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任何语言都需要表达数量概念。虽然在不同的语言体系中,对数量概念的表达有一定的差异,但是这些差异不单单是语音上的,更多的差异可以体现在不同语言的对比中。个体量词是人类语言中可以用来表达基本而且常用的数量关系,汉语和韩语中都包含丰富而完备的个体量词,但是在词法和句法层面并不完全相同。我们将从个体量词入手将汉语与韩语中的个体量词加以比较,可以对汉语和韩语都有更为深入的理解,促进对于汉语和汉语学习与研究。  相似文献   

By focusing on the personalization principle, the present study investigates whether two different language presentation formats of a multimedia presentation influence students’ learning outcome and how individual interest towards the learning material moderates this impact. German students (N?=?104) were randomly assigned to either a conversational or a formal language format of the multimedia presentation that taught Gestalt Laws. The results of this study showed that there were more positive effects on the learning performance in the conversational presentation format than the formal language format. This was, therefore, an indication of the effects of personalization. Furthermore, individual interest is a significant predictor for learning in this study. By testing different percentiles of individual interest, the findings showed that students with intermediate interest were affected by the format of language style. In contrast, learning results of students with the very lowest and very highest individual interest were not affected by different language styles. These results underline the necessity to take into account individual motivational prerequisites when designing multimedia learning environments.  相似文献   

在目前外语阅读的研究中,互动的方式是研究的焦点。本文回顾了在外语和部分母语阅读领域的研究,并得出以下的结论:第一,动态的可视先行组织者(visual advance organizer)对全面理解文章非常有益;第二,同时采用视觉和言语的材料注释单词要优于只用言语信息注释单词;第三,词汇知识和阅读理解之间的确存在着一定的关系。这些结果启示我们在今后的教学中应将自上而下和自下而上的方式结合起来,使其在阅读中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

语文应该教些什么?如何才能更有效地开展语文教学?本文从现代语言学、语文学科性质和当前语文教育教学现状出发,提出建构学习者个体的语言结构才是语文教育教学的终极追求。并论述了语言结构在语文教学中的特征,教师认知学习者的语言结构与相应的教学策略和学习者认知自身的语言结构与相应的学习策略。  相似文献   

语言交际的生命本质包括个体生命本质与人的类生命本质。语言交际的个体生命本质主要表现在两个方面:首先,语言交际是个体的一种生理活动;其次,语言交际是在个体生命的生理条件容许的情况下的所进行的活动。语言交际的精神本质主要包括:首先,语言交际是人的心理活动的外在表现,而人的心理活动,就是运用大脑这个重要的生理器官进行的精神活动;其次,语言交际的作用是影响人的精神。  相似文献   

Three studies that explore the usefulness and effectiveness of computers for training language skills of young children with communication disabilities are reviewed. A study of eight toddlers with Down syndrome compared traditional individual language intervention with computer-based instruction for developing comprehension of vocabulary and early grammatical patterns over a period of three months. Both approaches showed a similar, highly significant effect, indicating that computer-based intervention was as successful as traditional one-to-one language therapy.
A second study used 52 children (ages 4–10) who were enrolled in special education classes for children with severe language, learning and behavioral disabilities. The effectiveness of adding twice a week, 30-minute interactive computer language training sessions to the regular classsroom language curriculum was examined. Children showed significantly more progress in vocabulary, general language ability and social communication during the 10 week period they were receiving the computer training.
Lastly, the effectiveness of using a parent volunteer to work with toddlers on computer-based language tasks was compared with language progress when these children worked with a professional speech language pathologist. Four out of five of the children showed more progress when working with the parent volunteer.
The article concludes with a discussion of educational considerations for planning computer-based language intervention and includes a sample language lesson for the computer as well as software evaluation guidelines.  相似文献   

There are individual differences in the amount and type of vocabulary that adults produce to young children in the home environment before the children enter school. How many words a mother knows is a significant predictor of a child??s vocabulary. The current study addressed the question of whether there were individual differences in the amount and type of vocabulary that pre-service teachers produced in their first read-aloud lessons to first and second grade students. Specifically, would pre-service teachers with higher vocabulary scores differ from those with lower vocabulary scores in their choice of books to read and in the language they used to discuss the books? Results indicated that pre-service teachers with more advanced vocabulary scores chose books with more vocabulary diversity and sophistication. When they chose narrative texts, they also chose books that were more difficult in terms of their semantic cohesion. Both the receptive vocabulary of pre-service teachers and the language in the books that they chose had an effect on the ??teacher talk?? that they used in the lesson surrounding the book reading. Just as parents show individual differences in the richness of the language input provided to their children before they enter school, pre-service teachers own knowledge of language varies, and this influences the linguistic input that they provide to their students.  相似文献   

