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新高考改革倒逼高校更加关注“用户需求”。通过采集某师范大学新生数据构建可视化模型,发现存在三类特征差异较为明显的新生“典型画像”。基于画像,可以制定不同群体的精准招生宣传措施并提供不同阶段的个性化服务。根据细分市场提供精准信息服务成为研究热点和行业共识。精准服务的前提是对细分市场用户群体特征的分析,把握潜在目标群体的择校动机,较好地回答“向谁宣传”“宣传什么”的问题。研究的创新在于探索根据新高考改革背景下择校行为的理论研究制定具体校本招生宣传政策的数据分析方法。  相似文献   

Within the Third Annual Cycle of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) User Behaviour Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, six small‐scale action research interventions were undertaken in further education (FE) institutions. The aims of these interventions were two‐fold: (i) to develop understanding of the facilitators and barriers to the use of digital information resources by students in FE; (ii) to test the value of the action research approach in facilitating change and developing transferable knowledge in this context. The objectives for each intervention were developed in collaboration with the FE college site staff and students. The process generally involved identification and elaboration of the problem situation, development of an intervention that might help to overcome some of the barriers to more effective use of electronic information services and evaluation of the outcomes of the intervention. Both practical–deliberative and participatory action research methods were used, with interviews and focus groups used to determine the problem and assess the effectiveness of interventions. Six interventions are reported. These included: a database implementation, the development of a subject guide, training sessions, a major change project and a web site. The main findings on the use of digital information resources in FE were: (i) interventions can make the students more aware of resources available, but the immediate impact may be low; (ii) FE students are often part‐time and work in subject/cohort groups in the FE college, therefore targeted initiatives which are aimed at ‘their’ group are likely to be most effective; (iii) incorporation of the use of specialized digital resources in assignments is constrained by student preference for books and/or the Internet, a lack of new products aimed at the FE student market and physical information technology (IT) problems or the perceived lack of IT support. The action research methodology offers benefits not available through survey‐based methodologies. The challenges that arise from the integration of learning from different action research projects need to be balanced against the benefits accruing from embedding learning and knowledge creation in innovation and using research to promote change, rather than simply to measure it.  相似文献   

为探索信息技术与学科教学的深度融合,A校开设了人手一台笔记本的“网络班”.探索网络环境下的常规课堂教学。两年之后.网络班学生表现出高创造力特征.他们的创造力倾向和创造性思维得分均明显优于非网班,课堂网络学习与创造力之间的关系引起关注。通过质性研究发现.课堂网络学习影响创造力的关键因素包括:课堂教学更加开放,允许学生发出不同的声音;为学生提供更多的知识来源,使其拥有较为丰富的知识储备;鼓励小组合作.提供更多的参与机会。丰富技术支持并非网络班学生高创造力表现的直接影响因素.但技术本身所具有的新媒体特点.能够为创新教学提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

Science teachers’ perceptions of the type of subject that appeals to 14 year old pupils were investigated using bi‐polar semantic differential rating scales. It was found that science teachers believe that boys and girls prefer significantly different subject characteristics. Teachers’ beliefs about the subject characteristics preferred by boys are closer to the perceived characteristics of school science, as judged on the same semantic differential scales, than is the case for girls. Teachers perceive the characteristics of school science to be much less attractive to girls. A comparison between the responses from groups of science teachers and pupils revealed that teachers believe that boys’ and girls’ preferences for subject characteristics are more dissimilar than they actually are. Girls’ preferences are closer to those of boys and to the characteristics associated with school science than teachers realize.  相似文献   

现代模态逻辑的多元视野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模态逻辑作为一个新兴的逻辑学科,产生了非常之多的模态系统,这些系统的起源是多元的;模态逻辑的历史发展经历了语形时期、经典时期和现代时期;在模态逻辑的现代时期,计算机科学的发展从根本上改变了人们对模态逻辑能够用来干什么以及模态逻辑如何付诸运用的期待。  相似文献   

