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师幼互动是幼儿园教育的主要组成部分。幼儿教育目标的实现最终通过师幼互动实现,教师语言作为师幼互动的重要媒介,直接影响师幼互动的质量和水平,以及教育目标的实现。  相似文献   

幼儿园语言教育改革浅见陈英姿由于教师认识和实践上的偏差,目前幼儿园语言教育活动存在着不少问题。如:在教育方法上着眼于机械记忆、模仿,灌多于导;在教育内容上,重语言要素的学习,轻言语表达能力的培养,轻听力训练……导致幼儿园语言教育任务得不到全面落实,幼...  相似文献   

语音是语言的外壳,词汇是语言的建筑材料。幼儿期是口头语言发展的关键期,口头语作为语言的基本形式,是幼儿园语言教育的核心内容。为此,幼  相似文献   

本文首先分析在新的时代背景下中等幼儿师范学校幼儿文学教学的现状,结合幼儿园语言教育的任务与目标,提出幼儿文学教学策略的改进思路,建议从幼师生的幼儿教育职业需要出发,把幼儿文学教学与语言教学法、幼儿园的文学教学活动紧密结合,提高学生在未来职业中语言教育的能力。  相似文献   

儿歌学习对于幼儿语言能力的发展有着重要作用,儿歌教学活动中师幼互动效果是决定语言教学活动成功与否的关键。本文以儿童语言能力发展为目标,结合研究者自身在幼儿园上的一节语言活动课为例,运用FIAC互动分析分类体系,立足幼儿语言教学的实践活动,运用观察法、访谈法,为教师更好的组织语言课堂活动,提高幼儿园语言教学活动中的师幼互动质量提供建设性的意见。  相似文献   

基于《幼儿园教育指导纲要》及《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的目标要求,对培养和提高幼师生语言专业素养进行思考和实践,旨在提高幼儿园语言教学工作效率,为幼师生今后从事的幼教工作奠定良基础。  相似文献   

基于《幼儿园教育指导纲要》及《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的目标要求,对培养和提高幼师生语言专业素养进行思考和实践,旨在提高幼儿园语言教学工作效率,为幼师生今后从事的幼教工作奠定良基础。  相似文献   

杨叶 《考试周刊》2014,(36):194-194
幼儿园语言教育活动是幼儿园其他教育活动的基础。相较于传统的幼儿园语言教育活动,现代化信息技术在幼儿园的应用与发展,极大地提高了幼儿园语言教育活动的有效性。因此,多媒体技术在幼儿园语言教育活动中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

师幼互动质量作为学前教育过程性质量的核心,在幼儿园各项活动质量中起着决定性的作用。总结高质量师幼互动的经验及特点,能为提升教师的专业发展及教育活动质量提供有效的支持。本研究运用CLASS课堂评估系统对幼儿园名师示范教学活动中的师幼互动质量进行分析,总结出名师示范教学活动中师幼互动的优势和不足,从而生成幼儿园集体教学活动中高质量师幼互动的路径:构建主体间性师幼关系,营造积极氛围;重视观察与倾听幼儿,提升教育敏感性;尊重幼儿观点,支持幼儿的主动学习;兼顾最佳实践和有准备的教学,优化活动组织与行为管理;注重高质量的语言互动,促进教育支持最大化。  相似文献   

众多研究表明,师幼互动质量是幼儿园教育质量的关键要素。我园贯彻国家建设高质量学前教育服务体系的理念,紧紧抓住师幼互动质量提升的重要命题开展实践,建立起幼儿园高质量师幼互动教育体系,使百年名园焕发出教育新活力。  相似文献   

学前班活动发展课程应该高度重视语言教育的基础作用和内在规律性,这不仅仅是《学前班语言活动课程》的内容,而应该贯穿到《学前班数学活动课程》《学前班艺术活动课程》《学前班社会活动课程》《学前班科学活动课程》《学前班健康活动课程》中去,成为学前“活动”学习的核心内容之一,儿童多元智能发展的核心问题是语言教育。  相似文献   

Research Findings: A growing emphasis in the literature on children’s self-regulation signals the need for increased understanding of the ways in which young children become active players in the acquisition of knowledge. In particular, self-regulation may be linked to subsequent academic achievement through greater engagement with the learning tasks and activities made available in the preschool classroom. This study tested preschoolers’ (N = 603) observed task engagement in the classroom as mediating the relations between directly assessed self-regulation and changes in their language and literacy outcomes during the preschool year. Findings indicate that self-regulation is directly related to observed task engagement as well as changes in a host of language and literacy skills. Engagement with tasks and activities in the classroom also partially mediates the association between self-regulation and changes in expressive vocabulary. Mediation through task engagement was not found for receptive language or early literacy skills. Practice or Policy: Findings suggest that the development and evaluation of clearly articulated preschool curricula designed to promote academic achievement by fostering self-regulation is an important direction for future research.  相似文献   

