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在过去的25年里,我们经历了执行可持续发展教育的全过程。然而在台湾地区,可持续发展教育的定义到底是什么,我们现在也没有一个标准的答案。但是我们已经开展了许多活动,从1998年开始,我们实行"绿色学校"项目,有许多学校参与到项目的执行过程当中。2000年,我们进行了教育改革,对课程进行调整。可以说,台湾当局要求我们把可持续发展教育的理念融入到全部课程当中,并覆盖台湾地区所有学校。2002年开展的"可持续校园"项目至今已运行了十几年,这个项目的理念与可持续发展教育比较相近,要求  相似文献   

北方交通大学附属中学是北京市示范高中和可持续发展教育国家实验学校,将可持续发展作为各项工作开展的重要依据和行动指南。通过执可持续发展教育理念,建和谐幸福学校;重视价值观教育,知感恩,明责任;办多样社团活动,尚低碳绿色生活;循主体教学原则,建课程教学体系;创节能减排基地,造生态育人环境;打造可持续发展"饮水思源,爱国荣校"的学校文化等实践探索,实现"让教师在成功中体验幸福,让学生在成长中体验快乐"的办学理念,大力提升教师专业发展水平,推动学校管理变革,促进学校可持续发展。  相似文献   

陈桂云 《新课程研究》2009,(11):177-178
江苏省徐州市民富园小学是联合国教科文组织环境、人口与可持续发展(EPD)教育项目实验学校、中国可持续发展教育教育(ESD)项目示范学校、国家级绿色学校、江苏省实验小学、江苏省绿色学校、全国小公民道德建设实验学校、徐州市环境教育基地、徐州市德育先进学校、徐州市文明单位。在新一轮基础教育改革中,学校以环境教育为抓手,调动广大师生的内在潜能,秉承“一切为了每一位学生的发展”的育人理念,以营造一个让教师和学生共同合作、探究的学习空间,促使学生形成健康的人格。  相似文献   

可持续发展教育是联合国教科文组织倡导并达成国际共识的重要理念,各国都开展了具有本国特色的可持续发展教育理念与实践。日本的可持续发展教育经过了三个阶段,“十年活动”初期阶段,日本政府先后制定了一系列政策将可持续发展教育理念融入教育框架中,规范并引导实践;2008年,可持续发展教育全面转向学校,深化与拓展国内外实践;2015年以后,日本可持续发展教育增进了不同利益相关者之间的合作,建立健全合作机制,形成全社会推进可持续发展的教育网络。通过日本学校实践案例的分析,发现日本可持续发展教育体现了政府等多主体参与、课程能力融入及创新项目本土化融合等特点,逐步形成了可持续发展教育的日本模式。  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织通过发布报告、宣言与公约影响全球教育,其可持续发展教育理念的推动也不例外。作为回应,中国政府派出代表参加可持续发展教育国际会议,并且组织和承担各级别的学术会议和论坛;以科研带动,开展多层次的可持续发展教育研究工作;以项目引领,开展可持续发展教育项目的示范校评选。中国可持续发展教育在实践上呈现多元主体共治的局面,存在自上而下和自下而上两条推进路径,并以项目制的形式进行推广。  相似文献   

作为北京市最早参与该项目的区域之一,石景山区自1998年参与环境、人口与可持续发展课题项目(EPD),迄今为止已走过了十五年的历程。这十五年是国际教育理念逐步本土化的探索过程,是石景山区全面深度转型的必然诉求,是引领区域教育综合改革的实践过程。石景山区逐渐将可持续发展教育由一项教育研究课题提升为引领区域教育综合改革的指导理念。同时,在深化构建可持续课堂、培养教师可持续教学能力、提升校长办学理念的过程中,石景山区在可持续发展教育“四个尊重”引  相似文献   

可持续发展教育:英国政府角色与学校推进策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国是最早倡导可持续发展教育的国家之一.2005年3月联合国及"可持续发展教育十年国际实施计划"(2005-2014)发布之后,各国政府纷纷启动可持续发展教育十年(DESD)活动.本文重点介绍英国为有效实施可持续发展教育政府的角色作用,以及2005年以来英国教育与技能部推出"未来教育战略"(SFE)、建立可持续学校(Sustainable Schools)和可持续学校自我评估系统等学校推进可持续发展的新策略.  相似文献   

