诱因,主动鼓励民间体育组织参与群众体育事务,建立群众体育公私协力活动的绩效管理评估制度;而民间体育组织则主要是加强民间体育组织的经营能力,加强与企业的合作和同业结盟。  相似文献   

王永红  陈祥伟 《体育科研》2017,(6):54-59,66
为了了解我国射箭运动领域的研究现状,总结射箭运动研究的方向,厘清射箭领域的研究热点与演进路径,基于CiteSpace视角,采用定量与定性相结合的方法,对1998年以来发表在CSSCI数据库所收录的射箭运动文献进行了知识图谱的可视化分析。结果表明:我国射箭运动研究的发文量呈上升趋势;目前仅仅形成了简单的作者合作网络图谱,只有少部分作者之间有合作关系;研究大都以高校为依托,还没有形成基本的机构合作网络;研究热点主要集中在体育史、体育文化、射箭与竞技体育、射礼、弓箭系统等方面;传统射艺的传承与保护是当下研究的前沿。  相似文献   

体育赛事旅游目的地的可持续发展需要对不同的利益相关者建立相应的利益管理机制。运用文献资料法对可持续发展理论和利益相关者理论进行系统归纳和评述,在此基础上,就体育赛事旅游目的地利益相关者的界定、构成和分类进行探讨。体育赛事旅游目的地利益相关者分为:核心利益相关者、蛰伏利益相关者、边缘利益相关者三部分,并主要对体育赛事旅游目的地的政府及其职能部门、体育赛事旅游企业、赛事旅游者、当地居民这四个关系密切和影响力较大的核心利益相关者进行分析,期望通过构建“双向沟通-协调合作-互利共赢”的核心利益相关者管理机制构建体育赛事旅游目的地利益共同体,进而实现体育赛事旅游目的地的可持续发展。  相似文献   

区域体育旅游合作若干基本问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料调研、归纳分析、专家访谈等方法对区域体育旅游合作若干基本问题进行了分析,认为目前我国区域体育旅游合作主要以"体育圈"的形式推行,产业集聚理论、共生理论构成区域体育旅游合作的理论基石,区域体育旅游合作的发展模式主要是核心—边缘圈层模式、点—轴模式、点—轴—圈模式以及成长三角模式,其发展形态主要是离散态、聚集态、扩散态、成熟态,区域体育旅游合作中存在行政管理机制制约、行政区划刚性约束、政府规划超前、发展不均衡等问题,提出了促进我国区域体育旅游合作的途径和措施。  相似文献   

Interorganisational linkages are a widely studied topic in sport management. However, most researchers focus on public or non-profit organisations and analyse one focal organisation rather than a network of interrelated organisations. The purpose of this study was to address both of these shortcomings by investigating interorganisational linkages in sport clusters, a type of cross-sectoral network. The authors address three main questions: (a) what is the nature of interorganisational linkages in sport clusters; (b) how do linkages in sport clusters develop; and (c) what are the organisational motivations for creating or joining linkages in sport clusters? A multiple case study approach explores two sailing clusters in France and New Zealand. Results show that interorganisational relationships tend to be formalised, while interorganisational networks tend to be informal. A circular development process from formal relationships to formal networks via informal relationships and networks was detected. Reciprocity is the most prevalent motive for the development of all types of interorganisational linkages. This research contributes to sport management practice by showcasing the potential multitude and variety of interorganisational linkages in a cross-sectoral sport context which are foundations for cooperation and collaboration. The theoretical contribution lies in the conceptualising of the IOR development process and different motivational patterns as antecedents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a preliminary sport tourism motivation scale (STMS) that detected unique active sport tourist segments according to their social psychological motives for traveling to a destination to compete in sport. Segments’ conative loyalty were also analyzed to gain a greater understanding of how underlying motives for sport event tourism influences consumers’ behavioral intentions. A convenient sampling approach was used to collect data from 380 athletes participating in the 2014 GoPro Mountain Games in Colorado. In developing the STMS, items derived from previously validated sport and tourism motivation scales were used to reduce and verify a parceled STMS factor structure. Confirmatory Factor Analysis yielded acceptable psychometric properties. Ward’s Hierarchical cluster analysis identified three segments: tourism-oriented, sport tourism enthusiasts, and sport-oriented. The sport tourism enthusiasts, who exhibited favorable valuations on each of the nine STMS factors, demonstrated elevated conative loyalty characteristics above those of the other two segments. Additionally, the STMS was able to explain 30% of the variation in consumers’ conative loyalty with factors, ‘Destination Attributes’ and ‘Competitive Desire’ being the most influential predictors. Overall, the study’s findings may better equip event managers with information necessary to tailor event service elements which may enhance customer satisfaction and lead to greater retention.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,引介法国的体育管理体制、学校体育、大众体育、竞技体育、体育旅游与体育领袖等,从中获得启示:政府组织政策与资金支持,社会组织民意运行;开展符合民众需求的体育项目,时尚健身与传统相结合;营造体育旅游氛围,引导民众参与休闲体育旅游;学校体育由校长负责,课程设置主修与选修相结合;传承传统强势体育项目,避免盲目追求竞技体育项目多而全;寻求跨国界体育领袖,争取国际体育话语权.  相似文献   