历经半个多世纪的“破壤式”发展,中国的行政学研究已经取得了引人瞩目的成绩,与此同时,其在发展过程中所暴露出来的各种问题也异常严峻,以至于连学科本身的定位都成为了颇具争议的话题。中国的行政学研究大致可以有前后相继的六个时期,每个时期都有其不同特征且对后期的发展影响很大。唯有充分认识到这些特征,才能洞悉我国公共行政学发展过程中的各种问题。中国行政学的发展既需要肯定成绩,更需要正视所面临的各种问题和困难。  相似文献   

The communicabllity of the emotional connotation of type was investigated in this study. Typographers, student instructional technologists, and naive readers rated 30 typefaces using a semantic differential scale. The results indicated that different typefaces arouse similar results in different subject groups, and that different subject groups agree on the emotional connotations of typefaces. The agreement of these results with previous studies suggests the use of typeface connotation as a variable in typeface selection.  相似文献   

Because of the differences in language,culture and mode of thinking between East and West there exist dissimilarities in the use of the subject of a sentence between English and Chinese.The essay tries to explore respectively the different characteristics and uses of the subject between the two languages which include some differences both in morphology and syntax.  相似文献   

在对山西省六所不同院校的大学生进行优秀教师及不满意教师调查的基础上,就性别、学科、年级不同群体作了多因素方差分析。结果表明:正反两个问卷结果具有较高的一致性;女生、科生对教师素质重要性的评价量高于男生、理科生;不同年级的教师观存在显性差异。为高校教师的评估提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   


The paper studies the relation between different national cost-sharing models and how students from different socio-economic backgrounds finance their higher education in six different European countries: the Czech Republic, England, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Spain. The findings reveal considerable differences both between the countries and also between different socio-economic groups of students within each country. Even though there are only small social differences in the students’ level of income, there are considerable social differences in the students’ sources of income. The findings are discussed related to the country’s specific policy and higher education funding structures.


Standard-setting studies utilizing procedures such as the Bookmark or Angoff methods are just one component of the complete standard-setting process. Decision makers ultimately must determine what they believe to be the most appropriate standard or cut score to use, employing the input of the standard-setting panelists as one piece of information among multiple sources. However, guidance for weighing the various components is limited. The current article describes considerations about data that are used to make standard-setting decisions, as previously outlined by Geisinger (1991) . The ten points provided by Geisinger have been expanded as they relate to shifts in educational policy and practice in educational measurement. They have been amended with six new components as well. The new considerations addressed are smoothing across grades, raising standards in progression (over grades or over time), opportunity to learn or instructional validity, input from other groups, equating or linking to previous standards, and organizational vision and goals .  相似文献   

Numerous writers have described the commitment of Japanese corporations to training and various characteristics of Japanese training. Yet there is little empirical evidence to support their conclusions, and almost nothing is written about the processes the Japanese use to design training. To obtain more empirical information about the kinds of training conducted in Japanese corporations, and about whether they use systematic design and development processes, the present study successfully surveyed 45 Japanese corporations in six different industries. Results indicated, among other things, that there is more classroom training in proportion to on-the-job training than suggested by the literature, that a variety of training techniques are used in classroom training, and that the majority of training is produced internally by training departments and subject matter experts (SMEs). Only two of the companies indicated that they had a formal, systematic approach to instructional design and development. Most evaluation of training consists of post-training surveys of training transfer, and/or assessing learner reactions to courses. Most of the companies were interested in the possibility of using more systematic design approaches, especially with the introduction of more technology in support of training.  相似文献   

围绕专业培养目标,结合北京联合大学生物化学工程学院教学条件和学科特点,以达到化学检验工国家职业标准技能要求为核心目标,在实验教学中充分利用现有的仪器设备,进行直观教学和技能训练,分段分层运行,切实提高学生的专业素养及实验能力,优化实验教学。  相似文献   

以近十年“人大复印报刊资料”转载的学科课程研究文献为样本,采用内容分析法统计发现:学科课程研究中思辨、实证、行动三种范式运用相对均衡,且以质性研究为主;变化趋势为思辨研究下降,实证和行动研究上升;各学科课程研究范式体现一定学科特色,但与一般教育研究范式差距甚大。要注重研究规范性,加强队伍建设,实现高水平发展;倡导研究融合性,建立学科教育学,推动研究深入发展;尊重学科差异性,立足学科本质特点,鼓励研究特色发展;加强期刊引导性,创办高水平期刊,引领研究可持续发展;强调基金支持性,加大立项指导力度,促进研究健康发展。  相似文献   

