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1.他们决定去破坏那座铁桥。[误]They decided to breakdown the iron bridge. [正]They decided to teardown the iron bridge. [析]break down含有“用手去破坏”之意,人所能拿的工具不外是几种铁锤之类的东西,拿它们去把铁桥干掉未免有些自不量力了。  相似文献   

It was the Romans who decided to build the city of London. They saw that a city with a bridge over the River Thames could be useful, both for traveling to Europe and for traveling in England. The Guil...  相似文献   

A pair of lions lived in the prairie three months ago. One day when they were walking,they were caught by some people. And they were carried to a zoo. They began to live in a big iron cage from then on.They couldn't walk about. They couldn't eat fresh meat.They couldn't run and jump. They were not happy. They were shy when people came to see them at first. Then they became very angry. They lay down and went to sleep in the day time.The feeder was angry with them. He fed them less and less …  相似文献   

To answer these questions, you have to let your brain think in different ways than you may be used to. Here's an example:Question: A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way[单行线] street in the wrong direction, but she didn't break the law. Why? Answer: She was walking!  相似文献   

Grew up in a small town And when the rain would fall down I'd just stare[凝视]out my window Dreamin' of what could be And if I'd end up happy I would pray[祈祷] Trying hard to reach out But when I tried to speak out Felt like no one could hear me Wanting to belong here But something felt so wrong here So I prayed I could break away  相似文献   

Corbels support the crossbeams of half-through arch bridges. They are prone to cracking easily due to their characteristics and complicated loading conditions. Based on a practical diagnosis of a bridge crossbeam, we bonded steel plates onto bridge corbels to strengthen them. We carried out a numerical analysis on the effectiveness of the reinforcement by using the commercial sof~are ANSYS. The numerical analysis shows that the stresses near the section break increased slightly, but the variation amplitude was small and all the stresses were within an allowable range. The loading test indicates that it is feasible to strengthen the corbel with vertical bonded steel plates. Therefore, the reinforcement is effective and economical. This reinforcement method is suitable for this type of corbel and can be applied in similar cases.  相似文献   

1.One day,old Jeff took his donkey to the market. On his way,a businessman came and said the donkey belonged to him. They quarrelled firecely and decided to go to court.有一天,老杰夫牵着他的驴去市场。在路上,一个商人走来,说那驴是属于他的。他们争吵得很激烈,并决定去法院。  相似文献   

decideA.decide作为及物动词后接名词,通常是指经过考虑、讨论,在几种可能中做出选择,得出结论。常用结构有decide to do sth.;decide+特殊疑问词to do;decide+宾语从句。请看例句:W e decided(not)to go there.我们决定(不)去那里。They can’t decide w hom to invite.他们不能决定该邀请谁。They decided that they would not go tothe party tonight.他们决定今晚不去参加聚会。B.decide on/upon sth.意为“决定做某事”;decide againststh.意为“决定不做某事”。请看例句:They have decided on/up-on going for a trip to the G re…  相似文献   

One warm spring day,a number of little boys and girls wereout with their teacher.They walked two by two,singing happily. They came to a bridge ___1 a river, and tried to cross it.They____2 the middle of the bridge when there arose a great shout  相似文献   

1.我决定不参加会议。[误]I decided to not attend the meeting.[正]I decided not to attend the meeting.[析]动词不定式的否定式是在to前面加not构成的。再如:Try not to be late.尽量不要迟到。2.很抱歉,我星期四没能来。[误]I'm sorry not to come on Thursday.  相似文献   

This is Alaska,which might as well have been a different country. Seeing the Alaskan Wildlife for the First Time Early morning is the best time to see the brown and black bears.They usually come here to fish for 1)salmon. There were a surprising number of people at the 2)walkway.We sat down by the bridge,looking at the salmon as they 3)raced.In fact,salmon could be found almost anywhere in Alaska,and for a bargain price.I turned my attention to wondering about this miracle of nature.  相似文献   

Once,a gentleman was traveling in a train.He felt (1) and got down at a station in search of water.As soon as he reached the water tap[水龙头]the train started.He ran back,but(2) the train. He asked about the next train and knew that the next train was on the next day.So he decided to find a place to(3)the night.It was getting darker and he could not find a room.He was a little(4).  相似文献   

1.put one's foot down 坚决反对 A: What's your plan for the holiday? 假期你有什么打算? B: I planned to go to Dubai on my own but my mother decided to put her foot down.  相似文献   

Where is the moment we needed the most You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost They tell me your blue skies fade[褪色]to grey They tell me your passion[激情]'sgone away And I don't need no carryin' on You stand in the line just to hit a new low You're faking[假装]a smile with the coffee to go  相似文献   

A dog once stole a bone from a butcher's(屠夫)shop. He ran off down the street as fast as he could, across the meadow(草地)in the village and down the hill to a bridge over a stream. There he stopped out of breath, to look at the clear, clean water.  相似文献   

1.One day,old Jeff took his donkey to themarket. On his way,a businessman came andsaid the donkey belonged to him. They quarrelledfirecely and decided to go to court. 有一天,老杰夫牵着他的驴去市场。在路上,一个商人走来,说那驴是属于他的。他们争吵得很激烈,并决定去法院。  相似文献   

July 15 I went to a big party last night.The hosts were celebrating something, so they'd decided to push the boat out[大肆庆祝]:there was a really good band,fantastic food and lots of drink.I chatted to a few people for the first hourjust the usual small talk[闲聊]. Then I met this great guy.We got talking and we really hit it off [合得来].I'm seeing him tomorrow!  相似文献   

An antifreeze is a liquid that is added to water to keep it from freezing. When water freezes and turns into ice, it expands. The force of water expanding is so great that it will break the hardest metal. Water is used in car engines to keep them cool while they run, and if this water is allowed to freeze in the winter, it can break the iron block of the engine. That is why antifreezes are necessary.  相似文献   

Have a Contest     
中学生英语读写[争当翻译家]竞赛题Ⅰ郾在下面对话的空白处填入一个适当的词(第一个字母已给出),使句意通顺句法正确。A:A to what is said above,can it be said that Cartier is the first p who discovered Canada?B:No.Cartier can be said to b the first European who discovered Canada. B he was not the first person who have discovered eNorth America or Canada. It is now generally b that the Eskimos and Indians s down in what is now Canada several thousand years e than the Europeans. They went th…  相似文献   

High school football was a Thanksgiving tradition in my hometown.Usually,Mom was the one who stayed at home,while Dad,my sister and I headed out to the game.One year,my aunt decided to give Mom a break and offered to help make the turkey and all the 1)trimmings,so Mom could attend the game with us.  相似文献   

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