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就教育发展的历史进程来看,学校变革的路径有渗透模式、政策模式和自主模式之分,不同路径的学校变革适用于不同的社会发展阶段。从学校教育的特殊性和我国学校办学的现实情况出发,当前“应然”状态的学校变革理应具有渐进性和情境性的特征。由此,我国现阶段的学校变革应选择自主变革的路径。即致力于构建一种为了学校、在学校中和基于学校的变革思路。  相似文献   

学校变革成本是学校在进行变革时所支付的、所有与变革相关的资源的价值总和,具有客观存在性、动态性及相融性等特性.如果以学校变革过程为分析依据,学校变革成本可由准备阶段、实施阶段和完善阶段的变革成本构成,并且每一个阶段的变革成本都包含多种成本类型.导致学校变革不同阶段成本增加的原因各不相同,因此,必须采取相应策略对学校变革成本进行有效控制.  相似文献   

学校变革是一个复杂动态的变化过程及结果.学校变革成本是学校在进行变革时所支付的、所有与变革相关资源的价值总和.变革成本视域下.学校变革的直接源动力是为了"获益",学校变革的过程成为成本与收益相比较的动态发展过程,学校变革成本则成为学校变革成果评价的反函数变量.变革成本视域下的学校变革应采取如下策略以提高学校变革实效:遵循"满足利益最大化"的原则.增强学校变革的内动力;建立成本分担机制,顺利推进学校变革进程;遵循"动机与效果、物质成果和精神成果、组织成果和个人成果"相结合原则,完善学校变革成果评价指标体系.  相似文献   

长期以来,中国教育变革的方式较为单一、宏观,忽略了从微观角度进行社会行为动力学分析。隐藏在纷乱、低效的教育变革背后的是强制性教育制度的专断性、学校自主变革意识的淡漠和学校组织内部变革机制的僵化。组织行为学中的组织变革理论着重从微观角度分析社会组织的动力机制,对于学校变革具有启发作用:学校组织变革需要经历视角的转换;需要对外部加诸的变革期待有自己的理解和选择;需要关注人员角色的转变和组织学习氛围的营造。  相似文献   

范敏 《现代教育论丛》2013,(3):93-96,47
"学校变革模式"与"学校变革机制"有密切的关系,不同变革机制要素的组合能够形成不同的变革模式,根据学校变革过程中变革主导机制与辅助机制的差异可以把变革分为外生型、内生型、联合型三类变革模式。对于变革者而言,要注意适时调整各种变革机制之间的关系,以适应不同变革的需要。  相似文献   

完善公立大学内部治理结构是激发学校办学活力、推动高等教育体制变革的关键要素。文章通过对A大学内部治理结构变革的动因、内容及过程研究后指出:公立大学内部治理变革将由强制性制度变迁向诱致性制度变迁转变,推动公立大学内部治理变革的重要因素将逐渐由外转向内;平衡学术权力与行政权力、学校和院系两对关系是公立大学内部治理变革的核心问题,是否能够处理好这两对关系事关大学内部治理结构改革成败;以大学章程为首的公立大学制度规范将成为约束大学内部权力运行的“制度笼子”,将权力行使纳入法制框架才能真正实现依法办学、依法治校。  相似文献   

学校变革有效性的分析是近年来学校变革研究领域关注的一个新视点.在实践工作者趋之若鹜的学习与观摩热潮中,提供一个正确科学的学校变革有效性分析方式就成为一个重要的前提性问题了.我国目前存在的结果导向、要素导向、成本导向和收益导向四种思维方式并不科学有效,应该秉持一种整合的思维方式,即目标导向——参与者满意——模糊导向的思维方式.  相似文献   

学校组织视域下的课程变革应具有渐进性、情境性与自主性等特征,但实然的学校课程变革却表现出激进式、去情境化与依附性共存的特点,使学校课程变革呈现出形式主义、官位主义和反应迟缓等不适应课程变革的行为。学校组织结构应由紧密耦合或松散耦合走向混合型学校组织结构的构建;组织目标应从专注于知识目标的教学转向课程愿景的共同打造;组织参与者应由各自为政转向自主与合作相连通的组织文化的生成;组织技术从单一课程体系走向非线性课程体系的建设,为学校课程变革的深入发展提供组织保障。  相似文献   