SOME significant problems in the design of research with subjects having an intellectual disability are identified. A lack of agreement on the nature of intellectual disability in relation to brain impairment, and discrepancies in the interpretation of deficits in relation to information processing concepts create problems in the definition of subject groups and interpretation of results. Much of the research uses normal subject groups for comparison, matched with disabled groups for either mental age, chronological age, or both, and this has led to further problems in the criteria and procedures used for matching, particularly for mental age. Further difficulties are encountered in variability both within and between subject groups, affecting reliability of results and making replication of studies difficult. In addition, task demands, particularly in relation to variables other than those under immediate investigation, are not always equivalent for all subject groups. Some suggestions are made for reducing or eliminating the effects of some of these problems in experimental research, and the use of alternative designs which take subject variability into account is recommended.  相似文献   

An analytical framework for examining students’ motivation was developed and used for analyses of video excerpts from science classrooms. The framework was developed in an iterative process involving theories on motivation and video excerpts from a ‘motivational event’ where students worked in groups. Subsequently, the framework was used for an analysis of students’ motivation in the whole class situation. A cross-case analysis was carried out illustrating characteristics of students’ motivation dependent on the context. This research showed that students’ motivation to learn science is stimulated by a range of different factors, with autonomy, relatedness and belonging apparently being the main sources of motivation. The teacher’s combined use of questions, uptake and high level evaluation was very important for students’ learning processes and motivation, especially students’ self-efficacy. By coding and analysing video excerpts from science classrooms, we were able to demonstrate that the analytical framework helped us gain new insights into the effect of teachers’ communication and other elements on students’ motivation.  相似文献   

苏联解体后中亚各国强行推广主体民族语言,限制包括俄语在内少数民族语言的使用,这给国内民族关系带来了负面影响。同时,由于中亚各国具有独特的地缘政治特点,其语言政策受到突厥语国家和俄罗斯的影响。  相似文献   

An intrusion of contaminants into the water distribution network (WDN) can occur through storage tanks (via animals, dust-carrying bacteria, and infiltration) and pipes. A sensor network could yield useful observations that help identify the location of the source, the strength, the time of occurrence, and the duration of contamination. This paper proposes a methodology for identifying the contamination sources in a water distribution system, which identifies the key characteristics of contamination, such as location, starting time, and injection rates at different time intervals. Based on simplified hypotheses and associated with a high computational efficiency, the methodology is designed to be a simple and easy-to-use tool for water companies to ensure rapid identification of the contamination sources, The proposed methodology identifies the characteristics of pollution sources by matching the dynamic patterns of the simulated and measured concentrations. The application of this methodology to a literature network and a real WDN are illustrated with the aid of an example. The results showed that if contaminants are transported from the sources to the sensors at intervals, then this method can identify the most possible ones from candidate pollution sources. However, if the contamination data is minimal, a greater number of redundant contamination source nodes will be present. Consequently, more data from different sensors obtained through network monitoring are required to effectively use this method for locating multi-sources of contamination in the WDN.  相似文献   

及时总结和规范新词新语是当下语言文字工作的重要任务,它关系到汉语词汇系统的健全发展及社会价值观的导向。文章把2006年以来的185个新词语分成族群和非族群两部分,探讨了新词语的生成类型、语用来源、基本特点,以及滋生流行的语言理据、心理因素和社会原因,并从语言规范的角度预测了它们的存在和消隐的趋势。  相似文献   

课程材料是为教师所用,用于设计和实施教学的重要教学资源。有关课程材料使用的问题一直是国际学科教育界关注的热点。一般来说,研究"课程使用"的理论视角可分为四类:"忠实或颠覆"、"利用"、"诠释"和"互动"。近些年,学者们更倾向于采用"互动"的理论视角并设计出不同的"课程使用"分析模型。大量的研究表明,影响"课程使用"的因素可以归纳为教师个人特质、学生特质和社会情境三个方面。  相似文献   

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