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关于高校专业教师担任班主任工作的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年我国高等教育快速发展,各高校学生人数迅速增长。为了加强大学生的教育和管理,国家教育部门出台了一系列的相关政策和规定,要求高校学生班级配备相应的班主任,全国很多高校更是明确要求专业教师担任班主任。本文针对专业教师担任班主任的管理模式,阐述专业教师担任班主任工作的优势。  相似文献   

目的:了解民办中学教师职业倦怠现状,进一步提出切实可行的消除民办中学教师职业倦怠感的建议,达到预防和降低民办中学教师职业倦怠从而提高教育教学质量的目的。方法:采用职业倦怠量表,分层随机抽样,对笔者工作所在的一所民办中学的110名教师进行了问卷调查。结果:民办中学教师存在一定的职业倦怠现象,具体来看,情绪衰竭处于中等水平,玩世不恭(去个性化)程度较低,而自我效能感较高。结论:当前民办中学教师的确存在一定的职业倦怠现象,总体状况并不严重,但和同类公办中学教师相比,民办中学教师更容易出现职业倦怠。其职业倦怠表现有所不同,有较高比例的教师正经历着不同程度和层次的职业倦怠。  相似文献   

采用SCL-90及自编教师基本情况问卷对410名中学教师进行调查,了解中学教师心理健康状况及其影响因素.结果发现,中学教师心理健康水平远远低于全国正常人常模与全国教师常模,抑郁、强迫与躯体化检出率较高;同事关系、职业情感与是否担任班主任等因素是影响中学教师心理健康的重要因素.  相似文献   

北京民办中学教师心理健康调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者在2002年10—12月,用Scl_90量表调查了北京市和北京近郊的5所民办中学共120名教师的心理健康水平,调查结果如下:民办中学教师心理健康不良状况严重于全国各职业的平均水平,各因子均分高于全国平均水平的人数比例都在40%以上,躯体化和人际关系因子的人数比例达60%以上。与同时间调查的公办中学教师相比,民办中学教师心理健康水平不良状况严重于公办普通中学,轻于公办重点中学。对民办中学男女教师和主副科教师的心理健康差异性检验发现无明显的差异。说明民办中学教师都面临一定的压力。为进一步分析影响民办中学教师心理健康水平的因素…  相似文献   

高校专业教师具有担任兼职班主任的独特优势,但目前专业教师担任兼职班主任的作用发挥大多并不理想,通过建立健全专业教师担任兼职班主任的各项制度,可以更好发挥其担任兼职班主任的作用.  相似文献   

目的:研究日常教育教学工作对山区农村中学教师身心健康的影响,维护和促进教师的身心健康。方法:随机抽取25所山区农村中学的400名教师,用“中学教师自测健康评定量表”进行测试,并将307份有效问卷结果作独立样本的均数差异显著性检验。结果:山区农村中学文理科教师自测健康差异较为显著,而担任语数英课程的教师与担任其他课程的教师差异较小;担任班主任与否在生理健康上有非常显著的差异,总分上也存在差异显著性,但在心理健康和社会健康上差异不显著;带与不带毕业班的教师之间在社会健康上差异极为显著,在生理健康上也有显著性差异,而在心理健康及自测健康总分上差异不显著。结论:教师日常的教育教学工作对山区农村中学教师的身心健康具有重要影响,维护和促进山区农村中学教师的身心健康,应当考虑到教师日常教育教学工作的差异。  相似文献   

根据省职称改革工作领导小组《关于<企事业单位评聘专业技术职务若干问题暂行规定>的实施意见》的精神,结合我省基础教育战线的实际情况,今年九月全省将统一组织不具备规定学历的中学教师进行一次专业基础知识的考试工作。具体意见如下: 一、考试对象中学教师职务试行条例规定,担任中学教师职务,应具备大学专科及以上学历。为了合理解决那些虽不具备规定的学历,但长期从事教育教学工作,教学经验丰富,成绩突出的中老年教师晋升职务问题,根据人事部人职发(1992)11号文件的有关精神,对不具备规定学历,一九九二年底以前从事教育工作二十年以上或年龄在四十二周岁以上的中老年教师(含职业中学和民办中学的教师),申报中学  相似文献   