学校组织视域下的课程变革应具有渐进性、情境性与自主性等特征,但实然的学校课程变革却表现出激进式、去情境化与依附性共存的特点,使学校课程变革呈现出形式主义、官位主义和反应迟缓等不适应课程变革的行为。学校组织结构应由紧密耦合或松散耦合走向混合型学校组织结构的构建;组织目标应从专注于知识目标的教学转向课程愿景的共同打造;组织参与者应由各自为政转向自主与合作相连通的组织文化的生成;组织技术从单一课程体系走向非线性课程体系的建设,为学校课程变革的深入发展提供组织保障。  相似文献   

在这个急剧变革的时代,盛行于我国的近代工业时代的学校已不能适应当前社会发展的需求。要适应新时代的发展需要,学校就必须进行转型性的变革。在转型性变革过程中,学校呈现出不同的特征。基于复杂性理论的分析视角,学校在转型性变革中呈现出如下的特征:学校变革的整体涌现性、学校变革的依赖的自主性和学校变革的动态生成性。  相似文献   

王安石的教育改革及现代启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育改革是王安石实施“新说” ,变革社会的重要举措。他改革学校教育和科举制度 ,设立武学、律学、医学等专科学校 ,重订教学内容 ;并相应提出自己的教育理论主张 ,重学校教育 ,重培养实用及全面发展的人才 ,坚持唯物主义认识论。王安石这些改革的措施及理论对于当前我们深化教育改革 ,倡导创新教育 ,全面实施科教兴国的伟大战略仍具有极大的启示作用。  相似文献   

学校层面的综合变革,是当代中国教育变革有机的构成。直面真实的当代中国学校变革,我们能够感受、发现学校变革的复杂性。学校变革内蕴着多维关系的综合互动,内蕴着多元主体的多维互动,并呈现为动态生成的过程,在此变革过程中,学校校长是独特的变革作用者。基于此,当代中国学校变革理论可以开展富有生气的理论研究,并智慧地介入到当代中国学校变革实践之中。  相似文献   

The education systems of the four UK nations are diverging, and the education system in Wales is undergoing major reform with substantially increased emphasis on health and wellbeing. Understanding the implementation of major policy and system reforms requires an understanding of system histories and starting points. This study aimed to explore the perceived roles of schools in contemporary society, and how this role has evolved over time; the aims of the reforms, with a particular focus on health and wellbeing; and perceived barriers and facilitators for implementation. Interviews were held with senior stakeholders in the Welsh education system who held a strategic role in shaping the reforms. These included senior members of government and schools with a remit in either design of the curriculum or educationalists’ professional learning, Wales's school regulatory body, and those with a multidisciplinary remit in health and education. Interviews were subjected to thematic analysis, which produced a number of themes related to each objective, including ‘a changing society and increasing expectations on schools’, ‘the perceived role of schools in supporting health and wellbeing’, ‘the aims of the reform’, ‘what will success look like?’, ‘national level barriers and facilitators’ and ‘community and school level barriers and facilitators’. Findings suggest that education system reform requires change at multiple levels of the education system. Consideration of each level, and the interactions between them, is necessary for achieving change.  相似文献   

School reform on a large scale has largely been unsuccessful. Approaches designed to document and understand the variety of organizational conditions that comprise our school systems are needed so that reforms can be tailored and results scaled. Therefore, this article develops a configurational framework that allows a systematic analysis of many school organizational forms. The approach is adapted from the logic of Charles Ragin's comparative method and qualitative comparative analysis; it allows researchers to analyse many schools while still preserving them as holistic entities. Each school is depicted as a particular constellation of coordination and control elements, and these configurations are linked to important instructional patterns. To demonstrate the approach, data on the elementary schools in the Chicago Public School (CPS) system are analysed. The distribution of the different configurations that comprise CPS is documented, and multiple regressions of the configurations indicate their varied instructional patterns. The results show that CPS schools exhibit a wide variety of organizational configurations, and these different configurations vary in patterned ways with respect to instructional coherence and academic achievement. Implications for tailoring reform efforts to distinct groups of schools so that results can be scaled are discussed.  相似文献   


In this article, we analyse the implementation and change of a specific school reform in Germany using the example of external school evaluation in Lower Saxony: the school inspection. We investigate how and why a newly implemented reform is itself subject to reform shortly afterwards. We begin with a historical background of German school reforms over the last 40 years. Then, we consider school reforms through the lens of organisational theory. Finally, we combine the historical and theoretical perspectives on school reforms placing particular emphasis on more recent developments in external school evaluation. Based on these considerations, we elaborate some theses on reform and routine in schools.  相似文献   