王丹 《教育科学》2020,36(1):91-96
学前儿童语言教育是家庭教育的重要组成部分,也是幼小衔接的重要内容。在幼小衔接期间,语言教育关系儿童综合素养的培养,影响儿童入学准备的成效。因此,应构建学前儿童语言教育的家庭生态系统,发挥家庭在儿童语言教育方面的优势,承担起家庭在儿童语言教育中应有的责任。在家庭语言教育中,应着眼于:帮助儿童建立课题意识,在语言学习和探求知识的过程中培养其解决问题的能力;在语言学习中渗透科技信息,利用高科技手段辅助家庭语言教育;注重语言学习的引导和情景创设,帮助儿童形成创造性思维;不局限于家庭小课堂,深入到大自然中锻炼儿童感知能力。  相似文献   

多元智力理论,打破了以语言能力和数理逻辑能力为核心的传统智力观,为我们提供了一种新的教育观、学生观、教学观和评价观.基于多元智力的视角,可以从获取学生的注意、注意转移准备、活动小组组建、问题行为管理等方面加强幼儿课堂管理.  相似文献   

尚燕燕 《天津教育》2021,(1):111-113
信息技术的引入对于幼儿园语言教育有极大的帮助,能为幼儿创设轻松、愉悦的语言环境,促进幼儿语言能力和交际能力的发展.作为幼儿教师,应该充分认识到信息技术的优势,通过技术手段给幼儿带来多重感官刺激,使语言活动更加直观化和生活化,激发幼儿学习的积极性.本文通过分析幼儿语言教育的重要性,对信息技术在幼儿园语言活动中的运用策略进...  相似文献   

With an increasing number of young children participating in preschool education, this study determined whether peer effects are present in this earliest sector of schooling. Specifically, this work examined whether peer effects were influential to preschoolers' growth in language skills over an academic year and whether peer effects manifest differently based on children's status in reference to their peers. Peer effects were assessed for 338 children in 49 classrooms. A significant interaction between the language skills of children's classmates and children's fall language skills indicated that peer effects were strongest for children with low language skills who were in classrooms that served children with relatively low skill levels, on average. Findings further showed that reference status, or children's relative standing to their peers, has the greater consequence for children with very low language skills in relation to their peers.  相似文献   

本研究以新疆学前双语幼儿园384名维吾尔族儿童为研究对象,通过国际通用儿童语言研究工具和汉语语料库研究方法,探讨新疆学前双语教育情境中民族儿童的汉语发展现状。研究发现了学前民族儿童汉语学习呈现不断递升的发展图景,在汉语理解性语义和表达性语义、叙事语言和学业语言,以及汉语平均语句长度等方面逐渐发展的态势,报告了学前民族儿童汉语入学准备的良好前景;根据学前民族儿童汉语语言学习与发展规律,对新疆学前双语教育提出了整合有序的教育模式的建议;同时针对学前民族儿童与汉语为母语儿童之间的汉语语义发展差距,建议新疆学前双语教育重视引入早期阅读理念和图画书资源,为民族儿童的汉语学习构建高质量的语言输入过程。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relations among preschool teachers’ behavior management, children's task orientation, and children's emergent literacy and language development, as well as the extent to which task orientation moderated the relation between teachers’ behavior management and children's emergent literacy and language development. Participants included 398 children and 67 preschool teachers from preschool programs serving an at-risk population. Teachers’ behavior management was observationally assessed and children's task orientation was measured via teacher-report. Children's language and emergent literacy skills were directly assessed in the fall and in the spring of the preschool year. Hierarchical linear models were used to predict children's residualized gain in emergent literacy and language (i.e., Spring scores with Fall scores as covariates) from their task orientation and their teachers’ behavior management. Task orientation and behavior management each positively predicted children's emergent literacy development, but not language development. There was a significant interaction between teachers’ behavior management and children's task orientation in predicting children's language development, such that high scores on both variables were associated with the most optimal language outcomes. Implications for research and early education are discussed.  相似文献   

对于儿童第二语言习得的关键期学术界尚未有定论,一般认为2岁至青春期前后特别是学前阶段是儿童学习第二语言的最佳时机。随着脑科学的发展以及对儿童认知发展规律的进一步认识,越来越多的实验研究表明在儿童早期阶段学习两种语言存在着明显的优势,更有利于儿童的语言、认知、智力、心理能力等方面的发展。在实施双语教育的地区,第二语言学习与双语教育要抓住最佳时机,家庭环境要尽早支持幼儿自然习得双语,正规学校系统要在学前阶段尽早开展双语教育。  相似文献   

Beside parents, teachers in early childhood education and care have the greatest potential to foster language acquisition in children. This is especially important for children with language delays, language disorders or bi-/multilingual children. However, they present teachers with a particular challenge in language support. Therefore, integrated language facilitation programmes are needed to promote language acquisition in the daily routine of daycare facilities and kindergartens. In this article, the Heidelberg Interaction Training for Language Promotion in Early Childhood Settings (HIT) is presented as a systematic approach to improve daily interactions between preschool teachers and children. This group training comprises six half-day sessions over a period of six months. The objective is to expand teachers’ knowledge about language development in general and more specifically regarding children with language problems or bi-/multilingual children. Furthermore, teachers learn a responsive interaction style and various strategies of language modelling by means of video supervision and feedback. Teachers’ satisfaction with the training has been evaluated and its efficacy in terms of changes in their behaviour and children's language performance has been proven in several intervention studies and meta-analytic reviews. Lastly, implementation considerations for lasting effects following the HIT are discussed.  相似文献   

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