Our understandings of volunteering in sport can be challenged and broadened by examining the experiences of those whose volunteer efforts go unrecognized or unnoticed. In the mainstream sport system, one such under-represented and under-researched sector is the Aboriginal community. The purpose of this paper is to examine the experiences of Canadian Aboriginal individuals as sport volunteers. The paper is based on a re-analysis of data collected for two related research projects. The first study consisted of nine focus groups with Aboriginal individuals who volunteered for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal sport organizations. The second study involved five focus groups with Aboriginal individuals who volunteered at one of two multi-sport events. The data were manually coded on the dimensions of intended beneficiaries, structure, remuneration, and free choice (Cnaan, Handy, & Wadsworth, 1996). There was little discussion of the issue of free choice, however most participants spoke of choosing the organizations, venues, and sports they wanted to help. The primary beneficiaries of their volunteer efforts were Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal youth. While they helped out formal organizations and events, their preference in those organizations was for relatively unstructured positions, for not being managed, and for a fun and relaxed environment. Volunteering was generally understood as unpaid work; yet, there was discussion of the growing trend of paying Aboriginal individuals to volunteer. These findings illustrate a broader and alternative understanding of volunteering in sport and have implications for the management of sport volunteers.  相似文献   

依法行政是现代法治国家的核心,也是推进体育社会组织发展的关键因素。我国现阶段体育社会组织的发展受制于依法行政的发展,存在体育社会组织立法不健全、体育社会组织去行政化的现实困境、行政过多干预体育社会组织管理、传统文化对体育依法行政的束缚以及体育体制改革与依法行政现实冲突等诸多问题。切实推进依法行政,形成国家与体育社会组织的良性互动,不仅有利于法治国家的构建,还有利于从根本上促进体育社会组织发展。  相似文献   


The purposes of this study were to examine (a) similarities and differences in constraints to and constraint negotiation for masters games (MG) participation, and (b) the relationships among constraints, constraint negotiation, and intention to participate in the World Masters Games 2021 Kansai, across international sport tourists, domestic sport tourists, and sport excursionists. An online survey was conducted with 449 Japanese people who participated in MGs within the last three years. Our results indicated that international sport tourists experienced higher levels of psychological, physiological, interpersonal, financial, tourism, commitment, MG-specific constraints than domestic sport tourists and sport excursionists, although physiological constraints did not differ between international and domestic sport tourists. Conversely, international and domestic sport tourists utilized tourism and MG-self-adaptation negotiation strategies more than sport excursionists. Lastly, constraints to and constraint negotiation for the past MG were not related to the intention of participation in the World Masters Games 2021 Kansai across the three groups. These results suggest that this typology of sport tourists – international, domestic, and excursionist – is an effective framework to understand constraints and negotiation as well as other behaviors and experiences of Japanese sport tourists.  相似文献   

澳门社区体育的发展模式   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
吴树斌 《体育学刊》2002,9(6):28-31
对建立符合澳门地区社会水平与澳门实际情况的“社区体育发展模式”进行了研究。研究认为:(1)在构建澳门社区体育发展模式的过程中,首先应完善社区体育组织体系。建立组织网络系统,充分发挥各级社区体育组织的功能作用,提高组织管理水平,建立一支稳定的、具有一定专业水平的社区体育指导队伍;(2)目前澳门劳工阶层与平民大众因受各种因素、条件的影响和限制,不能积极参加或无法参加社区体育活动:(3)体育场地设施的建设与使用,未能配合到社区体育的发展。对现有的体育资源,应予充分利用和开发;(4)加强与其它体育形态的合作,在互补的基础上相互支持,以求共同发展。  相似文献   

Sport tourism experiences are subjective and emotional, laden with symbolic meaning. This study explores the experiences of participants who adopted the multiple roles of both an active participant and event spectator, within the parameters of one chosen sporting event. A professional cycling race event, the Tour Down Under in South Australia was chosen for this investigation, and 20 face-to-face individual interviews were conducted with cycle tourists. The three main themes emerging from the data were the interaction of people and temporary spaces on a sport tourism ‘stage’; the co-creation of authentic personal experiences and meanings; and identity reinforcement and the development of a sense of belonging. Consequently, a model for understanding sport event tourism experiences is proposed. The findings suggest that providing tourists with authentic and memorable experiences lies at the heart of what constitutes sport tourism. Whilst the results demonstrate that cycling events provide the individual with a sense of belonging or membership to a wider social group, they also illustrate that there is a continued need for more focused and nuanced approaches towards understanding sport tourism experiences that reflect the ever-increasing diversity and complexity of the interaction between sport, events and tourism.  相似文献   

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