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Clinical psychology has received little attention as a subject in health sciences library collections. This study seeks to demonstrate the relative importance of the monographic literature to clinical psychology through the examination of citations in graduate student theses and dissertations at the Fordham Health Sciences Library, Wright State University. Dissertations and theses were sampled randomly; citations were classified by format, counted, and subjected to statistical analysis. Books and book chapters together account for 35% of the citations in clinical psychology dissertations, 25% in nursing theses, and 8% in biomedical sciences theses and dissertations. Analysis of variance indicates that the citations in dissertations and theses in the three areas differ significantly (F = 162.2 with 2 and 253 degrees of freedom, P = 0.0001). Dissertations and theses in biomedical sciences and nursing theses both cite significantly more journals per book than the dissertations in clinical psychology. These results support the hypothesis that users of clinical psychology literature rely more heavily on books than many other users of a health sciences library. Problems with using citation analyses in a single subject to determine a serials to monographs ratio for a health sciences library are pointed out.  相似文献   

使用引文分析法考察图书馆文献保障情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
博士生在撰写学位论文的过程中,需要收集大量的文献资料,而图书馆是他们获取文献的主要渠道。对博士论文所附的参考文献进行引文分析,可以了解图书馆的文献保障情况。该文以北京大学物理学院理论物理专业2003-2009年的42篇博士论文为调查对象,对引文量、文献类型、引文发表时间、引文语种等情况进行统计分析,讨论了被引量最高的外文期刊的保障情况,同时还探讨了网络OA资源对图书馆资源建设的影响。  相似文献   

In 2008 Meier and Conkling first tested Google Scholar's coverage of the engineering literature against citations gathered from the Compendex database. Since that time, other studies have used the same methodology and found improvement in Google Scholar's coverage. This study uses engineering dissertations from Proquest Dissertations & Theses to create a data set of citations for the comparison of fee-based databases, Compendex and Scopus, against Google Scholar. From 1950 to 2017 Google Scholar outperformed both Compendex and Scopus in discoverability of citations in nine engineering subjects. These results have implications for collection management and information literacy program planning for librarians.  相似文献   

The impact of monographs in a vertebrate zoology collection on the scientific literature was assessed using a randomly selected sample (52 monographs), Science Citation Index and a statistical package. Characterstics of the monographs considered were: copyright date, circulation, citation frequency and subdiscipline (ichthyology, herpetology, ornithology, mammalogy). Citing references were dispersed among journals in a wide array of disciplines. A few monographs proved to be very highly cited (one being cited nearly 600 times), and so generated the majority of the database of 2,971 citations. The ichthyology monographs generated the broadest subject dispersion among citing references. The herpetology collection is less active than are the others in terms of circulation and current citation frequency. The sample has been generating an ever increasing share of the citations in the Science Citation Index. A method that applies citation analysis to the evaluation of monograph collections is outlined.  相似文献   

选取1987-2002年经济、管理学科部分博士论文引文作为分析对象,对不同年份、不同专业论文引文保障率的变化进行分析,并对馆藏保障和数据库保障的相互作用进行对比分析。认为信息资源的保障是长期积累的结果,须与学科发展同步;数据库、网络等对数字资源起到了明显的保障作用;提出图书馆信息资源建设和资源配置应多元化的建议。  相似文献   

