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认知语言学一向将研究重心放在心理结构上,这在无形中形成了个体认知的取向,对语言的社会使用维度则有所忽视。究其根本,这源自对认知及概念化的狭隘解读。有鉴于此,本文主张扩充认知与概念化的内涵。我们拓宽了概念化主体与概念化对象的范围,明确了概念化的目的导向性。呼应当前认知语言学对语言社会性的回归,本文主张从体验认知拓展至互动式体验认知。最后,本文主张,语言的完整认知表征体现为心智寓于互动之中。这一点不仅作为一个主张是可行的,而且在小句结构中有明晰的体现,我们采用来自主观性领域的证据说明了这一点。  相似文献   

知识表征由个体性向社会性转向的过程中,环境因素的逐渐渗透体现了由内在主义向外在主义过渡的知识观。延展认知的提出在认知科学中引起了关于环境在知识表征过程能否成为心智载体的激烈讨论,延展心智观主张,知识表征需要借助外在的环境与工具才能完成,心智可以延展到大脑之外的物理世界,认知系统中的环境也具有心智。反对者则围绕着环境的耦合、功能地位等对其进行反驳。这种争论肯定了环境因素在知识表征过程中的地位与影响的同时,也反映了对认知本质理解的不明确性。  相似文献   

苍南吴语"向下位移"类路径动词"落"具有共时层面的多功能性。其中,动相补语"落"可用以表征状态的延续、讫至或完结,其三个状态义有不同的来源,语法化机制也不同。从认知角度看,其语义的双指向性和不同状态义解读均为概念化主体视窗部分开启的结果。  相似文献   

语言起着沟通内在和外在、主观和客观、心灵和自然等作用。语言逻辑是一门尚待完善的现代逻辑分支,心智则是大脑的智力思维活动,而人的认知活动则是人的主体心智对客观对象的感知和认识。进一步讲,在人类认知活动中,语言作为认知客体的中介,必然要内化到主体的思维过程之中,成为主体更加深入地认知客体的主体性条件。在阐述语言逻辑与思维分析、心智要素与存在认知等问题的基础上,论述了人的主体心智与存在认知的特征和关系,以及这种特征和关系在语言逻辑视域中的作用与意义。  相似文献   

认知表征问题是认知科学哲学研究中的基础性论题和前沿性论题。在认知科学发展历程中,相继出现了心智的数字计算—表征观、心智的联结主义计算—表征观、激进的涉身认知非计算—表征观和温和的涉身认知计算—表征观。这些认知表征观都是从不同侧面对人类认知的说明,都有合理性和不足之处。所以,我们不应该采取那种"非此即彼"的全盘否定的态度来看待它们,而应该采取"既—又"的综合多元论研究方法来分析它们。这对当前认知科学哲学发展具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

论认知语义学及其对语言教学的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知语义学是认知语言学研究的核心内容.它以体验哲学观为基础,以身体经验和认知为出发点,主张意义的构建是认知的概念化过程,而概念化过程以心智的体验性为基础,以意象图式结构为中心,通过隐喻性推理进行运作.认知语义学力求对语言意义产生的认知机制做出统一而合理的解释,为语言教学提供新的研究视角和理论支持.  相似文献   

顺应制度化教育的学科发展逻辑,道德教育在学校课程实践中演变成科学化的道德知识的心智学习。心智成了道德学习的主体,学校德育呈现出有心无身、有身无心、身心分离等身心二元的离身问题。基于具身哲学的一元认知观,离身德育中德育内容概念化、德育活动形式化、德育过程去情境化的症结在“身体主体”的转向中找到了出路。本文以德育具身化原理为依据剖析了德育离身的问题及其根源,从道德学习是全身心的、主体间的、活动性的互动建构的角度,提出了具身德育的主体、机制和课程形态。  相似文献   

本文基于心智计算理论的心智形式结构所探索的语言与认知的前沿问题,评析Jackendoff(2007)的新著《语言、意识与文化:心智结构论集》,重点分析重新整合生成语法、语言与意识和思维的关系、心理谓词和社会谓词的概念化和形式化、句法-语义接口制约以及价值逻辑与语用逻辑的整合等核心问题。在系统研究Jackendoff心智语法多模块平行结构、更简(句法)方案,尤其是概念结构(CS)形式化语义分析的基础上,本文进一步归纳概括出合并词库和接口系统的语言官能(FL)认知系统的平行推导模式(PDM),并且重构了演示多模态概念结构(CS)局部计算系统语义组合运算和推导的层次组合模型(TCM),强调了概念化和形式化的数理和认知规律以及Jackendoff理论模式与语言事实的结合。  相似文献   

