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近年来,随着认知隐喻研究的逐步发展,隐喻研究逐渐从词句层面跨越到语篇层面。概念隐喻具有概念性、认知性、互动性和系统性。通过类比转移机制、始源域和目标域的互动结果,使语篇在语义和结构上实现衔接和连贯。本文旨在结合概念隐喻研究和语篇分析研究,分析《阿拉比》中概念隐喻是如何组织和构建语篇,从而帮助读者理解主题内涵,提高语篇鉴赏能力。  相似文献   

俞晓平 《海外英语》2014,(3):220-221
通过对林肯著名的演说辞《葛底斯堡演说》中的元语篇标记语及其功能进行分析,表明了演说者对交际性元语篇和互动性元语篇在演说中的合理分配和使用,进而实现演说的理性和情感诉求的目的,说明了在人际交流过程中的元语篇的有效运用,有利于引领受众完成整个语篇以及建构和协调说话者与受众之间的互动关系。  相似文献   

本文采用语料驱动的研究方法对英语学术论文中的作者立场进行了研究,指出作者立场主要分为三类:认知型、态度型和方式型,这三类立场标记语在文中的体现方式和分布类型存在较大差异。作者立场标记语在语篇中具有事务性和互动性两大功能。  相似文献   

语篇衔接与连贯是语篇分析领域的重要概念,也是众多语言学家探讨的焦点之一。缺省语义学理论是一种意义分析新模式,为语篇衔接与连贯提供了新的阐释。在该理论模式下,基于意义产出的意图性原则及主意图原则下意义表征策略,语篇的衔接与连贯表现为语篇各逻辑单位间(语篇、命题与命题组成成分)的关联性、语篇意义(凸显义与缺省义)的组合性以及语篇意义组合在语篇逻辑形式上的投射,其认知理据表现为语篇生成者与接受者之间体验的互动性、人类认知的前景-背景化模式及人类心智的一体性。  相似文献   

网络聊天语篇的语体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络聊天(Internet Relay Chat)是网民在网络上借助聊天软件,主要通过文字媒介进行交流的人际传播活动,是一种多人参与的,基于纯文本的,实时的交流方式。因而,它既是一种交际事件,也是一种语篇类型。它既具有口语语篇的实时互动性,又具有书面语体的单向异步性,属于“互动性的书面语篇”。这种新兴语篇类型拥有独特的语境特点,更具有鲜明的语体特征,它模糊了口语和书面语的界线,实现了口语语体和书面语语体的高度结合。  相似文献   

根据“面子”“互动”和“礼貌”理论就展开外语课堂中的书面语篇提出一些建议。教师与学习者在互动性外语课堂中合作构建语篇 ,互动中写作与会话一样遵循相应的交际原则 (如面子观 )与合作原则 ,作者与读者通过语篇相遇和互动 ,从而传情达意。外语教学或学习中以计算机为媒介的互动作为提高语篇生成能力的一种方法应受到关注。  相似文献   

"取效行为"作为言语行为三分说中的交际概念之一,多年来未受到学者们的重视,亦无法应用于文学批评理论中。文章通过"取效行为模式"分析视觉诗歌,试图将诗歌作品及其作家与读者结合起来,通过分析诗歌语篇的形式、解读其作家的创作意图、再创读者在阅读过程中的感受、理解。从而实现在语言学方法的框架下分析诗歌语篇,实现读者和文学语篇的互动性。  相似文献   

大学生网络英语新闻的自主阅读是网络时代一种新形式的泛读。广泛、大量、快速的网络英语新闻阅读可以使英语教学更广泛地调动学生兴趣、情感、意志等非智力因素,有效地提高他们的英语阅读能力。本文试图从语篇互动理论角度分析网络英语新闻的语篇所体现的作者与读者之间的互动形式,并探讨如何运用其语篇互动性特征来指导大学生的网络英语新闻的自主阅读。  相似文献   

选取微电影广告为语料,运用系统功能语言学中的评价体系,对微电影广告中的叙事结构、评价资源和双关语运用等现象进行分析,解读广告投放者的意图,探讨该类语篇的人际意义和修辞策略。本研究发现,积极的、肯定的情感拓宽了与受众沟通的空间,级差资源的巧妙运用极大地增加了语篇的对话效果,使受众产生共鸣。具有丰富评价意义的言语行为与非语言符号建构的微电影广告语篇比其他广告语篇更形象、更立体、更为隐含、更具互动性,更容易实现品牌渗透。  相似文献   

根据“面子”“互动”和“礼貌”理论就展开外语课堂中的书面语篇提出一些建议。教师与学习在互动性外语课堂中合作构建语篇,互动中写作与会话一样遵循相应的交际原则(如面子观)与合作原则,作与读通过语篇相遇和互动,从而传情达意。外语教学或学习中以计算机为媒介的互动作为提高语篇生成能力的一种方法应受到关注。  相似文献   

