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Pols H 《Endeavour》2006,30(4):144-149
During World War I, military officers encountered a new and puzzling phenomenon: soldiers emerged from the trenches stuttering, crying, trembling and at times were even paralysed and blind. Those in charge were convinced these soldiers were cowards or malingerers who deserved stern discipline or to be court-martialled. A number of physicians, by contrast, initially assumed that these alarming symptoms resulted from close exposure to explosions and called it shell shock. Later, they realized that it was a psychological reaction and came up with psychotherapeutic treatments. But it was only in World War II that military psychiatrists, particularly those in the USA, began to implement treatment methods for this phenomenon in a systematic way. Their thinking and the treatments they devised had significant consequences for the future of American psychiatry, which in turn influenced the development of psychiatry and military psychiatry world-wide.  相似文献   

The use of analogies is often advantageous in design and in the prediction of the behavior of complex systems. As developed previously, each component in the model (analog) corresponds to a specific component in the prototype (original system). However, this condition is a consequence of using linear relationships between model and prototype. If the condition of linearity is relaxed, the analog may have components which do not correspond to components in the prototype. Consequently, greater freedom is realized in design of the analog making it possible to overcome conflicting design requirements. Application of the nonlinear prediction equations to a forced vibrating system illustrates the general principles involved.  相似文献   

陆丽荣 《大众科技》2017,19(11):71-73
目的:探讨1例糖尿病合并脑梗死患者的护理措施。方法:选取广西中医药大学第一附属医院于2017年2月~2017年3月护理的1例糖尿病合并脑梗死的患者,对其进行临床评估和护理诊断,并给予患者相应的护理措施,以促进患者的病情改善。结果:该患者住院期间血糖波动大,右侧肢体偏瘫对其生活信心打击大,因此,对治疗的依从性差,态度消极。通过反复沟通,循序渐进的进行护理干预,在患者出院时患者治疗依从性好,积极主动进行肢体功能康复训练,空腹血糖6.7~8.4mmol/L,餐后2h血糖8.0~11.7mmol/L右侧上下肢肌力3级恢复至肌力4级。结论:对于需要改变患者的不良疾病行为时,应充分尊重患者个人意愿,并且需要从小方面着手,过程中观察患者接受程度循序渐进,当患者依从性较差时,及时交流找出原因,早期制定护理方案,尽快促进患者病情改善,并提高患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

The problem of making solid objects appear as they are—three-dimensional—is largely a matter of lighting. The subject occurs in the education of children, in the illumination of statuary, in photography, and in television; and the treatment has been almost entirely qualitative and empirical.This paper attempts to raise the problem to the quantitative level by introducing a numerical modeling ratio and by showing how the lighting can be predetermined by calculation to give any desired modeling, without recourse to the cut-and-try methods prevalent in the past.  相似文献   

龙光利 《科技广场》2006,(4):110-112
阐述了巴克码组的定义和7位巴克码识别器的组成框图。在MAX PLUS2软件平台上,给出了利用现场可编程门阵列器件设计7位巴克码识别器电路,为了便于对设计的7位巴克码识别器进行检测,该电路还设计了一个周期为31位长的模拟7位巴克码产生器,并进行了编译和波形仿真。综合后下载到可编程器件EPF10K10LC84-4中,测试结果表明,达到了预期的设计要求。  相似文献   

患者男 ,64岁 ,因“右侧腹股沟区巨大包块”九月前在外院行“右侧腹股沟包块摘除术 ,左侧睾丸及精索切除术”,冰冻病理诊断为“右侧腹股沟纤维脂肪瘤”。术后抗炎对症治疗治愈出院。3个月后再次出现包块未经治疗越长越大 ,影响日常生活 ,即来我院就治。查体 :右下腹部包块 1 5CM×1 2 CM× 8CM大小 ,边界清 ,质地硬 ,无溃疡 ,出血 ,流脓 ,压痛 ,活动度差。既往有肺结核病史 ,否认肝炎、药物过敏史 ,否认外伤史 ,预防接种不祥。X线示“盆部巨大软组织肿块 ,肺部弥漫性病变 ,转移病可能性大 ,不排除结节病 ,淋巴瘤”。B超示“耻骨联合上方…  相似文献   

An experimental study on isotachophoresis (ITP) in which an emulsion is used as leading electrolyte (LE) is reported. The study aims at giving an overview about the transport and flow phenomena occurring in that context. Generally, it is observed that the oil droplets initially dispersed in the LE are collected at the ITP transition zone and advected along with it. The detailed behavior at the transition zone depends on whether or not surfactants (polyvinylpyrrolidon, PVP) are added to the electrolytes. In a system without surfactants, coalescence is observed between the droplets collected at the ITP transition zone. After having achieved a certain size, the droplets merge with the channel walls, leaving an oil film behind. In systems with PVP, coalescence is largely suppressed and no merging of droplets with the channel walls is observed. Instead, at the ITP transition zone, a droplet agglomerate of increasing size is formed. In the initial stages of the ITP experiments, two counter rotating vortices are formed inside the terminating electrolyte. The vortex formation is qualitatively explained based on a hydrodynamic instability triggered by fluctuations of the number density of oil droplets.  相似文献   

邱果 《科教文汇》2011,(2):37-37,51
只有教育充满了爱,才能细心塑造学生;只有教育充满了爱,才能有效震撼灵魂。让爱催生稚嫩的幼苗是我不懈的追求,让孩子们无时无刻都沐浴在爱的暖洋里是我奋斗的目标。  相似文献   

两败俱伤的赎金谈判2010年3月,我国台湾地区的一艘渔船不幸在索马里海域遭到劫持,海盗们狮子大开口,一开始就提出要1500万美元的赎金,4个月的交涉没有起到太大作用,7月初,台湾当局邀请了一位谈判专家前来助阵,希望通过讨价还价与  相似文献   

五月春华,中国科学院和马克斯·普朗克学会(简称马普学会)在北京庆祝科学合作30周年的时候,签订了关于共同建立计算生物学伙伴研究所的意向书;十一月秋实,双方在柏林举办庆祝活动期间,签订了共同建立计算生物学伙伴研究所的协议书和伙伴研究所章程。其实九月就在Nature和Science刊登了伙伴研究所长的招聘广告,至今已有来自欧美和本土的科学家19人提交了申请。德国政府每年向伙伴研究所提供50万欧元经费,连续5年,最多到7年已经落实,中国科学院已明确表示以2∶1的比例给伙伴研究所相应投入,马普学会额外提供相当的人员补助。在结束访问德国的…  相似文献   

近年来,我国职务岗位管理思想十分活跃,各种观点和思路百花齐放、百家争鸣.因此,有必要从科技人员队伍管理所面临的共性问题出发,重新思考我国科技人员队伍管理在市场经济条件下的改革走向及其定位.  相似文献   

王哲人  楼良平 《科技通报》1995,11(3):189-190
对46例幽门螺杆菌相关性十二指肠溃疡给予羟氨苄青霉素、灵滴灵、痢特灵以及雷尼替丁联合治疗,观察6个月,溃疡愈合率达84.7%,幽门螺杆菌根除率73.9%,幽门螺杆菌根除组溃疡愈合率94.1%,明显视于未消除组。  相似文献   

于凤英 《科技与管理》2003,5(3):100-102
针对如何解决现行会计中外购商誉的处理问题,及自创商誉可行性进行了分析,同时结合自创商誉的计量和摊销问题,提出了一些自己的观点。  相似文献   

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