民办中小学教师的专业发展关系到我国基础教育的质量和前景。本研究抽样调查了上海市45所民办中小学的1459名教师的专业发展情况。从教师专业发展需求、专业发展障碍和专业发展支持三个角度,勾勒出民办中小学教师专业发展现状。数据结果表明,民办中小学教师在学科教学、学生评价和21世纪教学技能这三方面的需求程度最高;不同发展阶段的教师所感知到的来自家庭、社会和学校的专业发展障碍与支持皆有显著差异。10年以上教龄的教师应增强自我发展意识,给予这个阶段教师更多的支持;着重解决5-10年的教教师在学校层面受到的发展阻力,帮助教师缓解来自家庭和社会的压力。教育部门和民办中小学应为处于不同发展阶段的教师制定不同的方案,立足于教师实际发展需求给予对口支持,增强教师自觉专业发展的意识,践行终身学习。  相似文献   

教师既是教育的主体亦是教育的灵魂,发展教育事业加强师资队伍建设尤为重要,其中教师专业的发展是促进师资队伍素质提高的关键.文章基于教师专业发展的内涵理论结合对重庆市3所民办高职院校的调查结果,分析了民办高职英语教师专业发展的问题,并提出促进民办高职院校英语教师专业有效发展的建议与途径:重视专业发展,建立教师发展中心;优化知识结构,丰富专业知识;运用现代技术,提高专业技能;加强行动研究,提升科研水平.旨在深化高职英语教学改革,加强民办高职英语师资队伍建设,为促进民办高职院校英语教师专业的有效发展提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

新时期,面对社会的期许,家长的期望,学校的发展需要,我们该做一名怎样的班主任呢?这是任何一个有着良好职业道德的班主任教师都会认真思考的问题。我作为一名普普通通的中学教师,也是一名担任了多年班主任工作的老教师,对于这个问题也有着自己的思考和理解,并进行了一些尝试。  相似文献   

Little is known about the determinants of teachers' psychological wellbeing, job satisfaction, occupational self-concept and quitting intentions. In this paper, teachers' occupational attributes (i.e. professional and personal characteristics) were investigated as determinants. Henceforth, the Educator Motivation and Attribute Profile (EdMAP) scales were used to describe the nature of 1109 Hong Kong primary and secondary school teachers' occupational attributes. Furthermore, the relationships with the teacher outcomes were investigated. Construct validity and reliabilities of the EdMAP scales were satisfactory. The results showed positive associations between teachers’ occupational attributes and their wellbeing, job satisfaction, and self-concept, and negative associations with quitting intentions.  相似文献   

Job satisfaction is an important topic in teacher education research. Exploring the issue of teacher job satisfaction helps us gain a deeper understanding of teachers' mental state, such as their occupational attitudes, zeal for teaching, and work enthusiasm, which affects the quality of teaching and education. From an examination of teachers' job satisfaction studies conducted in China (including Hong Kong) in the past ten years, we identified changes in job satisfaction among China's teachers and proposed suggestions that school and educational administrators may find relevant in their decision making and administration.  相似文献   

This article investigates three teachers' conceptions and use of inquiry‐based instructional strategies throughout a professional development program. The professional development program consisted of a 2‐week summer inquiry institute and research experience in university scientists' laboratories, as well as three academic year workshops. Insights gained from an in‐depth study of these three secondary teachers resulted in a model of teacher conceptions that can be used to direct future inquiry professional development. Teachers' conceptions of inquiry teaching were established through intensive case–study research that incorporated extensive classroom observations and interviews. Through their participation in the professional development experience, the teachers gained a deeper understanding of how to implement inquiry practices in their classrooms. The teachers gained confidence and practice with inquiry methods through developing and presenting their institute‐developed inquiry lessons, through observing other teachers' lessons, and participating as students in the workshop inquiry activities. Data analysis revealed that a set of four core conceptions guided the teachers' use of inquiry‐based practices in their classrooms. The teachers' conceptions of science, their students, effective teaching practices, and the purpose of education influenced the type and amount of inquiry instruction performed in the high school classrooms. The research findings suggest that to be successful inquiry professional development must not only teach inquiry knowledge, but it must also assess and address teachers' core teaching conceptions. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 1318–1347, 2007  相似文献   