This study was designed to address two purposes. First, we wanted to test working hypotheses derived from previous studies about the transformation of individual and collective knowledge in elementary classrooms. Second, we attempted to understand the degree to which “ownership” was an appropriate concept to understand the process of learning in science classrooms. Over a four-month period, we collected extensive data in a Grade 6/7 classroom studying simple machines. As in our previous studies we found that (a) conceptual and material resources were readily shared among students, and (b) tool-related practices were appropriated as newcomers participated with more competent others (peers and teachers) in the pursuit of student-framed goals. We also found that for discursive change (“learning”) at the classroom level to occur, it appeared more important whether a new language game was closely related to students' previous language games than who actually proposed the new language game (teacher or student). Implications are drawn for the design of science curricula and classroom activities. Both pedagogy and design are still tightly bound by rationalist, symbol-manipulating, problem-solving assumptions that hold knowledge to be a property of individuals. Pedagogy still concentrates on the individual and individual performance, even though most work is ultimately collaborative and highly social. (Brown & Duguid, 1992, p. 171)  相似文献   

Language learning tools have evolved to take into consideration new teaching models of collaboration and communication. While second language acquisition tasks have been taken online, the traditional language laboratory has remained unchanged. By continuing to follow its original configuration based on individual work, the language laboratory fails to take advantage of the potential provided by collaborative learning. We propose the use of a language laboratory based on single-display groupware (SDG) for learning vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and listening comprehension. By adopting SDG, the language laboratory benefits from the advantages of small group collaborative learning. In this paper, we first describe the design and pedagogical merit of the SDG collaborative language laboratory. We then share the results of a quasi-experimental pre–post comparison study, and use an observation guideline to analyze whether the conditions for collaborative learning have been fulfilled. Based on the results of this study, we conclude that developing pronunciation skills can be more effective when using a collaborative language laboratory versus an individual language laboratory. In addition to this, it can also be concluded that collaborative learning is most effective when accompanied by adequate instructional design.  相似文献   

对于母语学习而言,阅读和写作是落实语言运用的两条主要途径。目前国内外关于阅读的研究较多,但对于写作的研究相对滞后。写作研究主要有微观和宏观两种写作文本分析范式,微观分析范式侧重通用语言表现,宏观分析范式侧重叙事结构,二者在研究内容、研究手段和研究结果三方面既有突破,又有局限。构建具有教育技术学特征的新型写作文本分析范式是深度分析个体写作内在差异的新视角,是归纳母语学习普遍规律和梳理未来语言学习研究方向的新途径。新型写作文本分析范式应建立微观、宏观和中观分析相结合的内容分析框架;依据言语表达的输出特征,探寻与内容分析框架相对应的、以发展性为指向的研究手段;并以语言运用为中心,发现个体语言运用的特殊规律,为写作教学提供更为深入和透彻的理论解释。  相似文献   

课题通过系列实验研究探讨了聋人手语、唇读、中文阅读与语篇理解的认知基础:(1)手语是语言,有助于促进听觉障碍学生认知能力的发展。(2)唇读是一项复杂的视觉语言认知活动,能通过语音编码进行语音识别,与听觉语言认知具有相同的机理。(3)听觉障碍学生与正常学生尽管在中文阅读与语篇理解过程中认知加工方式的相似性大于差异性,但听觉障碍学生明显滞后于正常学生。据此,我们提出了构建聋人综合语言教育模式的思路,聋校在采用综合语言教育时不可偏废某种语言交流方式,应该根据听觉障碍学生个体的特点或者群体的特点来作出有效的选择。  相似文献   

通过对合作演讲与个人演讲的对比研究发现,演讲者在合作演讲时表现得更为自然和自信;展现出更好的语言运用能力,即语言的表达更准确、流利,词汇的运用更丰富;同时观众的参与程度也更高。研究结果表明,合作交流的口语训练模式能够有效地缓解演讲者的焦虑感,可运用于大学英语口语教学。  相似文献   

This study employed the distinction between lexical and supralexical processes in reading in order to gain a more fine-grained picture of the relationships between early language impairment and later reading disabilities. We hypothesized that early semantic-syntactic deficits would be only weakly related, if at all, to the characteristically modular word recognition processes involved in reading isolated words and pseudowords. On the other hand, early language deficiencies were expected to be significantly associated with processes operating beyond the level of individual words when children are required to read and understand connected text. These predictions were tested using data from a longitudinal study of over 500 unselected children followed from kindergarten to the end of Grade 1. Both traditional categorical analyses of specific subgroups with early language impairment or later reading disability as well as dimensional (regression) analyses were carried out. As predicted, higher order language was found to be related to supralexical aspects of reading after controlling IQ, age, gender and socioeconomic status, with only a weak and statistically marginal association with lexical processing. With biosocial variables and phonological awareness partialled out, higher order language was unrelated to lexical aspects of reading. These data highlight the multicomponential nature of reading and suggest that different measures of reading cannot simply be regarded as interchangeable measures of a single undifferentiated reading construct.  相似文献   