近三十年来,认知神经科学的兴起和发展,为我们打开心智的"暗箱",更进一步揭示道德的心智结构开辟了一条可行的路径。通过有关病例分析、反社会行为文献的梳理,分析了情感和认知在人类道德结构中的功能和联系;通过对神经成像学研究的分析,揭示了人类道德心智结构的神经物质基础和机制。  相似文献   

认知语境在隐喻认知构建中的制约作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
隐喻不仅是一种修辞手段,也是人类的一种普遍思维方式,是对抽象范畴进行概念化的有力的认知工具,是概念系统中跨认知域的映射,是语境之间的相互作用。在认知语言学框架下,对认知语境在隐喻认知构建中的作用进行系统分析发现,以认知主体的知识草案和心理图式为基本操作单位的认知语境对隐喻的认知构建起至关重要的制约作用,这是由隐喻研究的三大表征方法及隐喻的认知本质和认知基础决定的。因此,隐喻认知构建离不开认知语境,对隐喻的解读也要充分考虑认知语境因素。  相似文献   

This article discusses two mechanisms through which understanding static mathematical concepts (basic and more advanced mathematical concepts) in terms of fictive motions or motion events enhance our understanding of these concepts. It is suggested that at least two mechanisms are involved in this enhancing process. The first mechanism enables us to employ both the motor system and the visual system as two contributing cognitive resources to process the static concept. When one representation of a mathematical concept is transformed into another representation, there is a shift in the mode of processing. This shift facilitates the process of employing new cognitive resources such as the motor and visual systems. The second mechanism, which is a special form of mental simulation, enables us to simulate the process of formation of the static concept, which, in turn, makes it easier for us to understand the structure and properties of the static concept.  相似文献   

语言中的虚拟移位不同于现实物理世界中的真实移位。在虚拟移位中,移动主体与参照物的语义角色发生了颠覆性互换,而隐喻性或转喻性投射是虚拟移位得以通达的认知机制。此外,表达虚拟移位的语言结构实际上是一种具有完型特征的语法构式,并且具有自身的结构语用意义。英汉互译过程中必须把握虚拟移位在概念化过程中所具有的动态性的特征并在互译时从时态、语法构式以及主观性三方面选择翻译策略。  相似文献   

位移事件可以分为自移事件和致移事件两种类型:无生自移一般用复杂表达式,不用简单表达式,有生自移既可用复杂表达式,也可用简单表达式;致移事件一般使用复杂表达式,极少使用简粤表达式。从位移事件的性质看,可以分为:现实位移和虚拟位移,自主位移与非自主位移,有界位移和无界位移。  相似文献   

李亚培 《海外英语》2011,(8):264-265,269
范围占有路线表达是虚构位移结构的一种较为常见的语言表征形式,在语言表层描写静态实体的物理移动,而实指概念主体的主观位移。这种现象近年来在英语中已备受关注,汉语却少有提及。分析发现汉语中也存在此种表达方式。隐现在语言结构中的观察者或其视线而发生了位移,顺序扫描在语义内容构建过程中起着不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

Sharing similar cognitive structures among team members is one key element for the collective to solve problems and work more efficiently (DeChurch & Mesmer‐Magnus, 2010). Research has shown that team cognition is positively associated with team performance in both organizational and educational settings. Team shared cognition constructs are relatively new constructs and have been identified in the literature as team mental models, shared mental models, information sharing, transactive memory systems, cognitive congruence, and group learning. Cannon‐Bowers and Salas (2001) called for better measures of shared cognition to be developed, partially through the integration of shared cognition measures across disciplines. The purpose of this meta‐analysis is to look at these six team cognition constructs in an effort to help identify which measure, if any, results in predicting team performance best. Results indicated that information sharing was statistically significant compared to team mental memory and group learning, and marginally significant compared to transactive memory systems. Additionally, shared mental models and cognitive congruence showed higher associations with performance compared to team mental models, group learning, and transactive memory systems.  相似文献   

儿童科学学习的心理年龄特征研究综述   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以皮亚杰的认知发展理论为立论基础,采用文献分析对儿童科学相关实证研究进行分析,旨在剖析儿童(2 ̄7岁)科学学习过程中普遍呈现的心理年龄特征,本研究同时发现儿童科学学习之心理年龄特征存有普遍性、稳定性与共同性。最后依据综合分析的结果及相关实证研究的启示提出教育建议,期能对幼儿教师进行儿童科学教育有所助益。  相似文献   