文本理论是20世纪产生的一种新型文学观念,其关注的中心是文学作品本身及其意义的生成过程和多种释义的可能性。文本理论的兴盛和发展与20世纪初人文科学领域出现的语言学转向有着直接联系。就较浅显层次而言,语言学的兴起导致了研究者对文本语言乃至表达技巧的重视;从较深层次上讲(这也是更为重要、更为内在的),语言学研究方法对文本研究很有启发,人们可以用语言哲学方法研究文学作品本身;更进一步讲,语言学转向直接导致了对文学本质的重新定位,全新的文学本质观开始形成。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the role ofteacher-student interaction, in the acquisitionof text comprehension and memory skills from asocio-cultural approach. In our view, one ofthe most important areas of neglect in cognitive research in this field is the interactional nature of that development. We intend to establish the way in which teacher-student interaction and, specially, the use of some specific semiotic means mayfacilitate the acquisition and internalizationof general strategies for understanding andremembering expository texts. The role ofreferential perspective (Wertsch, 1989) in theinternalization of complex text study actionsis analysed.The task was to study three expository textsthat were similar in their structure. Thecontent of the texts was analysed in terms ofidea-units (Meyer, 1984). Each text was formedby idea-units from three different levels: mainideas, secondary ideas and details. A categorysystem for the analysis of study and recall ofthe text is developed. In the study phase theanalysis proceeded in two steps: study actionsand text ideas. In the recall phase, two types ofindexes (number of ideas and degree ofclustering) were considered. For the analysisof instructional actions, both the nature ofinstruction and referential perspective wasrecorded.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study analyzed (a) which lower- and higher-level semantic components uniquely predicted listening text comprehension and (b) the nature of the relation (i.e., direct and indirect) between the predictors and listening text comprehension in preschoolers. One-hundred and fifty-two children participated in the present study (68 females; mean age = 4;10 years/months and 5;5 years/months at Time 1 and Time 2, respectively). Participants were administered measures to evaluate listening text comprehension (Time 1 and Time 2) and (a) expressive and receptive word knowledge (lower-level semantic components), and (b) inferential skills and the ability to use context (higher-level semantic components) (Time 1). Verbal short-term and working memory were also included as control variables. Data were analyzed using path analysis models. Results showed that both types of semantic components (a) accounted for unique variance in listening text comprehension at Time 2, with lower-level semantic components explaining a larger proportion of variance than higher-level semantic components; (b) were related to later listening text comprehension through direct and indirect relations. Memory resources did not significantly contribute to listening text comprehension. The results are discussed in light of their theoretical relevance and educational/practical implications.  相似文献   

This study investigated the nature of the relation between intelligence and metacognitive skillfulness as predictors of novice learning from text studying. Additionally, effects of text difficulty and time constraint were examined. The intelligence of 46 social-sciences students was assessed before studying two texts on different topics. Half of the participants studied the difficult text under time pressure, while the other half did so for the easy text. Metacognition was scored from thinking-aloud protocols. Results show that metacognition, although correlated to intelligence, also uniquely contributed to comprehension of both texts. Time constraint on studying a difficult text impaired text comprehension.  相似文献   

The study compared the comprehension processes and outcomes obtained with refutation and expository text and their association with learning outcomes. After a knowledge pretest, undergraduate students read an extended expository text or a corresponding refutation text that addressed three potential misconceptions about the scientific concept of energy. Think-aloud, cued recall, and posttest data indicated that the positive impact of refutation text was more associated with comprehension outcomes than processes. Refutation text did not influence comprehension processes but facilitated valid inference generation in recall and minimized the negative effects of distortions on learning. The findings suggest the timing of the refutation text effect to be later, after reading, and its nature to be that of neutralizing the influence of any misconceptions on learning from text instead of changing them.  相似文献   

Most research on dyslexia to date has focused on early childhood, while comparatively little is known about the nature of dyslexia in adolescence. The current study had two objectives. The first was to investigate the relative contributions of several cognitive and linguistic factors to connected‐text oral reading fluency in a sample of adolescents with dyslexia (n = 77). The second was to test the hypothesis that the effect of verbal working memory on connected‐text oral reading fluency is moderated by word‐level skills and/or vocabulary knowledge. The results suggest that many deficits associated with childhood dyslexia remain prominent in adolescence, but the nature of the relationships between key cognitive and linguistic predictors (i.e., word‐level reading, vocabulary, verbal working memory) and reading fluency appear to be different in adolescence. For example, while word‐level skills remain a significant predictor, the strength of the effect is relatively weak. In contrast, the data support an increased role for vocabulary and verbal working memory, including an interaction between these factors. The presence of an interaction can be interpreted as evidence that the influence of verbal working memory on connected‐text oral reading fluency in adolescents with dyslexia depends on individual differences in vocabulary knowledge. These results offer support for the changing nature of dyslexia across development, and suggest that researchers should study dyslexia in adolescents on its own terms, rather than treating it as an extension of reading problems in early childhood.  相似文献   

弗莱认为文学文本的结构态势呈现出连贯性、动态性、文化性的特点。一、他归纳的情节结构、形象结构、叙事结构共同构成了一个连贯的文本结构体系;二、这一体系采用循环往复的动态机制;三、文学文本的结构在历史的维度中呈现出文化的特性。  相似文献   

女作家林白的长篇小说《一个人的战争》是20世纪90年代女性写作的代表作品,而“自传性写作”是作品的重要特色之一。该文试图从传记文学研究的角度,对小说文本中表现出的自传性进行分析。通过论述自传性在该小说文本中的具体表现形式及其所获得的文本接受效果,阐明了自传性写作对该文本的正面与负面影响,以此来探索自传性之于现阶段女性文学的意义。  相似文献   

余英时和赵冈在创作论上的论争具有典型性质,它代表了一种顽固的红学研究惯性:将文本世界等同于现实世界,以现实的角度来理解文本,力图找出二者之间的对应关系。这无论在旧红学(索隐),还是在新红学(考证)中都有体现。它的焦点集中在对作家创作论和文本世界的理解上。它暴露出文学本身的弱点,有必要揭露清理它,重新厘清创作论问题。  相似文献   

This study focuses on a secondary English classroom in an East London school, and the multimodal nature of the students’ construction of the literary heritage text Macbeth, specifically in their dramatic reinterpretation of Act 1, Scene 7, where Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to pursue his ambitions and kill the current king, Duncan. From this classroom event, this study goes on to explore how a social semiotic reading can reveal insights into school students’ learning and recreation of this text.  相似文献   

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