2007年12月9日,主题为"IB在中国——教育为了可持续发展"的IB国际教育在中国实施研讨会暨"创建中国特色IB国际学校的实践与研究"开题会在佛山市顺德区广东碧桂园(IB国际)学校举行。来自IB项目亚太地区的官员和中国教育学会、顺德区教育局  相似文献   

可持续发展教育在内蒙古的推进与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“中国中小学绿色教育行动”项目于2004年10月开始在内蒙古自治区起步实施,经过近两年时间的推进与组织,目前已初步形成了以内蒙古师范大学可持续发展教育中心为核心,以各盟市师范院校为基地,在全区12个盟市普遍开展的格局,现有38所中小学校成为项目成员学校并参加了这一项目的实践与研究,在如何结合区域实际推进可持续发展教育方面,进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

开展可持续发展教育社会实践活动的策略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“中国中小学绿色教育行动”(英文缩写为EEI)是1997年由中国教育部、世界自然基金(WWF)EIBP公司联合发起的一项全国性可持续发展教育项目。项目旨在推动中国的环境教育及可持续发展教育进程,将环境教育及可持续发展意识融入中小学。 项目开展10年间,取得了丰硕成果,积累了大量相关经验。为进一步推进中国环境教育及可持续发展教育进程,积极配合基础教育课程改革,EEI项目与教育部基础教育司及《基础教育课程》杂志合作,于本刊开设“绿色教育行动”专栏,力图为EEl网络及全国广大的环境教育及可持续发展教育工作者提供一个交流经验、共享信息、展示成果的平台。本期将介绍通过社会实践活动对受教育者进行可持续发展教育策略;可持续发展教育在内蒙古的推动与思考;3所项目试点学校以环境教育为蓝本,结合区域特点,开发校本课程,对本校学生进行可持续发展教育的实践探索与收获。[编者按]  相似文献   

This research is based on the rationale that the well-defined framework of education for sustainable development (ESD), its connection with real life and its specific integration in the educational policies and curricula can help to enhance quality education (QE) in a meaningful and identifiable way. In a first step, the common ground of ESD and QE was explored in different areas: common dimensions, future-oriented objectives, commonly targeted skills, value orientation, teaching and learning approaches. In a second step, this information was taken as a base to investigate how well twelve lesson units for primary school reflect the common ground of ESD and QE. The units were specifically developed for this research, in which ESD experienced teachers (mentors) supported inexperienced ones (mentees). Results indicate that ESD can reinforce QE, but that teachers need support with regard to the political and cultural dimensions of SD issues, collaborations with local communities and assessments.  相似文献   

This paper intends to provide an overview of the reorientation of education in China in the period 1998–2009 with regard to development issues. During this time, the focus has shifted gradually from the environment and health to education for sustainable development. The article centres on highlighting the main interventions and strategies adopted by China’s schools to make this reorientation possible, including: the introduction of new visions of sustainable development and project planning; the establishment of organisational mechanisms and capacity-building measures for their implementation in the field; the integration of ESD into teaching and learning processes; the maintenance of an action-research mechanism for innovations; and the sharing of lessons with both the national and the international community in order to make the implementation of ESD more effective.  相似文献   

The work described here is set in a context of considerable national and international debate about the nature of sustainable development and education for sustainable development (ESD). It describes how nine primary school teachers translated a particular conceptualization of ESD into classroom teaching. The conceptualization which informed the work was that set out in a report produced by the Panel for Education for Sustainable Development, a working group which advised on the introduction of ESD in the revised National Curriculum for the year 2000. The findings are based principally on interviews with teachers and pupils, both before and after teaching. Examples of pupil learning are given to illustrate what might count as ESD in these young children. A concluding section examines the teaching and learning in light of current literature on the nature of ESD.  相似文献   

In educational settings, sustainable development (SD) is often handled with the aim of reducing the contested aspects of the concept. Issues like trade, conservation, public health and international relations are often presented in a simplified way so that they are easier for students to grasp. However, in education, this tendency to simplify sustainability issues can be a disadvantage. This study explores how Swedish upper secondary school teachers’ education for sustainable development (ESD) in award-winning ‘ESD-schools’ supports students to become informed and autonomous democratic citizens by appreciating the complexity of the concept of SD. This empirical study is part of a larger research project studying progressive upper secondary schools and is a development of earlier research on teachers’ starting points for long-term purposes beyond the teaching – which we have termed objects of responsibility. In interviews of five teachers from two schools, experienced in ESD issues and working in teacher teams, an interesting commonality in their arguments for teaching sustainability emerged during the analytical process. The implications of the study’s results are important for EE/ESD research into teaching continuity as well as for teachers in practice.  相似文献   

