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The exhibition on wax printing masterpieces of Guizhou Province was recently held in the National Art Museum of China. A total of 66masterpieces chosen from some 400 wax printing works of Guizhou Province were on display. These works feature elegant colors, beautiful patterns and cultural richness, representing the top level and artistic diversity of Guizhou's wax printing art.  相似文献   

Water print on wood is one of the types of wood block printing in ancient China. The earliest records on this printing skill appeared in the Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD) and the oldest extant publication by this printing method is "Vajra Sutra" made in 868 A.D.. Now Rongbaozhai, an old brand name in Beijing, still use this ancient skill to copy calligraphic and painting works by famous masters and even painting master Qi Baishi couldn't tell its copy works from authentic ones.  相似文献   

Water print on wood is one of the types of wood block printing in ancient China. The earliest records on this printing skill appeared in the Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD) and the oldest extant publication by this printing method is "Vajra Sutra" made in 868 A.D.. Now Rongbaozhai, an old brand name in Beijing, still use this ancient skill to copy calligraphic and painting works by famous masters and even painting master Qi Baishi couldn't tell its copy works from authentic ones. This printing skill has been included in the first National List for Intangible Cultural Heritage.  相似文献   

Chinese print can date back 1100 years. For example, carved bricks and stones in the Han Dynasty are actually ear, forms of woodprint. As a type of print art, wood board printing invented in the Tang Dynasty was closely related to life of ordinary people and helped to spread arts in ancient China. Buddhist sutra Vajracchedika printed in 868 AD is the important evidence testifying to the wood board printing of the Tang Dynasty and the world's earliest complete printed book still preserved today. Thus it is generally recognized as the peak of print art of the Tang Dynasty.  相似文献   

New Year painting is an independent genre of Chinese folk painting. It is so named, because it is usually hanged during celebrations of Chinese New Year, This paintinggenre dates back to the Han Dynasty [221 BC - 220 AD). Woodblock printing began to be employed for the creation of New Year painting in Kaifeng, capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty [960-1127]. The use of woodblock printing marked a breakthrough in creation of New Year painting and Kaifeng has thus been known as the birthplace of woodblock New Year print painting of China.  相似文献   

Dege Sutra-printing Institute is one of the three major institutes in Tibetan Buddhist sutra printing, together with those in the Potala Palace in Lhasa and Labrang Monastery. It has a vast collection of ancient treasures of Tibetan Lamaism, including Tangka paintings, Buddhist statues and religious objects, which are important references for the study of the art of Tibetan Lamaism.  相似文献   

Farmer printing first appeared in Qijiang County, Chongqing Municipality in the 1960s and 70s when the first print works, "The Party Branch's Secretary", was created by artists from Sichuan Artists Association, based on their experience in the county and characterized by the mix of revolutionary realism and romanticism. During the Cultural Revolution ( 1966 - 1976), while traditional culture and classical Western culture were both labeled as "poisoned and collapsed", only print painting was encouraged by the communist government as it depicted realistic subjects of the time. Print exhibitions and workshops were launched in Qijiang's villages, which helped to give rise to indigenous print in the decades to come. Farmer printing of Qijiang County embraced heydays in the 1980s when the reform and opening policies were exercised nationwide, as a result of the influence by the print style of Jinshan.  相似文献   

Printing painting usually refers to varieties of painting printed on wood, stone, linoleum, copper and zinc blocks carved by knife or etched by chemicals. China is generally recognized as the inventor of printing painting, but for quite a long time, it has had a poor market for print painting trade, with only few collectors dedicated to for this type of painting. In recent years, with print paintings by master artists gaining outstanding performance in the international market, values of original print painting have begun to be recognized in China's collection market.  相似文献   

##正##Founded in 1983,Huabao studio is China's only enterprlse wlth a complete chain of traditional paper production,including printing making,character board making,pringting,binding,publication and  相似文献   

The National Waxworks Museum of China, as part of China National Museum, showcases 126 life like wax figures of celebrity from China and the rest of the world which feature exquisite craftsmanship, vivid portraits and unique scenes. Since its opening in 2004, the waxworks on display have attracted numerous visitors and media coverage. A press article used the caption "On the opening day, the real guardian even frightened an old woman" to describe how lifelike these waxworks are.  相似文献   

It has been said that "books are a ladder for human progress." Books, in whatever forms, are the embodiments of human cultures; therefore, a country's library development reflects its history and civilization. The history of libraries worldwide dates back to 3000 B.C., when facilities housing books made from mud-plate printing appeared in the Middle East. Records show that Chinese also began collecting books 3,000 years ago. During the Zhou Dynasty (about the 11th century B.C.), the process of book collection was overseen by designated officials.  相似文献   

Hetian, also known as "Yutian" in ancient times, means "a place producing jadestone". It is located in the southernmost tip of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region,neighboring Taklimakan Desert in the north and Mt. Kunlun in the south. For hundreds of years in history, it was a strategically important town along the southern route of the Silk Roads.In Chinese culture, jade is a symbol of virtue, dignityand goodness. Jade produced in Hetian is generally  相似文献   

<正>Qujiang Culture and Tourism Academy is located in the Qujiang New Area in the southern suburb of Xi’an, one of the four ancient capitals of the world. It is ...  相似文献   

The East Lake is situated five kilometers to the east of the historic city of Shaoxing. With a wonderful combination of a hill, grottoes and stone bridges, it might pass for a miniature landscape. On a par with the West Lake in Hangzhou and the South Lake in Jiaxing, it is one of the three most famous lakes in southeast Zhejiang Province. Although it is quite small, its delicacy and elegance rank it among the best resorts in Shaoxing.  相似文献   

Matsu, or the Goddess of Sea is widely worshipped in coastal areas of China and temples are built in these areas to enshrine statues of Matsu or Heavenly Queen. But it is quite interesting that there are quite a few Matsu temples in the inland province of Guizhou. Among these temples, the Heavenly Queen temple in Zhenyuan County is the largest, best-preserved and finest-built one and proclaimed as a site under the province-level protection.  相似文献   

"Bodhi is actually not in the form of tree while a bright mirror is not a material object. Since there is nothing physical in the world, how can they catch the dust?" This poem, written by senior monk Hui Neng in the early Tang Dynasty [618 - 907], revealed the profundity of Buddhism and helped facilitate social evolution of the time.  相似文献   

Everlasting Nang     
Anytime and any where in xinjing autonomous region,tasty nang is available in a vartety of sizes.the flour-based food is the traditional staple for people of the chinese uighurminority,  相似文献   

On November 25, 2005,“long song” was proclaimed by UNESCO as one of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity". "Long song", or called "urtiin duu" in the Mongolian language, is one of the most distinct and honored form of music in Mongolian culture. It is chiefly performed in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, the State of Mongolia as well as the Russian Republic of Buryat.  相似文献   

The Republic of Costa Rica is a country. situated in the southern part of Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the east-southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Costa Rica means a rich and fertile coast in the Spanish language. In fact, it is one of the leading economies in Central America.  相似文献   

Qianmen, located on the southern section of the north-south axis line of Beijing, is known as the most traditional shopping street with the richness of street culture in Beijing. It is the pool of many century-old shops and restaurants which have survived and prospered over the sweep of history with their excellence in quality and service.  相似文献   

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