新世纪台湾地区的普通高中教育改革以教育松绑、带好每一个学生、畅通升学管道、提升教育品质、建立终身学习社会为方向,涵盖广设高中、高中高职社区化、普通高中学制改革、普通高中新课程改革、高中入学考试改革等多项具体内容。16年来,改革取得了一定的成效,但也受到多方抨击。台湾地区普通高中教育改革的经验与教训均值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

In this article, we compare two North Carolina public schools that were simultaneously implementing reforms with seemingly different orientations, the A+ School Program and the ABCs of Public Education. We use the literature on caring and critiques of bureaucracy as a framework to look at the concurrent implementation of two educational reforms in North Carolina. We discuss data from a 5 year longitudinal study and critique our own assumptions as we develop portraits of schools that are both situated and complex. We do this to explore the question: In what ways does educational reform actually change educational practice? We develop a framework that articulates a critique of bureaucracy from the standpoint of caring, locate the culture of each school within the theoretical framework, and analyze how the culture of schools affects the implementation of educational reform. We conclude that reform is deeply cultural and that ethnographic methods are essential to understanding educational reform efforts.  相似文献   

本文以重庆市主城区为例,在调查研究的基础上,重点探讨了中等职业学校计算机专业课程改革的目标定位及具体举措、提高教师素质以推进中等职业学校计算机专业课程改革等问题,力求为实际教育教学工作提供某些借鉴。文章认为:"集群式模块"型的计算机专业课程构成,既强调集合一群相关职业通用的知识和技能,也强调选择一个特定职业所必备的知识和技能,是职业学校特别是中等职业学校课程改革的一个取向;"宽基础、活模块"是集群式模块型课程构成的主要特点,并对此作了较为详细的阐述。同时还认为:在进行课程改革的同时,还应当注重教学模式和教学方法的改革,充分发挥教师在课程改革中的主体和主导作用。  相似文献   

Educational reform and reformist research are not merely about school improvement. They embody a field of cultural practices that constitutes the objects of schooling – the teacher who administers the reforms to the child and the distinctions and differentiations about who the child is and should be. Our interest is in the rules and standards of reason assembled through the cultural practices of school reform. Reason is a cultural practice functioning to enact a change in the conditions of people but also invests people with particular capacities and capabilities. This investiture of capacities and capabilities produces particular human kinds or categories of the determinant qualities of the individuals schools administer. Using studies of educational governance and social inclusion/exclusion in Europe and on US educational reform, the discussion focuses on the overlapping practices of system management and curriculum reforms that map different human kinds. One human kind is the child as a lifelong learner, an individual whose qualities entail actively and flexibly participating in communities through problem-solving strategies. The characteristics and qualities of the lifelong learner are differentiated from those who do not embody the norms of participation –the child left behind. The study of the systems of reason that govern the objects of reflection and rectification in school reforms is a strategy to consider the politics of reform, change, and social inclusion and exclusion.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, we described the process in which a reform, grown in the soil of one school district (Community District #2 in New York City) was transplanted to new soil, a new context (the San Diego City Schools). In this paper we examine the condition of the reform 6 years later, at the time Anthony Alvarado, the architect of the reform in New York City and its transplant to San Diego, left the San Diego City Schools, and a new phase of reform was underway. From 1998 through 2002, the San Diego City Schools engaged in a dramatic, daring, and possibly unprecedented reform. Their overarching goal was expressed consistently in terms of student learning. To achieve that commendable goal, the District instituted a content-driven, centralized, comprehensive, and fast-paced reform in 1998. We discuss the tensions that were produced when the ambitiousness of a reform outpaced the capacity of educators to carry it out; when the values, norms, and beliefs of teachers and principals col These developments have consequences for our assessment of how reforms travel from one district to another. Reforms that were developed for and proved their effectiveness in elementary settings appear to have limited transferability to middle and high school settings because elementary students’ learning trajectories are different from adolescents and the organizations of high schools are very different from elementary schools. And reforms that privilege the technical dimension of school reform must always be sensitive to the way that interacts with the political and cultural dimensions.  相似文献   

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