This article addresses issues regarding implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) within formal education systems. In particular, it seeks to identify the basic essential components of ESD pedagogy. The authors present a theoretical pedagogical framework based on accumulated theory and experience in the field. The framework aspires to encompass the majority of prevailing pedagogies within a simple set of four basic principles. It will be argued that the four principal pedagogies are basic and indispensable prerequisites for achieving the goals of ESD, and the lack of one is sufficient to undermine the ESD's pedagogical construct.  相似文献   

The study investigates the transdisciplinary teaching of education for sustainable development (ESD) with a global dimension at an upper secondary school in Sweden. The purpose was to analyse and describe variations in how nine teachers in different subject matters experienced collaborative teaching in the context of a whole school educational development project. A total of 27 semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed using phenomenographic method and contextual analysis. Two main approaches to transdisciplinary teaching were identified among the teachers: one where teachers contributed but struggled with transdisciplinarity, and the other where they displayed ownership and were able to reconceptualise the project as a whole. Overall, teachers worked in the project with deep-level processing for learning ESD in an integrated manner in the transdisciplinary framework. However, they also experienced tensions between their resources and capabilities, and the challenges they faced in the project.  相似文献   


Research suggests that innovative and engaging professional development is instrumental in supporting teachers in developing their competence and confidence in teaching sustainability. An international initiative was developed to explore whether a competencies-oriented Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) professional development model was transferable across three different international contexts (Ireland, Germany and Mexico). This paper reports on the adaptation of this model within the Irish context, through the development of an innovative professional development programme for primary teachers. Through a mixed-methods approach which gathered data via pre- and post-programme surveys, teachers’ reflective journals and post-programme group interviews, the paper explores Irish primary school teachers’ experiences of, and attitudes towards, teaching sustainability through science education after participation in a professional development programme. The findings suggest that this programme, structured around the existing evidence for effective professional development in science education and ESD, positively influences teachers’ self-efficacy, supports teachers’ critical engagement with sustainability competencies and promotes the development of transformative pedagogies for sustainability through Inquiry-Based Science Education.  相似文献   

Interest in community environmental education (EE) and community education for sustainable development (ESD) is increasing, as evidenced by the increase in studies examining community EE/ESD approaches and NAAEE’s current development of the Community EE Guidelines for Excellence. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to: (1) provide a review of research which identifies as examining community EE/ESD issues from 1994 to 2013, (2) examine themes specific to community-oriented program implementation and outcomes, and (3) examine theoretical trends within this work. While no single framework emerged from the diverse studies on community EE/ESD, themes suggested greater success for programs that were rooted in community issues, involved multiple community partners, were oriented towards collaborative and civic action, and incorporated reflection on social institutions and power dynamics. These characteristics reflect an emancipatory approach to education which seeks to enhance human development through public participation and engagement. To this end, future researchers and practitioners should consider: (1) the resources needed to understand community values and concerns, (2) skills and knowledge required to build relationships and attend to community culture, values and democratic processes, (3) theories that account for the socio-historical contexts of participants and their pathways for transformation and empowerment, and (4) a process of action that continually reflects on power structures and dynamics.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to identify the kinds of leadership that are likely to support implementing and sustaining education for sustainable development (ESD) effectively in a primary school. The paper identifies links between ESD and principal leadership literature and constructs a conceptual model of the leadership practices needed for reorienting a school to ESD/education for sustainability. Aspects of the model are explored through Cypriot principals' views on leadership and reported leadership practices. Data were obtained by a nationally administered questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Outcomes indicated some enabling factors for ESD implementation such as encouraging teachers to engage in ESD programmes, collaborate with others and other ways of support which nevertheless reflect what is generally expected of school administrators without seeking deep change. Constraining factors included principals' reported lack of confidence in administrative skills for sustainable schools, limited willingness to challenge the status quo, limited engagement in actions important for supporting ESD activities and features of the national educational policy. Constraining factors pointed towards principals' limited commitment to ESD. The practical significance of the findings is that they identify specific areas of needed professional development for principals such as empowering staff, encouraging critique of current approaches and exploring alternative possibilities for curriculum, pedagogy and policy.  相似文献   

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