Empowerment is defined and measured in terms of teachers' power to participate in decision-making about teaching and learning conditions. Job satisfaction refers to the level of teacher satisfaction by matters related to these conditions: student achievement, decision-making ability, self-growth, and so on. This research considers the relationship between job satisfaction and teacher empowerment, which includes dimensions of job satisfaction that contribute to teacher empowerment. In particular, it examines the levels of teacher satisfaction in four dimensions (professional growth, decision-making, promotion, and status) and their contribution to the sense of teacher empowerment among Cypriot teachers. The results support the importance of job satisfaction in the construction of teacher empowerment. Specifically, (1) teachers' level of job satisfaction varies depending on the dimension of school life that is focused; (2) teachers' job satisfaction is related to teacher empowerment.  相似文献   

Cognitive self-regulation is assumed to foster teachers' occupational well-being (their level of emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction), which directly impacts the quality of their work. We investigated (1) the factor structure of teachers' cognitive self-regulation, (2) whether self-regulation fosters teachers' job satisfaction by reducing emotional exhaustion, and (3) whether this relationship is moderated by gender and school track. Structural equation modeling (N = 664 German secondary mathematics teachers) confirmed the hypothesized second-order factor structure of teacher self-regulation. The positive effect of cognitive self-regulation on job satisfaction is mediated by emotional exhaustion and can be generalized across gender and school track.  相似文献   

This study relates trust at the level of both the teacher and the faculty to teachers' job satisfaction. Teaching experience is explored as a moderator of the trust–satisfaction relationship. Multilevel analyses on data of 2091 teachers across 80 secondary schools in Flanders (Belgium) revealed positive associations between teacher trust in students, parents, colleagues, and the principal and satisfaction. Although faculty trust did not affect job satisfaction and teaching experience did not moderate the trust–satisfaction relationship, our findings highlight the social dimension of teaching. Improving the quality of teachers' social relationships in the workplace should enhance their job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Based on Kemmerer's earlier work on teacher incentives, this study examined the extent that teacher incentives (or the type that might be influenced by central ministries of education) were related to teachers' instructional practices and career satisfaction of junior secondary school teachers in Botswana. Results indicated that the level of incentives teachers received was meaningfully related to teachers' career satisfaction, but was not related to teachers' classroom teaching practices. Findings suggest that, while incentives to improve teachers' overall career satisfaction might stimulate teacher recruitment and encourage retention in teaching, those incentives would not necessarily lead to improved instructional practices.  相似文献   

A supportive school environment is crucial to the enhancement of student teaching experiences. This study assesses student teachers' perceptions of secondary school environments, and then relates the perceptions to their satisfaction with school experiences and teaching commitment. The results show that considerable disparities between student teachers' perceptions of actual and preferred school environments and suggest certain directions for improvement. Student teachers' perceptions about their school environments, especially in the areas of professional interest and staff freedom, were positively associated with their satisfaction. Several school environmental aspects influenced the total years they planned to teach and their intention to teach at the placement schools.  相似文献   

Teacher self-efficacy and teacher burnout: A study of relations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study was partly to test the factor structure of a recently developed Norwegian scale for measuring teacher self-efficacy and partly to explore relations between teachers' perception of the school context, teacher self-efficacy, collective teacher efficacy, teacher burnout, teacher job satisfaction, and teachers' beliefs that factors external to teaching puts limitations to what they can accomplish. Participants were 2249 Norwegian teachers in elementary school and middle school. The data were analyzed by means of structural equation modelling using the AMOS 7 program. Teacher self-efficacy, collective efficacy and two dimensions of burnout were differently related both to school context variables and to teacher job satisfaction.  相似文献   


Teacher collegiality has been highlighted as a crucial factor in educational change and professional development. Secondary school teachers have been consistently found to feel isolated from their colleagues, with few opportunities and mechanisms for collegial support and exchange. Research suggests that computer-mediated communication, and electronic mail in particular, may help overcome the logistical and cultural barriers that hinder teacher communication and collaboration. This article reports on some of the findings of a research study into the use of email by secondary school teachers in Uruguay. The aim of the study was to further understand the potential of email to support teacher collegiality. Content analysis was used to identify the purpose and usage patterns of 1356 electronic mail messages exchanged between 20 secondary school teachers in Montevideo, Uruguay, over a period of 37 weeks. The evidence suggests that a majority of the exchanges between teachers were related to teaching practice. However, communication in this study largely excluded discussions on teachers' theoretical stances and pedagogical beliefs. This may diminish the potential of email to challenge teachers' professional views and hence limit professional development opportunities to an ‘instrumental’ level.  相似文献   

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