The internal use of language during problem solving is considered to play a key role in executive functioning. This role provides a means for self-reflection and self-questioning during the formation of rules and plans and a capacity to control and monitor behavior during problem-solving activity. Given that increasingly sophisticated language is required for effective executive functioning as an individual matures, it is likely that students with poor language abilities will have difficulties performing complex problem-solving tasks. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between language ability and verbal and nonverbal executive functioning in a group of deaf students who communicate using spoken English, as measured by their performance on two standardized tests of executive function: the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS) 20 Questions Test and the D-KEFS Tower Test. Expressive language ability accounted for more than 40% of variability in performance on the D-KEFS 20 Questions Test. There was no significant relationship between language ability and performance on the D-KEFS Tower Test. There was no relationship between language ability and familiarity with the specific problem-solving strategies of both D-KEFS Tests. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

文学是语言的艺术,写好人物的语言是塑造人物形象的重要手段。《红楼梦》语言最特殊、最成功的地方首推人物语言方面。作者运用对话、独白,诗词曲赋等多样化的艺术手段,把每个人物复杂多样的性格特征描绘得分寸适宜.《红楼梦》语言艺术的成功运用,使人物形象更为生动,更具有艺术生命力.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the utility of the Spelling Sensitivity Score (SSS) beyond percentage correct scoring in analyzing the spellings of children with specific language impairment (SLI). Participants were 31 children with SLI and 28 children with typical language in grades 2–4. Spellings of individual words were scored using two methods: (1) percentage correct and (2) SSS. Children with SLI scored lower than children with typical language when spelling was analyzed with percentage correct scoring and with SSS scoring. In addition, SSS scoring highlighted group differences in the nature of spelling errors. Children with SLI were more likely than children with typical language to omit elements and to represent elements with an illegal grapheme in words, whereas children with typical language were more likely than children with SLI to represent all elements with correct letters.  相似文献   

Spoken language consists of a complex, sequentially arrayed signal that contains patterns that can be described in terms of statistical relations among language units. Previous research has suggested that a domain-general ability to learn structured sequential patterns may underlie language acquisition. To test this prediction, we examined the extent to which implicit sequence learning of probabilistically structured patterns in hearing adults is correlated with a spoken sentence perception task under degraded listening conditions. Performance on the sentence perception task was found to be correlated with implicit sequence learning, but only when the sequences were composed of stimuli that were easy to encode verbally. Implicit learning of phonological sequences thus appears to underlie spoken language processing and may indicate a hitherto unexplored cognitive factor that may account for the enormous variability in language outcomes in deaf children with cochlear implants. The present findings highlight the importance of investigating individual differences in specific cognitive abilities as a way to understand and explain language in deaf learners and, in particular, variability in language outcomes following cochlear implantation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to evaluate the clinical utility of a verbal working memory measure, specifically, a nonword repetition task, with a sample of Spanish-English bilingual children and (2) to determine the extent to which individual differences in relative language skills and language use had an effect on the clinical differentiation of these children by the measures. A total of 144 Latino children (95 children with typical language development and 49 children with language impairment) were tested using nonword lists developed for each language. The results show that the clinical accuracy of nonword repetition tasks varies depending on the language(s) tested. Test performance appeared related to individual differences in language use and exposure. The findings do not support a monolingual approach to the assessment of bilingual children with nonword repetition tasks, even if children appear fluent speakers in the language of testing. Nonword repetition may assist in the screening of Latino children if used bilingually and in combination with other clinical measures.  相似文献   

大学英语学习者认知风格差异探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知风格差异是语言学习者个体差异的一方面,它与语言学习的效果是密切相关的。在大学英语教学中,教师可以采用适当的策略使学习者扬长避短,平衡发展认知,从而促进学习者语言能力的提高和个人的全面发展。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展和计算机的广泛应用,外语教学也随之发生了巨大变化。多媒体技术被用来设计全新的、互动化和个性化更强的语言教学过程;它增加了教师的信息输出量,营造了更加生动的语言学习环境,从而大大提高了教学效率和质量。结合商务英语教学实例,探讨了基于互联网的计算机辅助语言教学在商务英语课程教学中的价值。  相似文献   

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