Extensive research within the field of learning and individual differences focuses upon the relationship between general intelligence and process measures derived from elementary cognitive tasks (ECTs). This emphasis has ignored data indicating that cognitive abilities are best described by three levels (or strata). It has also been suggested that mental speed is a unitary construct, although it is more likely to have a complex structure. To address shortcomings evident in this literature, a multivariate investigation (N = 179) was conducted. Factor analysis of 25 psychometric indices gave seven factors postulated under the theory of fluid (Gf) and crystallized (Gc) intelligence. Correlations between cognitive abilities and parameters derived from 11 ECTs indicated that Gf (alone) was related to processing speed. This relationship is seemingly dependent upon experimental manipulations of task complexity. Regarding the factorial structure of mental speed, the results were unequivocal: Broad second-order factors may be derived from both ECTs and psychometric tests. These constructs are independent from abilities defined by accuracy scores and collectively define a general cognitive speed factor. Implications of these findings are discussed. It would appear that mental speed is more intricate than proposed, and that cognitive complexity (reflected in stimulus-response compatibility effects) plays a crucial role in its ontogenesis. In addition, several explanatory models linking intelligence to processing speed are untenable. It is likely that the search for a basic process of intelligence by means of mental speed frameworks (alone) is misguided.Recently, within the field of individual differences, there has been “an explosion of experimental studies into the speed of mental processes” (H.J. Eysenck 1995, p. 225). Various tasks, ranging from those paradigms assessing simple, psychomotor movements and on up through to measures of complex problem solving and psychometric test performance, have been employed (Stankov & Roberts 1997). The present study was designed to explore speed of processing constructs within a structural model of human cognitive abilities. Utilizing the evidence presented in Carroll's (1993) extensive reanalysis of the main data sets collected within the psychometric discipline this century, the structural model of cognitive abilities adopted is that known as the theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence (see Horn & Noll 1994; Stankov et al. 1995). In contrast, the mental speed measures selected for investigation in this study were chosen on the basis of both experimental and psychometric findings that rely on disparate accounts (e.g., information theory). Notably, mental speed constructs are not presently encapsulated within a single unifying model. Another major aim of the present study was to redress this imbalance by establishing a rapprochement between conceptual models of mental speed and human cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

“往”字短语在动词前、后分别构成A、B两种格式,两式在动词的类、“往”的宾语和“往”的标引功能方面都存在明显差异。在位移事件的性质和表达方面,A、B两式也体现出某些差异或倾向:A式既可用于现实位移,也可用于虚拟位移,B式基本上用于现实位移;A式倾向于自主位移,B式倾向于非自主位移;A式凸显位移过程,B式凸显位移目标。  相似文献   


People are living longer, and in better physical health, than at any other time in history. But what of their mental health? Does it decline with age, offsetting the gains made in physical health and longevity? Can it be maintained? Can it improve? A review of the literature suggests that cognitive decline is not universal, pervasive, or irreversible. It also demonstrates that older adults can benefit from cognitive training. The challenge, however, is to provide such training in ways that are acceptable to older adults. The answer is to be found, firstly, in research that identifies best practices for cognitive skill development in ecologically valid activities involving older adults, psychologists, and adult educators. These best practices can then serve to assist educators to design continuing education programs and other activities that are readily accessible, affordable, and enjoyable.  相似文献   

Mental models are hypothetical constructs for explaining human cognitive processes of understanding external reality, translating the reality into internal representation and utilizing it in problem solving. Three experiments were conducted to investigate important characteristics of mental models, their influence on task performance, and instructional strategies facilitating their formation. The experiments were conducted in computer-based training environments designed to teach troubleshooting electronic logic circuits. The results suggested: (a) dynamic characteristics of mental models are important for solving problems if understanding functional behaviors of the system is required to perform the task; (b) dynamic characteristics of mental models are determined primarily by subjects' understanding of the system features and functions more than by the visually presented training contents of the system; and (c) motion simulating system functions in visual displays is more effective than static visual displays in facilitating the formation of dynamic characteristics of mental models. Consequently, dynamic visual displays are more effective than static visual displays for teaching electronic troubleshooting skills. These findings provide direct implications for the development of training programs.  相似文献   

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