Library and information science (LIS) dissertations cite a wide variety of literature, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the field. A review of 76 LIS dissertations was undertaken to determine whether the disciplinary background of the dissertation adviser influences the citing behaviors of the dissertation author. Of the 76 dissertations, 38 were advised by individuals with a disciplinary background in LIS and 38 were advised by individuals with a disciplinary background outside of LIS. The Library of Congress subclass for each citation was determined according the venue of publication. The most cited authors overall and by each group were determined, as well as the percentage of citations to LIS literature over time. LIS-advised dissertations were found to have cited a wide variety of literature. The percentage of citations in LIS-advised dissertations to LIS literature has declined from a peak of 59% to 21%. Citations to the most-cited authors in each group were largely exclusive to the LIS-advised dissertations, and nonLIS-advised dissertations generally do not appear to cite the same bodies of academic literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if a computerized commercial selective dissemination of information service could contribute to the services offered to the patrons of a specific medical library who were already participating in a manual selective dissemination of information service. The citations generated by the two services were contrasted on the basis of literature coverage, timeliness of retrieval, and relevancy of output. Eighty-four percent of the discrete citations retrieved were from 664 periodicals subscribed to by both services. Only 16 percent of the total of 1,387 discrete citations were produced by both services. The manual service was more timely; and, although it produced fewer citations, a higher percentage of these were relevant. Numerically, a total of 346 useful citations were recovered by the manual service and 379 from the commercial service. It appears, therefore, that a computerized commercial SDI service could contribute to the services offered to the medical scientists participating in a manual SDI service.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the bibliometric features (the number of pages, completion years, the fields of subject, the number of citations, and their distribution by types of sources and years) of 100 theses and dissertations completed at the Department of Librarianship of Hacettepe University between 1974 and 2002. Almost a quarter (24%) of all dissertations were on university libraries, followed by public libraries (9%). Doctoral dissertations were, on average, twice as long as master's theses and contained 2.5 times more citations. Monographs received more citations (50%) than journal articles did (42%). Recently completed theses and dissertations contained more citations to electronic publications. Fourteen (or 3.2% of all) journal titles (including Türk Kütüphaneciliği, College & Research Libraries, and Journal of the American Society for Information Science) received almost half (48.9%) of all citations. Eighty percent of journal titles were cited infrequently. No correlation was found between the frequency of citations of the most frequently cited journals and their impact factors. Cited journal titles in master's and doctoral theses and dissertations overlapped significantly. Similarly, journal titles cited in dissertations also overlapped significantly with those that were cited in the journal articles published in the professional literature. The distribution of citations to foreign journal titles fit Bradford's Law of Scattering. The mean half-life of all cited sources was 9 years. Sources cited in master's dissertations were relatively more current. Single authorship was the norm in cited resources. Coupled with in-library use data, findings of the present study can be used to identify the core journal titles in librarianship as well as to evaluate the existing library collections to decide which journal titles to keep, discard, or relegate to off-site storage areas.  相似文献   

对2003年我国图书情报学部分核心期刊的引文引用文献、引用语种、自引、最佳馆藏期、引用高峰期、老化规律等情况进行了分类统计分析,并提出了对我国图书情报学核心期刊和重要文献界定的基本观点。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the circulation of monographs during the first three years of shelf life at an academic health sciences library. METHOD: A record was kept of monographs added to the circulating collection from mid-1994 to mid-1995. After three years, each monograph was located and the number of times it circulated during the first, second, and third year of shelf life determined by counting checkout stamps on the circulation slip. RESULTS: Of the 1,958 monographs studied, 1,674 had complete data for the first three years of shelf life. Of those 1,674 titles, 81.48% circulated at least once. A total of 7,659 circulations were recorded; 38.69% occurred in the first year of shelf life, 32.37% in the second year, and 28.95% in the third year. The data did not fit the well-known 80/20 rule. Instead, approximately 38% of monographs accounted for 80% of circulation. A small percentage, 2.21%, of monographs accounted for a substantial percentage of circulation, 21.84%. CONCLUSIONS: A large percentage of the monographs circulated and use did not decline sharply with age within the first three years of shelf life, indicating a high demand for monographs at this academic health sciences library. These results, combined with the findings of earlier studies, suggested two possibilities. First, academic health sciences libraries might exhibit use of a higher percentage of monograph acquisitions than other types of libraries; or, second, a low monograph-to-user ratio might result in a higher percentage of monographs being used. Perhaps both factors contributed to the results found in this study. Further investigation would be needed to determine the extent to which library type and monograph-to-user ratio influenced monograph use.  相似文献   

运用引文统计分析法研究我国科研人员对西文期刊的引用情况,并据此获得 理想的西文期刊馆藏数量。提出需求满足率的引文频次算法,论证阅读数和引文数及学 科对引文的影响等因素,分析引用频次的时间分布状况。提出基于定量分析的馆藏建设 指导原则。  相似文献   

从心理学博士论文引文看我馆的期刊保障率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我们选择了本校发展与教育心理学2001届的博士论文作为引文分析的对象。从引文的文献类型、引文出版年代和引文的语言类型的角度统计出使用率较高的期刊,获知本校的期刊文献保障率,为订购专业期刊提供参考依据。  相似文献   

以东北师范大学图书馆为例,通过对该校所发表文献及引文中的外文期刊信息、文献数量、期刊订购信息的收集与分析,并根据当前高校科研和数据库发展的具体情况,提出建立图书馆外文期刊保障体系的思路。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]中国边界与海洋研究是典型的"以问题为导向"的跨学科研究,本研究旨在以边海研究为例,归纳其文献需求特点,探讨相应的文献保障策略。[方法/过程]综合运用引文核查法和访谈调查法,对武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院自2007年建院以来所有发表文章的引文文献类型、学科、语种、被引年限间隔等指标,以及研究人员的主观文献需求访谈调研结果进行分析。[结果/结论]边海研究的文献需求总体上更加复杂多样,对期刊、图书、网络资源的依赖度高,政治学、法学特色突出,中英文文献占比近九成,文献时间跨度大。因此,图书馆应立足用户文献需求,注重馆藏特色资源建设,细化文献资源建设策略,优化学科服务。  相似文献   

文章梳理并总结了国立西南联合大学图书馆在长沙和昆明期间的图书馆馆舍建设、文献资源建设、规章制度建设和组织机构建设等,详细阐述了图书馆同仁坚守岗位,殚精竭虑,想尽一切办法补充图书报刊文献资源,规范图书馆工作流程,坚持不懈开展图书馆建设、图书馆管理、藏书建设、目录索引编制、文献资源保障、读者服务、馆际合作和学术研究等图书馆业务,为国立西南联合大学教学和科研提供了可靠的文献资源保障,其精神风貌和远见卓识令人敬佩。  相似文献   

以北京大学化学系有机化学专业1995-1999博士论文为数据来源进行了引文模式分析,并对引用量最大的外文期刊进行了排序。该研究结果将对有机化学专业领域的期刊采购具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]调查高校图书馆对2011协同创新中心的文献保障情况,提出改善文献保障工作的建议,以支持协同创新中心的发展。[方法/过程]以武汉大学为例,统计武汉大学牵头和参与建设的3所协同创新中心发表中文期刊论文的引文信息,通过数据分析归纳出引文特征,并将这些引文与武汉大学图书馆馆藏资源进行比对,计算出武汉大学图书馆对3所协同创新中心的文献保障情况。[结果/结论]高校图书馆应通过探索协同保障机制、重视特种文献资源建设、提高馆藏资源可发现性和利用开放存取资源等方式来提高协同创新中心文献保障的效果。  相似文献   

A citation analysis of 61 library science and information science dissertations revealed some interesting publication patterns. About 80% of the citations are to single authors, and as in analyses of periodical literature, males are cited more than females overall (about 61% to 39%). In dissertations related to school or public libraries, the male/female distribution is less disparate; for studies in academic or special libraries two thirds of the authors are male, and male authorship is 75% when only information science dissertations are analyzed. Journal articles are cited more than books, book chapters, proceedings, theses, and other formats with College & Research Libraries and Journal of the American Society for Information Science used most. Library and information science is impacted by several other disciplines, primarily education, computer science, health/medicine, psychology, communications, and business. Authors cited in dissertations represent a somewhat less parochial list in terms of citing U.S. publications than authors cited in studies analyzing journal citations; over half of all works cited were published within the last 10 years.  相似文献   

This study examines how the social sciences' debate between qualitative and quantitative methods is reflected in the citation patterns of sociology journal articles. Citation analysis revealed that quantitative articles were more likely to cite journal articles than monographs, while qualitative articles were more likely to cite monographs than journals. Quantitative articles cited other articles from their own quantitative-dominated journals but virtually excluded citations to articles from qualitative journals, while qualitative articles cited articles from the quantitative-dominated journals as well as their own qualitative-specialized journals. Discussion and conclusions include this study's implications for library collection development.  相似文献   

高校人文社科外文印刷版期刊布局及保障初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对我国高校人文社科外文印刷版期刊目录数据的统计分析以及同国外一些重要高校馆藏的数据比较,从学科分布、语种分布及馆藏质量等方面分析  相似文献   

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